THE WEATHER FAIR AND RISING TEMPERATURE Y AV Av an LM iiiMo ASSOCIATED PRESS LEASED WIRE SERVICE MEMBER WESTERN CONFERENCE EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION VOL. XXX. No. 35 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS . ., . WICKERSHAMLL SPEA N LEAGUE AT CHURCH TODAYI NOTED JURIST SECURED BY NON- PARTISAN ASSOCI. IATION AFTERNOON LECTURE TO LAW STUDENTS IS PLAN Will be Entertained During Stay by Members of Law Faculty George W. Wickersham, United States Attorney-Gener1al in the ad- ministration of President Taft, will give a public address on "The League of Nations" at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the Congregational church at State- and William streets. Mr. Wickersham will be introduced by Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law school. To Address Students Arriving in Ann Arbor this morn- ing, Mr. 'Wickersham will have a busy day ahead of him. He will be entertained at luncheon by the Law faculty and several Detroit lawyers of prominence who have come out for the day, at 12:15 at the Union. At 3 o'clock he will speak before students of the Law school in room C on the subject: "Some Recent Developments in Legal Practice". Officers of the local division of the League of Na- tions Non-Partisan association under whose auspices Mr. Wickersham comes here, will give a dinner for him at 6 o'clock at the Union. Immediately after his lecture in the evening, Mr., Wickersham will return to New York. Mr. Wickersham's present eminence in American legal circles Is not a re- cent acquisition. He has been en- gaged in practice of law for more than 40 years, his only time away from his office being the four years he served in the cabinet of President Taft fromn 1909 to 1913. He is a grad- uate of Lehigh university, receiving an A.B. degree from that institution in the'class of 1875. Following three years in business, he entered the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, obtaining a L.L.B. degree there in 1880. Then fol- lowed two years of practice in Phila- delphia until 1882 when he removed toi New York to join the firm of Cad walader and Strong, with which he remained for 27 years. Since his retirement from a notable career in public life, Mr. Wickersham' has been a. member of the firm of Cadwalader, Wickersham and Taft'. He is a prominent member of the American Bar association, a trustee1 of the New York Association for Im- proving Conditions of the Poor and of the New York Institute for the blind,' president of the Pennsylvania society of New York, president of the Ameri- can Prision association and a mem- ber of the Legion of Honor. Mr. Wick- ersham did notable work as chairman! of the judiciary committee of the New I York Constitutional convention of 1915. His latest distinction is elec- tion to the presidency of the Ameri- can Law Institute, an organization recently formed to consider re-state- ment of the law. Endorsed League Always a careful student of inter- national affairs, Mr. Wickersham was one of the first prominent Republi-] cans to endorse the League of Na- tions covenant when it ws submit- ted to the Senate by President Wilson in 1918. With Ex-president Taft and Dr. A. Lwarence Lowell of Harvard university, he actively sponsored the ratification of the League covenant by this country. Mr. Wiekersham is now president of the council of the na- tional League of Nations Non-Partisan! association in which former Supreme, court Justice John H. Clarke and Prof. Irving Fisher of Yale university are principal figures. Inasmuch asthecapacity of the church is limited, those desiring 3o hear Mr. Wickersham are advised that early attendance is the only guaran- tee of obtaining a seat. Paris, Nov. 1.-Italy has formallyj protested against exclusion from the Tangler conference. MASTODON "We want one, about three months old, capable of being trained," came Ku Klux Issue Flames Forth On Staid Princeton Campus UNION MEMBERSHIP' DRIVE BREAK AL PREVIOUS RECORDS (By Special Correspondent), Princeton, N. J., Nov. 1.-The flam- ing, cross ard the prancing steed of the Invisible Empire will never find a haven in Princeton, N. J. New Jersey, hot bed of Ku Klux activities, is anxiously watching for developments of a critical situation which has arisen at Princeton. The Daily Princetonian, student newspa- per, yesterday rubbed the flints of publicity which started the blaze o% in- dignation and wrath among students and professors. Conservative of Conservatives The campus, characterized by one prominent faculty man as the one place. "in the country which has maintained a spirit of conservatism in everything", is today a battleground of intellectual forces allied against the white-robed forces which would seek to enter the traditional halls of old Princeton. The Princetonian's expose of Alma College, a religious school near Princeton, which was charged with being affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan was the signal for the outburst of pent-up criticism on the part of un- ldergraduates, members of the facul- ty and the head of the institution, President John Grier Hibben. The college daily also disclosedthat Alma College was sending broadcast the teachings of the Klan. Flays Ilan "Hoods, sorcery, flaming crosses, and general terrorism appeal to a cur- ious type of animal which goes under the collective name of the Klan. The appeal of the Klan to make America safe for Americans and for the just administration of the law, coming from such a source as it does, is an amusing mockery", the Princetonian states. President Hibben declared: "I an sure that all right-minded Americans must look with disfavor upon the pur- poses of the Klan. This organization,I while professing to have as its ends the upholding of the standards and (Continued on Page Two) f ! 1 SPECIAL WIRE AT UNION TO REPORT IOWA RESULTS Reports of the Michigan-Iowa game will be given out tomorrow in the Upper Reading room on the second floor of the Union, where arrangements have been made to receive them direct by special wire. This will be free of charge. It is not done with the intention of opposing the grid-graph, but simply as an ac- commodation to the students. SWIMMING POOL COMPLETION SEEMSH1 ASRDWITH UNION BOARD OF GOVERNORS' MOVE TEAM CAPTAINED BY PINNEY TABLISHES NEW RECORD ES-. FIRST YEAR MEN. MEET TO ORANZ Will Divide into Ten Groups Part in University Activities to TO OPERATE GRAPH Urge Students to Puy Tickets Early; Advance Sale Exceeds 1000 Mark - FEATURES ADDED TO PROGRAM IN BAND AND CHEERLEADERS Prof. P. B. Potter, of Ohio State university, inventor of the grid-graph, NEW MEMBERSHIPS ADD $87,05) TO OLD FUNDST 1,741 Pledges Obtained as CommitteeL Closes Most Successful Drive in History Smashing all previous records with j a total of one thousand seven hundred and forty-one names obtained the Un- Stresenann\ Calls Cabinet Meeting to Discuss Negotiations in ion life membership committee closed Rutr its three day drive last night. This ,j total exceeds that of last year by: ALARM LESSENS IN SAXONY nearly one hundreA new members ob-'. AND BAVARIA SITUATIONS tained. A new team record was also Berlin, Nov. 1-(By A.P.)-Definite established by teari number 13 led by announcement was made late this af- Frederick Pinney, P5, which turned in ternoon that Chancellor Stresemann's a total of 339 nanies. reply to the Socialist party's ultimat- The new memberships represent um would not be given today, as he $87,050 which will be added, in the desires to discuss the question fur- form of pledges to the Union building ther with his cabinet. fund which is now approximately While the Socialists have timed their $430,000. This is more than $7,000 ultimatum to expire at 1 o'clock this over the sum obtained last year. afternoon the Chancellor, owing to Tea'ms to be Banqueted indisposition, remained in his apart- Team 9, led by Alfred Holzmann, ment until this evening when he pre- '26, took second place in the team sided over a cabinet session to dis- contest with a total- of 276 new mem- cuss the outcome of negotiations be- bers enrolled. ;The Flying Squadron, tween the Franco-Belgian authorities with Sidney Tremble, '26, as captain: and the German industrialists of the turned in 194 names, taking third Ruhr and Rhineland. place. A banquet, promised the mem- Political circles now view the So- bers of all the teams should the quota cialist demand with respect to the be reached, will be tendered the government's attitude toward Saxony workers in the assembly hall of the and Bavaria with -less alarm, believ- Union on Nov. 7. Special recognition ing that the government will volun- will be accorded the winning team. tarily concede several points and that' At this time the cup offered to the t~ihs' precludes the possibility of a man obtaining the 'highest number of parliamentary break with the party. new Union life members during the Chancellor Stresemann's indisposi- drive, by Otto Han4, '00L, of the Ann tion is not viewed as being of the Arbor Press will be presented. The: familiar "diplomatic" variety, as he high man could not be determined has been ailing for a week and is last night but the indications are that under rigid instructions from his the number of names which he has physician to curtail the volume of his SENATE COMMITTEE ON STUDENT AFFAIRS WILL MEET TODAY TO CONSIDER FAIR ACTION POSTPONED AT GROUP'S LAST MEETING Awaited Action of Union Boards and More Definite Plans With Regard to Affair Action in regard to the holding of a Union fair will be taken by the Sen- ate committee of Student Affairs at their meeting to be held at 4;30 o'clock this afternoon. When the proposed plan for such a fair was considered by that body at their last meeting, action was deferred because they felt that there was not a sufficient amount of definite information in re- gard to the affair to make an intelli- gent decision. According to Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, who is chairman of that committee, the group believed that the board of gov--n ernors of the Union should consider the plan before the Senate committee took any action. The idea of holding a Union fair similar to the old county fairs held several years ago for the purpose of raising funds for the constructionj of the Union building has now been' approved by both the board of direct- ors of the Union and the board of governors. The Student council has, also shown themselves to be in favor of staging such an entertainment to raise money for the swimming pool. Use of Field House Given Permission has been secured from the Board in Control of Athletics for the use of the Yost field house. If, after considering the plan today, the Senate committee decides in favor of the fair, plans will be started imme- diately by the Union. It is thought that the fair might be given immedi- ately after the Christmas holidays. An erroneous impression as to the reason for the committee originally postponing action was conveyed at the time of the first meeting, according to a statement given out by Dean Burs- ley several days after the first meet- PLAN BAND, ATHLETICS, AND GLEE CLUB FOR YEARLINGS More than 700 members of the fresh- men class gathered last night in the assembly room of the Union for a'will have charge of the operation of meeting under the supervision of the the board that will reproduce the Union freshmen activities committee. Michigan-Iowa game at 2:15 o'clock. At the gathering the first year mentomorow in Hill auditorium. Helping Professor Potter on the were organized into ten groups which stage will be Lyman G. Savage, '25. will be used throughout the year in Other students appointed by Thomas the various freshman activities. J. Lynch, '25L, president of the Union' will assist in the erecting of the board ynch Talks tomorrow morning and in takingI In a short talk Thomas Lynch, '25L, ticket,. president of the Union outlined for lass Thousandl Mark the men the plans made by the com- More than a thousand tickets have mittee for freshman activities during been sold for the game, it was esti- mated by Mr. Bradfield yesterday aft- the coming year and the connection! ernoon. Students are urged to buy of the Union with the work. "There them before going to the auditorium is something to interest every man in Saturday as arrangements can not be ;, , made there for selling to a large ' a group," he said, and the time you mad tre frelling a le crowd. Prices are 85 and 50 cents. put in on the work will be well jus- With the decision that the band will tified. Every opportunity in the not go to Iowa it was announced that world is offered to get n.t and do it will play for the grid-graph, under something and every man will get a r the direction of Wilfred Wilson, di- whole lot of satisfaction out of it rector. A cheerleader squad under if he chooses to enter into it." He the direction of Lyman J. Glasgow, '23, also pointed out the advantages that varsity cheerleader, will lead the the work will bring to the University. crowd. Franklin Smith, '25, chairman of The Alumni a: sociation's board was the freshmen activities committee, loaned to be shown in Jackson for then told of the plan of organization the 0. S. U.-Michigan game two weeks arranged for the groups and enum- ago. It has not yet been returned but orated the activities which they will if it is not another Avill be secured. enter upon. According to Smith the A similar grid-graph will be shown in1 groups have been chosen according Detroit tomorrow by the University of to the part of Ann Arbor in which its Michigan club of Detroit. members live. Secure Special Wire A schedule of activities including Actual play in the game at Iowa Aschduslersof activitiesgineclungCity will not start until 3 o'clock Ann various forms of athletics, glee club Arbor time, but 'preliinar eot work and organization of a band and' are expected ommeniminary reports dramatics is \contemplated for .the r xpc commencing about 2:15. dramticsis 'onteplatd fo t A special wire will be used to get the near future. Wilfred Wilson, director! game results from the WesternUnion I of the University band, has consent- to the auditorium.j ed to assist in the organization of a Hawley Tapping, '16L, field secre-j freshman band. tary of the association, who is on a Throughout the meeting entertain- speaking tour of alumni clubs throughj )nent was provided by an orchestra out Iowa and will be present at the pomposed mainly of first year men. ! bureau maintained by the associationI Volunteer cheerleaders led the gath- at Iowa City, will have charge of thef ering in yells. arrangements for sending the play by Meet Seliarately play results of the game from there. Following the general meeting the The graph will be also shown by the various groups convened in the rooms: Alumni association at the Wisconsin to which they had been assigned and game Nov. 17. proceeded with the choosing of names; and organization. These meetings Publications Will were under the supervision of ten up- perclassmen, members, of tihe Union! Hold Open Nioht freshmen activities committee. The l groups will meet in this manner on Student publications of the Univer- Wednesday night of each week and a sity will hol an open night for fac- general meetng will be held every 1ulty members Wednesday, Nov. 14, in three or four weeks. j the publ-cations offices of the Press building. I nMembersof the Board in Control SI MITHof Student Publications have been invited, and all faculty members will' 'ITfwelcome. FORa UfLIJUIRl1Ifl IUU1 beThis open night will be the first of a series, the purpose of which, ac- cording to the committee in charge, Shirley W. Smith, secretary of the is to foster closer contact betweeni University, and Mrs. Smith will leave board and faculty members and the this afternoon for Culver, Ind., en- publications' younger upper staff mem- route to California where they will 'bers. spend six- months. ' Mr. Smith wasr GROUP DECIDES TO HAVE WORK STARTED ON SALE OF 2,000 TICKETS APPROVAL OF FAIR IDEA NEEDED BEFORE ACTION Expect Pledges to Raise $10,000; Rest to Come from Proposed Campus Carnival Completion of the Union simming pool this year seems now practically assured. A new proposal was made yesterday by the board of governors of the Union which, it is thought, may be instrumental in bringing about 'work on the unfinished pool in the near future. The board agreed to let the con- tracts for the pool as soon as pledges for 2,000 swimming tickets have been paid and providing that the Senate committee on Student Affairs approves of the plan for the Union fair. It is through the holding of a fair that it is proposed to raise the necessary additional funds. 1,000 Men Now Pledged In order to finish the pool twenty thousand dollars is needed. Up to last night the membership in the "4,000 club" listed more than 1,000 men which means that $5,000 has been pledged. This money which is pay- able up to the tenth of this month will be used to complete the pool al- though all those paying the $5 pledge receive swimming tickets which will entitle them to 20 swims. Money will have to be, secured from other sources to maintain the pool during the time the tickets sold are being used, ac- cording to Thomas J. Lynch, '25L, president of the Union, but the board feels that it is highly advisable to begin work after $10,000 has been rais- ed if permission is given to hold the fair. As yet a large number of men stu- dents on. the campus have not bee seen in regard to buying swlmmins pool tickets, but members of the "4,000 club" are now using the phone system for signing up new pledges, An advance copy of this year's stu- dent directory is now in their hands, by which method they are getting in touch with all male students on the campus. Definite plans for a concert- ed drive will probably be made by the Union, members of the various Union committees taking an active part in the campaign. All signed pledge cards may now be turned In at the main desk at the Union instead of the' Union swimming pool. 2,000 is Goal The original aim of the "4,000 club" was to secure 4,000 members each one promising to pledge $5, but now that work may begin with the acquisition of only 2,000 members it is thought by Union officials that 'this number can be easilyl secured when it is realized by the campus that the pool, for the first time since the completion of the Union building, is so near being fin-' ished. Efforts have been made to com- plete this portion of the Union struc- ture since the building was erected. I During the Christmas vacation of 1920, a campaign was staged in the larger cities in the country to raise j money. At this time and up to the next drive held in April, 1922, a sui of $10,271 was pledged. The largest pledges secured in the first campaign were those of Roy D. Chapi , '03, of obtained will break all existing mdi- official routine. vidtualrecords. Thursday Biggest Day The greatest number of member- ships were obtained during the last - -50- 11 ROOTERS 1 t 1 4 i i 11 I (' I I ' f 1 r 7 4 I lay of the drive, which began Tues- ! Tng. It was thought that the Univer- day morning. During the first two iV V I sity of Michigan League was opposing days the activities of the teams were' !the proposition because it would con- k limited so that the various teams flict with their subscription of funds would not interfere with each others MANY STUDENTS PLAN LONG for the proposed League building. As work, but yesterday the campus was DRIVE IN CARS TO IOWA Dean Bursley pointed out, though, thrown open to all the workers. The CITY the permission whic the women have two teams having' the highest number Aefrom the Board of Regents applies of names the first day took first and Athletic officials estimate that ap- only to the solicitation of money from second places in the final count. proximately 250 students will attend alumni, and even this has not been The flying squadron, which work- the Iowa game from the University. strictly adhered to. "They are anxi- i Most students making the trip have ous only that a co-operative effort eamong the faculty and profession- al fraternities, spent the last day of planned to drive the distance, at least will set a date for the affair which will' the drive in rounding up doubtful sub- as far as Chicago. From Chicago a not conflict with some League enter- scribers and obtained the greatest special train will give accommodations tainment". Dean Bursley pointed out, number of its new members in that to Iowa City. Women Not Opposed way Any train leaving Chicago Friday' Helen Delbridge, '24, president of the Members of the committee in charge night on the Rock Island railroad will University of Michigan League, said of the drive, of which Edward Stark give accommodations to Iowa game yesterday in regard to the situation,! '24, is the chairman, expressed them- spectators at 'a special rate of $11.50 "I feel certai that the women on the selves as highly elated over the suc- a round trip. The Varsity football campus are not opposed to the giving cess of the three-day's work. Stark ,team left Chicago last night at 10:34 of the fair for the purpose of secur- was high man for the campaign last o'clock for Iowa City on the Chicago ing money for the pool. However, co- year and instructed the workers in Milwaukee and' Saint Paul railroad. tin se esseia I blieve the best methods of soliciting before There will be no special train from cO-operate and attend the fair if the this year's drive. Ann Arbor to Iowa for students. men would retaliate by supporting the (_Practically the entire section of Junior Girls' play and other activities. seats assigned to Michigan students i An arrangement could doubtless 1)e HAYDEN TALK POSIPDEO and supporters will be occupied by made so that the various dates would alumni. Special trains are to leave not conflict." S D!Minneapolis, Omaha, Kansas City and Tentative plans for the fair if the Uf lL UB St. Louis with Michigan alumni. De- proposition is approved include the troit alumni have arranged for spe- holding of two nights of entertain-j Ecial cars from Detroit to Iowa City ment in the field house in which all On account of the conflict with the and these will be coupled to a train campus, organizations will co-operate. lecture by Mr. G. W. Wickersham leaving Detroit today. It is planned that booths may be tonight on the League of Nations the -jplaced under the balcony in which meeting of the Cosmopolitan club and lnvarious sorts of side-shows andj foreign students scheduled for 7:30 flfl9PJISFHH means of amusement may be given by o'clock tonight in the lower reading fraternities ad other organizations. room of the library has been indefin- ately postponed. Galens Initiat? Prof. J. R. Hayden of the political science department was to have spok- Aln1 TaNu met last night in the club ' 12 vNew Members i a I t Detroit; F. H. Goff, .81, of Cileveland; and R. P. Lamont, '91E, of Evanston, Ill. Each of the above'alumni con- tributed $1,000 In that first cam- paign te committees working num- bered 6,500 men. Drive Held In 4923 en upon his experiences in the Or-' ient. He has been absent the past; year in an exchange with the Univer- sity of the Philippines and has also visited Japan and China. Varsity Receives, Rosing Send Off! room on the fourth floor of University The next attempt to secure money hall to make final arrangements for Galens, honorary medical society, was in the drive that was held dur- the annual meeting of Kappa Phi celebrated the addition of 16 men to ing the spring vacation of 1922. At Sigma, national debating society, of (their number at a banquet last night that time, $4,555 was raised. Since which Alpha Nu is the local chapter, in the Union. then, two large donations have which opens here tonight. Toastmaster for the occasion was brought the total sum of money pledg- The six men who will represent Dr. A. C. Furstenburg, of the otolar- ed up to about $25.,00. In April, 1922, Alpha Nu in the tryout for the var- yngology department. Prof. Carl Hu- Charles Brush. '69E, .f Cleveland, sity debating team had a practice de- ber, of the anatomy department, spoke promised to give $6,000 after the full bate on the subject "Resolved, That a on th4 future of Galens and his re- amount required for the completion federal law should be enacted giving 1 marks were followed by a few words of the pool had been sdbscribed. to strikes and their concommitant act- by Prof. R. E. McCotter, of the same Mrs. L. W. Oliphant of Ann Arbor ivities the same legality that they are department, on "Faculty Relations." last December pledged to give $5,000. given under the English Industrial Walter M. Simpson, '24M, contributed In addition to' the larger subscrip- Disputes Act of 1906 (Constitutionali- an outline of the ideals of the society 'tions smaller amounts ranging from ty Granted)." and Arthur C. Curtis '25M, accepted $100 to $500 were promised by various for the neophytes. concerns and individuals in many ci- The following members of the mced- ties in the Middle West. i c a l f a c u l t y w e r e i n i t i a t e d f o r h o n o r - I a r y m e m b e r h i p :_ro f ._Rl l oE INAITON T DECEIVEary membership: Prof. Rollo E.SekT Ab ls jn McCotter, Prof. David M. Cowie, Dr. Seek 10-Abolish ! u ili imi ni nnDD I TT-nrhpr T Knim ,,ri Tr r _ r,~ 1-. >.r . the call, but Jimmie is not stumped recently granted a leave of absence loyd George Pays yet. Through our African agent we for a year by the Board of Regents., Roosevelt Tribute will have the Mastodon on hand.! After the week-end with their son Mascots are in order. Many organiza- who is -a student at Culver Military -- tions seek them. What have you to acamedy, Mr. and Mrs. Smith will Oyster Bay, N. J., Nov. 1.--(fy A. snend a few days in Chicago follow- P.)-A sturdy little pilgrim with flow- Rousing cheers from more thane 1000 students gathered at the Michi- gan fCentral railroad station yester- i day afternoon sent the Varsity team, Coach Yost, Coach Little, and the rest of Michigan's invaders off on their trip to Iowa City where they will bat- j tle the Hawkeyes tomorrow after- 'noon. Led by the Varsity band thel rooters marched down State street