1I IUA , OE l3E2if2 THE, MICHIG AN DAILY ___ j BOARD . DANCING AT 3POKADVE RTISINGT_3___ I . UJSED) CARS. LOST. No S1sCriAIJA Jvt 1919 Oldsmobile 6 Tlouring. 1918 Oakland Touring. 1920) Nash Sport. 1921 Nash '4 Touring. 191 9 Hudson Touring. 1922 1Hudson lTouring. 1922 Nash 4 Coupe. 1921 Stearns-Knight 4-Pass. 1918 Oldsmobile 6 Touring. 1920 Nash 6 Touring 1922 Nash 4 Carriole. F~ORD)S YES, ANN ARDOR NASH3 CO. 311 Maynard BEST BOARD at reasonable cost. Try ,jus any time. Varsity Lodge Dining !Hall, 611 Church St. LEATHER NOTE BOOK vvith valuabl ,TPE 'RIPIT&-~iMOC aBT notes, and an orange fountain pen. # r't- Reward. Phone 390, Mrs. Putinan. COz~dnaly(nl. ON CAMPUS or Washtenaw last Wved- ; tteS. nesday one tang gauntlet glove with Over "iW' I unch . Phocne J993Ti DANCE TONIGHT-Masonic Temxple, 'rpsi., Mitch. , Music furnished by th(e Serenaders. Dancing at 8:30. FOR HJRE 1923 FOP I) and drivreyourself. Phone 51-,ask for Riley. 0 Ii I Dr. Dorothy Sellards 303, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Hours, by appointment brown lnsfrt. Return 1331 Washite- naw, Phone 2618. LOST Sat. night near Unitrian church purple sillkVmbrella. RPe- ward. Phone 3011-R. B1LACK AND WHITE striped fountain pen with fraternity seal. Finder please call 2236-W.s TlI 1Ri:F.+ weeks ago Platinum face pin. Saphire in center. 2503-3. Re-,Vtarl TWtO-YARD Piece of Silk d(lr oer 4 cloth, Mulberry shade. RVwar a.t Call 1835-F-1.{ TEN DOLLAItS ('Thursday afternoon) repuztation;, l19 ye ,.arf i lceum nn Chat,;.luui. IE oach rof ra~n.- !als or puptl p pri i far platform cured fr apaleatists. T",bne 1 198-IV. 0;,; ,la Pcoh~r. Copeelnri wit aI 2 L AllAitN'3 giei n' ; -.) t i3 :. "4) '['A INiPINS L~d.NCAI1We are the authlorizea Wahl and AI FEW !0 ?1good Pian.os to rent at -Eversharp Service Station. . $4.00, 14;50 ajic $ ),00 ie t k h Call and see the new WahJ."Signa- lSchaeberle 'k Son, ' t :ic Ho1 e. ure" Pens. Two sizes, $5.0u and 1.10 S. lMain . $7.00. They .are the finest self-ifiling peswe havf, seen. ' (-eyEInerit ' 11 de'ard. T DE'S FEN SIOP. (M4 i3.1 a uA Qt?125 C~t}302 5. State fit. 1 .6 TUjIv 41 VI!7 S_,. I TT-T tailorlaig in the state SAM EIRCHFIEL D & aCO. OR I ALL IMAKE S. Agency Woodstock andj Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand ad~d- ing Machine, Line-a3-Time copy holders, rubber stamps, ribbons, cushion keys, type cleaners and s up-. plies. Machines rented. ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Phone 43>3, downtowy) COSMETIC SER VICiE, Every 'rOIX.TAN with a 13!iARI) Should know that the Superfluous ]fair +Growth ca~i be permanently and safely removed by electrolysis. Work dlone by coxhpetent graduate! nurse operator. Fees reasonable. ' -ELECTriC(, - COATS11 TIC SERIIYCE y -ours: 224 Nickel's Arcaxdc 1 to.4:30 (2nd FLOOR) -~Try a Rest Facial ARCAL)IA BEAUTY S511CR Room 21 Nu erth Arcade Upstairs FOR 1ThE GAMES Get a bpox of "Art" Powder and havo .that clear -pink complexidin ,you,'ad- mire. "At" Powdecr stays onl until' you wash it off and protects you fr.om clapping. Excellent after shaving.4 Does not rub off on Clothing. Phone 1856-R. WA NTEI TWVO TICKETS for Marine game. C"all f Green, 1188, after 7. *ANUMBER of energetic students (10-1 siring to earn money during spare hours. Congenial ,nd profitable work. For particulars, address the cially priced at $42.50. You can Iuy this on the easy pay. lent flan. Un- iversity lMazsic HoUse. c T \ HEW ITV ER. ,S 1 ..t nll m:akes over "Yx' L~zl'ii. Phone 993-"M Why risk having your pen spoiled with vicious ink. Fill at our free hiling station and be convinced that our snrc al formula Diamond Writing Fluid is the best ink for your pen. We sell P ; at standard prices. RIDERS PEN SHOP' FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIP4NG You wa-nt your Fountain Pens prop- uer repaied. Why take them to an UndrtaerExperienced workman-' ship to be had only at Rider 's Pene Shop. It costs no more.j 24 Hour Penmke r's Service. R;em ember the place, 302 S. State St. Authorized Wahl and Everslmarpr' ANY TiIMEANY PLA(1i, We will (3a- liver Ieington,! : Portables or other uL :8iybpowrlttq'a. RStar I. Blach, SATISFYING It's onderklu Ask fors Molly0 FOR SALE EVEYHR I i f I i' erice. m i cobdwe1l.et hair is a b usiess ndocilasset. STACOMB makes the hair stay combed sjin any style you like even after it has just been washed. uSTACOMiB-the original--baa been used for years by stars of stage and r(screen-leaders of style. Write today for free trial tube.. Tubes-35c ~'Jars--75c S Insist on STACOMB--in the black, # yellow and sold package. S For sale at your druggist or wherever toltgoods are sold. Standard Laboratories, Inc. t 750 Stanford Avenue Los Angeles, California S Send coupon for Free Trial Tube. STANDARD LABORA1OR1Bi $, Ian 1 Wo Sanford Ara.Losa o. rn, Deyt. 3 Pese send ms free turw tube, nam X sy I. yi! f " 1 {t ( I ; i i f '( _ ' G II .1 a , I t 1 I 4 li f; tj Garvin Institute, 410I9 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. ~o Character and -~ Distinction New ...New Models $30 to $501 REMi.. D A., -HAT'Sjust what every mnan should expedt when he buys a suit of clothes. Judge by results. When" you're ~ -- ready to buy a suit, make an in- vestment in good appearance. Make every dollar count in results, in 3 long, comfortable, satisfadory service of good appearance. - - Kuenheimer Good Clothes are offered to you on such terms- they represent a giltmedge ainvest- inent an good appearance. The HOUSE of KUPPENH-EIMiER NOT0FlenVa ml ow y y Nlq 1 012 L L - WINESFI ELD n nnE :a f