} PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1933 ... , Smodel of eloquence .although obvious- Q; I at1j ly(designed without any such inten- ----_______tion. To a generation which revels inE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE all manner of circumlocutions to avoid 'UI//N UNIVERSITY F thought, such substantial pabulum as WHERE THE KLAN FAILS Mr. Wickersham offered his listeners (The Npw York Times) Published every morning except Monday might not be considered especially at- CNILDorThartewstarkofinvsi during the University year by the Board in Northward the star of invisible em- Control of Student Publications. tractive; but if he was an exception- It must be awfully embarrassing to . al speaker, we think the same compli- twopire takes its way. The centre of grav- Members of Western Conference Editorial thcompalpulii-e holdthof t A. W Cociation.ement can be paid to his audience. the general public, we should think ity of the Ku Klux Klan has shifted Most impressive was the absolute see things in the column like this lit-, from Atlanta to Dallas, and thence to The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news candor with which he adrlitted that tle phrase BLANK SLUG, that occur- Indianapolis. Out in Indiana everybody dispatches credited to it or not otherwe the League covenant needed alteration red the other morning. The general credited in this paper ansi1 the local newt Pub- lished therein, and amendment-a concession which public, of course, must be aware in a E postofice -t Ann Arbor, could not fail to strengthen his appeal vague way that the" column is "a neat surprised at the ready conquest by the Entered °at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,' Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate to: any intelligent person. The incis-' job of composing; that here these Kian of a State which seemed of all f as a e grnted by Third Assistant Post- iveness with which he made it clear 'bold faced caps look pretty snooty, our forty-eight the least imperiled of - 4Subscription by carrier, $3.so; by mail, that the League issue was not under- and that poetry indented one em each $4,eo. any kind of alien menace. Mr. Lowell o itres:tAnn Arbor Press Building,, 41ay- stood in this, country' because of po- side is just about the nuts. But as' mri street. I Mellet' tells us in 'The Atlantic that D[ "Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi- litical mudslinging, was admirable. vague, general awareness of nobbi- nesS 960. ____nIdinai______- The same may be said of his opin- ness in the col is something entirelyt Ka n dn primarily an A Wonder Selection of Personal Engraved Christmas Cards _______AT' GRAHAM'S BOTH END~S. OF THE DIAGONAL WALK. . Order Eiarly u ' ' '}s' ..:"?Ft t 1_f +gt u ., ,s!J, py : # s v.r: ° t TROIT U TED NES EAST OUND Signed communications, not exceeding 300 be published in The Daily at the dis 'retion of the Editor. ljpopi request, the identity of communicants will be re- garded as confidential. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones, 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR HOWARD A. DONAJrUE INews Editor..............Julian E. Mack City Editor...................Harry Hfey Editorial Board Chairman.... R. C. Moriarty Night Editors E, H. Ailes A. B. ' Connable R. A. Billington 1. Z. Fiske Harcy C. Clark r Garlinghouse Spoits Editor..............Ralph N. Byers Women's Editor...........Winona Hibbard Telegraphl Editor....... ..R. B. Tarr Sunday Magazine Editor........ L. Tilden Music Editor.. .........RuthA Howell Asistant City Editor.Kenneth' C.'Kellar Editorial Board Paul Einstein 1. G. Baetcke J. N. Berkmanr lIflen.Brown Pernadt-tte Col G;. W. Davis L-eirul'tEhrlice SC. Eingeril a. kP. Henry Dorothy Kamy joseph Kruger F'lz-abeth Lie Robert Ramsay Andrew Propper Assistarits e R. S. Mansfield E C. Mack Vreng Moran Ve13 .I~rn-t egina-.Rcich'nann . W. !. Sfoneman e K. P,.Styer N. R. ThaI in S. B. T m'jble r W. J. Waitour :erman ion that the United States must even- different from the sensation that anti-Catholic organization, and that tually join the League. While it may comes from an actual peep from the the wildest tales of papal plots are3 be argued spaciously that if we do not wings, as it were; and when the read-;readily believed by apparently sane perceive our duty to foreign nations, er sees the words BLANK SLUG n T citizens. This is not quite what we to shackle us with a written coven- staring him in the mug, the only x ant will avail nothing, it is evident thought that can come into his mind expected of Indiana. Has the in- that the fullesti'measure of success can- is that we intended that space to be dolent geniality of the Hoosiers been not be expected of the League until vacant. It becomes acutely obvious drilled out of them by the stern phil- we abandon our anomalous position that the type doesn't fall into place by osophy of Nordic Protestanism? and share the responsibilities which divine guidance; the wheels stick out I We doubt it. For it must be ob- inevitably devolve upon the most pow- from the doll that says mamma. served that the Indiana Klan has dod-' erful nation on earth. Mr. Wicker- We apologize. ged the chief domestic challenge to sham scored heavily when he pointed * * * Protestant supremacy. There is in In-' out the absurdity of the charge that THE HOUSE THAT DAEDALUS dianaa itilitant Catholic organization, the League is a super-state which will BUILT composed of men specially chosen for disintegrate our national integrity and A Breakfast Serial strength, courage and resourcefulness. involve us in quarrels in which wel This is the string which guided the These devoted warriors lead a 'life of' have no interest. Are not England and feet almost monastic asceticism, under France equally interested in maintain- Through the silent signless spooky stern military discipline. They are ing their national rights and yet did street 1nst'it ia enga« in secret drills. not they subscribe to the Treaty of Of Theseus the brave who led the They make long cross-country raiding Versailles without hesitation? band expeditions. Th~y have shown theiri Mr. Wickersham's speech should re- Which came from Athens afar to the prowess on many battlefields. Worst ceive wide publicity in the interests..land. of all, they lately ,ought, and decisive- of enlightened discussion of the Of the maiden so youthful and win- ly defeated, a detachment of the Unit- League question.. Practically every somely fair ed States army. Yet we have not opinion now current 'in. the press is Who knew how to solve the tortuous heard of the Indiana Klansmen risingr motivated by partisan considerations, lair up to exterminate the Notre Dame but his is the 'decision of a mature Where boys and girls, from what I've football team. and capable mind, expert in such mat- gleaned, On the contrary, all Indiana, Cath- ters anrd desirous of finding only the In hungry jaws were 'gulletined' olic and Protestant, seems to regard it truth however damaging it may be to By the Minotaur so huge in span as a valuable asset, an irreplaceable his case. It is such an attitude as Who was fonder of children than of advertisement for the State, every his which, if it could become world man Sunday placing Indiana on the front wide, would decide all international Far off in the Cretan labyrinth. j page of the New York sporting sec- differences tomorrow. Meanwhile, we (To be continued) p tions. The danger that we may wake can but hope that, as the public be- ARISTOPHANES. up some morning to learn that Mr. comes better informed on the matter * . * * Rockne's shock troops have seized the they will see the situation from the Several years ago Elinor Glyn pub- South Bend Court House in the name world viewpoint which places umiver-. lished her "Three Weeks"; more re-- of the Pope seems to leave Indiana sal understanding above narrow pro- cently she published "Ten Days". cold. May even a Catholic be justified vincialis. u"Half an Hour" and "Just a M- by his advertising value? Or is it uteiaecooit hp'frm m. ess-merely that beneath the ceremonial RUSSIA MAKES HAY es, we hear. nightshirt of the Klansmen beats the * * * j.same old simple and skeptical Hoosier Evidence of affection and enthusi- heart culated concerning the welfare of Rus- asm 'for Michigan, as exhibited in theJ' ' sia. 'Often these reports are favorable, Michigan Gaily, "official organ of the We 't underst what al the and }jist as often they are unfavorable. University of Michigan Clubof South- fuss ut. A seis r aph in Wash- Recently a, party. of U. S. SenatorsemClfri" hchet ohei I- A NEW IDEA strd t.o detect- th presence of returningfomthatcountry steat Here's an idea which we know will ahua etected one the other' they are greatly impressed with the appeal to you, it's so novel and orig- day, which was estj ted to be 7,600 rapid progress Russia is making to- inal It's never been done before. Imiles from that y f'And yet the ward her return to normalcy. They Thats why ave feel sure it will go ov- papers came out with the announce- are of the opinion' that it is only a er big this time. It's this: Let's ev- ment that Washington is shocked by' matter of a short time before Russia erybody pay his dues at once! Right an earthquake. will take her place among the lead now, before you read another word, We have an idea that the urchin. ing nations of the world. Such news take out the little old check-book, h is indeed eno'ragin who wrapS hinself 'in his mother's Limiteds: 6 a. in., 9:10 a. m. and every two hours to 9:10 p. Il. Express: 7 a. m., 8 a m. and every two hours to 8 p. m. Locals: 7 a. m., 8:55 a. m. and every two hours to 8:55 p. m., 11 p. m. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40 p. m., 12:25 a. m. and 1:15 a. m. WEST BOUND Limiteds: 8:47 a. m. and every two hours to 8:47 p. m. Express (iraking local stops): 9:50 a. in. and every two hours to 9:50 p. M. Locals: 7:50 a. m., 12:10 a. m. ABIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS LINE (Cen traYl Time ( Slow rime) Leave Chamber of Commerce Week Days sunrays 6:45 a. m. 6:45 a. m. 12:45 p.m. 6:45 p.M. 4:45 P. m. JAS. H. ELLIOTT, Proprietor Pho-e 926-M Adrian; Mich. MERRICK-SETTh CHINESE RUGS ,:"yrtancutly on ' l( i t 9,Th t l i C Iur l t. 711E BEST Mrs. I1. B.? Merrick Phoe IRVING WARMOLTS, 1). S. C- CHIROPODIST and OlPOOIST 707 N. University WHEN PLANNING A TRIP- Why not decide to take with you some Trveer heques You'll find them a 'convenient security We'll be glad to serve you with them 4 !{rl 4 -l' .:A O U NCINf TH E OP E-NING - - MRS, BURBANK'S DINING ROOM, 539 FOREST AVE. Delicious Food Quick Service -:. Raes Per Week: $6.50 for Three Meals $5.50 for Two Meals For Reservations M- - P HONE 18 W ill IItlliltlllllfHlll13131113311113111 . toddard air Shoppe We use the E. Burnham System FACIALS BLACK HEAD PACKS FACE BLEACHING Have you tried our Milk Pack for coarse pores? 707 NORTH UNIVERSITY Phone 2652 BUSINESS STAFF Teleplone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER LAURENCE H. FAVROT Advettising..................E. L. Dunne Advertising......... ..C. Purdy Advttising ................l.W Rostesser Advertising................W. K Scherer Accouts...........C. W. Christie (Ytc Iton e................Perry M. Hayden Vil cation..............Lawrence Pierce Farmers & Mechanics Bank 101-105 SOUTH MAIN 330 SOUTH STATE ;.. i SLEEP ANYWHlERE, BUT' EAT AT REX'S THE(LiiU 71 N C a 1 Arb-o- Street Ne,;r State aind ilackard Streets 6 .t 86inie Caplan Jobe) Conhn Ain 13. Crouch Louis M. Dexter Joseph J. Finn oadvid A. fox. RE; nHaight E. F: Hawkinson Assistsants Edw. D, Hoeremaker Harold A.' -Marks Byron Parker H. M. Rockwell H. E. Rose Will Weise C. F. White R. C. Winter SCH UMACH ER HARDWARE COMPANY A STORE OF INDIVIDUALSHOP' 308-I0-12 SO. MAIN ST. PHONESI174475M I C i SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1923 sight ,Editor--HTARRY C. CLARK t WHO WONT HIELPT With permission now assured for the 'Union fair Michigan students are certain to be able to complete their own swimming pool during the pr:,s- g-write two dollars to Doc Barnard, .jw>w""-\"."-"a "V ent school year. The action permit- Russia has undoubtedly gone sheet comes a" near to being a real tingTKuaKuuxer asdrthreanqenvelopsofnth tin g the flair to be held in the Yost through a most trying period. She has the whole thing is done for a whole Ku Kluxer asthree quarters of the field house was taken by the Senate suffered far more greatly than we can year, and you've squared yourself with fools who gather around the burnng Committee on Student Affairs Friday realize. Her struggles have b'en im- your Alma Mater, with your cons- cross. afternoon after it had been postponed iense. She has experienced what no I cience, and with the gang.Tt from a previous meting. other modern nation has experienced. * There is nothing an Irishman loves The total number of swimming tick- The nations of the world have refus- ibetter than a fight. Even in the dig- ets sold to date is one thousand and ed her recognition because of the sus- I woke to l k upn a face nified environs of the Metropolitan Op- fifty three and the probability of the picions held against Russia's soviet n look un a fera house, he starts a battle-and allI drive reaching the two thousand marld leaders. Ever since the Revolution,' Sien, hte agn col the fuss is to see a little Welshman.i Oh, friend, the agony I felt________ before the end of the week is very Russia has stood alone. strong. With ten thousand dollars I Gradually hints of recognition are realized from swimming tickets, the making themselves evident. The pow- We'd lived together many years; ht the game, cause how we won't balance of the twenty thousand dol- ers of the world are fast realizing %Too soon, it seemed to see have to write explanations to sol- lars needed to complete the pool can Russia's future position. She will have Those gentle hands outstretched and tous friends.G be nearly raised by the ,fair. Nearly to be reckoned with. It is inevitable, still ' . one thousand more signers are need- Meanwhile Russia continues with That. toiled so hard for me, ed, however, be-fore the ticket drive her work. She, too, is realizing her My waking thoughts had been of will be complete but, with so little future greatness, and is working un- one needed, the student body will with- ceasingly toward that end. She is Who off to sleep had dropped; fy SMYTI1E out doubt respond to the responsibil- making hay while the sun shines. 'Twas hard to realize, oh friend, ity placed upon them. My Ingersoll had stopped. EXPENSIVE ECONOY The plans which have been made Vladimir dePachmann, the great General Per hing st ies that a year and which seem to be well on the way Chopinist will appear here tomorrow. i This poem was unsigned; and al- in ht I "Afence there will be less than six hun- to completion have met with the full- We imagine all the front seats will be though we have never heard it be- "dred thousand veterans of the late war est cooperation of the faculty. The en- taken, as it is reported that this maes- fore, very strongly suspect that it has of draft age available for a national t're student body however has not tro is as interesting in his conversa- been publishd elsewhere, before this. {defense emergency. This is the refu- come forward. Most of the work is tion as he is marvellous in his piano- * * * tation of the pacifist argument against left up to a small group of men, not forte. The ever-present, ever active Dr. a citizen army. The arguments of exceeding fifty in number, and to date, George A. May, associate professor of those who are opposed to the train- out of a male student enrollment of '~'^ physical education, and promoter in ing of an army are based mainly on between six and eight thousand, only times past of boxing teams, wrestling the assumption that what military a little more than one thousand have Twenty-Fve Years 'teams, club-swinging teams, and other tais ation received ii1917' training this nation received in 1917 offered to contribute. Michigan has Ago At Jj h;ga manly exercises, is now busy organiz- Iand 1918 will be sufficient to furnish enough spirit to carry anything across I ing a new sport-a fencing team. which it begins but it is certainly un- I ^ ~' Consider the prospect of a campus for many years to come. fa-r and disloyal for the great bulk of From the files of the V. of X. Daily,;! swarming with rapiers. Consider the the student body to lie back and ex- Noieniber 4, 1898. prospect of a couple of Freshmen en- It now becomes apparent from Gen- pect to reap the benefits and the cred- gineers settling their differences, some ,jeral Pershing's statement that~ mii :t of what a few self-denying students The Varsity eleven, together with little affair of honor, perhaps, in the tary preparedness inust always contin- 1 have achieved. 1 Manager Baird, Coaches Hall and Fer- manner of D'Artagnan and Athos. ue. It has been the'lack of a con Trhe swimming pool drive needs; bert, and about fifty students left this . . . Imagine a Sophomore Phar- tinuing military polIcy that has sent three thousand more subscriptions, to morning at 8:13 for Chicago, all ready' mic holding a mob of angry freshmen Ithe United States into its wars unpr raach the mark its originators set for'for the struggle with Northwestern at bay on the narr6w stair of the pared. And after every war, Congress, It. If every Mchlgan man looks upon tomorrow afternoon. Chem building. . . . Imagine a undoubtedly influenced in its policy by his duty seriously, there should be at -9dDentaccused of cribbing under the I, Dentvaccused ofscribbing understhe the arguments of pacifists, has scaled least five thousand subscriptions at The class of '99 has planted a class honor system, defending ' himselfown the measures for national de- the Union desk tomorrow morning, tree on the campus. I against the disciplinary committee, fense to a pre-war basis. The swimming pool is going across. --- Excalibur in hand. . .fst r r With sincere loyal workers on both Presidcnt Angell has consented to * * * This is an expensive policyMany Ihe swimming ticket drive and the Un- deliver the conimencoment address at' This show "Desire", he "current at- . .wrongs are commited in the name of' ion fair it cannot fail. I commencement exercises of the Uni- traction" at the Maj, is about as near I ~rnreo nt' Ci~ruo-' in Ami . - - - ,economy. TAKE THAT 14 NOW See the beauties of Ann Arbor from a- bove. Big three passenger plane. Ex- army pil t. Smooth, safe flyii g. No "Going Up" stums $5 Each Passenger Cotirse of nstruction.$100 Packard St. anld City Limits TINKERTOY RATTLE-BOX TINKER TILLY TINKER FOLLOW-ME TINKER TURTLE TINKER SIREN TINKER CHOO-CHOO TINKER BENDY TINKER id everything new in "Toys" FOR THE CHILDR EN TINKER O -FMILY ---" ". t THE BEST TOYS MADE kN s, "" k 'Ya ti? , _ ,. . ___._...,. .... ;.,.._.,_,.........a.o__...,. . .. F : x AL:OV.E R wt last! Sotganleather 1 Walk-Over grain leather is tough and warm, but it has that new, softer finish that is so comfortable. Here's the Del- mar, brand new, wide at the throat, with the blunt lines that make Walk- Over grain leather brogues the winter oxford style for men. _ M c f~. vo* S Neu U - I Ir Cti