' SL NDAYV, NOVE:hMBE1R 4, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAIA LY . .. _ , PROFESSOR HAYDEN, ADDRESSES gA.A1 U.W Gives Im~pres'sionL of Cftaditioiis Of Fife In Fair { Fast :360 WOMEIN ATTEND FIRST MEETING OF ASSOCIATION i + Wife0 f otedthat he was pleased with the work of1 Vioinst to s IMAL ODES ACETE the cast, which has developed consid- Violnisterable new talent. The cast is also ainu mn~i~niir fl~Ijenthsiaticover ther play and pros- Communist Riot'rn ii~~rn ects of the performance which will ... ___________. be as attractive a "The Yellow 1 ~Jacket" and "Tie Knight of the Burn- Fit KETS Wlg"L BE SOLD ON i ng Pestle", two previous M4asques! .".:::A:P":":FTER productions which xwere exceedingly .}.-'....,.,-NV. 10 popular from1 y a literary as Weil as an ____ artistic viewpoint. I Mail orders f'or "A Thouzsaind Years bi"A Thousand Years Ago" is an Ara- IAgo" by Percy Mack aye, which will Iba Nights story with Persian set- be p~resented1 by MVasues Dirama tic so- tings which have been designed by :.jc iety Nov. 20 in 11i11 auditorium-, xwill Professor Nelson and painted by 0. S., now be accepted and filled in order of Davis of Detroit. Both the costume their receipt. The main order sale of and the property committees for this' tickts illconinu unil oveberproductioni have organized and begun " 1 ° 10 when tickets will be sold at vros their work." placeOs on the cavmruou Professor Nelson went to Chicago The cast, which includes several Friday to make arrangements for the " ^= j women 'who have been prominent in m~ore' elaborate conturtes which have "j:r . a..: ormer Masques productions, has put been specialty designed and will be J."}v : ::J:in four weeks of intensive daily, pe- made by Fritz Schoultz and company par' ifen under tie direction of Prof. of Chicago. S* - . . #IfJ. Raleigh Nelson, of the English doe- London, Nov. 3.-Dr. Adnan Bey, Nationalist leader, is expected to be the first ambiassador from the Turk- ish republic to Washington, accord- ing to a dispatch to the Morning Post from Constantinople. Dagily classified "?. ,, I 1 Prof. Joseph -R. Hayden of the po- litical science department, spoke on his impressions of the far east to snore than 9100 women at 'the first meeting.,of the year of the Ann Arbor branch of the Aftxerican Association of University women yesterday in the assembly room of the Union. Accordinfg to Professor Hayden, the conditions in China are far from hope-1 leis. "AlthoU h Cinta is constantly in state of confusion and revolution,"' said 'Profess'or l yyden, "there are no evidences of tlis fact in the cities, where business is carried on in a suc- cessful m1anner, comparable to the mnetho~ts of condlucting large concerns in 'this country. Everywhere lone comes in contact with evidence of a political awakexi'ng and'newy efforts to develop the, vast resources of the country. 'Pie JChinese are masters of economic life in the East at pres- ent. "The unfortunate enmity on the pat of the Chinese and Japanese bodes ill for the future of China, and kespecially of Japan," he continued. The victory of the liberals in Japan, in his opinion, might be the cause of reconciliation with China, would aid in gtiaightening, out the relationship< between Japan and 'the United States, and would be instrumental in solvingE many pro'blemns of a similar nature. Professor Hayden'concluded by giv-I ing a brief discussion of the resentful attitude of the Koreans toward the, Japanese and the measures which the latter have taken to overcome this. He also gave a summary of the work which has been done in the Philip-1 fpines by the United States in the last tl decade. ..:".,;. , ..: .;, rtm nt. Professor Nelson stated Daily classifiedftor real results. .."J" T 4 ~ V : i" 11(1. ° _ - _. _ _ .._. _ _. __ _-._ _-: _..__ = a a _ __ c~ '. = . . r',." f~r: " $. f:T::f.:t{" illit II' *, a tSa. Mt.Rc o$20 v: T__________y______:___:_______III__ i+)b1 TONIG T a ,i~ighs. 54 to ..u0 m SII tI --- - -- III111110* ::jr.' f (1101tI1'111 ous JOlS., eety ule uadda ""H McCATYR CommunstsrioninCBelineacordin toll dispaches.Mrs.Kreisler"sinerst Plye aSoidYe ' n,.u.o ens nit alaeioslewfeomte kaser, InIIHa."ornys n" n drse, nhrluuiuslmuin.j"Bte An rene'"o Itlti ba eie1lng t11a1o11l e '', Commnistriotin erliTunefrdiglt taIuekiWaSho car wih radSAcrwdoihdgy -Chier t.Cgo Tribuneii~l ud nminoyed n acommistywokrch, thnknghe ahordrsurondd HearCleaneFasEntd"Sad' I4 hiter ar aceganthrefoterinaiher iI pet Mhsialt"Con"e ynnsthe iH orrowingthe eadtue's eaknifull ~I ASUEB 'g, ih ray'teatiul2 dresecutind distxributedlenouse, "adPLYIGCAT BetyeofTitanu'IDncing irls slicaesroites abreadauntil eriullyer 2iii m Wa xase.mlil ATief:Iolckn h car with reTHESEASON'Sf BESTrMUSICAL COMEDYTriun thinkcain e h averged.srrude heCeaet'se~,Snp- -rn--Un!14 fi ou ia" . un ', a rt j m N al in J In m u m ei ie n u iu is ut is I of I w ar i u n n a II . ; WELL BALANCED' away. A P.d i .. ....__ "" 1 , * Dean Jean Hamilton will repeat lec-I * turd one of the Canopus Activities ser- ies at 4, o'clock Tuesday in Sarah. Caswell Angell hall. Al!. freshmen and entering uppereclass women who * missed the lecture when it was given before will kindly report. Signing out slips for the month of * October which were due Nov. 1 should be brought to the orthce of the dean of women immediately. Women who are planning to take the .trip to Madison for the Wisconsin game are requtir~ed to~ register- in the. office of the deafiiOf womnen at least *three days; 'c fore the tLain le1(aves. A cha')nerc ,t e :ue ill hu eh _g t, the amount delpei-di ng on thli~ nui '"e 'of women going. Mummers will mneet at 4. o'clock. *Tuesday at the P'i Beta, Phi, house, 836 Tappan road. Dues i4l he pay- ,able at this meeting. * Senior society will meet at 7 :30 o'clock tomorrow niight 'at Martha * Cook dormitory. Chemical Society'to' Entert. I *. Iota Sigma. Pi, national hionoraryI *society in chiemistry,, has, invitedl its 1 patronesses and twelve guests to a, meeting which will be hield at 7:15 o'clock, Tuesday, in the library of the Martha Cook building. Miss Helen " Tjpdegraff, of the physiological chiem- istry department, wvill address the so- ciety, after which there will be a so)- cial hour. In mineral. wealth, accordling to her area, Mexico is reputed to rank first in i he whole world. f; ;, 3 II k 1 V, w: 'I I I AT TUE THEATFRS Screen--Today Arcade-Agnes Ayers and Jack Hiolt in "The Marriage Maker" Majestic -- Elinor Glyn's "Six Days" Wuerth- "If Winter Comes" Orpheunm-"One Exciting Night" Stage-This Week Whitney-Saturday - Miss Elsa Ryan in "The Circus Lady" Garrick (Detroit) -= "Up She Goes" Correct Cloth Frocks If you are going out to dinner after the game, you'll want to be correctly gowned. A cloth frock answers the need Warmth and beauty are corn- bined in these gowns of tricotine, charmeen, poiret twill amid serge. Bits of i ,. i i , bright embroidery color appears in vests, collars and cuffs. some severely unbelted or draped styles are here in profusion. Straight lines, -.C -k f oj V A r1 I I - ii som A . 10, no n - If -* /1., - - iu A~L ~ 1-%I* vAQ.:, +Io% r-tink ct, Q+"" Aa