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November 02, 1923 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-02

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- ~T~-riĀ§ MR i. IICAN DAILY

dinary circumstances that exceptions
u~in anne Carries Seaplane;
will be allowed, and all classes drop-
ped withut special permission after I
That time will be given the grade of H ~des An ~ FioatĀ§ It eadily

News From (

the ~3enate mvest~gation 01 EfiC veter Dr. Walter A. Ver Wiebe, newly -~
aria bureau led again today into the appointed instructor in the geology
tr~asnry, the general accoumting of-'
flee and the public health service, department, reached Ann Arbor yes-
Alt~o it doubled back over part of the terday morning from his home in
route of the of Charles E. Schenectady, N. Y., to take up his du-- '~**
trip Forbes, ties at the University.
former (jirector of the bureau, to the
Pacific coa~t in the su~nmer of l~22 Dr. Ver Wiebe is a graduate of
on which he was atcompanied by Mr. I Cornell 'University, having received
and ra. Elias H. Mortimer. his first degree in 1911, and his PU .~. ~
Wilness CaIle~I D. in 1918 from thot institution. He -
Wit iessea included W. E. Gordon, has had wide experience in the field + -.
an attorney in the office of Comptrol- of geology, both as an instructor in
~ Gen ,ral .icCarl who settled t~~e I the subject at Cornell and Ohio State
claim of Matthew O'Brien, Skn Fran- I an(l as chief geologist for the Mcxi- I a
cisco drc:hitect, for $~3,OOO, aif~er its can Division of the Sinclair Oil Coin-
disaj)prcval by Director lilnes of the pany.
bureau; Ewing Laporte, of Pittsburgh, The new instructor is a member o~
1'oriner assistant secretary of the I the American assoc2ation for the Ad~- ................
trcasu.y, wh~ app~'oved the lease vance OL Science, and has contribut-..................*. ......*....*......**.~*......
reement for E. L. Mose's home- ccl articles to scientific magazines on .:.::~:... ............................................................
~Ie.sd at Excelsior Springs, Missouri~ the Stratigraj)hy of the Devonian and . ....~......
ai~d General ~ Mississippian deposits in New York, ...............................
Surgeon Cummings, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.
the public health service, who took
issue with part of Laporte's testV I Dr. Ver Wiebe will live at the Un-
'mon ~ ion until he can arrange for per-
The tensest moment of the live manent quarters.
~hours came during the examination of
Gordon. He frankly told the commit- liLIAN ISSUE FLAMES
tee he had settled O'brien's claim for L'ORTH AT PRINCETON ... . ~ .....~ .~ ~ .
the redrafting of plans for a h~pitaI *:::.'....<........~ . ~ .:*~
at Lioermore, Ca I., on the basis of (Continued from Page One) .~ ~ _____
a brie trial by the architect's attor- ideals of American citizenship, tends ~
ney, Lyon & Lyons of this city, a
letter from Director I-fines (lisapprov-I by its expressed policies to destroy ~*......, . ..~. *~"~ ........~ ..,.:
~flK the payment and the contract be- the very essence of our national tra- .... ~
twcen the bi~reau and O'Brien. ditions."
"No QIher Coi~rse i~w' . Another, a professor, expressed this
CrosK~uestioned by members of the opinion: "Princeton stands alone in
committee, Gordon said he bad pot its attitude of righteous indignation Ahove, e1o~eup of ihe ~ubjuarin~, ~lio~xii~g Ike ~eiitainei in i~lueii the set~pl~ne
referred the matter either to his su- against any movement which might ;~ stoied Thddl~, the p ane as~eiub1ed oii the '~inaIl deek of the sub.
pel~ior or to the veterans bureau and be inclined to upset the existing order B~1Ow, ihe iiii~ei'~eas ~at subniei~i'g Ic iIIow the plane to float free.
it developed that approval of his I Gf tl)iflgs. It is incredible to think.
claims was made within a few days a~ the Bishop intimates, that Ku Klux All submarines built for Uncle fa2J.i'5 navy in the future are expected
after the filing of the brief for the Kianism might stretch out it's ffiVIS to include seaplane concainor3 which will acccmmodat.e aircraft, which can
claimant. The witness told the corn- ible tendrils of power to clutch at be launched qLUCkIY and u~cd for sceuti~g. The success of trials conducted
niittee however that under the terms the well ordered system of life here~ with the S-f excecued all cxoectatio:>~, A ni>-; type navy s~aplane was knock-
ii the contract which he characterized at Princeton." ~- ~. ent ed clown, placed inside the container on board the sub, removed, re-assem-
aS "Improvident", there was left no This is an answer to the sLa~e1n bled and~ floated in a short space of thre. The undersea boat launched the
course for the government except to of Bishop White as printed in the air craft by the simple expedient of par~ally submerging. The photos above
make the payment. Princetonian disclosure. The Bishop we:e taken when the S-I and its "air child" nerformed for the camera.
-- - I threw down the gauntlet of defiance of
convention and tradition. "For ]Ilarkh am Ta Give. ha.s for tweli~e years been engaged in
UIIPT ruiiunr iii wrrr' Princeton to remain indifferent," ~he ~eichi.h~ a.n.d editin~g~ "Remarkable

)Hnne.54ta1-Such noted speakers as I
Glenn Frank, editor of Century Mag-
azine, Aaron Sapiro, specialist in co-
operative marketing. an(l John Ste-
venson, president of the Equitable
Life Insurance company, will address
the sixtieth annual convention of the
Minnesota Educational association,
being held in St. Paul Nov. 1, 2, and 3.
illinois-The stadium is ready for
Saturday's game with Chicago. Work-
men are putting on the finishing
0.S. V.-Gov. Gifford Pinchot of
Pennsylvania has definitely accepted
the invitation to speak before the Am-
merican Political Science association
when it holds its annual convention
here during the Christmas hohiday~.
IIa.rvzird-Prospective studen i~s in
the Graduate School of I3usiners Ad-
ministration will now be ahic to cii-.
ter the school in rnid-veai' a~ well as
in September. according to e state~
ment issue(l by the Dcau o if- 1
mess school.
Yale-The contributions to tiv~ Yric
Budget totaled more than $lO.()OO.
The Freshman class contributed the
largest amount, an(l was closely fol-
lowed by the seniors.
Indiana - Saturday and ifundav
dates are becoming fewer and less al-
luring, according to statistics issued
by the reference lib~arian.*
Noire 1)anie-The recent Bend Len
day was successful. The exact am.aunt
realized is not known as final rel)srts
have not been received.
~ebni~ka--Students are failing I>
fulfill the pledges that they made for
the stadium. As a result the stadiurs
School of
Privale I~csscr", in Ae~llieiic
Toe, Ballet and Oriental damn'-

__ ~
~tIier Colleges ~..
it seems doubtful Photo-Graft Shop
15 in()1'tg1u~cd. Arcade
xvliether it. will become University NickeLs Opp. P.O.
Jt's true efficiency to use Daily ~FT your Christmas Cards
Classifleds.-Adv. En raved
Twenty dollar bill, either at the
Library, Memorial Hall or on _____________________________________-
the Campus. Call B. Tracy,
Martha Cook, 627. 1 Patronize The ~Dally Advertisers.



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T~1k Nest $~un day Th~cs from Thomas Lake Harris." A
~eric'r d~. 'magazi articles entitled
"The i-Joe-sIan in th Making" is now
~tIwin Markha~a, pnet~ . phil05()ldic~',
vihiish~A in book ~o~iu under the title
anU wvitei 'will. clcjivJr~thie' t~.ir~' he- '~The C'bildren in Bondage." Hells a
tui'e of the XVesleyan Guild s~rins a' ~ucnmer of the National Institut~ or
Su~a, ~ etter I~e holds
the third iAethodist church . . ' ident of the
7: hO. . - . the dcgreo of -. was
LL.D which -con-
Mr. . Markham's po~'ni, "'ilie ~I"n forred upon him by Baylor Univer-
With. the Hoe", written i.n 1839 rc ~ttv. -
ceive(l world-wide a~ tenri' s and ~. ~ ., ~ -
accaliamed 'lihe battle-cry of the i~cxt J.~. ~ true efficiency to use Daib
thousand years." Mr. Ala rkl~a;a - in; -~
produced several books of r6etry md CI sath c~ Adv'- -

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