T-lE MICHIGAN DAILY____ PAGE SEVFN CQItMLASSI F IE COLUMN AT3P. ADVERTI SING AT 3 P.M. m 0 TWO TICKETS to Marine game, Call TPWIE1 21136-R. ____ -TYPEWRITERS TWO TICKETS for Marine game. Call (iof all makhes Creep, 11.88, after 7 Bought, Sold, Rented .Exchanged.' r I T , WME_'.-=I$, pwa yFor Cleaned and Repaired.- ME, OJN' fupwa BUSINESS SERVICE CO., government poSitions. -U04-133 mo.? Experience unucecessary. Fr free,3 Sot#taeStet list positions, write, R. 'Terry- (form- over "M" Lunch. Phone .993-M er Civi Service exarniner), 7$1 Bar- }NYTiEzAY LAEWewil>o ritrBldg. Washington, D.. C. liver Rem?-ingtofi, Portables or other studntsdo- used typewriters. Stacy R. Black , INUMB3ER of, energetic suetd-.604 E. Madison. 1809. 1siring to earn money during spare_____________________ hours. Congenial and profitable MUSICALI work. For partienl@,ra, arcjre^ss the j___________________ Garvin Institute., 4109 Wo9dvward1 A FEW MORE good Pianos to rent at LOST GOOD FORD for, sale cheap. A-i1 __________________________ condition. Phone L. I. Friedman, LEATHEWNOTE BOOK with ,Valuable 3070-J. 109 N. Ingalls. w notes, and an orange fountain pen. TYPE~WRITERILREP'AIII1G Reward. Phone 890, Mrs. Putman. . [1 Sport Snap Shots (Continued from Page Six) early part of November. This will be~ one of the most important matches to be staged in the Dominion in some time and will give tlke Canadians a Zline on their i(101. Among Renault's recent victims were Fred Fulton and fSoldier Horace JTones, of Toronto. * * 'Tha matter of repeaters in the big leagues is becoming as common as dirt.. The Orioles have won the Inter- national banner five, years in a row. t The Yanks and Giants have ruled the roost in the American and National 'respectively for the past three years, while San Francisco in the Pacific -jCoast league has won the coveted em- t blein twice in , row now. If one has the idea that the grandt 01d game of rugby is not thriving these line fall days, let them be reminded (that in the city of Minneapolis alone; there are 100 teams playing the game in no less than 22 parks. The Line Artistic--i ii ,, Ir. rnM11M Yrrr rYYYY 61i1 irYY1 iYrl YilWrrr r +r ii+nr IY. LADY'S WATERMAN pen. Valued as ,_ keepsake, Reward. Call 2949. FIGHT INCH Manheim slide-rule. H. E. Knowles, printed on case and rule. Finder please phone 1ri7v-R or call at 715 Monroe . Reward. CAN CAMPUS or Washtenaw last Wed- nesday one tan gauntlet glove with brown' insert. Return 1331. Washte- naw, Phone 2618. DELTA ZETA Sorority pin with name on back. Call 2856-M. Reward. SLOST Sat.. night near UnitarianI church purple silk umbrella. Re- w ward. Phone. 3011-R. B3ROWN LEATHER BILL fold con- tam jug sum of money. Reward if retu~rned to Herman Bremnenkampf. ' 612 Church, 1070-M. A STRING 'of Or iental pearls at the the 0. S. U. game. Highly prized by owner. Finder please return ' to 'Michigan Daily Office. LOG LOG SLIDE~ RUL',-CrackedI -Glass. Call 2024-M. ALL MAKES. Agency Woods ock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand adld- ing machine, Line-a-Time copy holders, rubber stamps, ribbons, cushion keys, type cleaners. and sup- plies. Machines rented. ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Phone 886, downtowvn COSMETIC SERVICE Every WOM11AN with aBAI Should know that the Superfluous Hair Growth caa be permanently andl safely, removed by electrolysis. Work done by competent graduate nurse operator. Fees reasonab~ly. ELECTRIC COISMETIC SERVICWE fHours: 224 Nickel's Arcadc 1 to 4:130 (2nd FLOOR) DUJS(MELLANEOUSj Ave., Detro~tt, Mich. TW'O TICKE'TS to Marines game.CGall1 after 8 o'clock. 183-R FOUR-RQOOM and bath apartmient, First floor. Heat and light furnish- ed. Call 3331-M. PART OF OFFICE~, State street, suit- 1 able for engineer, lawyar or insur-. ance. Phone. 1144. ONE SUITE upstairs and one large room on first floor. Also good gar~- age 422, Hamilton Place. Phone FOUNTAIN PENS ~We are the authorizeai Wahl and! Evershayrp Service Station. Call and sec the new Wahl "Signa- ture" Pens. Two sizes, $5.0v and $7.00. Thl.ey are the finest self-filling pens wve have. seen.m RIDER'S PEN SHOP.' 30 S. State St, FOUNT AIN VIES INN Why risk~ having your' pen spoiled with vicious ink. Fill at our, free filling station and be convinced that, our spa.cial formula Diamond W ritng F~luid is the best ink for your pqn. W Ne sell i, at standard prices. i ~ RIDE(RS PEN SHOP FOUNTAIN E UN REPAIRING $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 per month.. Schaeberle & Son, Music House. 110 S. Main. E. NORMAN BIL.BIE (of the Detroit Conservatory of Music). Teacher of violin, piano, harmony. Studio 307 'INI-119 au0LldEai0J2IS5 flMflj\' 0 FOR 11IRE' 192 } FORD and d(rive yourself. Phonea .516-M, ask for lRiley. Photograph A dainty gift: pvsassfi richu. im, and ehanut. Seniors make aPPptt- I -this lifetime friend PHONE 598 121 E. ,WASHI.NGTON BRTO WN LUATHERt Pocket Saturday. Rteturn to Ernie Athletic Ogc. Reward. Book. SVick. ";1VYALL SET Dietzen drawing instru- cuts. Phone 3450-I. Van Zytveld. ON FRID)AY one pair of black rimmed glasses' in a black case. Phone ~2445-R; ~Jt I''rOPATII W PIYSICI NR Dr. Carrie C. Classen ''510 first Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phones: Office 1636; Iles. 2451 Hours by Appointment Dr.' W. S. Mills Phone 321-F-1 616 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Hours : 9-12; 1:30-5 Dr. Dorothy Sellards 303 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Hours by appointment Phone 333-F-1. FOR SAL.~ 1917 FORD COPE. Good tires. Good )~'running condition. $100 cash. 108 ~ 'Davis avenue, after 5 p. in. )(YDGE Touring Car, excellent condi- Stion. Phone 661-Wv', 532 Thompson Street. I TYPEWRIT ING & MIE OGRAPHING I BUSINESS SERVICE CO., I 3822 South State St.,j over "M" :Unchl. Phone 993-M PROFESSIONAL READER, national reputation, 19 years in lyceumn and Chatauqua. Will coach profession- als or pupils preparing for platformn work. Chatauqua employment se . curedl for capable artists. Phone' 119-W.Osceola Pooler.j * e ie fWANTED STUDENT SAJESMEHN to sell attract-t ivelin ofleather and felt noveltiosI made by students. Good couimjs- sions are paid and they sell fast. Call at 332 E. Madison alfternoon and evenings. WANTED-Three hustle", to wort: atftrnoons for two weeks andl hav e a. steady income the rest of the year. Best opportunity of the year if youi are a worker. Address Box W. F. Michigan Daily. A TRUE friend is a staunch one-always reliable. Men who bought their Rubberset Shaving Brushes way back in 1$8$, wheni we first started, still find them the same reliable friends each morning. You wvant, your Fjountain Pens prop.- 'erly repaired. Why take them to ai undertaker? Experiened 1workman-, I ship to be0 had only at Ridler's Petn Shop. It coshs no more. 24 Hlour Pcnimkcer's Service. rRememnber the 'place, 30 S .Statg St.. Authorized WahlI and Eversharp. service. Read.,The. Daily Classified'' Columns ____ ked aw. - o o 4 *YrtlA w +. 1n -N-D S w . TOB"ACQO, . B.. F.SilyPr Ywtat ........ . . . .. . . . .. ...... . . . . . . . . . . . I.I . Com pany' N ew ark' N .____________ _________________________________ -______________________ T._____ ___U.________S._________A,____ SEE YOU TONIGHT AT. "The House of Blue Shutters" DINNER DANCEALRGT !- ~SIX TO. EIGHT US :1 C2ALL FOR REISERVATIONS SO r rd's sa ndard A.S NOTI{T10 1BEDISAPPOINTED) 4taiaor s eta TSHE WASHT'EN1AW INN Ij Phon -29), - I 1:309 W ashteawi-2 Blocks fromni italBilding__ .. . ..... ..:..... ... .: .. .. ..... .* **.. - / 6 v, our ou Paid u * 9t1 >1 To ZheN AlLY? fasbion No. 294 One of the new English Lounge Suit Models interpreted by [dVia Price& Co. $45 and up for a Suit on Overcoat tail- ored to order gives you what you want at a reasonable price. i All Subscriptions of $3.50 not paid by Thursday, Nov. 1st advance to $4.00-Don't let this matter go by -Take care. of it today-SAVE THAT FIFTY CENTS- Send a check for $3.50 or pay at the Daily Office, i Press fliuilding ongyPlaynard Street ' :' HOUSE MANAGERS. Please send us a check for the dailies being left' at your house. Remember you save four bits for every paper addressed to THE ~MICHIGAN DI& T .rI A I, E __ -4 11