THE WEATHER CLOUDY, PROBABLY SHOWERS TODAY Ap 4hr, IL 4hp T"r ct t ASSOCIATED PRESS LEASED WIRE SERVICE MEMBER WESTERN CONFERENCE EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION VOL. XXXIV. No. 36 o EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER' 3, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS V, 5 MUST ENTER NATIONS LEGUE AMERICA'S POSITION BELIES DESIRE FOR PEACE SAYS SPEAKER LARGE AUDIENCE HEARS DISTINGUISHED LAWYER Declares Justice Court Crowning Achievement in Settling Of World Problems "So long as any particular nation regards itself as superior to all the rest of the world and is so mistrust- ful of itself that it is afraid to sit in conference with other nations and dis- cuss their differences in public view, Just so long all its proclaimed desire for peace will seem, if it is not act- ually, hollow and insincere," declared George W. Wickershan, former U. S. Attorney-General, in a powerful ad- dress last night before an audience which overflowed the capacity of the Congregational church long before the lecture began. Mr. Wickersham was brought to Ann Arbor to inaug- urate the League of Nations Non- Partisan association'scampaign to promote intelligent study of the League of Nations. Calls League Vital Issue Vehemently denying Senator Under- wood's recent statement that theJ League issue "is as dead as slavery" Mr. Wickersham asserted that it was of paramount importance in the world today, a vital organization composed of 54 nations, and the author of many great accompliments aside from in- ternational settlements. "The League' of Nations is a fact, not a theory," he said. "Sooner or later the United States will be constrained to accept membership In it, just as, despite all our efforts to .avoid it, we were drawn into the Great Wr. The League of Nations issue transcends in< importance every issue of party pol-; itics. It offers to America an oppor- tunity which, if refused, will be re- gretted by generations to come. The League is daily winning the increased, respect of the civilized world and a. growing number of American citizens are wondering how long the senate, of the United States can effectually bar the way to America making good her traditional policies and assuming that position in world relationship, which hr wealth and power justify, and consistency with her long de- clared principles of morality demand." A considerable portion of Mr. Wick- ersham's speech was devoted to a de- tailed exposition of the League cove- nant in which the speaker freely ad-' mitted many technical flaws in ther drafting of the, document. Article X,' he considers a mistake from the standpoint of expediency, although its necessity at the time of its incor- poration into the covenant, he does not question. He also conceded the vulnerability of Article XVI declar- ing that its severity made it difficult to enforce although modifications of its stringency are now being consid- ered by the League. Article XXI, he thinks, is unhappily worded in that It fails to recognize specifically the Monroe doctrine. These defects sink into insignificance, however, when compared with the magnitude of the issue involved. He reminded his hearers that the United States consti? i tution was ratified by the requisite number of states only when assurance was given that it would be extensively amended. Embodies American Ideals "We have hear a good deal of' late," said Mr. Wickersham, "especial- ly from American public men return- in from European travel, to the ef- feet that only hatred and ill-will to- wards each other exists among Eur- opean nations. There is irrefutable evidence to the contrary. Nations burdened with debt, suffering the so- cial and economic disorganizationI which follows a war, nevertheless have responded generously with money and property and personal aid to the demands of suffering humanity from other nations and have reached with welcoming arms to many unfor- tunate victims of wars, revolutions and deportations from other lands. This great work has been made ef- fective by the machinery of the League of Nations-that great organ- ization which embodies so many of the ideals of America, often professed, but from which the political influencesbof the past four years have diverted the attention of the people." Quoting the late President Larding to the effect that the permanent court of international justice will "make ef- fective all of the fine things that we have said about advancing civiliza- tion" Mr. Wickersham pronounced the court the crowning achievement of NATION TO I AR ILSON, J BY RADIO NOVEMBER 10 Washington, Nov. 2.-Wood row Wilson will address the American people on the night of November 10, on "The Signifi- cance of Armistice Day." He will speak from his "S" street home here and his mess- age will be carried to every sec- tion of the country by radio. It will be the first time his voice has been heard outside of Wash- ington since he was stricken in the West in September,1 919, while carrying to the country his fight for the League of Na- tions. The former President has promised to speak for 10 min- utes and his friends believe he will devote mucli of his address to the subject closest to his FROM STISEMANN ACTION FOLLOWS CHANCELLOR'S CRITICISM OF II'PI'T WING PARTY CAUCUS VOTES I TO RECALL MINISTERS Emergency Power Bill AutomaticallyI Cos Operat ion as Ds. soulters Withdraw, Berlin, Nov. 2.--(By A. P.)-Chan- IOWA EXTRA TO CARRY ALL BIG GAIF1E SCORES Today's football extra edition of The Daily will carry a com- plete play-by-play treport of the Iowa-Michigan game, written by a Daily staff correspondent and- received direct from Iowa City by leased wire. In addition, -The Daily will be enabled for the first time to pub- lish scores by quarters up to the time of going to press, of all today's major football games. This extra service will begmade possible by means of special tel- ephone service from the Asso- ciated Press district office in Detroit. 2flr fl IAIa1A I I VARSITYREADYFOR CR UCfl CONTEST fIA t/vKE YES 60,000 FANS WILL WITNESS OPENING1 OF NEW ILLINOIS STADIUM TODAY Chicago, Nov. 2.-(By A. P.)-Chi- cago will open the new Illinois sta- dium at Urbana today and close to 60,000 football fans have purchased tickets to the contest. The Chicago- Illinois game and the Michigan-Iowa contest seem to hold the spotlight of, WOUKOUT AT CEDAR RAPIDS FINDS SQUAD IN GOOD CONDITION SNOW ON FIELD WILL HANDICAP WOLVERINES Iowa Will Enter Combat Without Services of Star Quarterback And Tackle and reports indicate that Chicago is preparing for it. Dickson and Lampe were injured last Saturday but are expected to be in the lineup tomor- row, thanks to the efforts of a couple of doctors. Followers of the Chicago eleven are heart, American participation in cellor Stresemann's moribund four the 'establishment of the peace party coalition cabinet, which the of the world. They would not chancellor resurrected from the last be surprised if he should talk parliamentary crisis, lost one of its upon the present international chief parts tonight, when the United situation. Socialists at a party caucus voted to k _ _ _ _ _recall their three ministers from the cabinet. The withdrawal of the Socialists from the government, with which they never were in complete accord from the moment they were coaxed back ntoit month ago, followed two days r A UHE or 1 N of waiting for the chancellor's reply So their ultimatum embodying a series of demands which obviously had been Restriction of Reparations Investiga. forced upon the moderated minority. tion Would Endanger party by the clamorous left wing. Project Big Majority Vote The vote of the socialists to with- AMERICAN PARTICIPATION draw from the coalition was carried by HINGES ON FRENCH STAND a big majority. They are represented in the cabinet by Wilhelm Sollmann, Washington, Nov. 2.-(By A. P.)- minister of the interior; Gustav Rader- Restriction of the scope of the pro- uch, minister of justice, and Robert1 posed expert comraittee inquiring into Schmidt, minister of reconstruction.1 Germany's capacity to pay reparations Dr. Stresemann has been indisposed may render it useless to proceed with for the last fow days but is suspected the plan in the view of President of having given the program of the Coolidge made known today at the radicals mature thought in the quiet White House. . . of hi private chambers. When a The general American proposal, it party emmisary called this afternoon was declared, was for a complete and he briefly informed them that their unbiased examination of the question ultimatu nwa7 ill-timed, ill-considered of official advice thus far received from and wholly unsensible in the present abroad indicated acquiescence in that situation, and that it behooved their plan. Press reports of speeches made party as an integral component part1 by Premier Poincare of France have of the coalition to hold back with such indicated a desire to restrict the in. procedure while th ination was pass- quiry, however, and it was pointed ing through a grave international cri- out that the Washington government sis which w as further augmented by was as yet uncertain as to what its complicated foreign relations. attitude would be towards an invita- Socalist1s hold ('aucus tion to participate unofficially in a re- The chancellor's reply brought a I stricted inquiry.. swift rejoinder from the socialists to- It was indicated that in the event re- night when in a liarty caucus and strictions were placed on the scope of after brief debate they voted in favor expert inquiry, which, in the opinion of. recalling their ministers and with- of officials here, would render its drawing from the cabinet. studies not hopeful of good results, tpatlh the dlisawod'arnc of the soci-. American participation would prob- alisis' Iron1 the coalition government ably be agreed upon only with the which vol ed the emergency power bill, distinct understanding that the Wash- this bill aut omatically ceases to be) ington government believes at the out- operative although the chancellor, in set that the efforts to settle the rep- the event he continueS in office will araions question in that way would be in, a position to equip himself with be futile. atithority in connection with the enact- mnent of econonuic and social legisla- tion through ire ideutial mandates in accordance wich paragraph 48 of the Kl IM Pfederal constitution. ARIA~----~~----~~-~~~ 0 111 U U liR tI1H ILL the Big Ten fans. somewhat pessimistic over the out- iBy Ralp N. Byers Illinois was a problem to all stu- come of the game on which will de-- dents of football until Harold Grange, pend the Maroon's chances of annex- Sports Editor, The Daily the Wheaton, Ill. boy, developed into ing the Big Ten title for this season. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Nov. 2.-After a star, and it was mainly through his The Purdue battle put virtually the limbering up in a light signal drill on _efforts that Illinois managed to bare- entire line on the, hospital list. Coe field this afternoon, Michigan's ly outpoint Ohio and to overwhelm "The Midway mentor hopes only. to Northwestern. While Grange is a hold Illinois to a low score," an ob- Varsity football team was tonight pro- Band and Cheerleaders Will tremendous help to the Illinois team server close to Coach Stagg said early noned ready for the contest with Be Present the remainder of the squad has devel- this week. "There Is little possibility Iowa at Iowa City tomorrow after- oped into a great football machine, for victory." Coach Stagg has spent noon. Every man on the squad was INVENTOR TO HAVE CHARGE On the other hand Stagg's team has the greater part of this week in de- OF OPERATION OF BOARD a formidable set of backs in Zorn, veloping a new defensive line. No Thomas and Pyott. It seems certain new offensive plays have been at- I from Ann Arbor yesterday and last Play by play returns from the that Illinois will use an open game tempted. night and every regular wa prepared I to put his best game of the year in the Michigan-Iowa game this afternoon struggle with the powerful "Old Gold" will be shown on the grid-graph start- V n nr Iffsquad. ing at 2:15 o'clock in Hill auditorium. L rrS 'EIbfT nni ir . Defensive Strengthened The game will not commence until 3 lIU IIEIUILIWhile the Wolverines were going o'clock but preliminary reports are through their paces the Hawkeyes expectedat this time. WUN O rMOBwerein g their ta gfer The Varsity band, under direction of lIIthe battle in Iowa City. Coach Jones Wilfred Wilson will be present for the _ was taking every precaution in- final occasion and. William Frankhauser, .drill to impress upon his proteges the 24, last year's Varsity cheerleader, Tentative Dates Set As March 7 and 8, Republican Sympathizers Atemnt to importance of stopping the Michigan John A. Bacon, '23, and other mem- Subject to Athletic Associa-, Hold Street Meetg Durigattack and a good share of the practice hers of the cheerleading squad will tion Decision Lloyd George Speech session was consumed in putting the lead the yells. Lyman J. Glasgow, '24, final touches upon the defensive which varsity cheerleader, will not be pres- COMPLETION OF POOL SEEMS CAUSE TRAFFIC JAM NEAR will be called upon to stop the highly- ent as he is accompanying the team. ASSURED BY ACTION METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE wtouted Maize and Blue aerial play. Members of the freshman team, the ~~~'Michigan's lineup will be practically reserve squad, anti varsity substitutes Final steps toward the completion of New York, Nov. 2-(By A.P.)-Eight the same which started against Ohio who did not accompany the team, the Union swimming pool were taken persons were arrested here near the with the exception of Steele who has will be present as guests of the asso- at a meeting of the Senate committee Metropolitan opera house where replaced Hawkins at the right guard. ciation. The cross country team has on Student Affairs yesterday when the Lloyd George, war premier of (reat PThe Wolverines will be as strong at also been invited. Union Fair proposition was given the Britain was speaking tonight, when the start of tomorrow's game as they West Union e byd a specilhe official sanction of the faculty. The Irish Republican sympathizers at- have been this season and will be Western Union office by a special wire action makes the fair a reality, tempted to hold a mass meeting on prepared to put up the strongest game from the auditorium.; Arrangements Tentative dates for the Fair, the pro- the street. Patrolmen's caps were they have this year. With the excep- hae eendIn the hadsu fr HwleCty ceeds from which go to the pool fund, knocked from their heads by placards tion of the contest with Vanderbilt, no have been in the lands of T Hawley were set by the committee as March that sympathizers were carrying. game which Michigan has entered this association who has been on a speak- I and 8. Although it is probable that Police fought a hand to hand bat- fall has tried its full strength and the issgto o Iwas alumni club, andk- these days will be used, they are sub- tle with a large group that gathered improvement which has manifested it- will he present at the burea maind ject to the sanction of the Board in on Fortieth street near Broadway. self since the defeat of the Southern- twnel td byna the lun aion Control of Athletics which may require Many carried signs bearing the pic- ' rs promises to make the Maize and tained today by the Alumni association t IowaCitythe Yost field house, where the Fair ture of Eamon DeValera, while oth- Blue as powerful- against the Hawk- a wrrangement of the graph is such is to be held, for a track meet on these ers were inscribed with phrases un-I eyes as they will be this fall complimentary to the Bitish visitor.!esasty ilbOhsfl. that only the most importantplays nights. The track schedule will not The nar y t the Bropolitan Snow Covers Field are shown to the audience. The board be completed until some time In De- heare as uared byr250lI owa on the other hand will be with- is made of ground glass and is man- cember opera house asguarded by 2:0 out the services of two of her most re- ipulated by a series of lights. The Actual work on the project of the patrolmen and 150 detectives. Bd the crowd liable regulars, Parkin, quarterback, operator shows the distance the ball Fair will begin immediately accord I that pressed about to catch a .glimps and Karsuski, tackle. The rest of the travels on a miniature gridiron. On ing to Thomas Lynch, '25L, president of him was so great that a traffic jam team will be intact from the Ohi'con- each side of that gridiron are the of the Union. A committee will be resulted. Theatre goers became test and will be strengthened by the names of the players, which light up, appointed that will have complete angered when they were held -up for I return of Captain Glen Miller, stellar showing which one handles the ball. charge of arrangements, and will start several minutes by the throng. Mount- fullback. Fry, who will take Parkin's Below the kind of play, whether pass, functioning immediately. ed police finally charged the crowd place, promises to fill the shoes of his kick, plunge, is shown by lights. The . Action taken by the Board of Gov- that surged about the bluecoats. Hun- injured teammate nearly as well as he score, and quarter are displayed at ernors of the Union Thursday in agree- dreds of persons were driven back to could himself, and Hancock who will the top. ing to grant the contracts for the com- Fifth avenue while here and there a start in Krasuski's old position is a Prof. E. B. Potter, of Ohio State pletion of the pool as soon as 2,000 patrolman grabbed one off the goup formidable lineman. Both of the university, inventor of the apparatus, students had signified their intentions and placed them under arrest. . ams which will start Saturday's will arrive in town this morning and of buying a $5 ticket for the pool if -game are well prepared to meet each have charge of the erection of the the Fair became a reality makes the other graph and the operation during the completion of the pool now seem cer- UIIUI'If H1OBJECT TO The odds which have been generally game. Lyman G. Savage, '25, will tain. At the present time 1,053 have, I IU IUL IIU U UU LU IU Isavoring Michigan during the past assist in the running of the board. signed for these tickets, but it is ex- I week took a sudden turn in the other it is estimated by John Bradfield, pected that with the added incentive LAR I direction, two days ago, when cold 'that the new offer gives, little diffi- weather brought a three-inch snow- who is in charge of the arrangements culty will be experienced in reaching fall, laying a white blanket over the for the graph, that more than two the number required. Grand Rapids, Nov. 2.--Two Chris- playing field at Iowa City. Today snow thousand tickets have been. sold forI tian Reformed church ministers ob- was still on the 'ground and the the "game". The remainder are on Ijected today when approval by unman- weather was turning colder and more stores, and Houston's, and the'Union. b O , IlIt rinmous consent of the project of the j snow was predicted by the weather stes, LndlH f'sand of the School of Religion man. Michigan's aerial attack .will be at the University of Michigan was greatly impeded if the game is to be NlHK P iSP KTO ORROW suggested at a ministers' conference played in a snow-drift while Iowa's luncheon held here. Professor line-rushes will be the style of play -Charles Foster Kent of Yale univr- best suited to the weather conditions. ! AUTHOR OF "THE MAN WITH THE sity who was the speaker of the oc- (Connued an Page Six HOE" WILL BE THIRD ON casion, described to the ministers the GUILD PROGRAM campaign now in progress, to raise Play by play results of the Michi- $1,200,000 for the school. T1DA Y S GAMES gPla g lan bestween qurterMh- Edwin Markham will appear before The ministers raised their oie- gan-Iowa game and between quarter results of other big football games an Ann Arbor audience for the sec- tions on the ground that the school WESTERN throughopt the country will be given ond time in two successive years when would not teach the true religion 6f Michigan vs. Iowa at Iowa City. out today a the Union. The service i he speaks in the Methodist church at I Jesus Christ. "Will the school teach Ohio State vs. Denison at Coltmbus. is given free of charge to the mem- 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night. Mr. that Jesus was God incarnate or that illinois vs. Chicago at Urbana. Iers. Markham is the third speaker on the he was just a great teacher like. lud- Minnesota vs. Northwestern at Min- The results of the Iowa game will Wesleyan guild lecture series of the dha or Zoroaster?" asked Rev. henry neapolis. The resulcrrentfyeareThe seriemwaswopend Bet a a oieti h d In be reproduced with lights on a min- current year. The series was openlBeets, a main pronminenit in the admin- Indiana. s. Hanover at Bloomington iature football field constructed in the by James Schermerhorn of Detroit. istration of the missionughof the wH- Notre Dame vs. Purdue at South Dr. Raymond Roberts of Chicago ad- I formed curch throughout the world. j Bend reading room of the Unino. They will dressed the second meeting "The school of religion," answered also be read in a play by play account d Mr. Markham's program last year Professor Kent, "will teach the facts Michigan Aggies vs. Ohio Weseyan in the lounging room and in the tap was largely a recital of his own poet-- concerning the personality and life of at I aae s gely CtitdDelawark. room. ry and he is expected to render selec- Christ and let the facts speak for 'alionia vs. Nevada at Berkeley, Other big game results will be given tions from his own works on this oc- themselves-as the facts speak for Missouri vs. Kansas Aggies at Man- out in the billiard room of the Union. themselves in economics." hatt A special wire service will carry the Mr. Markham's poem "The Man And then addressing himself to Rev. Knas vs. Oklahoma at Norman. scores to a ticker that has been in- With the Hoe" gained him world wide Mr. Beets, the speaker continued, 'e - stalled there. An announcer will read recognition as a poet. The poem has trust those facts to lead the stdent EASTERN off the scores, and they will be posted been followed by a series of magazine to the conclusion you and I believe Yale vs. Army at New Haven. on a bulletin board imstalled for the articles which he entitled "The Hoe- irin." Har'vardI vs. ufts at Cambrdge. purpose. man in the Making." These have been -- Princeton vs. Swathmore at Prince- published in book form as "The Chil- W ashington Feels ton. A itrS t Ne rnin Bondage." W s igo Pennsylvania vs. Pittsburgh at Aviator Sets vew MrMarkhamis a member of the Earthquake Shock PP'iadelphiia. World Speed M arkNaonaInsute of Arts and Let- I Penn State vs. Syracuse at Syra. HIIURL wItiLE Ib nut,~ Kappa Phi Sigma, national debat- ing society of which Alpha Nu is the local chapter, opened its annual con- clave last night in the Alpha Nu room on the fourth floor, of University hall.j John E. Decker of the University of Illinois, national president of the or-t ganization, presided. There will be an important business meeting of the delegates at 9 o'clock this morning in the Alpha Nu room. The meeting will close with a banquet in the Union tonight. Prof. Ray K. { Immel of the public speaking depart- ment will give the principal address. F. R. Allaben, '25, will act as toast- master. Theatres Will Give Game ReportsI In addition to the regular programs, the Majestic and Arcade theatres have arranged for the reports of the Micbi- gan-Iowa game to be shown on thej stage. The Majestic will show the returns of the game by the means of: an especially designed scoreboard on which all plays will be shown or verb- ally explained, instantaneously as they actually happen. The Arcade will give the returns of the game at the end of each quarter. BILLS! The first of the month has ar- riven and with it come bills of various sizes and sources. Does tie sight of them horrify you? Are they exorhibant, and did ACH YOST51IS GUEST Or AUMNI TLUNC-HEONI - 1 Slt1ewl to The Daily } (Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Nov. 2.-Coach Fielding II. Yost, leading the Michigan team to Iowa City for the first game! with the Unixersity (i owa ii more than twenty years, talked at a lunch- eon neeting of the alunmmi 'of the Uni- versity of Michigan here today. I4e laid special stress, on the value of competitive athletics, but made no statement upon the game torn orrow. Hie did state, hoxver, that the loy- alty of any coach was essential to vic- tory. His .peech was well received by the alumni gathered to hear him. Captu Harr Kiphe was introduced to the assmbly but did not speak. WILL SELECT 12 FROM I DEBATE TRYOUTSTODA Se-mi-finals in the tryouts for places on the Varsity debating squad who will debate in tIe Central league con- test will be held at 8 o'clock this morning in room 302 of Mason hall. At thins time them e chse'in by the txxo pmublic speaking societies, Alpha Nu and Adelphi, and those not mem- hems whmoxwem'e chosen iii tie prelim- nares last Saturday will give five minutes speeches. In the tryout tomorrow the squad will be reduced to about 12 men, ae- car ing to ProhiLous M.yEich of the {public speakhhmgd(epartinenlt who is in chamrge of debating this year. The