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October 28, 1923 - Image 18

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-28

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". Chipico thermos dioxygen, temco sonora tuxedo'
o " an a+S+e7it 2r Resinol fat bacardi, camera amiCo wheatena;
B o o k an dAntiskid pebeco Calox, oiotyco baroneer
__________________________________________________Postum nabisco!
restolite arco conglium, karo aluminum kryptok,
made into a book that will attract the Crisco balopticon ysol, jlo hellans carborundum.
THE WOMAN DE- } general reader and the busy cluh W0- Ampico lysmic swaoda, pantasote necco brittanics
STROYS j man who has to get p a paper on lit- a Encyclopaedia!
! erary leaders with little time in which
TiE' TEMPTIESS, by V. Blasco lb to do it. 'Thxis 'Horation Ode can be appreciated only by the connoisseurs of
anee. E. P. D~utton & Co", $2.00. street car advertisements and it is for them that I here reprint it. _.
The sketches, while to some extent H. L. Mecken, in his "The American Language" accredits Dr. Brander
This is the story of a woman, her critical, are in the main informative.Matesfrhvn fitpulhditteatosihwvrso-
conquests, and her killings. Elena, Mr. Adcock has catholic tastes in, claimed
ltarquise do Torre Banca must have writers, and an attitude so tolerant
the attention of every man she meets; that one 'suspects he has at one time
from attention she leads them into in- been employed as a reviewer of pop- 1848
fatuation, and from,..ifatuation .into 'ular dlama or msovies.' He become e.. To be a useful man has always seemed to me to be a hIdeous thing.
disaster., In. our first mneeting with thusiastic over Hardy-and also over 1848. was amusing only bease everyone -was building Utopas like
hr sahe is ridiculing-,her husband be-f Noyes, Hiling, and A. S. M. Hutchin -castles in Spain.
cause' he-Ia% afraid to ether- go more on, whos- principal dalna to great- 148 was charriffig only by te Very excess 61!thM idculou.'
deeply ina-debt. W4lshsossd he-we-, noss is that he Ifver'has wiritten a Iobepierre is estimable only because he.has, m~game leprss
ry. 1Itoin;a.irecior at-a, bigIvealary I bo~ok that-'ataiaalty fina&:Mr. Ad- -From "Intimae Paers' of Chrls eri fiauelare;'
-tn a rOnoting eehepe Yeade by the.-- ca e8} R ;a..I
:baites .-Ft aw. $-Mte> lees ts' Be' La' Mare, but ealso 'gies sm a h e
Fte~ty-fl fnetadffPFrk at' Peh-p ths i wet, . cst- ' x.tg e nb sychologicI .assse.othe wrd, may be regarded
F'tsste~hit~ ~ ~~e-~t'" ~ ~~e- ~ ~as tie delihrte- attem t'iii an idivida's e to throw the. chief interest
anna ~ - zg s .f wc as- bhes Td esana esniasiw-ist isleday uon the iwar,eisonal. snljectie iqressfoe
ba-es ~~* arte-llsaad~te radel~ p ue.b-theworld, rather than uoi ouyt action or upn "ocat
Jl T~iL oAmW =tas aid rettl4.o": ay-exerds,iee- h d'usent-is.-ccord.- -ope.Egisa-dsnoneesil imytsqusist tn o
-tsieo, r ltelr o :-ra~t s siiris~ti1 Th-devotee of selisness.. ...........
esgtlssprJe~~ellssuwlr nr &P eqss9lra t!wilMa8an. nil , M sdos not necessarily imply ejotisn.
1, t , 1 #n - the aduiro flVttiitti "Egisut is an intellectual geslsre, a sprtul ttdud-ea teusperametal
.>#e *- . Etihe lsegi or. Itiapaca -.will ;jwtfp rea~j; ard .be piteee8 -And.. both atnsoalere. It I a thing thatimples as-ertain dtfla ite-pbisopiicsi tmod
xhQ~r to Mtbato- the t@rnptyes goes- will -get-the-information which they in regard to the ,riddle of existense;r.; ,
to ;a,5 lacSadv ae -Frcdm"Suspended Judgments' by Jhis Cowper Pws.
- >le aria nthe-rouaeo r Rekeown at J-=___ _____
oce- caustres ialaura, inl~r . -* -WlTU
anid; a~ Coflteta: 'e-:gf hrs f Of D IK A E~ rnotthe- dead.fos and da kiters -of Niobe "heremeeseofa
-o.. There. are- batie- andh dine"s in ~-OuT'ruN E ITERA- ornaments? This is the higestuxurj~e&art slt adore-a s longer with
-11111 drosm-wtlstweri's.astisfTe t - 'Jfta~s and fuits ut;Ptis thecoeprseso'mn,......
bhuh Pm itn'lo' lis.TT R rom."'Te Coll antad is;s Frendt'" by GothQ4
whole cossssuuity- becomes -cocersd ~ ~ r F muriz
ins the aafair, there-is-' a -duet lbetween.1 m~b-Jh ssksas.'o.1
'frgan~sgement is broken, the egIeer andel.G' -. -
hie aslest-ssarel ae Wore ~ This s theirt of, a.three.,velissrp
connat .suicide 18na- eopewih et-Sh pris desgred. to ds nforItera aT , X T
Moreno, a.Clerk win .s iexecutor o ure atthe-"OUutlt s-ot sienceA dtl
the .sae' e osging,4o vise- iIt-who 'or sencije Whther, o- am't .it wo1 Your rn togra ph
'was-killed h!n the duel- over- he. of depends ,largely ,.on - Mr. Dsrlikwstesr
~&beilmc Sbeh pe- rs.-. and whether or not one- expect ! ,it-n - -BY
't 'limp- .odependa. likewee,-on *o e8a odntoio f
TbRe om e teers M-rf. -Drinkwvatet'- It Is nsthard to set'-
Rillbis'; wl e ars later_ as Pai5i'mt that In ths' vll1i -h anade.a . --. '
milonie; rtht strpgld coupe'good lne- daoraniai-
happily married, of 1 Elena,; broenjI-the -fir te,-ioaiztm
sa"d. dAwy iaigng _about aS-wistos ithe g ains4 efet of theSet-
eap aiomsra. falihdI evidence. In-
-The hook does jot Iacktragady.In-1 caimst'unAb tate mtto when,-e nt- 1 't' THE rs A't'-
deed, the .superabundancae f.i i Infsrdcinh tae,' ra l
tale's chief, defect. The author- rush- f" nc. ad htfr i -tehar
esrosn'rsat n~ss e'rof the reigions- idea was a sense of Dnt pt off you--appessartsnenlt fyo ur -A
etoisgfro oelii t. an-characteer ca~in tht'indeed, this, sense Michigazscitias icure.
eabgratea asituation. . e. are, told; ' ntd ' religions.: .And,
that :Elena, is. beautiful, elusive, coos this is the answer to anyone who may
pelng. hnt neves are ee, shown that j question tue-use-of such a' thing' as a - -
she is so. The , Othe characters-Ru-i history of literature, as apart fromC
bleslo, Bianca, Fouteno, and the e.ngi- the direct study of literature itself.
neers and- contractors-are only 1hls proclamation and promise is re-
sketches.. Blasco Ibane has written assuring, We can be tolerably cer
hurriedly, in sweping outlines, with p taro that we shall not have to search
no attempt to fill in. And the last two thog! hrebosfo h-isoyo
chappilY arrioted; Roldo W asn Geekllterature, and are glad for that PHONE 598 121E. WASHINGTON
coming upon Elena by-accident, and j_______________________________
finding- her so degraded-that the kind However, it is unfair to liken this
eel thing he can do is provide her with1 book to another, less good, even ir-
drink that will.give forgetfulness This {,only to -point out its superiorities.-,--
is moralizing that would please. Mr. 'IRatier,. one should outline the con-j ,
Sumner and. Justice Ford-the worn -Itnso the volume in hand, tellingI Developing and Printing
out preaching _of .second grade read- why he likes it or why he does not,!' i
ers and Bible cards, One -expects: and offering suggestions or comments
somthing better from the mind that where he can. Yet this is rather di- for the. Amateur
produced "The Four Morsemen'" ficult; I ike the whole thing too well.
Reviwed by usa Fenon- From "The First Book" to "The, Re-
Heiweb usnFetn nassance the chapters are atifac- Eastman Kodaks and Supplies
tot. Te oe .entitled "Homer" isd
THEY WHO GRU NO specially attractive, since it treats
MHY W OR B:N not only of Homer, but of much other M emory Books
MGreek literature as well. Dr. Barnes

GODS OF MODERN GRUB STREFET, the Bible" that bids fair to' forestallI ls lg t a d O tie U o
by A. St. Joins Adcock and 'E. 0. ithe coming of .that title by William i F a hih n O tie G o p
Hoppe, Frederick, A. Stokes' CO-, Van Loon. There are two. other chap.
$2.8. -tere on Greece and Rome, and an ex-
Mr. Adcock is a tolerant and cordial cellent one on the' Middle Ages. M )r.
critic; Mr. Hoppe a photograper who 1Drinkwater possesses few illusions
Is alao an artist,' For, each novelists regarding that time, ,and is not great-
or poet of whom the f rmer write a t ly impressed by the. conservation arg-
skt -telatter, 'contributes a' pin-;ument of the churchmen, Perhaps
lure. The- result. isa large amount of, the Dark Age monks, did conserve ' ''
isfbrateonaabaft='a large number:ofW what was old, but they also made cer-
Haglish-writers, -and -one Americ~n,,, (ContIruscion Page, Seven) I_____________________________

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