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October 31, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-31

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VIo1 (I'103






Von Kuilling's Delayed ,Reply Halts
Solution of the Bavarian
Berlin, Oct. 30.--(By A. P.)-The
general political situation with re-
spect to the Saxon conflict is viewed
tonight in official quarters as having
showed marked improvement. The
United Socialists, who yesterday

Treasury's Had
Refutes Pinchot I OR
.E..T.,I E M Nravert
II TATElL T-Preside
..I v a n S w:t , p<":.a n t rj7 n o r t h -fo t h e o 'c
Ir Michilga, a nd Ruln Sit . n address
Ir y z Iae uth EIsmi 1 t It Brconvenh
er aiiia met in o1 yStatem
:. :":::::::;::: h e .Pr ci N last ighthere last
t s.LWIAentS NEkr M7ENPreside
ST~rlES liMS ~U~ER told his
. Sw;ft, lwn pan tr ofnorth f rity o'cl
formerly special writer for the New the
York Ties, were the principal 5])eak- Rutha. Br3
er tthe init; il meetin2g of te ea sWaia
rte s bPros club l etin igIt at the speaking
..,.:... Y:I IleVnes:lll r~ organization, was VWith h;
: :the sttil'Ient speakier. President
"1Mr. Swil,,(drawing upon his exten- fron~t ofi
1slve and varied expeifence, -ave the teachers
Press clubi his coniception of what is 1 speeches;
worthwhile in journalism. Declaring and suggf
the form in which things are present- 1 and to be
ed immaterial, and stressing the im- I Dr. Bu

se City, Mich., Oct. 30.
cut Marion L. Burton,
Imiversity of Michigan
o deliver his scheduled
before the fifth district
on of the Michigan
Teaehers\' Associataon
nt Burton had been
address was scheduled
lock and he left a uni-
Aub banquet to appear
h school on time. Mrs.
yan Owen, daughter of
Jennings Bryan, was
at the time. It was
re she finished and he
d on.
is watch in his hand,
Burton walked to the
the platform, said the
had been listening to
all day and were tired
ested they all go home
urton's action caused

Individual Perfariances Stand Out
at Start; Officials Pleased with
With a total of 503 names secured
in the first day of the three day cam-
paign for 1400 new life members of
the Union, members of the commit-
tee expressed themselves as highly
elated with the results. The total is
not as high as for the first day last

Snap Opera Stars
osed In Packard
Lionel Ames, '24, who will assume
the female lead in this year's Union
Opera, was asked last week-end by
a national automobile company
whose headquarters are at Detroit to
pose in one of its cars. Lionel, po-
pularly called "Mike", decked in his
gayest and finest feminine garb, step-
ped into the Packard car and assum-
ed one of his winning Opera poses
while the cameraman snapped the ma-f
Vern Meyers, '24,* who will, assume
the male lead in the opera, accom-
panying Ames, posed for a picture.
The pictures of the two stars will
be published throughou tthe coun-
try for advertising, and will be usde
on the back of -the Opera programs.

threatened to. cede from Chancellor portance of what is said in the print- considerable dismay among the I year, when all records were broken
etd line, he claimed that truth was, in officials and amazement in the but is above that of the previous
his opioon,n the highest ideal, audience, as he had been
appeared less intransigeant today, Andrew Mellon Touching briefly upon the college scheduled for the chief address Toyears. All Yearlings To iet At Fnlo
having deferred a decisive vote on Mr. Mellon, Secretary of the Treas- graduae, Mr. Swift called to atten- of the two-day session. Officials Team 13 Highest Tomorrow To Organizeor
the party's attitude toward the cen- ury, made public a letter yesterday tion his- outstanding weakness--an today were trying to have him Tme 13 tained by Frderick
in which he declared false the asser- unwillingness to learn, fostered by y reconsider his action and give ( Pinney, '25. A total of 49 names ob-YNCH
tl onerrowx tion of Gov. Gifford Pinchot of Penn-i a feeling of superiority over every- his address as a part of today's tbPinney and tamea Y25L, TO DISCUSS
until tom'orrow.-attsylvania, that the Treasury was not once and everything. This attitude, he program.',aydybyAPinneyandh6s team. Team GENERAL WORK OF UNIO
Unable to Make Strong Opposition cooperating with him in his efforts told the jeurnaliss, must disappear 9,by Alfred Holzman, '26, was second
The attitude of the radicals is ex to improve prohibitin enforcement before the cub co10:1 b o much value President Burton is expected with 47 names and team 1 in charge Freshmen from all colleges of the
plained on the ground that the party, conditions. Mr. Owen devoted hii talk to re- to return to Ann Arbor this of W F. Austin, 26, took third place University will meet at 7:30 oclock
as such, is in neither strategic nor - } lading experiences in his career as morning. with 30 names. tomorrow night in the Assembly hal
financial position to offer strong op- a special writer. Following Mr. Swift Twentyseven new members were .n .m
position and also because its with- on the program, he likewise empha- -~~--1- -- secured by F. B. Besimer, '27, of team of the Union in an organization gath-
withdrawal from the present coalition , Isized the importance of truth, de- 13, high man for the day. W. .F Aus- ering that will inaugurate the new
under the present circumstances MlUM S Ic1UI Ilaring that the trend of modern news- tin, '26, captain of team 1 took sec- Freshman Activities department of
would constitute a pronounced conces- papers was toward the presentation ond place with 20 enrolled Three men, heaUnion. o
sion to the communists in Saxony and of facts efore all else. 1Alfred Holzman, '26, captain of team
esioew hecmuissi.Sxn adoIn csbfr concludingal hisel. talk Mr. OwenK U 9, David Bromberg, 25, of team 13 committee in charge of Freshman
Any censorial measures the Social- devoted a few minutes to considera- and Kenneth Du Pree, '26, captain of Activities, and Thomas Lynch, '25L,
ists may adopt for the purpose of ad-~tion of opportunities in journalism, [U 111.1 N team 5, tied for third place with 16 president of the Union will address
ministering a rebuke, to the central Anti-Prohibitionlits io Show that titicufrC nthegtUn ieUwthnames each. the first year men.
govrnenrI iiaserearwulye tatDyawAeotSmith will speak to the freshmen
government It is asserted, would be StFte Dy aws Awhich he is familiar. Discrediting the I Flying Squadron Organized onthe work of the new rsmitteen
dictated by practical consideration Feasible popular impression that New York s Speaker Declares French Government For the first two days of the cam-
and ;solely for, the purpose of con- lpagthwokraefloinlss which he heads. He will explain the
d sEover crowded with newspaper work- Seeks to Form Buffer States pagn the workers are following listset d e
sevig hepatis'prstgewih tsPIN(IJOT 1DEMAND)S ACTION pupoenewspaperten ad ii
folloers e par presige wi s AA EITING ILSers, he claimed that any college grad- Along Rhine assigned to them. A flying squadron work that it will be able to do. The
followers. n~~~~~ate who is willing to continue to led by Sidney Tremble. '26, works aculognzto ftefeha
Dresden Regency SucceedingL, study after leaving college and is CLAIMS ENGLAND LOOKS among members of the faculty and actual organi ation of the comte
Rpor tsfromh re sde mindicater t t Laning c. ar , O ct gany A.P.)-- willing to admit that he may still TO AMERICA AS SAVIOUR professional fraternities. Just before has planned will also be carried out.
Dr.r enze te eicncmmssinetheRoerrDeWachl, icignmics-seionafeerhngihs eerochncrt___D.th clseofthedrvethi tamco-iyncawllspek n he enra
g ar o te atonl sscitinlearn it few things has every chancel the close of the drive this team, com l h-1
Saxony, is having success in re-es- tary of the National Association posed of picked men, will make last ync f thewi ispea n he genea
tablishing a parliamentary regency Against the Prohibition Amendment Speaking before the fourth annual1 minute attempts to sign up students as president of the organization i
there to succeed the deposed Zeigner asserted today that he will turn evi- palians held last night at the Union, who are a bit doubtful. Tomorrow the w e oratha ion
ministry and that the Saxon socialists dence showing that virtually all soft IL O[banquet of the University Episco- restrictions imposed by the lists will ca do o the firk e n
have definitely jettisoned further in drinks contain alcohol in violation of LLUIVi9JLU IHJL Vii GEJ Dean William Scarlet of Christ be removed and members of all the part that it will hold in their college
tentions of allying themselves with the state law, over to the Michigan Church Cathedral, St. Louis, gave the teams will be free to campaign where- career.
te communist Berli offici also Anti-saloon league principal talk of the evening, choos- ever they please on the campus. The organization ,that will be held
sviythe olpe ofh e Saxeras Wardell had a conference with Gov. pLILUUUUb ing for his subject, "The European A spirit of keen competition is be- at this time will divide the entir
an auspicious men and believe that Alex J. Groesbeck, i which be point-___ Situation as I saw it. ing evidenced among members of the freshman class into ten groups. These I
the withdrawal of Dr. Heinze, as pro- ed out that the state law prohibits Philadelhia, Oct. 30-(ByA.Favors League's Action various teams, according to Edward groups, each headed by a member of
mised, and curtailment of the federal "any" alcohol in beverages. He con- blefpthat Ot. - A .Pr)--n The Dean asserted that "There will Stark, '24, chairman of the drive. The! another class, will meet at regular
military occupancy there, will make tended that many beverages would Belief that the peole o America and be no permanent peace in Europe or cup offered by Otto Hans, 'OL, of the intervals in the Union.
it possible for conditions to assume comply with the federal one-half of Great Britain "will stand bhinld aem- in the whole world for that matter Ann Arbor Press to go to the man Athletic competition among the
a normal aspect at an early date. one percent limit or in violation of ocratic institutions whatever may be- until the security of France is as- obtaining the highest number of new groups will be fostered by the coin-
The situation with respect to Ba- tho state act. Ginger ale, he assert- fall any other land" was expressed sured. However," he continued, "I members by the end of the three-day mittee as well as activity in other
varia Is less clarified as Premier iron oil, contained .37 to .85 percent of al-, m an address here today by David am one of those. who hope that drive, adds incentive to the obtain-, forms of work. Through co-operation I
Knilling has not yet replied officially cohol, cider which has been in a bar- Lloyd George. Emphasizing the ad-' France's security will be obtained, not ing of new names for the Union roll. I with the intramural department it has
to Chancellor Stresemann's request rel an hour contains 2 percent. vantages of a democratic government by a separate alliance, but through _ been arranged to hold the sort co-
that the federal military authorities --- over an autocracy, the former Brit- the League of tNations after the petition in Waterman gymnasium and
be restored completely. Harrsburg, Pa., Oct. 30-(By A.P.) ish premier declared that he 'was League has been made what it can on Ferry field. Referees and officials
- -- __________ - Gov. Gifford Pinchot in a letter to- "glad to be here where the great- be made by the nations in it. 1CLUB urwIIR will also be furnished by the Intra-
rupps to Continue Operations night to Secretary of Treasury An- est democracy on earth made its "Germany, at the close of the war, mural department and class ner-
Dusseldorf, Oct. 30.-An agreement drew Mellon characterized as " a de-I start." signed the treaty for two reasons. She aM. will be given to the manager of
has been reached between the Kruppa fense of things as they are" the se-i The address was delivered in the was assured of a League of Nations the winning team i each slort.
and French economic authorities for rotary's reply to the governor's let- Academy of iMusic before the Phila- that would judge her case impartial- I" i
amntoyuthioperation of the Krupp ter Sunday criticizing the federal pro-1 forum. Mr. Lloyd George ly and a Repaiations committee, con- Men who have signed cards for the "Sx Puppet Plays"
plant. The terms are not announced. ;hibition enforcement system. What is warned that democracy Ts imperiled sisting of five members of different "4,000' club will meet in the swim-TGiven T da
needed, he said, "is not a defense of in the face of a reaction in Europe nationalities, which was to decide the To Be Given oday
Panama, Oct. 30.- Dredges are at present evils, but the determination to reflected in the establishment of au- terms of the reparation. She signed Ming pool of the Union at 5 o'clock
work to prevent a tieup In the Canal abate them ,followed by effective ac- tocratic government in Russia, Italy, the treaty. America withdrew from this afternoon to discuss plans for the "Six
as a result of a landslide of 300,000 tion." Mr. Mellon's letter was receiv ISpain "'ad for the moment, er- the League and France was allowed week in carrying on the drive for $20,- d "Six PuppetrPlays will be present-
- S~1 'ed by the Puppeteers at 4 and .8 '-
cubic yards of earth into Gaillard Cut. ed by the governor today. many". to substitute for the American mem- 000 necessary to complete the pool. clock this afternoon and evening in
---- ------ -- clock-this aafternoon. andseveninganin
-- --ber, a Frenchman. This gave France Yesterday's report showed an in- Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Forman
th"rae s inuthe s of b crease of more than one hundred Brown, '22, Harry Burnet, '23, and
ng"F ne isiconclusionrocess ofhstrin members for the club. It is expected Robert Henderson, '26, who make up!
"'EN LAN 'S Iingto is cncluionher istricthis company of Puppeteers made anj
B OA I LA W B HiOSTS OF A DlIR E R S Rhine po of endeavoring to keep a that the end of the week will find the ets o the r esort s
_________________________________She has encouraged aevery h factorat along mozberhihp at two thousand. ters of northen Michigan this sum-r
s raAt the meeting this afternoon, lists mer with their marionette prod'uction
the Rhine making for disruption, of names from this year's directory and have presented their puppets 95
Andrew Bonar Law, one of the most felt, hid out-lived the emergency for Chancellor, and as the Coalition gov- France Has Great Military Power willbegiven ehtolindival members tmes up torsdate ccotheiupescri-
powerful figures in political Europe 'which it was created. Despite his ernmenit's leadler mi the House of "Today France has the greatest mu- - of the club, and they will be asked to icisms written by the varos es
preceding, during and immediately failing health, he was considered the Commons, lie enjoyed the fullest con- nitary organization of all history- call the men whose names appear in sfte th my ario per -
following the World war, became logical successor to Lloyd-George, and idce i more than three quarters of a mil- the directory to give them an opporr
prime minister re England Oct. 23, when the minsgain invited hi wto i the House of Commons, a more dif- lion men. Besides that she is able I tunity to sign up for the club. - ated a favorable impression at every
1922, uppn the -resignation of David forin a ministry, het found no words iutn theake ss omositorehantha to draw from her colonies in Africa, "No stone will be left unturned in town theyist.Thysisyhe
Lloyd George, last of the famous pre- behind which to couch a refusal. ficult and thankless position than that t rwfo e ooisi fia N tn ilb etutre ntw they visited. They satisfy the
sof the leader of tie opposition, placed which she did during the war, enough .our effort to give everybody on the demand for something different and
miers and of the Big Four" at Ver- He managed to conduct the affairs flonar Law high among his illustrious inhabitants to bring the total popula- campus an opportunity to subscribe," are manipulated with such skill as to
sailles to step down from office. of his strenuous office for seven predecessors, Disraeli, Gladstone, tion of France to over 100 million James A. Beresford, '24, president of make them appear almost life-like.
Bonar Law had distinguished him- months before it became known Campbell-Bannerman and A. J. Bal- souls. the "4,000" club said last night. The "The Dutch Dancers" and "The
self five years before as the nman who that his health again had broken four. "England is looking to America to showing of the past week has indicat-F"gr
refused the king's offer to make him down. Late in May, this year, it wass New,,ofhisrIa due ill ve the world-to assess Germany s d that the campus does want to com- If the program. Other features fonl
prime minister. As leader of the announced that the Premier was s'-) health in the spring of 1921, caine as capacity to pay," he declared. plete the pool, and we are not goinglow: "On the Road to Bombay, a
Conservatives, the largest single par- fering from a serious throat affection, a shock to his colleagues and tributes Bishop McCormick of Western to stop as long as that attitude islow: On the Rd o Bos a
shown;" skit of two ridiculous Hindoos and
ty in the House of Commons, he was and that his retirement was iminm- to his work were paid even by former Michigan read a greeting from Bish- About fifty faculty members have their snake. "The Negro Juba
summoned by King George to form a ten. Afew days later his fbrmal res- bitter cponents. Former Premier As- op-Elect Paige to the guests of the indicate their intention of subcrib-Dane " "The Three Wishes","Gall,
cabinet late in 1916, after Lloyd- ignation was filed with the king and quith said: "I have for many years banquet. Prof. R. M. Wenley of the it the n the Prima Donna and "Androcles
George, then Minister of Munitions, Stanley Baldwin, Chancellor of the been engagd in giving and taking Philosophy department acted as toast- mgtothe d. and the Lion".
had forced an issue with Premier As- Exchequer, was named to suceed him. blows from Mr. Bonar Law but they master and Seward Bean, '24, spoke Ths production is under Ce us-;
quith and brought down the latter's In contrast to the epochal period never left any rancor behind them." on "Tremendous Trifles". CALLS BONAR LAW hesofthe University u.w.CA. and
resignation. The, political colleagues during the war, the Armistice and the Lloyd George, ii reading the retiring IRREPARA BL LOSS is a part of their financial campaign
of Asquith, however, declined to prom- era of reconstruction subsequent to Clancelhor's letter of resignation, re- DOWN AND OUT I which begins today and continues
Ise adhesion, and believing that a coa- the ending of hostilities, the govern- peatedly choked back sobs and ex- through the end of the week. Mem-
lition government was essential for ment of Bonar Law was eclipsed in Iressed the home that his Irien( might hbers of the organization will present
the successful prosecution of the war, importance, jilthough it (ealt with return to his duties after a prolonged The world has done gone Bonar I w was dying," said Prof. R. a short tableaux before the perform-
Bonar Law refused the honor. Lloyd several problems of great domestic rest. Finally the Premier, who had wrong! There's a wrench in the M. Wenley of the philosophy depart- ance. Tickets for the "Six Puppet
been so courageous and powerful inI machine somewhere! What's imt when i nterviewed last night. 'Plays" are available at the book-
George and his famous war cabinet and international magnitude. Among lthe ondict of the var, snk back in- s "There is a feeling amongshis inti- y
was the result. these was the Irish question, tie to his seat with a jesture indicating the trouble? Is it imagination fmates that death has been a happy stores and in the office of the Y. W.
Oftenicalledtthei"Roosveltuof Eng-iwasihappyC.A. in Newiberry hall.j
Often called the 'Roosevelt of Eng- French invasion of the Ruhr Valley, his inability to continue. or maybe you have lost some- release as far as he is concerned. C.A.__________ha ___
land" because of his tremendous fol- which placed England in amn extreme-rrd ing or that which you want is On the other hand everyne, no mat-
lowing from all parties and all walks ly delicate position, the funding of the n Liding.orfthatat er h an eelsnoat- h. Classes Honor Carry
of life, Bonar Law became Chancel- American debt, and the difficulties from shortly before the Paris Peace missig. If so try a lost or ter what his affiliations, feels that his All morning classes in the Romance
or, of the Exchequer under the new wt e scosrt erence of 1919 which he attend- wanted ad. Call illness and death is an irreparable languages department were dismiss- -

First Colonial To Occupy Position Of
Prime Minister; Faced
Death in Task
London, Oct 30.-(By A. P.)-An-
drew Bonar Law, who was one of the
strongest wartime statesmen of Great
Brita'in and its only prime minister
of colonial birth,, died at his London
home at 3 o'clock this morning. The
last of his 65 years was lived under
a cloud of heavy misfortune.
Took Office Reluctantly
Only a little more than a year ago
he reluctantly accepted the highest
political office in the empire telling
his supporters that he was doubtful
his health would long bear.the strain
of his duties and promising to -give
up the work when he was no longer
equal to the burden. . Then followed
seven months in office, months ,har-
assed by pain, whereupon he fulfilled
his promise and retired.
"The verdict of the doctors has left
me no choice", he wrote to his Glas-
gow constituents in announcing his
decision to retire. The next five
months were divided between contin-
ental resorts and the English seaside
in pursuit of relief from suffering
from cancer of the throat. There
were a few weeks when he seemed
to be improving and his friends hoped
agamst fate that he might regain his
Aged By Death of Sons
With the chill of the autumn days
cameheis final breakdown and ten days
ago he was brought back from Brigh-
ton to his London home for the in-
evitable end. There lie died, His
daughter, Lady Sykes, and his two
surviving sons Anthony and Richard,
were with him. Two sons, James and
Charles, lost their lives in the War.
Those blows aged him beyond his
The last phase and deciding factor
of Mr. Bonar Law's illness was an at-
tack of pneumonia which his enfeebled
frame had not te vitality to resist.
The approaching end was revealed
only to the few who *ere able to read
last night's bulletin which was is-
sued after the evening papers were
published. To the general public the
news in the morning was inexpressi
bly sudden.
Tickets for the grid-graph reproduc-
tion of the Iowa-Michigan game which
,will be shown starting at 2:15 Sat-
urday afternoon in Hill auditorium
went on sale yesterday at Huston's,
Graham's Wahr's and the Union. Sev-
eral hundred were called for in the
morning and It is thought that the
demand will be heavy.-
All intending to go are urged to buy
their tickets before Saturday as ar-
ramgements cannot be made at the
auditorium to sell them to a big
crowd there. The price of the game
will >e 35 and 50 cents.
The graph is being shown by the
Alumni association, under the direc-
thon of John Bradfield, 18, business.
manager of The Alumnus. Last year
at was shown for the three out-of-

town games, the first time it had been
Next Saturday the freshman reserve
squads and Varsity substitutes will
be the guests of the Asyociation and it
is expected that the band and cheer-
leaders will also be on hand. 'The
graph will also be run for the Wiscon-
son game, Nov. 17.
Last year he board was termed
most satisfactory by all who saw it,
including President Marion L. Bur-
ton. The system used is such that
only the players 'Who handle the ball
and the way it is advanced are shown
on the glass graph by a series of
The operator who is to have charge
of the operation of the grid-graph
will arrive Saturday morning and
erect it upon the stage of Hill auditor-
ium. The game itself will not begin
until 3 o'clock Eastern Standard time
but preliminary announcements of the
game, the weather and line-ups, will
probably come through about 2:15
The results of the game will come
by telegraph to the Western Union of-


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