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November 01, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-01

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Team 13 Leads Competition With 91
Names; Teams 1 and 9
At the end of the second day of the
life membershiu drive of 1923, the
number of new life members of the
Union totalled 896. Offieials in charge1
of he drive state that the work is pio-
gressing much more slowly than at
the same time last year.
High man for the first two days of
the drive was W. F. Austin, '26, cap-
tain of team 1, with a total of 63 sig-
natures to his credit. E. B. Besimer,
'27, of team 13 was second, having
secured 62 new members up to 10
o'clock last night, and Joseph Armijo
'25, captain of team 2, and Jack Berk-
man, '26, of team 9, shared third place
with totals of 32 each.
Team 13 still holds the lead which
it established yesterday, outpointing
team 1 with a close score of 91 to 90.
Team % ranked third with a total of
From 10:30 o'clock last night until
the same time tonight, the teams are
free to cover whatever territory they
choose, and the final scores of the
competing teams are expected to be
close and high as a result of this free-
dom of limits. Team 18, the flying
squadron, headed by Sidney Tremble,
'26, will continue its operations
through the week-ezid.
Edward Stark, '24, chairman of the
drive stated that while the totals to
date are behind those of last year, he
is confident that today's totals will
show a substantial increase, and will
more than fill the required quota. A
keen interteam competition has devel-
opend, and all men will be doing their
utmost toward making their the win-
ning team.
Men who have signed for life mem-
bership in previous years, but have
as yet made no payment are not
required to sign again, and are re-
quested not to do so, in order to aid
in keeping the records straight.

Send The Team "Off"Today
At 3:49 o'clock- this afternoon Coach Yost and his men
leave Ann Arbor for the great attack against the Hawkeyes.
The train that will carry the challenge of Michigan for an-
other "Championship of the West" which will cirtually be de-
cided on the Iowa field Saturday, pulls out of the Michigan
Central station at that time. Will you be there to cheer the
team off? The band will, the cheerleaders will and every stu-
dent in the University will when he realizes what an import-
ant thing this is.
Iowa is waiting, anxious for the Wolverines to come. They
have been beaten. Illinois blasted their hopes for a champion-
ship this year so in the game with Michigan they have nothing
to lose. To win they have everything. The title split of last
year is still in the air. The Hawkeyes are intent upon showing
the Wolverines by a decisive victory that they had the better
claim to the championship of last year even though both teams
did finish with clean slates. And again they still feel the sting
of defeat that Yost handed out to them in 1902 by a 107-0 score.
This meeting will mark the renewal of football relations brok-
en off at that time, and it should result in a Michigan victory.
Be at Hill auditorium at 3 o'clock to follow the band in its
march to the station. No one should fail in this duty to give the
team the needed impetus that will carry it through for another
triumphant season. To do this the entire student body must be
present and ready to stage a d emonstration of cheering and
yelling that the team will remember when it faces the Hawk-
eyes at Iowa City Saturday.
The teams are venly' matched and the hardest battle of the
season is expected. One defeated Ohio State 23-0 and the other
20-0. Both are at the peak of development. Ultimate victory
may rest in the student body for it alone can furnish the spirit
that will swing the balance to Michigan. Remember: 3 o'clock
this afternoon at Hill auditorium.
PnrAVi Tfl~fflflllII nirbniniir nnnul

Plans for Inter-Group, Competition
Will Be Outlined by Union
All freshmen of the University will
meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the
assembly hall of the Union in an or-
ganization gathering under the super-
vision of the Union freshman activi-
ties department. First organization
of the yearlings into the groups that
will be used during the year will take
place at this time.
The first year men in their meeting
tonight will be addressed by Thomas
Lynch, '25L, president of the Union,,
and by Franklin Smith, '25, chairman
of the freshman activities committee
of the Union. Lynch will tell of the
work of the Union in connection with
the freshman class and explain the
advantages that it offers as a club to
the students.

British Refuse to Recognize Independ-
ent Rhineland
Berlin. Oct. 31.-After a party cau-
rus l9sting seven hours the United
Socialists Reichstag delegation to-
night drafted a program of demands
upon which it makes contingent its
further membership in the present
coalition government. While the na-
ture of its communication to Chan- 1
cellor Stresemann suggests a 24 hour'
ultimatum, the Reichstag leaders be-
lieve that its tenure and content are
wholly dictated by the desire of the
party's moderate leaders to appease
it clamorous radical wings, which
have been endeavoring to stampede
the party into defection from the coal-,
The socialists ministers, Sollmann,
SRaddruch and Schmidt, whose with-
drawal from the cabinet was under
advisement atdtoday's caucus, inform-
ed their comrades that the govern-
ment action against Saxony had not,

Leading Revolt,




Weeks, Ford Plan on Attending;
many Notables Coming
From Washington
Announcement of speakers and the
complete program of exercises for
the dedication of the Yost field house
to be held at the time of the Marine
game Nov. 10 was made last night by
the committee of the Board in Con-
trol of Athletics in charge of the af-
fair. The dedication which will mark
another step in the development of
. one of the finest college athletic plants
in the country will take place on
Ferry field before a crowd of 42,000
spectators including the Quantico
Marine corps of 1500 men who will
make the trip with Secretary Denby
to the game, and many notables who
are comning from Washington and
other points to attend the ceremonies.
The exercises will begin at 1:30
o'clock Saturday afternoon, Nov. 10,
on ho r hAfore the a bp, harin aand

Gen Metaxas
Gen. Metaxas is leading the royal-
ist revolt in Greece against the mili-
tary government of Premier Gonatas.
Two thousand soldiers have joined
the revolt and the mutineers and reg-'
°ular soldiers clashed at Chalois.

Alpha Nu to Be Host of Six Chapters
of Kappa Phi Signia, National
Debating Society
The first conclave of Kappa Phi
Sigma, national debating society, will.
be held in the rooms of Alpha Nu,
local chapter of the organization at
7 o'clock, tomorrow night. Six chap-j
ters will be represented, Alpha Nu of
Michigan by H. E. Crowell, '25, Alpha
Nu of Iowa by W. G. Murray of
Coe University, Philadelphian of Mon-
mouth college by W. Fleming Bailey,
and Philomethian of Illinois by JohnI
E. Decker. Stuhip chapter, Washing-
ton university will be represented by
M. L. Stewart, and Carlyle chapter of
Purdue university by R. C. Hoster-!
man and J. H. Erwin.
A debate will begin the sessions and
will be followed by a business meet-
ing. Saturday morning general busi-
ness will be transacted. Nomination
and election of officers will take place
in the afternoon. A banquet at the
Union at 6:30 o'clock will bring the!
conclave to a close. F. R. Allaben, '25,
will act as toastmaster and Prof. R. K.
Immel, of the public speaking depart-
ment, will give the principal address.I
- i
Your last chance to get in on
the $3.50 rate of The Daily. All
subscriptions not paid by today
advarce to $4.00. We will be !
open until 6 o'clock.
- "
Jimmie can find any-
thing, even a place for
humor in a classified
ad col umn. Why
shouldn't there be
comedy instead of trag-
.. _.Ame.,- A y ._

Smith to Speak been referred to the cabinet but was LLwill open with the playing of "The
TLUSmith will tell the new men of the determined and put into execution by )Victors" by the Varsity band. Prof.
[committee that he heads and of the the federal military commander in Ralph W. Aigler, of the Law school
Time of Address is Shifted To 7 :30 To Juors Seniors Form Subcommittee work that it will carry on in entering Dresden, General Mueller, and the Suspected Vessels to be Seached land chairman of the Board in Control
TimeofAddressIsShtedTo7:30To oA JSeniors orScommi the freshmen into activities. He will Reich Commissioner Dr. Heinze. Beyond Three-Mile of Athletics will then give the pre-
MembersT J iallonrshalso start the organization of the class London, Oct. 31.-By notes delivered Limit sill hen give thegpre
i nto the groups that will be used by to the French and Belgium gover-stio adrsino ichigvn
[tD cmmten___iotte et tdyte rts governt- the field house named after Michigans
CONGREGATIONAL ICHURC'Il EEte committee in carrying out the ments today the British government FINAL CONSIDERATION GIVEN Grand-Old Man of athletics over to
PiCKED FOR PATCERING PT O APPOINT MEMBERS work. J put into formal form the announce- TO TERMS OF DRAFT TREATY the University.
RAT WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEETING In addition to the speakers, several ment made recently by Premier Bald- Murfin Represents University
vaudeville skits have been arranged win that the government cannot viewd.)reg e pesen.sMUri y
George W. Wickersham, former U. Creation of a subcommittee of the and a dance orchestra of freshman with equanamity the creation of sep- m n London, Oct. 31.-(By A. P.)-The Regent James 0. Murfin, '96L will
S. Attorney-General, who was an- Student Council to consist of the i musicians will play throughout the erate states in Germany or the dis- rum running issue between the Amer- represent the University in accepting
nounced to speak on "The League of junior and sophomore class presidents l evening, memberment of that country. ican and British governments which I the house. Other speakers on the pro-
Nation's" at 8 o'clock tomorrow tightof the literary and engineering schools The freshman activities department The notes declare that Great Britain Ambassador Harvey in his confer- ngram are President Marion I. Burt-
ion Cggat olck tomrrow nght -and 20 men chosen by them and the will inaugurate a system this year cannot recognize an independent ences with British officials repeated- by on, Sraro e Hy dinen-
in the Congregational church at Wil- Pb,9LadFeidgH ot ietr
Student council to aid the council in through which all first year men will Rhineland republic de facto or de ly characterized as a dangerous men- o i hlM
11am and State streets, will deliver his i all of its activities and to act as a be brought in touch with some form jure, because such a reublic is con- ace to the existing good relation of intercollegiate atletics. usicby
in orderae toth exstigjudicelaioalf the Vriyhn n h aiebn
address at 7:30 o'clock in order to judicial body in the trying of fresh- of campus work. The entire class will trary to the treaty of Versailles. the two countries has been virtually w Varsity band and the Marine band
permit the attendance of members of men discipline cas'es, was effected last be divided into 10 groups each head- settled. will close the ceremonies.
the University club who will hold night by the Student council. ed by a member of another class, and 1 On the occasion of his formal fare- ecises the dedication wx-
their own meeting at the conclusion This committee is to both help the competitions will be carriedout well visit to the foreign office the re-sfe
o W s council in the great amount of detail through these groups.o tiring American envoy and foreign
I chnge f tme wll lso ccomodae ithe members will take their places in
change of time will also accommodate work that confronts it every year and Will Siousor Athletics Secretary Curzon gave final consid- special boxes.
several prominent members of the to take the place of the past under- It is the plan of the committee to erations to the terms of a draft treaty
Detroit bar who have signified their class conduct committee in affairs per- have athletic teams represent the which it is believed will clear up the TeMrins to Give Aid
intention of being present. wholeetace o the Marines and
Mr.ickehawill rrven itaming to freshmen breaches of dis- groups in competition in all forms of A 1 ORwhole question. The treaty is under- the bandtakin pat ine a-
cipline. The members will be under sport sponsored by the University. stood to meet the American desire for
Arbor Friday morning and will be direct supervision of the council at Through cooperation with the Intra- TO WISCONSIN FROM BUCKET the right to search suspected rum- tion of the massive field house which
kept busy' during the day by the pro- all times, the chairman of the body mural department Waterman gymnas- COLLECTION running vessels beyond the three-mile will be the finest of its kind in the
gram which has been arranged for being a councilman appointed from m and Ferry field will be used for but at the country, is expected to be one of the
hinm by the local division of the' bin limitmn ppinesame timed err fel wgivessd orj toray mostprealimpressivetbu a te amevergivs oseentimreson evrFerry Frr
League of Nations Non-Partisan aso-the Student council by the president this purpose. Class numerals will Contrary to the prevalent op'n"" Great Britain America's formal affirm- mlsThessiaffairos natuer
ciaignude r wtos auspicesis a- of that organiz tion. also be given to the managers of the on the campus, no definite provision ation of the three-mile limit as gov- took place a t i S gae
pearing hnere. The facuslty ohe Ls aw- The selection of members to the winning team in each sport. has been made as yet for sending the erning British maritime rights gen-
school willnter anthe dstinghed a subcommittee of the Student council Competition in dramatic lines and hand to Wicsonsin, according to John erally. It would also allow British 1921 when Ferry field was rededi-
lawyer at luncheon at the Union and I is taken care of in article two of the in oratory and debating will also be W. Kelly, president of the Student tships to carry liquor into American.
the League of Nations association of- report given the Student council by sponsored by the new department. Council. That the student body may territorial waters under seal. ( Many notables are expected to be
I undertn h xc iuto n e __________present ~ttecrmne.Besides
ers l e hioss at din In the committee in charge of forming Teams from among the groups will understand the exact situation in re-
his o te bnd te flloing s te 1Secretary of War Weeks and Henry
the afternoon, Mr. Wickersham will such a.body. It reads as follows: hold debates and oratorical contests. gard toth b thesfollowing i thex
resume of what has been done to dte Barristers H-ododta hv oheprse hi
address the Law school students on a 1 That the subcommittee of the Stu- Scholarship contests will also be car-
subject of legal importance. dent council be composed of 24 men, ried on between the groups and it is by the CaFiall Iwel.ineselt knownen arhegame plann other
Mr. Wickersham's appearance in the selected as follows: the presidents of probable that an award will be given "This year's Council felt that tnetwarp ng
church auditorium was rendered nec- the junior literary and the junior en- to the group with the highest scholar- burden of sending the band to the out- coming from Washington both by
essary by the recent action of the Re- gineering classes with three men ap- ship at the end of each semester. side games, which expense heretofore Barristers, honorary senior law train and by air. It is expected that
rhas been borne by the student body society, held their annual fall initia- from 20 to 30 airplanes will fly over
gent's in denying him the right to talk pointed by each of them from their'I
in any University building, it being respective classes, the presidents of alone, should, if possible be appor- tion Tuesday. Seven men of the classI Detroit and perhaps Ann Arbor on the
alleged that his subject was "politic- the sophomore literary and engineer- TOtioned. Accordingly, the Student of '24L were initiated. After the init- Saturday of the game.
al propaganda." Failure of the Re- ing classes, and 10 men to be ap- Council on Oct. 13 petitioned the iation, a banquet was held in the Among others the Athletic associa-
,gents to take definite action on the pointed by the Student council from ! Board in Control of Athletics that it ,Union, at which Dean Henry M. Bates, tion has sent complimentary tickets
faculty petition that their decision be the campus at large. bear the expense of the band trips, or of the Law school, was principal to - the following: - Governor Alex
rescinded, forced Mr. Wickersham's - 1-- I IHiI 1 ILIIU if that were impossible, because of a speaker. Groesbeck, the representatives in
supporters to cast about for a place' - i Conference ruling or for any other The men initiated were: S. R. Boy- Congress, Secretary Denby, president
in which he might deliver his much- The special train to the Iowa game !Council to supervize the taking up of er, W. J. Fitzgerald, W. H. Gallogly, Marion L. Burton, Shirley Smith, sec-
discussed speech. Inasmuch as this ; I, U NDS IflIthis week-end was officially with- Counci Ito supervize the taking up of J. W. Kelly, R. E. McCall, J. C. Mc- retary of the University, the state
event is the first important occurrence j i drawn yesterday afternoon following a collection during the halves of the Ginnis, and H. W. Smith. senators, state representatives, alumni
in the Association's campaign to pro-II a conference between Dennis Dono-OhloSlategamOhio State' game, for this purpose. aWalter Eckersal, Grat-
mote intelligent study of the League, BA 11111 IUtif van, house manager of the Union and ( "The Board in Control could not Membership in the local Y. M. C. A. land Rice, Keene.Fitzpatrick, William
it was decided not to abondon it de- Iofficials of the railroad company that see its way clear to accede to either has increased by 110 names following Roper and Gill Dobie.
spite the official disfavor. TO PLAY IN HILL AI1hiTITORiU0 M were to have run the special. Lack of these propositions but did give per- ,the drive which ended last week. (Continued on Page Six)
The Congregational church seats DURING GRDGRAPII of support on the part of students in mission to pass the buckets every-
but 800 and it is certain that many EXHIBITION making the trip was the cause of the where but the place petitioned for-- .
more than that number wish to hear action. the stands. Buckets passed in the re- N ov. 10 To W itness M ch*gfi's
Mr. Wickersham, according to spon-j Failure of all iilans to raise mones Approximately 25 students had sign- stricted area at the Ohio State game,
sors of the lecture. Since the lecture will definitely keep the Varsity band ed for the train yesterday afternoon, netted $1000, which is all the money Prem ier A thletic D edicaton
is open to the public, there are no re- at home for the Iowa game. The In order that the special run it would the band now has on hand for making
served seats and early attendance is band instead of playing at the game have been necessary for at least 200 to the Wisconsin trip.
tthe only guarantee of obtaining a seat. in Iowa City will play at Hill audi- have made the trip. "The Council feels that the student When the ceremonies accompanying land iow on the south end of the
-torui while the game is being shown Studentst who had made resev-e body is in favor of continuing the the formal opening of the Yost field Ifield by Dexter M. Ferry several years
n play by play on the grid-graph which ions or th specia an paid ir nnual cutsom of sending the band
Burton Returns has been secured. round trip fare with Donovan may on at least one trip a year. Accord- house at Ferry field are completed d ago, the Athletic association ca
havethe are etuned o thn) b i menced building the present plant. As
From Convention The plans for the Marine game are have the tare returned to the.i by ingly a committee has been appointed Nov. 10, Michigan will have had its time went on additional land wa
G that the Varsity band will go into calling at his office in the Union. by the Council to devise plans for first dedication of an athletic building bought until at the present time more
Detroit in the morning to take part Tickets for the regular train route to raising this money, and it is hoped or standan 70 acres of ground are covered
President Marion L. Burton re- in the parade and demonstration Iowa may be purchased now at the rhasirn thsmey, and i dis ed Nr sona ry ed
turned to Ann Arbor yesterday morn- which will be held there previous to railroad station, the cost being aj- that whl be ditely Nver bos the hisoot b what sk as Fer field.
ing after spending Monday and Tues- the football game here. They will re- proximately $34 for a round trip fare day or two, that they will meet with ion sponsored dedicatory services werettheifirstbuiltto satisfy the
day in Traverse City speaking before turn to Ann Arbor in time to take without berths. the hearty approval and cooperationi when any part of their equipment was crowds that witnessed the athletic
the Michigan alumni there an the part in the dedication , of the Yost Rerservations are also being taken the h e t a ody." o en any patio. Tient was cowdsthat in the athlet7c
fiftho the student ': M b-odnvay, I te hnf~,flopened for occupation. The announce-, contests., In :the summer o 107
filth district convention o ftheMichi- field house at 1:30 o'clock Saturday now by Donovan for the Wisconsin ;iment that the opening of Michigan's baseball bleacher was built. It was
gan State Teachers' association. Pros-i afternoon, special that will run on November 17. nwhl ilondla"il ouei ertef ~lt ~~ .
id"tE " 0"unzooicncu e afcmilon dolla feld house sna h otalstand 'hc seae
ident Burton attended the session of Approximately 40 students have sign- logicaltobeaccompa s w
+,, en ,Afur+i;<rn,, A~rth t~ Q,)- (o e Zoopaie Clubictin ex17,800people, the largest in theCon

the Association's program at whicil e
was scheduled as the principal speak-
er, but he declined to deliver his ad-
dress when kept waiting for nearly
two hours by the oratory of Mrs.j
Ruth Owen, daughter of William Jen-
nings Bryan, who preceded hip.
The Deans' conference which is us-
ually held Wednesday mornings at 1)

Meet To Discuss
College Athletics'
New York, Oct. 31.--The standard-
ization of college athletic administra-
tion is to be the chief topic of a con-
ference of the National Collegiate Ath-

ea for this train and wftht the adda-
tional 75 band members that will be
carried there is little doubt but thati
this special will run, according to
Donovan. The round trip fare for this
special is $15.16.
Explorer to Speak at Convention
V. Steffanson, the famous explorer,I

To Meet Tonight *vces has been of considerablealo-
_____ Iment both to undergraduates ad alum-
ni members.
-oological Journal club will The paramount reason that other
7:30 o'clock tonight in room parts of the school's gigantic athletic

The' Z
meet at

try at that time.
The large stands now bordering
three sides of the Varsity grid-iron
were built at different times. No one
of these was ever dedicated when
opened for occupation, nor was the
present athletic building at the east
end of the football field dedicated
! wtip nno ~ci

Z-242 of the Natural Science building.
The following papers will be present-
ed: "Chirquiana" by F. M. Gaige, cur-
ator of entymology in the museum:

plant have been opened and used with-
out first having been dedicated is that
the stands, buildings and imprope-
mnntca ta thn e afi nvo boon (om

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