NOYV1I,'MBIR 2, 1923 THE MIC%-HIGAN DAILY ~-~- SORORITES iPIAN Famous Woman Clavecinist To PANHELENICBALL Play In America L~m TEASJJ Read The Daily "Classified" Columns Read the Want Aids SBff INV1DIE lan -STAMPED returns o: the Y. IV.C. A. lnancial rT A 'INAT Women Will C'ampu s be Hostesses at Large Function for First Time PRtOCEED)S OF TICKET SALE TO AID) MICHIGAN LEAGUE Fior the first time in the history of the University, sororities are uniting, under the direction of the Michigan In- ,ter-Sotrority; }association, to .sponsor _a i Panhellenic ball to be given Nov. 30 at G ranger's dancing academy. The hall will be formal with dancing from S9 to 2 o'clock. 'Mr. Granger 'is giving u tp his regular Friday night assembly Sfor the occasion. + The Panhellenic, ball is giving the Swomen in the University their first op- p)ortunity to be hostesses at a large. r campus function. The Inter-Sorority c association hopes to make this an an- " nti] affair. S Tickets for the dance will be on sale early in November. A definite num- b er will be reserved for the sororities while the honor counrcil of League ~houses is in charge of the distribution among independent women. Proceeds Sfrom the ticket sale will be used for rthe bene1)t of the University of Mich- igan League fund. Plans for the party were begun last a spring and the committees have been Rat work for a number of weeks making definite preparaions. The general z chairmafi is Dorothy Maitland, '24, pres-I ident of the Michigan Inter-Sorority Sassociation, w"ho has as her assistant SJeane Briggs, '25. The refreshment Scommittee is. composed of Margaretj Y B3lack, '24, chairman, Evelyn Wid- man, '25, 'and Lois Sandling; the pro-I campaign yesterday showed that the competing teams had turned in $680.25.1 These reports were made by the team captains at a luncheon for all cam- paign workers held at Newberry hail.j The amount was not complete, as sev- eral of the captains were riot able to turn in reports of the entire amount which their teams had secured. The team captained by Kitty Broadhead, which turned in $125.50, was in first ' place. 'There will be another luncheon this noon at Newberry hall,' at which all I team workers are expectedI to be pres-~ ent. Reports wvill be made again at this time. Service Increases "BusIness1" After having a rather lax start "bins- ;mess" at the health service has pick- ed tip. The infirmary is nearly fill ed.I Dr. F~. P. Allen ascribed the increase in ilness in part to the change in! wea ther. soI London, Nov, 1 --Cattle slain in the 'st fight againist hoof and mouth disease n-have cost the government $750,000 n-Isince august. rI Daily classified for real results. I Teeth 11 11 Wanda Landowski Wanda ILandowska, Polish virtuos and recognized as the world's greatek clavecinist, -is soon to appear in An erica. Her instrument, more common ly called the harpsichord, is know: principally. as the instrument fo which , Bach- literally wrote man, of his compositions. It is akin to 'piano but the 'strings are plucked wvit mediums of quill, wood andl metal. No It "Is .Not Hard work to obtain such happy results. Every one may feel the un- speakable pleasure of really clean teeth-if they will but use the right tools- Use a DR. ;WEST'S neW brush-us'e two of thetas- a th FIRST ROUNDJ OF HOCK Y TOURNMENT COMPLETED gram comrmittee, Constance Smith,'2I Kappa¢ Kappa Gamma startled the chairman, Gertrude Myers, and Char- spectators yesterday afternoon when 1 lotte Eckert, '25; the decoration corn they 'dofeated the Theta Phi AlphaE mittee, Nanette Carnahan, '24, chair- hockey team. by a score of 15-0. Kappa 1man, Catherinme Mellen, '26, and Dor- othy Jones; the ticket committee, Es- Delta claimed the honors of victory ther Sandberg, '24, chairman, Cather- from Chi ()mega, but the latter team ine Cave, '25, Dorothy Campbell, '24, had a fairly strong defense and the and Katherine Konwinski '24; the In- final score was sm~ll, 3-0. The weak, vitation committee, Alice Russell, '24, chairman, Edith Stoneburner, and 1- goal defense of the Theta Phi Alphai lian Prance, '24; the advertising corn- ta a epnil o h vr mittee, Mariam Wicksall, '24, chair- whelming score in its defeat by Kap- man, Doris Arnold, '24, Isabel Water- 1a Kappa Gamma. worth,, '24, and Sarah Levin. Margaret Bailey and Elsa Ruyl of _______________Kappa Kappa Gamma and Dorothy Og- born and Grace Fry of Kappa Delta Fall, Styles To Be ;starred for the winnig teams. Sh own At Party ° Rapa Kppa Gmm TamsaDeta f IM~. Bailey ....... C.F........ E. Steelt Style displays and dancing will be I. Field......... R.I........ A. Moore features of the Women's Leagpe partyI A. Olson........ L.I...... H. Gregory, which, will be gvn'ro o6E. Ranck....... R.W.;. E.Libra oy'clock' today in Barbour gymnasium. H. Sullivan .:.L.W........ J. Clark The f'ashion show, which Will be held A. Allen....... C.H;....D. Oghorn in Sarah 'Caswell Angell hall,' will ini- P. Haehinle ..:... R.11......... G. Fry. clide ftall and winter modes in.=sport E. ;"Ruyl... .... ,.L.11.......D. Waldo, cothes and in ,afternoon and eenn. IPEMcreiber .......M. Mcaller wear. The models for the style dis- F aso...LF M cal play will be Tieodora Smith, '25, ,:R. Lee......oa..P.Gllge Gwednelyn ew '25, Eles norMussel-! Substitutes: Kappa. Kappa Gamma,} maY , ~QTwsed 2,Doris P. Gorsline, H-. Johnson; L. Kelder, C. ArnolO, '3=,.Aio. Y anderhcrst, '24, Addison, E. Van Zandt,'and H. Torrey; Jean avensgard, '20, Betty Burns, '25, i Kapp~a Delta, M. Cubic, and W. Hope-, Ann Simms, '25, Margaret Peet, '25, ;man. and Helen Sherman, '25.1 Kappa Alpha Theta and Pi Beta Phi; After the style show there will be1 will not 'meet as, per schedule today,! Betsy Barbell.r vs. Adelia Cherver, and Bancing and refreshments in the gym- Deteav.Zt a lh r h nasium. ,No a fssonwill be charg- Eeta. ea s Zt-auAph r te! Gain a half -hour for study before, that I o'clock. Eat at University Restaurant A c r o s s from Chemistry Building. Quick Service and Good Food .our Specialty Alternating the dlays. brush will w'ork better the rest, and you will better. The for feel I 1' ,. Let us at- tell you about- them G. Claude Drake's Drug and Prescription Store State -and University Phone 308 "The Quarry", ed. CLASSES TO BEGUN I RIFLE. PRACTIC"E teams whichr play at 4:30 o'clocl tis afternoon, beginning the second round';l of the tournament. appa Alpha The- ta will play Pi Beta Phi at .5 o'clocki on Tuesday. The preliminary con-: tesuts in archery were held yesterday aifternoon,. University Restaurant , v~e...:...._ ............................ . N...{....... ur.... ..r......4u~.> .u..r e NOW 'LA YING A T , REG ULAR PRICES TLa S6S "MIHIE TAN-TEW OOK" 1 _____ RA!----. -" ' I' Rifle practice class'es will begin next Tenn s auvi onstote seifnl week under the in'struction of officersmut efishdbyong. Te ~oftheR. . T C.Twety-eve won-courts are available for use at any, en signed up for the hours which have time of the day. been selected, 4 to 5 o'clock on Thurs-_______?___ days. There were a few who wished # 1Madrid, Nov. 1.-An earthquake was $to have the time set for other dlays, felt at Padrillo, near Logrono, Oct. 28. and if more of these women intend to Stone quarries had to shut down, due tsign for the course, the officers re-:t upuosfmsrsn hog Bl*uest that they do so i'mmediately so' racks. Sthat the schedule may be coniple'e4. __________________ The practices will take place in room :430 of the Engineering building, which -:was fitted up last year for this 'pur- AT T.hE T IlEATEIIS pose. Rifles are supplied by the R. Q. ! 'T. C. The costume to be °worn may be I-- either the regulation gyninasiim suit! or knickers. -ven-oa The work will begin with a study of the inecharlismn of the rifle, the "how adwyofissotn.Weths)has been mastered sufficiently, the in- Arcade-"Ruggles of Red Gap." s tructors will conduct the, actual prac- - tice.j Majestic- "Desire," with Mar- Dean to Address Grand Rap ids Club I geisD aMte Dean Jean Hamilton will deliver as( Wuerth-"Can a Woman Love lecture on "Social Ideals of Today" Love Twice?" with Ethel Clay- Thefore the ' Ladies' Library club of 1 ton.1 Grand Rapids on Saturday. IOrphcuni-"Mixed Faces." mieWomen to Hilke Tomorrow te Women who wish to takethtej rlehonor point hike are requested toj j .:. " "k.n44.,.rr.. wa.Am.emsa 'v-atJJ,4 ,-. .. I :Today and'Saturday I REGULAR S:3~0 and 8:30 11__fi PRICES 4THE YOUNGER SET, PETTING PARTIES, WILD ' = EXTRAVAGANCE, JAZ ANIA-:and MYSER'Y; Y = in iiRt Wma'ssoy "owhm i ma onen ol hl mlioso pepebMahesmhnenrn.nCs moo an ls iaie htit ii chRar f iolmana, whr "o °supor t byacsplenid cudst.ilinso by a peddcs.