Published every morning except Mondlay
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
tiled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches creiited to it or not otherwise
crt lited in this paper and the local news pub-
shed therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
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Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-!
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Phones: Editorial, 2414 and r76-M; Blisi-
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Signed o mii;' o, ot exceeding 300
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the idoit.- of .cemiuicants will be re-
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Telephones, 2414 and 176-1
News .Editor..............Julian E. Mack
Cityr Editor............harry I t,ey
Editorial Board Chairman... .P. C. Moriarty
Night Editars
E. H. Ailes A. B. Connable
R. A. Billington 1. E. Fiske
Harpy C. Clark g GrGarlinghouse
P. V.Wagner
Spo'ts''ditor..............Ralph N. Byers
Women's Ediur............W"inona Ilibbard
Telegraph Editor... ..........R. B. Tar
Sunday. Magazine Editor. .F. L. Tilden
Music Editor... ......Ruth A nwell
Assistant City Editor......Kenneth C. Ket'ar
Editorial Board
Paul Einstein Robert Ramnlay
Andrew Propper
B. G. Baetcke ItJ. McGinnis
Marion Barlow .I S. Mansfield
S.N. Berkman E. C. Mack
elen Brown Verena Moran
Bernadette Cote Regina R uichrnann
SW. Davis S. L. Smith
What is to be the end of France's: AS EM.
case of acute quibblitus? Granting,
the face that France is justified in her /' "' ""10' "a
111 STODAY '
insistence that the sum total of the TUESDAY?
indemnity figure remain unchanged, T ES
what can she expect by refusing to.
take part in an economic conference TilE HOUSE THAT DAEDALUS .
which has as its purpose, the investi- BUILT
gaton of financial con litions in Ger- A Breakfast Serial
many, without any definite authority Thsi h rtnlbrnh
to stipulate the sum which the French This is the Cretan labyrinth.
nation is to receive. (To Be Contiued)
It is hardly difficult to find a reason
for the obstinacy which Premier This is going to be a long serial on1
the order of "The House that Jack
Poincare has demonstrated in ques-
tioning the purpose of this latest prop- Built". One instalment will appear
osition of the Brtish foreign office. every day without fail, by the grace of
Unhestitatingly characterizing it as "a God and the makeup-man.
roundabout way to reach a diminu-
tion of the German debt," the premier Intramural Item
reaffirms the attitude of distrust which Far be it from me to try and knock
has been constantly in evidence ever
since the first efforts to come to some off any of the glory of the noble sport
definite understanding were exerted. writers, however the following is a
Fran co-rtish envy is as old as the treatise on the University's newest ad-
ancient hatred of the Teutonic tribes venture in' the world of athletics. All
for those of Gaul, and even now, when 1the information set forth here ist
the most powerful political and eco- source material gained on the field of
nomic forces of the worldtare making
every attempt to solve the intricate at~l
tangle which has plunged all of Eu- Best form forbids it however I sug-
rope into social and economic strife, gest that the athletic officials change
stands in the way of France's realiz- the name as soon as possible to
ing that Great Britain means to do Speedy Ball the object being to wishI
do the r'ght and only the right thing all the contenders a speedy recovery.I
by her. In case your fraternity has not as
Only two days ago, predictions that
yet indulged in the orgy let me intro-'
an early settlement would be reacheddg
appeared in every paper throughout duce you to the phraseology of the
the land. France looked on with game so that as dumb as you may be
approval, while Germany waited. To- in action, you can at least talk about
day the whole matter stands in the it intelligeatly. Following are. all the
same perilous position that it has oc- expre-sions of the losing team: "Wait
cupied for many months. If France's till the basket ball season starts. We
desire to see the problem satisfactor- were handicapped by our size. Could
Lri nri_ Y.I )I'"_f ty c aoIe 1cou ., ueas nre no Lil __t].4-c-eafma.,gang 4 tenths: .
(New York Times)
Mr. Lloyd George has been breaking
in on that Middle Western peace which
he so much admires. Every day he
stops off at another city; every day
he makes a speec'h. Like the church
bell which celebrated the determina-
d on of the Rev. General Peter Muhlen-
berg to join the Continental army,
every note to Heaven flung from off
his clamorous iron tongue is "War, ------ -
war, war!" There are in Europe the Americans, Charles r. Steinmetz is
makings of a war more hideous than dead at his home in Schenectady, N.
the last. Only America and England y S'teinmetz was undoubtedly the
can save Europe. War, bloody war, first mindl in work and research in
north, south, east and west. Mean- the United States along the line of
while, a modest dispatch from Geneva electrical power. His genius resein-
announces that the savants of the bled the dynamo in terrific power and
League of Nations are "curious as to energy.
where the war predicted by Lloyd
George will break out and who is to Years ago a poor, dwarfed, ill-shap-
start it." We may yet come to the en German scientist came to the
point where rewards will be offered United States in the steerage, a refu-
for the discovery of a lost or mislaid gee from hiss native land on account
war, valueless except to the owner. of his Socialistic act:vities. That w s
The question where and when is the American beginning of Charles P.
more important than who. It would Steinmetz whose death is the whole!
be foolish to deny that there are the world's loss.
makings of war in Europe, and any
general war of the future would It's true efficiency to use Daily
doubtless be more hideous than the Classifieds.-Adv.
last. But from a local war to a ---
general war is a long step, as things Patronize The Daily advertisers.
are now. The Treaty of Lausanne
and the Corfu episode prove that. No-
body in Europe is going'to fight, foral DETROIT UITED LINES
some years to come, who can get A
what he wants without fighting; and
very few people in Europe are going" Limiteds: 6 a. in., 9:10 a. m. and
Ir tevery two hours to 9:10 p. m.
to fight even if-they can't get whati Express: 7 a. in., 8 a mn. and every
they want. For the next few years, Etwo ours to 8 p m. ad ey
Europe looks like a peaceful conti- Locals: 7 a. in., 8:55 a. m. and
nent. every two hours to 8:55 p. m.,
Mr. Lloyd George presumably meant! t.11 p,. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40
Mr. loy Gergepresmaby mant p. in., 12:25 a. mn. and 1:15 a. m.
a new German war of revenge against; '.1 T..n 5ar
France. That is obviously Impossible itd 8 a .ND
now. It will be impossible for a long hours to 8:47 p. m.
time. When we get into the next ExIress (making Ical stops): 9:50
generation, with mechanical and a. m. and every two hours to 9:50
chemical invention moving at its pres- p. In.
ent speed, no one can pred'ct any-! Locals: 7:50 a. in., 12:10 a. m.
thing. There are the makings of a
hideous war in the more or less re- -.------ -- -.
mote future almost anywhere. We
have already seen the dislocations in
international affairs which follow the
over-population of one or two ambi-
tious peoples. What will happen when
every nation is overpopulated, as they
will be at no impossibly remote date if
medical science continues to improve
and races continue to breed for. quan-
tity rather than qualti. When we
all fight each other for an inadoequte
supply of food and breathing opaee,
the horrors of the recent war will
look like a Sunday school p:cnic. Put
this is not immediately impending;
and neither is the war of which Mr.
Lloyd George has made himself the
press ag nm.
11 111 Rm -- - --
isP lay
Graha 'lS
Tivo Stores
Will be Given
Tickets at Grahams
_ _ _1~r e - - -
Take your hat off and look it over-is it out of shape and all
sweaty arlcu id the band? We can Clean, Reblock, put on a New
Land and make it look like new. If faded we qan turn it inside out,
put on all new trimniings and you couldn't tell it from a new hat.
GJt regular factory work on your hats and you will appreciate it. We
also n-anufacture new hats and sell them at reasonable prices. The
latest styles for Ct)LI EGEJ MEN-save a dollar or more at our factory.
Large sizes a specialty.
HrlEhrlci w t.oneman ily closed could be as great as that we clean that gang at tennis? Thiat
F,. C. Fingerle H. R. Stone
'. P. Henry K. ;. Styer of American journalists, we would won't look so good in the Daily. I'd
Dorothy Kamin N. R. Thal now be on the way to prosperity, with like to see that crowd get their clock1
Joseph Kruger S. B. Trembenwb ntewytopoprtwt
Elizabeth Lieberman W. J. Waltilur reports of economc progress and po- cleaned. They can't say that we didn't
t. R. McGregor, Jr. 1
r---- litical reconstruction occupying the play a clean game."
BUSINESS STAFF front pages of our dailies, rather than These are the remarks of the win-1
-FTelephone 960 accounts of revolutionay movements ning teams: "Sour grapes. I'
in Germany and "insistent stands" thought that cigarette smoking would
BUSINESS MANAGER from Paris. affect my mind. What a bunch of dubs
LAURENCE H. FAVROT Mr. Bok wants suggestions for a they were. We ought to take the
way to secure world peace. He may championship. "If you can master all
Advertising,................PE. L. Dunne get some definite ideas as a result of the above and know the names of all
Advertising .. ......Perry M Hayden
Advertising ..................C. Purdy his magnanimous offer, but whatever the men on your team and can yell
Advertising~................ . Seh ro osals are forthcoming, the follow- Here Jake or here Oswald you know
Advei tising .................W. K . ce prooslsar orhmigteflow
Acrconts : ........... ...C. W. Christie ing vague scheme will be the means to as much about the game as anyone
Cireviation ...........Jno. Haskn-s
Publcation...............Lawrence Pierce the end to which he aspires: first, else except the referee, who knows
Assistants understanding; secondly, international less.
Bennie Caplan Harold A. Marks trust; thirdly, international coopera- the interesting feature of speedbal
john Conlin Byron Parker is of course the close rlationshipthat
Allin B.. Crouch S. A. Robinson tion; with the result,-eventual peace. icp
Loss M. iDeter H. M. Rockwell When these ideals are attained France it beats to other exhaustive sports.
,D'vodeA. Fonn IlT. WERse
avd Aox W ill Weie will have no more ground for quib- An adept tiddledy winks players al-
LMtren FHaieht r . r White ways proves an sensation at Speed t
R. E. Hawkinson R. C. Winter bling, Germany no need for world
Edw. D. Hoedemaker domination, and the United States no Ball because of ability to snap the
moral obligations to "stick out" of ball up into the air. We have seen
1,___ ropncombination shots that Willie Hoppe
Europ- -.-would have marvelled and the the
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1923 -,aesd a s
UNION LIFE MEMBERSHIP croquet player who is adept at push-
-Ngh dio--ing the ball while no one else is
Night Editor-THOMAS E. FISKE Today two hundred men, under the looking should find Speed Ball dupk
leadershp of selected students from soup. The crawl ie the only author-
the Union, start their efforts to sign ized stroke for leaving the field. I
Michigan will be represented on the 1400 new men as life members of that so many of the readers were not golf
gridiron at Iowa City Saturday by a b fans I would say that Speed Ball is
football team deemed a strong con- organization. All non-life members I a trifle faster and more aggressive
of the Union are to be interviewed by than golf, however I shall spare their
under for the 1923 championship of these men working for the Union and feelings by not mentioning. I would
:the Big Ten conference by the ablest .given the opportunity to become life say the same for Mah Jongg (Chinese
of critics throughout the country. I members. Dominoes on a large and expensive
They are facing a team determined to There are many concrete advantages scale), however I spare the readers.
scorea victory and eliminate the Wol- in life membership which on first in- At this point the writer sustained.
r>ym t spection, do not occur to the student. a severe bat on the left shin and was
, verines from chamipionship considera- As a life member of the Union every forced to discontinue.
tion, and at the same time establish alumnus of the University has a con- Jayelk.
its own superiority as a football ma- necting link with-.Alma Mater. The * **
chine. Iowa's gr'diron warriors will Union is an active living organization The Height of Nerve
be bac-i-ed bycheering thousands of that cares for its members in a modern A Freshmaiin a high silk hat neck-
active manner. It keeps the ing a co-ed on the Senior Benches at
the stlldw and alumni supporters. with Ann Arbor and the important high noon.
Thus far Miicli an backs its team with activities of the University. It is a Carlo.
ak grand total of eighteen students. Perpetual reminder of one of the hap-
No doubt there will be many Michi- piest periods of his life. Mr. Jason Cowles:
The Union is a hospitable host to I am told that Mrs. Carrie C. Catt
an alumni from the West present for uses her own name because her hus-
the struggle, but unless an unusuala a lumnebrs.awtsoors band's name is Thomas.
and conven ences are always open toI
number of students travel unofficially these men and when the glamor of a unsigned; or in other words, anon-
only the above . mentioned number. football game calls thim back, they ynous.
from Ann Arbor will be on hand.- At receive the most courteous and con- Tomorrow is the day when all the1
-least 102 students mus.t give tangible siderate attention. Within the Union little fellows do their stuff. Tomorrow
evidence that they are backing the old friendships are ofen renewed. is the day when juvenile AmericaI
team by signing up by tonight for the faces that were blurred by years of rings doorbells, bobs for apples, and1
special train to Iowa, or the trais labor and separation become clear contrives noise-making devices to use
-will not run, and the Varsity will be once more, a spirit that never dies on windows.
without support from the student! within the man is renewed in all the But not only that. This same juven-t
cheering section. If the special is vigor of its prime. For non-'fe mem- ile America has been warming up fort
called off, the trip of the Varsity band eHers among the alni the privileges the big fiesta for the past week. To-1
;wll also be rendered definitely im- of the Union are witheld. night is, we understand, Cabbage<
possible of accompl'shment. Soliciting is a task that, by nature, Night among the local infants; lastt
The part that cheering plays in the IS difliult. (ommiteemen will extend night, by a similar extension of tra-
victory of the best of teams has been every courtesy to the- individuals they dition, was Doorbell Night. And fur-
evidenced in the past. Alumni cheer- approach and those approached can thermore, a number of the churches
ig is always scattered and indefinite do no less than re'procate in this put on Hallowe'en socials for the col-t
'i quantity and quality. It is es- respet. lege boys and girls as early as Sat-
sntial that On organfzed body of urday night.1
students pull the team through the '~^
tight moments of the game. The team VThe other day we most inadvertent-t
that can feel spirit of a tang.ble sort Twenty-eve Years y remarked that very few bright i
evidenced during the game is the one A ' Min i "gils knew us by sight. And, com-
that is certain to fight to the last,- , mencing the very next day, we have
and Michigan will have to fight to the A-^ ,^-~~----- ~ been subjected to attack at all hours
last man on Saturday to come through Fron h fih s of the U. d M. Daily,I
fei victory. 0obpr 30, 18913.Strange him approach us on the
No one who has witnessed the early Over 3,000 spectators, the largest and reproachful voice: "Oh, Jasey, s
season games this year would say that crowd that ever attended an athletic I'm hurt! You said you ddnt know
the Varsity is not backed by the Uni- event at Regents field witnessed the an. rit irs.Aw m mnv"
anIbi And A m s o,
. m
y {
y .. n i .,5, ! .:4:: i.
- -~-~-t---' '-'e<&----~-,,.-
Della Fox, and her big and expens-
ive operatic organization will play in
only two cities in this state, here and
in Detroit. The people are all high
salaried. Lively and spirited music.
witty dialogue, the funniest scenes
imaginable, beautiful stage costumes
and Della Fox herself, the darling of
every city in the Union, will be .an
event that ought to make it the night
of the year.
Lloyd's of London
No doubt you have heard of Lloyd's
of London, the British association of
merchants, ship owners and under-
writers. Their history goes back to
the seventeenth century when Edward
Lloyd started business in Tower
Street in a small coffee house. Later
the office was moved to Lombard
Street and Abchurch Lane, and the
establishment became a center for
shipping men and mariners. At that
Vime Lloyds did a business in shipping
insurance only and billions of dollars
worth of risks on the world's mer-
chant marine have been written from
that office. The ill-fated Titanic was
insured by Lloyds for $10,000,000.
The time came when Lloyd's out-
grew marine insurance and insured
against any risks a man doing any
kind of legitimate business may have
to face-earthquakes, wars, civil dis-
turbances, disease, droughts, the
weather, and anything that threatened
loss and disaster.
Now an American business firm has
insured itself again the election of
Henry Ford to the presidency. Lloyd's
did the insuring, charging $38,000 for
the premium, and agreeing to pay
$400,000 if Ford is elected. The tran-
saction is a legitimate contract of in-
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