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November 03, 1923 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-03

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a _ -against the organization. But now the'
Ilni breaking into the most ighly',
________leducated and enlightened circles in
OpFFICIA L N!" WSPAPER OF THEj the country.
Ii'NVERSTY O Mi~IGANAlma college , an institution spon-
cored by the klan, has established it-





PiTYI ;ed t .~ry morning except M m'lay self in New J3ers'ey, Just a short d'fs-
doring the 1 ~.,rsity year by the IBoard in)
Control of St lUbiiations. tance from Princeton. Its president,
Me~~he", f estrn onfrece ditril Ala White, in a recent interview
Asso~Iuk~Thfor the Princeton ian, expressed great
Th s seclsvl n =ccilidence Oiat the principles of the:
titled to , uc c publication of aill news ,klan whiich till now have only been
dispatcf,( ci, ",,.t it or not otherwlise Eeiolracxed by the uuneducatedl would
credited in this ip' and the local news pulb-
fished therein. vo~v ,Hake great strides in the univer-
Entered at thec poStoilce at Ann Arbor, sitieP5 of the counitry and draw over to
,Mlichigan, as second class matter., their Side large nambers of tie stu-
Subscription 'by carrier, $3.5o; by mail,'etbodFes. At Hlarvard, two hun-
-Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-' Lired students are said to ,be enrolled
nand Street. :,,
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; B-s% already.
Hessgso. The foundation of our democracy
Signed communications, not extceeding 300 lhats been threatened from time to time
voids, will be published in the 1Daii at i h atb ainwd oe
the discretion of the Editor.^ ;Upon reqrst,to heps by ain-demv-
thec identity of communicants will be re--aent hbut the sanie larger portion, of
gardd a conidetial - mericaui citizens has always acted
EDITORIALi STAFF a bulwark upon which these. move-
Telepntesbroke without doing anylat
'relehones 2414snt-11-M ing damage. The American college
:student belongs by r'glit among the
HOWARD A. MNGN DO!ANA RIUE ctin5who form that bulwark. His!
___________training should prepare him to look
News 1ditor ..............Julian E. Mack i squarely at, questions life those of the
City E'ditr.............Harry tIey Ku Klux Klan arid decide thenm fairly
Editorial Board Chairman. .. . R. C. Moriarty
on the basic, of their merits and with-
Night Editors out emotionx.
E. H. " Ailes K, B. Connable.
R- A. Billinkton Ai E. Fiske The Ku Klux Klan is founded on a
-HryC;Clark J. tr. Garlinghouse li.ts
~' P. M. Wagner le t originators, while claiming to
Spots Editor.........Ralph N. Byers uphold the democracy on paper, vio-
Women's Editr.......Winona Hibbard' lated that declaration in principle
Telegraph Editor........R. B. TParr
Sunday Magazine Editor.....F.L. Tilden when they usedl illegal means to pro-
Music Editor............ Ruth A 11owell oetershms
Assistant City Editor...Kenneth C. Kellarmoetirsh e.
Editorial Board iConsiderations of this kind determ-'
Paul Einstein Robert Ramsay! ine on which side of the question per-
Andrew Propper Sons of intelligence will place them-
Assistants: selves. Whether American university
1. G. Baetcke j J. McGinnis students will be place~d in the in-
Marion Barlow R,S. Mansfild
jN.Berkmnan E. C. Mack telligent: group remains to he seen.1
E~nBrown Verena Moran
Bernadette Cote Ikegihaa Reichn aunn It pis interest~ing to note, however, that
G. W,. Davis S. .1,. Smit1h
Ha~rold Ehrlich. W. 11. Stoneman 'the greatest college Ku Klux Klan
r C. Fingerle 11. R. Stone furore felt so far comes from twoi
'P. Henry K. E. Styer
Dorothy Kamin N. 1<. ThalI eastern univcrsit ie, Iarvard and!
Joseph Kruger S. B. Ti enible
Elizalbeth Lieberman W. J. Wa tour. Princeton.1
R. R. McGregor, Jr.-- -
Telepone (~flMr. Paul iBlanshari, Social'st lead-
er, lecturer, and author, addressedI
the student bo(V of Massachusetts In-
LAURENvCE H. FAVROT stitute of Technology in the buildings
_________of the institute last Monday after-


IT AINT (The Daily Illini)
f 0 1~E G A YE EP1 ial hastily,. we presume, have mistaken
I glimpsed a pretty maiden j the attitude of The Daily Illini toward
Strolling down the street; the shooting of Philip H. Sharp.
Th~ie very way she wore her hat The Illini does not condone thievery.
Procaimd hr mst isceet ,~Not so at all. We have, no 0se for~
HeIr graceful arms, ,like trailingj thieves whatsoever We wish to point
tulle,I out that; the Ill ni' has, often urged a
Hung limply at 'her side., more stringent* enforcement ''o lawi
Behind her hair, like bashfulI against 'stude.nt offenders wherever
stairs,: they are caught in a violation. Again
I saww her two eyes hide. and again the Illini has urged that
all sneak thieves caught in Armory
"Who is that pretty maiden?" I and the Gymnasium and elsewhere,
I asked a passing man, be drastically punished. It has stood
"I (10 not know," hie answered, C for law enforcement.
"But find out soon I can. The Illini editorial on Sunday made'
two points only:
"For I am here in college- First, when the thievery at worst 1
We all are here, you see. I was not great, when the officer knew
We all are here together- I that the thieves were very young, oneI
As friendly as can be."l of them a 'University student, when
the officer abandoned all opportunityl
Wherewith he raised his soft feltI for the future identification of either,
hat, the car or the offenders, when the
And bowed in college form; opportunity for rounding up the de-E
"Beg pardon," lie said politely, ceased without resort to firearms was!
"But aren't you from the dorm? extraordinarily great-when all of the.
above seems to have been true, not
"We all are here in college- to mention the fact of danger to others,
I'm sure I've seen your face-.- then for the officer to begin shooting
Do you ever go to Granger's? at a murderously close range was ail
Do you set acred-hot pace?" I bit of sheer idiocy.
ISecond~ for the police department to
The pettymaidn hated;employ a 23' year old" youth, with no
THerfaet upmaidenhalted;previous police experience and no po-
"Ain't you the cutest bunny, lice training, and then put into his
And such a pretty boy-( hand the "means of death, seems-to
say the least-a trifle trustful.
"No, I ain't here in college,! We do not condone thievery.
But I'm friendly jus- the same-
I work in a downa-town laundry; BETTING AND LOYALTY j
White Swan is the name. (The Daily Illin))
No practice is more universally con-
"And any time you'd like a date, demned by faculty and athletic author -
Just ring 3ne on the phone. ities than the practice of student
Pa and Ma is always out- betting.
And I am there alone." Coaches point out that the practice
has a demoralizing effect on the gamej
"Thank you," he said, and lit his ' itself, and administrators like Presi-
pipe;I dent Kinley are united in condemna-j
Your name's not hard to guess- tion of serious moral evils arising with
I see it in your tailored hat," its advent. i
And in your dizzy dress." It is shown repeatedly that students
' very seldom bet their own money,
"My name is elegant and grand,", that they tend to -become more and
She hastened to aver, more mercenary as the practice is
"'Ev'rybody knows: it's Miss-' con~tinuied..
":take!" he finished it for her. SohnY Gi fhest rn Conference
M.K. DireV~lf liet u'dsth~ese can-
siderations on the directors of all
IThe',.Chief comes in yesterday morn- conference schools.
ing and says to us, "Say, what is ,this "


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Adve"tisift.........E. L. Dunne noon. Mr. Blanshard, according to the.
Advertising................. C. PurM Hadydetsn school Raper, spoke on "The Chal-
Advertising................ ....W. Roesser Ilenge of Labor to the College Man,"
Advertising...............W K Scherer
Accounits ...................C W. Christie and handled his subject from a "rad-
Circt lation........ ........j no. liaskins 4i Cal." . titan(loiiit.
Publication................ Lawrence Pierce
Assistants. . When' Mr. Bilanshard finished his
' Bennie Caplan Harold A. Marks talk to the Tech students, the stu-
Jol'tn Conlin Byron Parker ' dents, without doubt, knew something]
Alliq B.. Crouch S. A. Robinso
Loi M.'Dexter H. M. Rockwell about Socialism2 but no later, issues
Jo~e h J. 'F1inn HI. E Rose "of the paper ind'cated that the morale
David l, Fox ' Will Weise ,
Lauren, Haight 'C. F. Whiteoftesho a "ijedoan'x-
R. E.' H'awkinson R. C. Winter o h colwsijrdt n X
Edw. D. Ilo6edemnaker' tent by the talk given. The admin-
istration or the Massachusetts, Insti-




The quality of pure food
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The, guide post of every
successful business outlines
thils. Bie it different and
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Meet and E* :at Vain's ,,

;tute 0of T'echnology 'lyel~eeithe___________________________
house of Dediliphus, anyhow?" And .
----"-_- - . ° - --__--' dent bodly hmould know. about sues-. esi hti a lsia om
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1923 tions of that kind and offered no re-vr wl n nelcta n o E T RA
Night Editor-T: G. GARLINGI'IOUSEstrictions 'to a speakelr',.however rad- foih oiplo. n-esaso-e MTI
Indianhe niversity isAnowhenseys oh he' s ofMTHn luie.T
_________ ___ical, making a speech, before an audi-- - say, "I thought it was some kind of
eeof well-balanced students,. a crack at the football team,"he
iIfICCLUSDRAMAT'C ' the liberal attitude of the school' as Ate' dgt 'irliicart~t
AL T authorities is3 an all-too-raire on, how- sy. tnpL ~ Iu
I ai nv stisnwbnwa 'ling ever, even in institutions of higher - i t ilsv othme
the niei od lng prevalent at that iii- learning, lbnt it is a broadminded pol- 1THlE HOUSE THAT DAEDALUS , a'verage mra+the 'present order -
stitu~tioni, ..f 1 rlitin students to fill icy ttdi ers emulation. BUILT pears with. it u~toms rooted, institu-
parts in sel .;c l i dramaticlproduic-_icyradeservesialtions rigid, and laws fixed and he is'
tions onlyfrcom students who have .ABe~atSra naturally led to believe" that such is
mad a ~fl(' t~j temslve inpre- Our first anud fundamental maxim This Is Theseus who led the band te mualenurofawcs
mda i o tesleinpe-should be never 'to entangle ourselves Thati m anatuoseinotherawort;
ious productions. According to an ed- sTa came from Athens afar to the tmadisiuin nohrwr.
itorial in The ..Indiana Daily, Student, ; ntebol fEroe u eodI ln that laws make the world and not
t~ametod ead t a estictd nm-never to stoffer Europe to intermeddle Of the maiden so youthful and win-thwolmaetelws
be fsuet ie Iwith cis-Atlantic affairs.T homasomely fair
bro stdnsplayingth parts ,Iefferrsn. Who knew~ how to solve the tortuous***
over and over again in spite of the II lai In the course of time, an old law
fact that the audienceslanareigwelleac-r hve sLared a IWhere boys 'and girls from Athensoraln chrse idauste
quainted with their work and world { nln ihtbte . risk of becoming rusty and meaning-!
like to see new material used. graea ta nrw nrLw1a a less. Such, we fear, has happened to
Soeehoif she could have found. one. 'A subway entrance in theja the theory of "iet. In the course
Somemethd ofbringimig the latent --Of the heartless creature, huge and !of atn°atteIdaa apstohw, .... " ra.}adurlexerimenting wrritemocracy
attentionr of the directors of the dra- i With body of man and fierce bull's ,
"maic ~od~tins s sugh bythea. I441 ~ V,-ise eadabout liberty have become somiewhzat
'suetIai(Vlcinsesaer.i N ogt)yte;T e t- UUI? " eadmuddled and reclarification of the
tud ehtonwspaper. Nosuggeiongoof ichgaThat dwelt in the Cretan labyinhpopular mind has become more or less
theug mod to eaushed sbaen - goA put 'g fl(To be continued) of a necessity. By way ;of presenting1
into practice at other universities.{ ARISTOPHANES a few definite propositions for cons id-
Here at Michigan, MNinmes has imiti- F ront Ole tiles oif the IT. ofT W.)ally,,. eration, we quote Franklin H. Gid-'
tuted a method of skoup competition,.No.. sS8Aerd, is cme a tioneofleheeks ins*n heInepndnt
tonsfratentiehasnoffere r cp org iei , Nerisabasome anyopeoplehaeeo-dnskntmsndpnet
fiors fatnitiso eesad other onz-thetwetr n h hsaddays: Constitution Week, Navy' "I. In republics and denocraciea
grop pese~ngthebes prducion been in Ann Arbor for a clay or two Day, Save the Babies Week, Plant a laws should 'be proposed, urged and E
All men on the campus, almost with- sturrying Michigan's tactics, stated to Tree Week, Pure Food Week, Beep ' voted for only 'by citzens whmo honor-
out exception, ar' eligible to enter this ! a Daily representative last night that Clean Week, Dollar Day, Arbor Day- ably expect to obey them.
contest from which good material is Michigan ought to beat, Chicago And' now, from a company that II. In republics and denmocracies
lae ae ob sdi ie r-Thanksgiving fday if she uses the makes castor oil and other drugs, ;laws can be enforced against the dis-
ductions. proper tact _cs on Chicago. cornes an announcement that Squibb' obedientonly by majorities that are
Thdaatccoptiina b-Wekstarts today. Here, now', is themjselves' law-abiding.
gu theraaicrompeatito a e Prof. Thomas C. ,Trueblood is edit-! something to rejoice about.
y yers on-! ig te rportof he rocedigs f iII. In republics and democracies time
test as many as ten prospects for this lu ierpr ftiepoednso vital moral interests of mankind are
yea'~opea er fondandgienthe National Association of Elocution- Ben Hlecht, of Chicago, says he best safeguarded and furthered if, in,
tr-s. he plafnprvd apopular ists held att Cincinnati last June. Prof. wrote his new book in ten hours. the main and as far as possible, they'
with both the individuals 'and the Trueblood 'who was president at the It is a full-sized adventure story, and are controlled and regulated by pri-
grous ad, lthugh nlyabot svenCincinnati meeting was reelected pres- has the fetching title of "The F3loren-' vate conscience and pbi pno
groups entered the first contest, the ident.' tine Dagger." If it has, say, 60,000 rather than by legislative bodies anmd,
secn, whc to k pae i thA words, whlich is a fair average, Mr. administrative agents.
srnbrought more ta e o- Thme freshmnicmt'his year have an I-lch must have written 100 words a IV. In repnhl~c's and democracies.
ward. Mimes is repeatingnenfr their tourn- abundance of artistic ability in their minute; and while we are far 'from law and govbrninent are created end
ey tis earaltom~g th dae i asclass, as is shown by the increasing doubting his brilliant achievement, we1 must be sustained by the initia~tive
ym neiie ubro in ntecmu e-uust say that we bet the book is just: e neiie and responsibility of individual ,citi-,
Thismethd ha soled; n a argeting forth thme claims of the rival can- like the Fords that Henry assembles in tnadths antexsIpr-
measure, the problems that Michigan dldatbs for presidency. This is a new 20 seconds for the benefit of visiting from individual liberty.
found in locating new dramatic talent feature in freshmman elections, advert-!notables--nmot worth $2.00. V. :In republics and demrocr ac'es,
on thre campus and might be of somie icIing them like football games. Form- therefore, individual liberty should hel
service to Indiana if tried there. I erly it has been the plan to wait till; A faculty member told one of curtailed only as far as public safety
________________ time class meeting and then win over the Daii night editors recently that and public order clearly, and beyond
THE FIERY CROSS ON A NEW the wavering ones by an explosion ofI he thought the Daily had improved a reasonable doubt require."
MOUNTAIN pyrothecuical oratory. great deal; but added that he thought * * *
Activities of the Ku Kliux Klan, en- thme Toasted Rolls column showed a The last of these propos'tions is the
croaching upon the "centers of in-1 The Women's League held its first lamntab~letendene'v toward levity irF1nnta of i i'ii~ralq, No,,n, v,

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