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November 02, 1923 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-02

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. rm n a 1 R CHIARLES1 MAYO ' o,,,, ",/r_ ° :
D.Charles t. Mayo made several M U ROLL ( C M U
astounding statements at the recent V J~FC M U
OFFICIAL i1'EW3SPAPER OF THE meetng of the Amei< an College of _________
UNIVERSITY OF MIlCHIGAN Surgery with regard to the nefarious "UHE KUR
practice of certain members of the1SUNETH MI I
Pubished every morning except Monlay : E* o the Editor:
during theSdn University yea ytePadi medical profession in hiding quack
Coqlt yeafrtuen Publications, h ______in methods behind a veil of secrecy. TheEvrsneft
gulilpbicofesoneaymak TIDE HOUSE THAT DAEDALIUS Eeiicetef
members of Western Conference Editorial glibepulcofILTnesymrkEe sne eh
4sbociatiofl. to the fake practitioner who is able to A aifs Sra igan Union has 1
The Associated Press is exclusively en dispose of "wonderful cures" and "sys- This Is Ariadne fair- functioning for th
titled to the use for republicationl of all newsi tems of medicine" in a perfectly scan- h nwhw'osle e-o- enrolled at the Un
dispratches cr141ted to it or not otherwiseWhknw owtslv-heor
crdtdi hspaper and the local news pub' dalous manner. The key to the so- tuo..a~ time oe of its gr
cr~ed t he ein . tu usl11
fished____terein.__ lution of the situation rests IA.'~the been, that of dis
-ntered at the postoftlce 'at Ann ArbWhereeboysedacatgirlsf midpcrunch"withtickets for Friday
'1ichi~an, as second class matter. ro.bte dcto ftepbi wt n i
*Subscription by carrier, $3.0; by ail, respect to the medical world. Bus- ' inig ,dn'e atrnmc illgs. 'Several sc
4.00. ness men take special pains in Sseleit-d havegabtrlnmtriebd .R
,Offices: Ant) Arbor Press Building, Day- elc Of' the bull-headed man (a type hv ~e re
p hiSte,: Eioil 44adi6M ing specialists to advise them upon oo es h rsn yt
Phoesi dioral 214 nd17 h; t~i-the condition of their live stock,but ,-; of. beasterhap, is t
R iess, 96. cofontdSinWs ad bspehsst
they are loath t Nicii n toemly coneWenst a'nd-and 'wor kabe t
"Sge comnctos oecei 30East)
- Sgnc coimnlct1Os,- nt ecedin 30 jmedical -men for theirfamii es SuhoTpoehoenal
oi'ds. will hie )ulj'Shed in The Daiy at Thtdeti{teCe~llbilth
t4he di. 'retioi of le Editor. Upon rel, est unwarranted stupidity seems .iex- t Tb cniud I know of no sy
the idlentity of commrunicants will be re-!(TP@Gniud;,
garded as confidential. cusable in anyone, yet it is known --AITPjNS more satisfactory
that there are many who would rath-* *I dent body than 1
EDITORIAL STAFF er buy the products 'of quacks than once system. Th
Telephones, 2414 and 176-I consult a capable doctor. Acmaidb ocigntp reference obtain
- --..The most important statement of tspeefudiswyt u ok of securing Frida
IMANAGING EDITOR the eminent co-head of the Mayo clin- It is called F!ive P. M. Thurs
HOWARD A. D)ONAAUE ic was to the effect that only one out (BLANK SLUG) p.. M. on Friday.
ofevryfie ureosis qalfid o THOUGHT a ticket dur~og t
News Editor.............Julian E.Mack of everyufive surgeonsdisn qualifiedwt
City Editor .............. .. Harry ,ey undertake surgery. It seems almost Th u tismrda lzsdw be a member of t
Edioril oar Cairan ... C Mriatyincrediple to beF eve that every year Somewhere else-not In Ann Arbor. preference.
Night Edt ws many peope who submit to opera- An~ owl, in the Cimmerian darkness, i If anyone who~
. H ie A. Bi.lington e.A. lFink are taking a chance under an Hid from view,j that class succei
Bar .Cark TJ.G. Garlinghouse untrained hand, especially since Dr.1 Shouts hoarsely, "Towhoo! Towht "'ticket, it is , not "t
P. "M. Wagner ththelcilsatrt
- Spits Editor ...............Ralph N. Byers Mayo stated that there is an ample I sit in the darkas t l
;women's Ediwr............ Winona Hibbard supply of qualified surgeons to whoml Drinking the stygian gloom through the negl
Telegraiph l"itor.............. R. B. Tarrt "i
Sunday Maazine Editor....... L. Tilden people may turn for treatment. It (There is ee'no' moshine)mebrothci
-'-Msic Editor ................ Ruth A Howell bhoe ainst ekth sr- Adtegombigsm oIi unn vrh
-Assistant City Editor . ..Kenneth C. Kella e o v s pa i n s t s e h er - A d t e l o r ng e n nmtr ni o e r
dioalBadice of some of these men who are Ratiocination. " i~ some student n 6t
Edtra Paul Einsteini rat rt Ram'ay known to possess the necessary ability I sit and think of nthin'- j erence may secur
Andrew Propper to perform surgical operations. Asolutely nothing. Union "-Qfcals°,
AsitnsThe situation is such that steps Dearest, whether the mai
$,B G,. aetcke J. J McGinnis
Marion Barlow Ri. S. Mansfield must be taken immediately to purge I think of you. isterhfuo'
jN.Berkrnan E. C. Mack tep fsinofmnual ocar- - Letita TWe not? Is 'it- possi
'elnBrownVerena Moran te *fesonosmn4nbl of
Bernadette Cote Regina Reichmann ry on surgical work. Possibly strict- .4.e. sablx+.aereogn
( C.. Davis S. L. Smithct
I'roltl Ehrlich W. H. senenan r requirements in admitting men to This Should Have Rn Before- of 12,00 on the (C
~ .Fingerle T. R. Stone the medical poeso would alevi-I' I like football games.' the unjust cii
T. P.HnrI. E. Styer proesiio
- Drothy Kamin N. R. Tha ate the evil; at least, the danger is! I "like everything about them. of one of the or
Elizabeth. ieernan W. J. Witio'r of such proportions that the public 1 I like the gathering of the old alum-( done more realf
R. R. 11cGregort Jr.]Y- should take measures to protect them- ni, drunk and sober. and college spii
BUSINESS STAFF selves against inefficient doctors. I like the girls that come from out ganization possib
__________of town. As 'far as one.
TohPlon 9Rumour has it that Governor Pin- And some of the ones that hae than one tick t,
- cot's hat is definitely in the presiden-I been here all week. one to try it- in.
BAUSINEH. AAGRT ial ring. We suggest that the go-I And I ike to hold Buddies hand un-its possible. 0 -
LAURENCE H. FAVROTernor substitute a coal scuttle for his1 der the robe. nse w e
Ade iig.........E. L. Dunne shiny plug and allow several hund- I like the Varsity band and the tempt.
Advertising .............. Pery M. Hayden ote cols-adto The fact t It
Advertising ..............C Purdy red thousand people to express their ohrsho' adto
Adver tising............V. Roesser
Advertising........W K Scherer opinions about his anthracite "settle- I like the romping of the white- produing, oth T ,
Aconts..........C. W,. Christie met". clothed referee. , is no s ret, " 0
Circultion ......... ..........Jno. IHaskins h e
Vitblication ..............Lawrence Pierce - I like to drink hot cocoa at theBe- oficili , J" imi
-Asistants " We are reliably informed that an sy Ross after the game. an f;, *ognize
d"'nnle Caplan Harold A. Marks inhabitant of Pittsburgh was recently I like to watch the frsh blush whet; fair''<cr'itcs A
f~Conin Byron Parker ty"Tk'e f hI' nlbuta
Ai B. Crouch S. A. Robinson fined for reading movie- titles outthy"ae'mof"h, rt bi~a
Lbuis M. D~exter H. M. Rockwell lu.Ti sjs iesapn But especially, I like to hold Bd- me l wo a
Joseph J. Pinn H. E. Rose lu.Ti sjs iesapn L
I)aidA oxWl Wiema n~tew~s o mre. If dies hand under the robe. i n ;'in hi
ILiuren THazit C. . White ron-nth- -tfo ure I like the great moiling and traml- a."al o tha
R, E. H-awkinson R.4dC Winter they'd ,lyiji a few thiese paias
~di. D. Hoedesaker thydgtsoehr.ig of the crowd at the gate. -sjw Wcl dolt
________And the good-natured cussing and LTnlot JUlly~p,
_____ ______ Theyf tall 'of the Washington, Elm Is 'atn bottetckt.n
NOVEMER 2, 93an occasion for real sorrow. The sent- .I like to compare the other school's, ~4t3at le
* RIAYiemnt for finding leadersh'p and in- song with "The Yellow and Blue". dn"' asell a
Night Editor-PI-ILiP M. WAGNER, spiration in a great tree is .a beauti- I lke to give an "Ypsi". oenl arms, f h
furoeandth meoy fth I 1 like to see Harry Kipke punt out te Union and u
POLAND tori-c elm should' have an etablishedi out of bounds on the five yard line.
Poland, ;the., henchman of Franc'e, is place in th'e hearts of Americans1 And I like to see Stan Murhead go-
now rumlingundr th 'hal o he -. . - down under kicks.
,nowcrublig uderthehea ofher A new war looms in the horzon,- But above all, I like to hold Bud-
own militarism. The mark is deprec- and 'ot far distant.- In Detroit Hen-f dies hand under the robe.
rating and hunger and cold stare at' yFr n ae ozn repe'SGO A.B
theentre opuatin fr te cmin ;paring for battle. And all over such
winter. According to recent reports,' an insignificant matter as the prohi-, What puzzles us is Buddie. Is Bud-T
geural strikes in all lines of indus-'I ition question.1 die he or she? AN
try are. the first,- iurmu rings of the'!______!__Mr. Jason Cowles: Gradually, ver



all of 1918 the Mich-
been operating and
eentire student body
tiversity. Since that
"eatest,.roblems las.
tributing the sance
and' Saturday. "even,
thmes-C andsystems'
with the rlesfilt that'
m, though' not the
hie most satisfactory,
all edilceY net.-
my ryars at C Wol
stem that oul, lbe
or fair to the tu-
the present .prefer-
class for which the
s, has the privilege
y night tickets from
;day night until One
1oone can obtain'
-ht time, except he1
the class having the
is not a member of
reds in obtaining a
through any fault of-
iUnion, but rather
igence of the guilty1
ss having prefer'enceI
is card in order that
included in the pref--
e a ticket. Are the
supposed to know J
presenting his card
,vner of that card or
ble that they should
ize every student out
ampus? If not, why
,sm of the Officials
' ganizations that haso
good for college life-
it than any other or-!
ly could do.-
-man obtaning more
-I only advise some
'order to find out if
nly last week I wit-
;fail in the same at-1
students have been
,cards- than their own
.t evo to the Union
noe:,Tha fauilt exists
d ,' tapL. Ajust and
orb a, ls nbt only
lscY Bsts ;aa-.im-
ahl ~ e y !The'
s kytly~sad
t h exit and
t; icals of the;
f, P{~ ut, he ng
~ e ' dy. I amR
cals and s tu-
4.1 ' eet him with
e, wqu 1i4 step over to
n~est ~renedy.
" A 4w 'tudent.
W System
y' gradually, the idea

%-4'r Ir ITM)W


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discontent which is ready, to show
itself in acts of violence. Poland's,
large army is beggaring the coun-

We have given Sir Paul the highest
degree we have. All we can offer
him now is the presidency of the sen-
ior class.

W i l l t h e s o r o r i t y b i m s n e v e r l e a r n i s s i f t i n g i t s w a y . t h r o u g h t h e p o p e-th t i i s ' s a e o f t i n t o o l r m n d ; t a c l g e t u n s a e
their secret ceremonies on the .front1autannochlr.Fomie
'porch of a frat club? Hallowe'en adutistndntschilden.adFrotime


When France raised Poland as a- night a group of sucn gave away allit r L~t11a 1v lcua11vu1
bulwark between Russia and Ger-1 It's hard to beieve but figures show, the secrets of their organization on ritating mangier of, expressing their
many in the treaty of Versailles she1 that there are still quite a few college the greensward in front of one of convy'tions 'ta this effect and then aj
loaned her money which was spent to students who are not on the football! the Washtenaw lodges. They abused' rater worried Alma ]~'atr would
equip and support the large army" squads.; the neophytes shamefully-yes, they't'hrow a sop like the honor system or
which Poland 'deed necessary to ;blindfolded her, tickled her (guffaw! student self-government or student
preserve. her independence. Poland, { guffaw!) and as an added insult they members on a few minor faculty corn-
situated' between two powers, both of 1 r led her on the veranda of said lodge mittees.
T en -r e e rtF11#rwhich were desirous of adding new -j eas and deserted her. As the unsuspect- 4 * *. - j
tertr oteraraylreps ~ , ~ 7Ing fair one was 'adern oadT,"lt"'s one -magazine Buts it, "the r
Atrtr t hi lraylrg a-"the front door some of the rougher cut,"stead omusrate ne
tessions, feit the necessity of creating.custe
lrge military power. -But her pow- element in thefa rda s tI~rp on °wh~ich the academic K:
er has been used to. wreck vengeance Front the files of the U. of 111. Daily, of water fron' out 'of the -window. world- rests." It- is -an' old ar'gument
powers, Russia and Germany, that had - is ruined!"{cried 'the: distressed d~2a bhie1 to. clss st- will stay atway
degraded her. Poland used her pow- One of the most interesting feat- sel as she ran down the street after. *
or for retaliation, principally. ! tires of the approaching Y.M.C.A. fair her future sisters. Has it come to' Now Princeton university has tak-
Polish children were forced to will be the evening in practical elec-} this, Jake? How long, how long,, en a- bold step. Princeton has decid-
learn Russian in the schools of Rtus- tricity to be given under the direc-)must the he-Michigan man stand for ed that it is up to the student wheth-
sian, Poland; and German in Germany. tion of Prof. H. S. Carhart of the such treatment as this, allowing the'or or not he wants to attend his class-
When Polish boys grow up they were University. The science of electricity' weaker sex to hold their initiations ones
forced to fight under foreign flags.! is something that most people know the front porch of mans' palatial don- That makes it rather hard on the
Today, with Poland in pwraan very little about. In the hands ofj idle? instructor-he has to make his class-
In all the foreign territories which 'an expert it is a veritable magician's ILvtcsadArtt es interesting or the gentlemen en-
have been added to Poland, in South- wand, tipping all that he touches with * * * rolled in his course nay decide no
east Gal-'cia, in Upper Silesia, in Vil- gold, and marvellous in the giant la-' The Daily printed a little story last to attend. At the end of the semen-
na and in, Polish White Russia, the blours that it willingly performs at' spring about how Mr. Homer Heat ter, the Princeton student will take
children mnust learn Polish and serve' the bock of its master.; was using the unfinished pool as a! an examinaion in his subject to see
in the Polish army. The Poles are I winter golf course, polishing up his" whether or not he has mastered then.
repaying kind with kind, but theye The Oratorical association of 'theI drive. -- 'If, he -can. prove, thi, his :attemxdance
encouraging hositility. They them-Kj University has arranged dlates -with!Adi emst statter record. is disregard'ed., It's an old idea,
UeIvTes are making large armies. nec-- Henry D. Easterbrook ani. George R. the campus is very selfish to even" tiaimog' sonmc edators b mtoiany it'
essa7,y. They are bringing about. Peck of Chicago. The association en-'think of depriving Mr. Heath' of his sounds alarmingly revolutionary.
their own downfall. tertains a few celebrities 'every year. s winter fun. The least we can do is***
TheacinothPoihpolno Those previously entertained include! start a 4000 club o1r somlething to u Washington and London --
a t o o f t e P l s p e p e . nwun d e r t h e p r e s s o f e c o n o m i c c o n d i - C h a u n c e y D e p e w , M i l s . R h e a , B o o k e r ; h i m a n i n d o o r g o l f s t . ~A e r i c a n d E ~ g l a n d , i t i s-TW s i g o , a d J e J f e r o .e aea r e o r e a t-
tonmay well furnish a warning for T.Wsigtn.n JeJfero.*_ *- d l. ~edI oiatra as
Teohrdyagysg-toFrance whose action is based on th' Teother a agi'.~ o u, follows: America may search British
same spirit of retaliation which will The young men, who supported Le- "Hlow on..earth do you get a column;- vessels twelve miles .out at sea for'
loave r z ros-,na nimositie tomen onard Verdier in the candidacy for the out every day, Jase? Every morn- !I iquor intended for Anmericans in vio-



See the beautiesa of Anin Arbor r i''s4n i--
bove. Big; three passenger fpttcm. .,
army pilot, Smooth, saf fbisg. No
$5. Ea ch Passc ng -r
Course o istlAti~1t
'PtteifuiiY l 11:1Cify 'llimits


H11ITNEY sMi'-hjt3
Oi-i. zrzall'-ocuctlon o -h .

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- , ~-G'?L/// l~(/'C 'J'f 0 64 ('/y
4F IR T hAP' C'''44 '''

ace peace in the future.
, One might thinky that the grid-graph

presidency of the senior class have de- ig I see the Daily and I wonder
cided to reward the young ladies who howr you keep it up day after day. I
stood by them in their successful very seldom read the column, but I'

'lation of the prohibition law; and
British, on the other hand, may bring
liquor on British ships in conformity


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