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September 27, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-09-27

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Revolting Members Promise That No
Attempt Will Be Made In De-
fiance of Law
Oklahoma City, Okla., Sept. e
-(By A.P.)-Rigd martial law
'will be Invoked in another Ok-
lahoma county tomorrow Gov. J.
C. Walton announced tonight. The
name of the county was not made
public but the executive said a
delegate headed by the mayor of
one of Its cities had called upon
him with a request for "military
Gov. Walton declined to elab-
orate on the subject. Three
countes-Oklahoma, Tulsa and
Creek-now are under a decree of
absolitte military rule although
troops have not occupied Creek
Oklahoma City, Okla., Sept. 26-(By
A.P.)-Undaunted by the result of the
first skirmish with military forces of
the state, members of the lower house
of Oklahoma legislature prepared to-
night for the next move in their at-
tempt to meet to consider the ofil-
cial acts of Gov. J. C., Walton.
Despite the fact that thely were
dispersed when they gathered at noon
today before the barred doors of the
chamber at the capitol the legisla-
tores contend that the hIouse was for-
ily convened and that it is now
in session pending the call of the pre-
Proceedings Constitute Meeting
A statement by Rep. W. D. McBee,
a leader in the assembly move, de-
clared that the proceedings constitut-
ed a meeting of the House notwith-
standing its interruption by troops.
With the statement, Representative
McBee made public what he declared
to be the official journal of the House.
It detailed the action which termin-
ated in the clearing of the capital
corridor by the military.
No Atempt to Re-assemble
Prevented from meeting the House
members tonight pinned their hopes
from protection against the military
authorities upon the efforts of legal
committees which are preparing court
proceedings to force the next step
in the coflit.
That there will be no immediate at-
tempt to assemble again in defiance
of martial law regulations, was the
lromise made late today by house
leaders of Adjutant General Baird l.
M~arkam. Observers predicted tha
the solons would await a court rul:ng
before essaying another assembly.
Representative W. l i. Biney, chair-
pan of the legal committee said to-
Alght that the court proceedings
could not get underway before morn-
ing. He refused to indicate what
form the action might take.
The Michigan Technic, official pub--
lication of the engineering college,
will be enlarged to include an architec-
tural department by virtue of the un-
Jon of the Architectural society with
the Engineering society. This will en-

large considerably the field of the
In addition to the enlargement olf
the magazine the union of the two so-
cieties will be carried out in the meet-
iags throughout theyear. The com-
bined forces of the two societies will
hold smokers for which they hope to
secure speakers of considerable note.
Pekin, Sept. 26-(By A.P.)-Re.
ports say commanders of 'foreign pa-
trol flotillas on the Upper Yangtze
River are discussing unified opera-
tions to stop attacks on American and
Japanese merchant boats.
Ann Arbor is not only an educational
but a cultural centre. This year, es-
pecially, worth while lectures and
concerts will be given. Are you in-

Ku Klux Dragon
Is Uuder Arrest;

Cautions Yearlings To Choose Their
College Friends With
More than 1500 members of the class
of '27 gathered last night in the As-
sembly hall of the Union for the an-
nual Freshman reception of the Union.
Following a short musical program
President Marion L. Burton, the
speaker of the evening was introduced
by Thomas J. Lynch, '25 L, chairman
of the reception.
Do Not Limit Friendship
"The mark of an educated person is
his ability to make easily and quickly
a difficult transition", said President
Burton speaking on the subject "Thri
Test of Transition". "It is like a jump
in the dark and the real man must not
be afraid to take it or become con-
fused in the process".
Enlarging upon the subject of tests
President Burton cautioned his hear-
ers to learn to keep their balance and
claracterized this as the first test.
"Do not limit your friendship to any
one group or class," he said, "and be
extremely careful in your final choice
of friends".
"There is no better place in the
world to acquire an understanding of
the world than in this University", the
President continued, in touching on
the test of adaptabiliy. "Wherever you
may travel you will find that the
knowledge gained here will be invalu-
Merriam and Lynch Talk
The test of integrity was character-
ized by the speaker as the most im-

Shuter To Meet
Poster A

- rtists

Cartoonists, cai ricatui ists, artists,
in fact anyone who can urn a brush or
crayon is eligible to take part in the
poster contest for the 1924 Union op-
era. One of the ountan ;iing features
of the annual .Lov is its trade-mark
the poster, and a novel one is wanted
this year. The poster is not usually
one that requires a great deal of work,
but its prinme requisite is originality.1
Anything original will be considered,
and for that reason it is expected that
men who have not had a great deal of
experience in drawing will compete,
together with those who have done
more work.
E. Mortimer Shuter, director of the
opera, will meet all men who desire to
take part in the contest for which
prizes are to be given, at 5 o'clock this
afternoon at his office in the Mimes
theater. iHe will explain in a general
way what is wanted in the poster, and
then throw the contest open.

N. C. Jewett
N. C. Jewett, grand dragon of Okla-
homa klan, is under arrest in Oklia-
homa City. The arrest came as Gov-'
ernor "Jack" Walton's reply to the
threats of the legislature to impeach
him in a "rumup" sesalon.
"Inherited and Acquired Religion"
Subject of Second Lecture
Dr. Albert Parker Fitch, taking.



Government Determined Not to Yield
Any Territory; Von Klhar Named
Berlin, Stept. 26--(By A.P.)-Presi-
dent Ebert and Chancellor Strese-
mann announced in a formal procla-
mation today that the German govern-
ment had been compelled through
bitter necessity to end the Ruhr bat-
Adherence to passive resistance,
said the document, would have
brought on the economic collapse of
Germany and consequently would
have threatened the livelihood of the
German people.
Appeals to Nation
The government appeals to the na-
tion to stand by the republic in the
present hour of "severest soul-search-
ing and material privation, as only
(hus can the nation's honor and life
he conserved."
The proclamation lays emphasis on
the statement that under no circum-
stances can a particle of Germany be
conceded to another power. The na-
tion is assured the government will
0do everything possible to obtain res-
toration of "elementary human rights"
for the German nations evicted from
the Ruhr and the Rhineland.
The history of the passive resist-
tance is reviewed over the document,
which sets forth that 180,000 men,
women and children have been driv-
en from their homes and firesides
while many millions no longer have
any conception of personal liberty.
Hundreds in Prison
"More than 100 of our fellow citi-
zens have been forced to lay down
their lives," it continues, "while hun-
dreds are st:ll languishing in' pris-
As to the expense of the support
given the passive resistance the pro-
clamation cites tile fact that only
last week the assistance given in the
Ruhr amounted to 3,500,000,000 marks
and that this would have to be doub-
led the following week,
The cost of this assistance had j
made the stabilization of the currency
impossible, it was pointed out. "The
entente now is able to give Germany
peace," the document declares.
Neither Belgium nor France-will re-
:ent formal notification of the Ger-
man decision to call off passive re-
sistance, it is stated, it being assum-

for his topic "Inherited and Acquired portant of all.
Religion", delivered the second lee- to sacrifice his
ture of a series of three at five o'- President, "and
clock yesterday afternoon in Hill au- what he sees in
ditorium. IHe presented a talk which I In. closing Pr
was both vivid and dist.nct, bringing out the positior
forward an issue that is of vital con- the students in
cern to those meaning to realize the dared that th
true value of life. who have succ
"We have three or four great cris- tests.
es in life," Reverend Fitch began af- ,The Presiden
ter asserting that he would deal with ceded by a sho
obvious problems of life at our stage the Upperclass.
and then analyze them. Charles W. Me
Freedom. ('hanges Ideals of the committe
"One great trouble is that young come by Thor
folks live in a second hand world. President of the
They are naturally inclined to follow address each fr
the creed and moral traditions of their to shake hands
parents and the people about them. ton and to spe
Youth selects and takes up the things4
which the environment of his home M V IT1
will give him, making industry and
obedience the primary purposes of
the school boy. When breaking away
from these domestic bounds the great U I
change is realized."
Speaking then of the difference Ever since
which is brought about, Dr. Fitch em- Burton issuedl
phasized the fact that when a boy of Universitys
or girl is normal he can still be operate with hi
made into true man or true woman. strict the use
As a school-boy, youth has been told the student bod
to do certain things and when free- ing a flood of
dom is found acquired he is like a matter. Mostc
colt. le has thought of religion from ly commend the
a certain angle. Now that new know- ident has taker
ledge brisques in he thinks all old pressed' dissent
things nonsense, going out in search Some of th
for religion himself. yesterday at th
No Understanding of History the Deans inI
"But that is only one of the no- flee. A discu
Lions which college brings about," he took place, mea
added. "There is another in the re- pliance with t
buke that college is not being relig- , gested and soi
ious. Why not stop to think that ton's replies t
common life is a process. Religion is It is the Pres
subscription of intellectual formula. present large n
''The trouble is," Dr. Fitch went on, Arbor may be
"that the undergraduate has no un- needs and tha
1erstanding of history of religion and whole intendt
he must proceed through slow pain- fully-considered
ful travels that he might obtain the
greater knowledge. A man is a brute Battle Cre
gr a fool if he does not reverence. Battle Creek
real life plant has roots deep down of education h
in the soil. The extremeradical and $100,000 school
the extreme conservative stand back
}o back swinging at each other.
'11.13e Over Religion I NEw YORK
"Men have inherited a great relig- INDIVI
ions and moral tradition and like all
other traditions it is prejudiced, in- New York
complete, needs mending, taking care -Morning n
of. Therefore we may say that I will resume
can't accept my father's creed. Still, tity after n
what I should do is take that cred I mity as the
and not reject it but make it over, I newspapers
change it. Then you can understand announced t
and phrase what your father meant newspapers
by his creed and profound experience of all iorn
of the soul." by the strip
Summing up his lecture, he affirm- left their pe
ar +rnt. +w m -nx foswho cannot1 I I day night w

"No one can afford
self respect", said the
I a man's character is
himself in the dark."
esident Burton pointed
n of leadership among
the University and de-
ey are held by men
eded in passing the
nt's address was pre-
rt talk on the work of
Advisory committee by
rriam, '25E, chairman
e, and a speech of wel-
as J. Lynch, '25L,
e Union. Following the
eshman was permitted
s with President Bur-
Ak a few words to him.
President Marion L.
his request to parents
students that they co-
im in his effort to re-

Tokio, Sept. 26--(By A.P.)-An-
other severe earthquake occurred in
the Hironhima district. The quake
was especially violent around the city
of Kure. 'he extent of the damage
has not been determined as commun-
ications have been disrupted. Kure
is in the extreme southwest end off
the island of Hondo and about 450
miles southwest of Tokio.
Floods had followed a typhoon yes-
terday in Sukagawa and hionjo wards
of Tokio. Many had suffered as a
result as thousands of refugees were
camping in rude shacks in these
wards. The storm damaged rice and
other crops in many sections.
Thousands of men, chiefly profes-
sional men and clerks are out of em-
ployment here as a result of the
earthquake. They are also without
hope of obtaining employment for
months to come, although there is
plenty of work for laborers.
"If it were not for the present fin-
ancial condition of most of the large
nations of the world, there is good
reason to believe that the world would,
be embroiled in war at the present
time," said Dean Mortimer E. Cooley
n an extemporaneous a(Idress before

of automobiles among
ly, he has been receiv-
letters bearing on the,
of them enthusiastical-I
stand which the Pres-
n, but a few have ex-
from the proposal.
ese letters were read
e weekly conference of
President Burton's of-
ssion of the situation
sures to expedite com-'
he request were sug-
rme of President Bur-
o parents were read.
ident's belief 'that the
number of cars :n Ann
attributed to "rushing"
't the students as a
to accede in his care-
d request.
ek to Build School.
-Battle Creek's board
Las decided to erect a
on Fremont street.

the freshman engineering class yes- ed in official quarters that the govern- duty bound to evacuate Corfu.
terday. Dean Cooley spoke with ref- ment's proclamation gives due notice It was announced that this evacua-
erence, to the need of continual pre- of that action. tion as already begun and would be
paredness and the desirability of an lyconcluded tomorrow.
organization such as the l.O.T.C. Gerlin, Sept. 26-(By A.P.)-Dr.
Other points stressed in his al- Von Kahr, former Bavarian premier, Geneva, Sept. 26.-(By A. P.)-Ni-
dress were the necessity for profes- has been appointed general commis- colas Politis, representative of Greece
sional men to give some thought to sioner of state for Bavaria. He is and the League of Nations council to-
broadening their education, the oil- empowered to proclaim martial law if I night made protest against the alleged
prtunity offered on a cosmopolitan necessary but it is denied officially decisionof thercouncil of ambassa-
portmatilnityas ee dory to compel Greece to pay to Italy'
campus, such as Michigan's to become that martial law has been proclaimed 50,000,000 lire in connection with the
broadened by contact with me of as yet.000assassination of the Italian members
many national it ies, and' the duty of IasahsnGrono-A hban ia n memery
the freshan to uphold the" reputa- Par's, Sept. 26-(By A.P.)-Martial of the Greco-Albanian boundary con-
tion of the engineering college. The law has been proclaimed in Bavaria, m .
'M. Politis declared that if the coun-
support of the Engineering society and according to late advices from Ber-sy
the.patronage of the Technic was al- tn and former premier Von Kahr has cdl of ambassadors had oiiadepode-
lin and cmmissione cided to award the money deposited
so urged. been appointed generalcommissioner by Greece as security for indemnity
The freshmen were introducel to of state, it would be an outrage of justice by
their mentor for the ensuiing year Dr. Von Kahr has issued a procla- the large countries against a weak
Prof. E. M. Bragg, who acts as the mation announcing he will take ac- country. He insisted that the en-
Dean's personal representative to the tion against all acts of conspiracy to quiry into the-killing of the Italians
inconi ng class. the country and against any resist- had not been finished and declared
ance to his orders by every means atI that the 'Greeks have. evidence that
his disposal. the Albanian authorities were respon-
sible for the murder.
666333lii bei Foreign Students to Hold Reception '
BEPIPovided present plans materialize Wolverine Engine Runs Through Cars
the foreign students on the campus Amsterdam, N. Y., Sept. 26.-The lo-
will have a reception at the home of comotive of the Wolverine, Chicago to
President Marion L. Burton within the New Work filer of the New York Cen-
Detroit, Sept. 26.-Bishop Theo- next few weeks. This was announced tral railroad, plowed through several
(lore S. I enderson Tuesday announced yesterday by William C. Wong, '24F empty freight cars hurled in its path
the annual appointments of the Detroit president of the Cosmopolitan club, by a freight train which buckled near
conference of tlhn Methodist church. under whose auspices the reception is Tribes Hill, near here, today. No pos-
More than 100 changes were given planned. senger was injured, but the fireman
out. Included in the list was the an- l was cut by flying glass, coaches were
nounceient that Rev. C. E. Edwards Belgian Wins Balloon Race scraped and windows broken.
1 of Milan would assume the pastorate Brussels, Sept. 26.-Demuyter, pil-
at the Strathmoor church here. oting the balloon Belgica and travel- Venice, Sept. 26-(By A.P.)-M
Rev. Arthur W. Stalker and W. ing a distance of 600 miles, won, for Ninitch, Jugo-slavian foreign minis-
Scott Westerman were reap pointed to Belgium, the Gordon ,Bennett cup ter, and Voislav Antonevitch, Jugo-
the First Methiodst church in Ann Ar- race. slavian minister to Italy, conferred
bor, and Rev. T. J. Everett also was - on the Fiume situation, leaving for
retured to the roadway Methodist Free Trip to France Offered Belgrade together.
church in that city. ! Kalamazoo-A free trip to northern
France will be given by the American I
Dr.i Egan Still Confined to louw I Legion post this year to the uumar- I EDITORIAL TRYOUTS WANTED
Beach lHaven, N. J., Sept. 26.- No ried woman who is crowned queen of
improvement was noticed today in the I Armistice day here next month. Several staff positions are open
condition of Dr. Murice F. Egan, for- ( I(in the editorial department of
I ier minister of Denmark, who has I P . . i Tvilminftu 1Thwh !IThe Daily. Service required in-

Sept. 26-(By A.P.)
newspapers tomorrow
their individual iden-
ine days of anony-
e combined morning
of New York, it was
today: The combined
bearing the names
ning papers affected
ke of pressmen who
ost a week ago Mon-
will be discontinued.



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