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November 04, 1923 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-04

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1, 4





Austrian Student
rT 11 1 ,fOne of the many appeals for suc-
EE N HERE cor from men and women in ill-fated
__central Europe came to Ann Arbor re-
cently from Salzburg, Austria, ad-
Modenrn Languages Convenion To dressed "To the students of the Uni-
Gather Here Decem- versity of Michigan." An attempted
ber 27, 28, 2 direct translation from German into
English with the use of the dictionary
PROFESSOR KENYON WILL gives to the letter an unusual pathos,
HEAD GENERAL COMMTTEE distinguishing it from the many simi-
lar letters received here and else-
The fortieth annual meeting of the where from the suffering thousands of
modern language association of Amer- Europe. It reads as follows:
ica will be held here December 27, 28, "By that letter an Austrian col-
29. Last year the association held league intercedes you for your interest
its meeting in two sections, one in and assistance. Since the war is fin-
Chicago and one in the East. This ished, a poor teacherman's son. I'm
year it will combine the two and hold fighting for my livelihood mental and
a national convention in Ann Arbor. bodily. To way salvation! that's no
The meeting is being held here for begging nigardly, but a last attempt
the first time in twenty years and the to attain to the accomplished desire
committee in charge Itopes to make of learning fatal.
it a successful one. "For the sake of God and of science
Prof. H. A. Kenyon of the French don't refuse me!
and Spanish department in the en- "Will be obliged to your generos-
gineering school, will act as chairman ity.
of the general committee. Under Pro-' Karl Falzleitner,
fessor Ken on will be: Prof. E. L. Salzburg, Germany.
Adams, of the same department, sec- 28 May, 1923."
retary and treasurer; Prof. P. E. Burs- Accompanying the letter is a picture
ley, of the Romance Languages de- of the Austrian sender.
partment, chairman of committee on
lodging and rooms; Prof. M . Tilley,
of the English department, chairman
of committee on information, registra-
tion and recepto; Prof. Rene Tala- SO C TIUnuI
inon, of the Romance languages de-
partment, chairman of the committee
on meals and entertainment for lad-I
ies; Prof. O. J. Campbell, of the Eng- HIGHER WAGES AND FOREIGN
lish department, committee on speak- COMPLICATIONS BRING
ers; Prof. T. J. Diekhoff, of the Ger- CONSERVATISM
man department, committee on print-1
ing; Prof. Samuel Moore, of the Eng- Business conditions throughout the
lish department, committee on rooms country show a more cautious' trend1
for meetings. than heretofore, according to the1
Most of thl sessions will be in the monthly financial report of the Na-
Natural science building. They will tional City Bank of Chicago. While1
be conducted as group meetings at the volume of business transacted is
four different periods. The first per- larger than that often seen at this
iod will be at 11:30 A. M. December season, there is a growing conserva-
27. At this period, according to tent- tism manifested during the last month
ative plans, there- will be six group as a consequence of the higher trend,
meetings.* Each group will, have a of wages and the new foreign compli~-
room to itself and will hear several cations. However, the high level of
papers read on its topic. The topics retail trade, the better showing of
for the first period are: Romanticism, manufactured exports, and the ab-
.Aesthetics, Phonetics, Arthurian ro- sence of credit have led to a belief
mances, French literature of the sev- that the curtailment of manufacturing
enteenth and eighteenth centuries, and activity may be only temporary.
Goethe. The other three periods will As a result of the destruction caus-l
be taken up with an even wider field ed by the earthquake in Japan, there
of subjects, including Slavonic lan- are signs of large scale buying of I
guages and literatures, contemporary building materials for that country
English literature, German literature and it is probable that these pur-
from a social point of view, present chases will become much more of a
day English, Scandinavian literature, factor in the steel and building ma-
Moliere, Shakespeare, American lit- terial markets later on.
erature and Italian and Spanish lit- A significant movement has been
eratures. started by the railroads to accumulate
The members of the association are large reserves of coal in anticipation
teachers of all modern languages and of more trouble in the soft goal in-
literatures including English and dustry between the employers and
rhetoric. Six or seven hundred mem- organized labor. The success of the
bers are expected to attend and var-. anthracite miners in obtaining an in-
ious social. events which have been crease in wages will, it is believed,
planned for their entertainment. lead to a similar demand being made
upon the soft coal producers with the
7 r Ga e Tels fpossibility of a suspension of mining
F. M. Gage Tells { operations if an agreement is not"se
Of P nam Til) cred net month.
P"e European situation still con-
tinues to exert considerable influence
F. M. Gage, curator of entomology on general business conditions in this
in the museum, spoke on his trip into country. There are grounds for be-
the recesses of Panama Thursday lieving that a satisfactory adjustment
night in the Natural Science auditor of the reparations question will be
ium. "Our first headquarters in the reached, though the recent uprising in
province of Chirquiana in Panama Germany has further complicated the
was established at the foot of the situation. When a settlement is
range of mountains which extends the reached, there will be a quick expan-
length of Panama," said Mr. Gage h sion of foreign buying of such Ameri-
"On the Pacifle side of our head- can produce, material and merchan-
quarters extended a dry region totally I dise as is badly needed abroad.

- - - - - - -




Foreign students registered in the
University number more than 300,
showing practically no gain or loss
over the figures for last year or the
year before. The largest percentage
of any one nationality goes to the
Chinese with a'proimately 33 ter-







in th
the t
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in th
T. C

The Japanese and Sout Anmeri- Reports of the S. C. A. executive
number about the same, forming committees for the 21st annual Older
e neighbhrhood of 16 percen fof Boys' conference show that plans are
otal. The remaining number is progressing rapidly, and that this con-
evenly divided between Fiiinos ference is to be the biggest ever held
Indians, with a slight hhadem In in the state of Michigan.
of the former. The speakers' program, which in-
the entire 300 foreign students cludes Mr. George Sherwood Eddy,
a very small minority are wom- President Marion I.. Burton, Presi-
The commnittee en Friendly RlEla.dent Hoben, of Kalamazoo, Mr. E. C.
is one of several organizations Wolcott, of Kans'as City, and Dr. M.
he campus which takes particular S. Rice, of Detroit, will be one of the
est in these strangers in the land, finest ever offered at any conference,
is performing the work of uni- and the success of these arrangements
on through academic and social is due entirely to the efforts of the
eration. Another of the large or S. C. A., under whose auspices these
zations on the campus is the.mn r
se Students' club. In addition to en are appearing.
thse S.tC.Ants'club.In asdiion t Major Carpenter of the local R. 0. .
the S. C. A. has always given a T. C., announces that the parade, to be
deal of attention to the forjgn held Saturday, Dec. 2, will form in
ent and his problems and S. C. A. front of Hill auditorium at 1 o'clock.
are responsible for the forming It will be led by the University of
number of the other helpful bod- Michigan band. 'All delegates will
sa the campus.- march in this parade, and will be ar-
iversity officials say that the foil- ranged in alphabetical order accord-
students as a whole are brilliant ing to towns. The delegates will in
ents, a number of them maintain- turn be followed by the newly organ-
all-A records every year. They ized R. 0. T. C. band, and by the
take an active part in a number Masonic band and Boy Scout drum
tie campus literary institutions II opadfnlyb atgopo
in the opinion of many are caorsa
encedisincty fr th oo indelegates.
Uence distinctly for the good,iI The line of march will be North Uni-
University.Iversity to State, State to Huron, Hur-
on to Main, Main to Packard, Packard
GANIZATION OF to Ferry Field. At the field they will
BAND IS AFFECTED be picked up by a fleet of motor cars,
and driven on sight-seeing tours
throughout the city, followed by sup-
uch success has been met so far per at the various church houses. In
year by officers of the R. O. T. C. the only other Boys' Conference to be
heir efforts to organize an R. O, held her, in 1914, the parade reached
band which will be of credit to from Hill auditorium to main street
organization. At the last meet- in one unbroken line, and was.a must
of the band Capt. Wilfred Wilson interesting spectacle to watch. It is
will direct the band asrmet W thought that this parade will at least
wihl direct te, ban ws wht equal, if not surpass, that former one
,e than 25 men, many 9f whominm yrepcs
enot members of the R. O. T. C. jm A many respects.
A committee headed by George Hag-
hus far more than 45 men have gerty, '25, is arranging for the enter-
Ified their intention of joining the tainment of delegates in fraternities.
. It is pointed out by Major Wil- Listings are also being made by a
iT. Carpenterthat itisnotneces- ""committee of all rooms available for
rto belong to the R. 0. T. C. unit! the delegates, and it is hoped that
rder to join the band which is they will be able to place the boys in
g organized. The government has houses which are of the same sect as
ed to furnish instruments and themselves in order to promote more
orms for any .person who will discussion and more frankness of talk.
ify. Badges are also being made for the
delegates to the conference, and are
to be original in design. All-of this
Black, '23, Does research Work work is being handled through the
C. Black, '23, has taken a .posi- S. C. A.
with the Battle Creek Sanitarium
research worker in the chemistry 1 Constantinople, Nov. 2.-Rumanian
asal metabolism and in physiolog- students in American colleges in Tur-
chemistry. He is working on key have been ordered home by the
lems of an experimental nature. police.
Humphreys Thinks Men Should
Not Work Way Through School
hould students attempt to work ranged matters so that, if he 1s al-
r entire way through college? lowed to continue the following year,
uld they try to do their University less outside work will be necessary.
k and at the same time carry on It must then be explained to him that
side work for sufficient financial his dismissal need not be understood
uneration for their support? Wil- as a punishment, but rather as an
R. Humphreys, assistant dean or effect of the policy of the University
literary college, does not think in maintaining standards of scholar-

without trees and without rain for
approximately five months out of the
year. In direct contrast to this con-
dition the country to the east was
mountainous and has regions where
rain never ceases to fall."
Mr. Gage went on to describe the
region along the Pacific coast of the
province where his next efforts were
"The forests here were tall and had
palms scattered through them. We
were lucky here in that a firm ot
Americans, operating as a syndicate,
was clo'ing 'an old Spanish planta-
tion, and through their co-operation
many specimens were obtained that
probably would not have been pro-
cured. They were cutting down the
tall trees, and as one would fall we
would rush up and gather the curious
forms of insects that were in the trees
and which would have been too high
for us to get but for this clearing
which was going on."

Enthusiasts of tie Izaak Walton
school must bow to Harold E. John-
son, '26E, who landed a "big one" at
Barton lake last Friday.
Johnson was bait casting from a
canoe when the big nike struck I*
line. For twenty minutes the fish
towed the canoe over the lake before
becoming exhausted, and, as Johnson
had neither gaff nor landing net, was
forced to subdue the monster with a
blow on the head from the canoe pad-
The pike weighed eleven pounds and
measured 36 inches in length. The
spread of the jaws measured eight

G'YMNASIUM W ILL oMrs. Catt Tells liam
SH AVE CINDERT R A C x KOf Vote Struggle in o
TO OD T1 ' , ,being
Wokonte .e cide trak out- Iagre TIflf TA
ork on the new cindertrackouIt has been said of Mrs. Carrie Iagre
side of Waterman gymnasium has - Chapman Catt, former president of Iunif
been started by the Buildings and New York, Nov. 3--Varsity letters, the National Woman's Suffrage asso- qual
Grounds department. At the last neet- won 50 years ago but never awarded, j ciation, that she is one of fortune's
ing of the Board of Regents pernmis- will be presented to a grey-haired favorites, in that she was chosen to 1
sion was given for this new feature of group of veterans during the Prince- be the one to stand up and receive, in H.
the athletic program of the physical ton-Yale game at the Yale Bowl ac- the name of womankind, the franchise tion
education department. cording to plans outlined by Prince- which marked the liberation of half as a
The track will have a 75-yard ton athletic authorities. of the nation. Mrs. Catt was in Ann of b
straightaway and will be 14 laps to This year's Bulldog-Tiger battle will Arbor Monday lecturing on "Woman's ical
the mile. There will be jumping pits, mark the 50th anniversary of their World Movement." pro
and weight pits in the center of the gridiron relations, the first game hav- "Opposition to our attempts to cb- -
track. During the fall and the spring ing been played at New Haven Nov. tain the vote was mostly in the cities
when the weather is sufficiently clear 15, 1873, with Yale the-victor, 3-0. One and in the South," said Mrs. Catt in an
the gym classes will be taken on this point then credited for field goal, Yale interview. "We did not find any or-
track and will run in coEetitiveeGAL-S-SEC TWO RS, Y ganized force against us, however, so
matches. scoring three. In those days it was that what opposition there was proved.
not customary to give varsity athletic very uninteresting, When finally after !
letters. Princeton plans to award the 1900, we formed a national organi-
I' T IVarsity "P" to 8 surviving members I zation, it was only a matter of years
of the 1873 Tiger team. Yale may before we met great success." S
action. Mrs. Catt cites many interesting in- thei
I______________________action._cidents which occurred during her Sho
u 0 U IN COMING ULthirty odd years of struggle, and also wor
tells of many disheartening setbacks outs
WOM USIC AND which followed suffrage workers in rem
Washington, Nov. 3-On( vacancyteerydy.br
the early days. bun
in ,the senate and ten in the house M it 1.USUICANS" 'Not only have we won the right the
remain to be filled before the conyven- to vote, but we have organized a train- so.
ing of congress. In iost cases the :Frank Bishop in Debut ing school for women voters in prac- wor
tste be decided Nov. G, the Ann Arbor patrons of music will be tically every city of importance in but
general state elections day. interested in the debut of Frank Bish- the country," she said. "By a very I den
The senate seat vacant is that for- oppianist, at 3:30 o'clock this after careful schooling in the meaning of fina
merly occupied by the late William t. noon in Orchestra hall, Detroit, with our government and in the funda- ure
Dillingham, Republican, of Vermont. the Detroit Symphony orchestra. Mr. mentals of the franchise, we have ab- T
In the house there are four vacan- Bishop is a young musician of great solutely prevented the calamity which him
cies in the New York delegation and accomplishments and still greater was caused by the uneducated male per
Kone each in the Arkansas, Ilnois' promise who won many admirers negro vote after the civil war. In dea
Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina when he was a student in the School many of the university summer schools last
and Vermont delegations. In the last of Music here several years ago. le we conducted these classes, anid were temp
election Democrats were returned in will play the second piano concerto of very well pleased with the results." Ipay
all of these districts except two, the Liszt in A major. The program will -fore
Thirty-second New York and the See- also be notable for the tirst Detroit ear
and Vermont. performance of the great Third Suite UBISC II d res
Should the Democrats hold thr for Orchestra of Tschaikowsky.U Un
ground in the coming contests they While a student in Ann Arbor, r.vl"
would have a total of 208 members in Bishop studied with Albert Lockwood. FILDHOUSE PROBLexp
the house and the Republicans 224, head of the piano faculty in the Schoolnun
with one Farmer-Labor, one Independ- of Music. After leaving Ann Arbor leg
ent and one Socialist. Thus the Repub- he spent two years abroad in F'ris William L. Kapp of the firm of wo
lican purality would be only 16 while and in Dresden where he had the ad- Smith, Hinchman, and Grills of De- con
be jority 1rr. vantage of lessons from the famous troit, discussed problems in connec- mu
be only 13. a Emil Sauer. Upon returning to Amer- tion with the construction of Yost sh
Counting a Republican victory in;ica last spring, he entered the com- Field house before students of the the
Vermont, the majority party wxill have petition which Mr. Gabrilowitsch con- architectural school last week. He su
solid delegations in the house from ducts annually in order to discover outlined and gave in detail the prob- als
only ten states. In the last congress talent among young musicians and lems that faced the engineers who (to
the Republicans har solid house dole- was promptly engaged after his per- I handled the work on the new building. soi
gations from 23 states and the Demo- formance of the Franck "Prelude, Problems in connection with the ar- "
crats from only nine states.-Cioral~eand Fugue." Both Mr. Ga- tistry and practicability of the strue- as<
cr-t from -~-~ nine stat. brilowitsch and Mr. Kolar have been tural steel work of the roof were out- to-
CAVALRY OFFICERS deeply impressed by Bishop's playing lined. Mr. Kapp told of the difficulty pay
and predict that his debut will be bril- the engineers faced in the heating of an
i T U.liant successful. Tickets for the the building. It was found impossible he
concert are on sale at Orchestra hall to heet the entire structure at an even job
Capt. I C. Holin, of the United today after 2 o'clock. temperature because of the expense ni
States cavalry, has been stationed here Josef Hofmann and the fact that an even heat would if
by the government to instruct mem- Josef Hofmann, the distinguished not be best for both spectators and s1-
hers of the Organized Reserves and pianist, in the second attraction on players at once. "This difficulty," tin
men or tie R T. C. in horseback I the Philharmonic-Central concert j said Mr. Kapp, "was overcome by set- I the

He believes such an effort is!
thy of the heartiest commendation,
has found that in practice the stu-
t finds himself doomed to either;
ncial, scholastic, or physical fail-'
he following statement issued by
to The Daily is based on his ex- ,

ship. In such a cas s his, justice
to him, as weil as to the University
and State, requires that he be denied .
the prospect of an immediate repiti-
tion of his failure. And this is equally
true, whether the failure is his fault
or his misfortune.
"A few practical suggestions may

fence in his capacity as assistant be in order.' Prospectivp students
n. Every week cases of the scho- should be warned against trying to
:tic failure of students who are at- earn all, or even the greater part of
opting to support themselves and their expenses, during their first year
for University expenses come be- in cellege. If their parents cannot
e him. le does not discount their provide them with funds, and if they
nest effort, but emphasizes their I cannot borrow, they should wait until
ponsibility to themselves and the they have made and saved enough
iversity. money to give them at least a fair
Sir Paul Vinogradoff has recently start. The first year is for many stu-
pressed his surprise at the largei dents a time of difficult adjustments,
mber of students in American co - during which conditions should be
es who earn their way by "outside made as favorable as possible.
rk." Anyone who has come into I "A student who is on the warned
ntact with many such students list or on probation should take his
st admire the spirit which they warning or probation notice to mean
ow, and rejoice in the success of what it says; namely, that unless his
ir undertaking, when it results in work improves, he may be required
cress. But he is forced to consider to withdraw from college. If he knows
o many cases in which the success his poor record to be due to outside
put it mildly) is indifferent; and work, he should do everything in his
me cases which end disastrously. I power. to remove the cause of his
Let the history of John Smith stand difficulty. If there is no other way,
a type of. the lakter. Smith comes he should withdraw volatarily, and
Ann Arbor with enough money to postpone the completion of his, college
y his tuition, buy his text-books, work until he has a chance to do him-
d "run" him for a week or so. Then self justice in it. He may object that


--- Today In The Churches---

First Baptist Church
R. Edward Sayles will preach the
sermon this morning on "The Chal-
lange of Jesus" at the 10:30 o'clock
morning worship at the First Baptistj
church. Sunday School will be held!
at noon and at the same hour the stu-

a special musical program this morn-
ing. The Quartet will sing, "Seek
Ye the Lord" by Perry and Mrs. Grace
Konold and Miss Mary Ross will sing
the duet, "le Shall Feed His Flock,"
from the "Messiah."
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

looks for a job. le expects thIs he cann
b to furnish him with a living for tion by
ne months. Probably it does; but answer,
he gives value received, he must the past
t'render to it a large share of his wasted,
me, his interest, and his energy. At educatio
e end of his first semester his record "Final

iot afford to delay his eduem-
"wasting" the next year. The
given by his record, is that
t year has been pretty much
so far as getting on with his
n is concerned.
lly, no student should trade

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