THE MJCHLG.AN DAILY ,, _ . __ -' 300 U If HHE DAYSl English Peeress 'Labor Candidate. ,i 1 i w I r- OPA NE 1) BY KITTY BROAI)IEAI), '24, STILL .lts of the Y.W.C.A. M6500) finance aign yesterday ,showed $697.05 A in by the competing teams,. n a total of $1,301.05 for the days of the campaign. Final re- will be given at a luncheon this at Newberry hail, at which time oped the~ drive will "go over the eteam captaihed by- Kitty B~road-I '24, is still in the lead, turning .50 yesterda~y, and mnakting a total 23.50 credited to this team. There seeral.other' contesting tams,, ver, whichi are runnilng :close sec- was el pecially stressed so that all wo- Louis and his bride spent part of their 'that Lady Louise and the Swedish be brought to the office of the dean of chaperone fee will" be charged,1 men in the University will feel free honeymoon In the United.States. crown prince were often seen together women immediately. amount depending on the number, tto critic'ze and give advice. ! twsa vetuioig hc e n FEngland and France. e women -going. 1 the wedding in the Chpl Royal of Women who are planning to tak th rpto Madisonfo the Wicni Women wl~o wish to take the flhII fl or Hes' t. James Palace. Scarcely hadi hej gae t rip eoqauiedfo rteiscosin e!iehnron ieae"euse o utf dl'segant! office of the dean of women. at least beatBabugm simpo tl BEIS um TE I eenanucdwei wsrpre ~ '~>' three days before the train leaves. A'9 o'clock today. Illi~~~~il tat ;certain authorities in, Sweden op-__________________________________ osdthe marriage on the ground that Round two of the hockey tournament. high rank to marry the crown prince.,ueoeo h apsAtvte e- ( ~( which started yesterday alteruocn, Then, while the genealogical experts 4 , CcockTusdaRi SrahSS succeeded in. eliminating only "one of r were, settling this question in favor o leCate4lAnglc h sail.A nlSfreshen the four teams which played from the the bride-to-be, came the startlin~g awl nelhl.Alfehe contests. Delta. Zeta tied Zeta Tau news that the press of foreign. lands Land entering uppercia s women who Nvme Uit brodcstng hetae tatLaycmissed the lecture when it was given Monday; Nvme 5, 8 P. M. Coa no eis Alpha, s-2, necesitathg-nother egame was bohd changedthertalentaotLd beibeoewilkidyreot on Tuesday to odecide the issue. Jetsy. = e adchngd ermid bot e-beorawlekidlerpot Barbou owned AllaCevri oiga crownprnesay y,___' V A I RFre4 clocesse, hard fought game wth a final was going to marry anobscure Eng-! Signing out slips for the month of e AC IV A NN Amneicani Tour scrff63 ish painter of modest income. But as October which were due Nov. 1 should Ej Freshmen and sophomores who wishj the summer passed by these rumors'I A Fews Tickets for Indiv idua~l IDouerts Avidltibl. tormi nt~ nnn'iit~tni were gradually discredited by the fact Daily classified for real results. - *- z A. i~IR lES 800 T MEETIG TO0DAIY 'ix -hunred invitations have been setouit to members of the American #0c1ation of University women~, to- get lr; i women1 who are eligible for regliar or associate membership, for t}e opening meetig of -the year of the; An rbor brach of the organization Nyi 1C will be held at 3 o'clock today Prf. Joseph R. Eoayden, 4oC .he p01- i14 sciep~ce depavtment, who recent- 1 1y returned from a trip around the 'voi-ld will give a talk -on his impres- sl sof the Far East. Vowels D pjtay :.Lat~st Faslzills 'Models of they newest fashions in cif4thes for every occasion for the fall a~4winter .werea 'shown as an added, attrction at the AWomen's League yes- t~ilay. Charmnig negligees, -sport o4,kits, street drgses and }; .its, aer- oodinner and, evening gowns were dia~ayed effectyely ;byI 11 wom~en c) psen1 from different houses. UPaning followed the style show :ac- cording to the usual program for these patis and refreshments were served. T-quare Plans Bazu-. Decorations T~-Squiare has; sulbmitted two sets of plans for the decorations for thej Women)~'s League bazaar. At a meet- in tis .morning, the bazaar commit-I tewill decide of which shall be used. The Coutntess of Warwick Paradoxical as it may seem,Y the Countess of Warwick, English peeress,, LaIbor ticket. The countess, who i& 62 i years oldl, is an 'avowed socialist. She will stand for election for the' Warwick and Lea ington division of Warwick-; shire.- WOVEFRORGANIZE 07 hROUSES DURING OTH Sixty-seven League. houses were or- ganized during the past month by Dean 2 'Jean Hamilton, Miss Marion Wood, as-# sistant :dean of women, and the reor- ganization committee of the board of directors of the-Women's League head- ed by Catherine, Stafford, '24. Each member of the committee was personally responsible foregoing to five ; houses which contained 3 to 22. women. There she explained the work- ing of -the Women's League, the plans of the new honor council of league j houses, cxplained the dui e.; of the l-houae officers, and -discus ,eit house 1 rules. The part which wtoie League! houses play in the Women's League l tournamenat must have their sets play- ed off by tonight. TIhis notice is final. The seniors have narrowed .down to E..' Lauver and A. Burdick.. The juniors, are ready for the semi-finals with the, exception of one match. TO WED ENGLISH WOMAN Stockholm, Nov. 2.-(By A.P)-The marriage in London tomorrow of Lady' Louise, Mountbatten, great-grand- daughter of the late Queen Victoria of England and -second cousin of King. George, the present sovereign, to Guis- taf Ado 1f, crown prince of Sweden, is received with deep interest here. The Swedes are eager to meet the wom- an who, some day will become their queen, and England is believed to be gratified at the new royal ties tha bind Stockholm and London into st.ill1 closer friendship. Lady Louise is a sister of Lord Louis Mountbatten who last year married Miss Edwina Ashly, said to be one of, the richest women in England. Lord: Hats for Dress Wear! Hats for Street Wear!g Hats for Evening Wear! Veils Veiling, Flowers and Ornaments for- Dresses and.M Head Dress PUYEAR &4' HINTZ 328 S., MAIN STREET HA VE YOU VISITED Thne Green TIree Inn and Made Reservations for the Marine Game Thanksgiving Day M ~onday, INovember1 SDetroit 5y CABRIL4 Con S All Ts Course Ti ' ~Single Col SSunday, November 11 SUNIVERSITYI Samuel P. GRACE JORN -KONOL No AmisionSoprano No tedmisinCharge--( nutdunless theyf SThursdaiy, November COSI FA Direction WILL BRILLIA. SOLOIS' Stage Sc M A Few i 'ket -- Monday, December4 DETROIT S' - VICTOR KOLAI onducting 5 Single Cc SSunday, December 9, CONCE uitdof the FTN. ' NoAdmission Charge-, mittedunless thIey SWednesday, Decemb ZIM~BAL S A Few} Ticket, SFor information or t Music, CH) 12..,,E P. ... Lxtra Concert Series rmphony Orbir SSIP< ICA DWITSCIIjolns ndnctor ,- chaik*vsky Program icket -$244, $x.04, $ 4f0 ncerts-$JiO, $1.00, $1,"5J 04.. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA LOCKWOO, Conduco SON t2 OR -Children tinder Twelve Years of age not ad-. first obtain ticet at the SchoolI of XleI~ r 22, 8 P,. M. Chorl Vion Series N TUTTIE OP*A, 00 NT AO TS IREN .1E WLLIAM S 3enery and JBeauflVoti 4, 8 P M. Etra ntert Series YMPHO+CNY ORCHESTA iehets;-$2.00O, $3.00, $4~.40, $5.00 oniiets-4-4), $1.Q0, $1,.54, $2.00 a4:14 P. M, Faculy Concert Series JR~T BY FACULTY VERSIW YSCHJOOL OF MIC Childrerndner Twelve e tr$of age not tsmt- first obtain ticket at tine School of Disl ber 12, 8 P. M. Choral Union Series [IST. ILNS s for Individual Concerts A'rolflale. tickets call at- the UzzWvrsty Sho o ARLES A. SINK, Secretary 205 SOUTH STATE STREET PHONE 1306^R' 6 ' Ir AT THE THEATI Sureen-Today I r '. 21 in "The /WIJEE Arcade-Viola Dana Social Code." Are You UOlog? Majestic- "Desire," with . Mar- guerite De la Motte. Wuerth-"Can a . Woman Love Twice?" with Ethelt ton. Orpheum-"Mixed #faces." Love Clay- ! " ml i Feeling Overtakes When That Hungry You .. .(i.N. f.{ "4... (at .l"""ita.4... .t.......YRsi.f ,.ii.i.... .?.... O. Y......... .......... t r. .tier rY:t ra'! .- ..................... 1tXTRA2 WASH INGTON I EXTRA EXTRA! I~i THE Y INN SWIG MUSICAL COMEDY Stage-This Week FOR -SATURDAY ANDP SUNDAY NVXE PEOPLE-311STLY GIRLS 1 SP EC IAL FOR MID-NIGHT SHOW STARTING AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK- 2RJg ;Doule Feature -and an Altogether New Mu~leaI Comedy Whitney Theater-Tonight-The New York Globe theater's or- iginal production of the music- al com'edy, "Good Morning Dearie." Can Satisfy Your Tastes Inquire About Our Weekly Rates Banquets Our Specialty Garrick (Detroit) - ing Wires." "Whisper- K £IRLSI GIRLS I GIRLS! I_ I Do Nat Forget Miid-nighit Show at 11 o'clock Come Early for Your Seats 11.1 .1 pi I- I 1 1, 1 Lt. .m.NPl.Yi~i,..n...Pf~iPA.......... .............................YY.iIY I D - - -Herc, Nov.26wl '1ONIGHT HAVE ..pAn Unusual Party..' ALL OF YOUR OWN ~ xder a 'Special Lunch Cooked to -. ~ your taste, then Dance -in our' Cozy Little Parlor at Your Service v 1=1AINOTHER FA' I-' S't-~ 'ir. 1=i I~st SPECI'ALI f I-, 'S. la.! "Business 'P e c Noon. Day Oij I - t-' I d-l 7'">I 7.=1 r Even though you are~ - to pay double outrti Q= most places you Will 2 . least that-you. can't finer dinner. 7=1-I A I 'Vl 1 ia..,2 . . laI4.. nnter- f k 1, ' ... ,rm,: F ; ., I 2 2 - 22~2 2 2' 2)2 2. u', 2' 2~~ .. . . ..r. 22. 24 The W AS HTENAW INN PHONE 2925-M 1309 WASHTENAW, ewilfig get any Two Blocks From Dental Bldg. 6,j HE H-0 USE "TH HOSEOF THE BL UE SHUTT7JERS" i .H.N M...l ......................... ..T ............... rn u"aT " v aru.rn u".YUUer ur". k'