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October 28, 1923 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-28

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azd thc
VI' MitARCHt OF lls it Irs1'all
"'Et1RIt' r o T3i. iES ' a -ura-
You niay A 05hardani . "-e r s nane-
heiee,^, sdei01' r'C' en'1 I-s at1
51 it istatet'ast " 1 do-'
--"Oc i IAI c-tii5015an10e
i-soarc t ia ne .0 1toie, Lhis
E 10 A 1 zonma. -re : cot a sr trci'.'
o~v p r_1Iyht -the -t1_- e.'se Paine1t Roswie
io teeIos -ct-ps1 at'an11-tin. t--S .- pesent'aneylamus
rh nti-tr e nisof 'eol o-'-IrAAll ~
to tle piuO'AI'..-themseves rat e"' A o ate ' 0iefg so
thlan to tir ihard-woring niaipV ,._tht -Ic-a"i eIe;,rl-'te- areo
lators. Therei' s ovilouly i 011101t111ylat.11quite: uniqueO
so0sublytiy trical -lnd so unusually '-'-"- =.11 1 fact. tiey mlodstly
novel ahout their Ilitcollggesturco 151i~t o1Ia tther puppts"walk bhtter
That n imlleit~e response is at-l'ea Tony's, tie ra-
010ys asre tie wooden actors. 5.1-son .- l eciclly iinvolved witi
And athoughl the word "wooden" is ' - v :htothetiIgur, ht
a pretty sentiment to apply to them, taco ep tsti to warn us not to
they are in reaty far from hat. In cap e"1ptr 'odotion whehirsrot a
fact, it is this very freedom -rons.sa ntte Itldel dlars to equl his
crude angular awkardness_,;udio-ale - tothosand dollar one. Ij
stead supple lithoess that is their lave no idea, however, that it is not
most startling feature. so anhtir-;t)Iatter of oioney as of
I Understand that the program of_poata kng care and skill. There
The "Puppeteers--for I mut -asirit st-stat to ho lii-is doot of the ratter,}
that I have never seen t-myself-is '.d the gliostion nosy is whether this
exceptionally varied with particular t le t.wl glfil the crowds.
stress laid on the humorous possibil- - --
ities of the puppets. One number, for GENT TO ILADY.
listabcd - inclides two solemn, redly - .Nywthat Ivr. anurge has already
culous Hindoos, and presently, a mst said what--I have so long had in my
ausazitg~lsnake Another one'- is , a. own-mind. to say concerning Chimes.
burlesque of the everlasting colora- I can only add mny sincere enthusiasm
tura soprano-a lady,I am- assured;, tr.his' 'earty commendation of this
of a mst exquisite lute'lilce ':Ve C tn,,.-g:vr is c upus opinion month-
and of astonishing technical brilliancy, ly,
Still another number is the jrotfg to I admit that there was a time in my
Bernard Shaw's "Androclesand the 'careerwhen I thought that only a
Lion." This, without queftion ogogl t freshman and newly-arrived Chinese
to be delightful-delightful believe oghi ,the,, magazine-possibly be-
ts the proper word-a milk ted lion. cas .iey. di not know any better,
a cowardly Christian, hias sr slah sugsos -b-ut all that is changed
pagan wife, and . B.S. and niow. , My,etire attitude, my whole
marionettes!Iphitospliy ssf life I might even say,
Thel organization, it seems, is macae: s undergone a radical conversion,
better known throughout the state and O.see ich matters in their True
than in Ann Arbor itself-an, then .Light. -
they think of the prophet and his At last I realize that all this excite-
honor. . . However, they have at met and ferment-blather" I would)
last made up their minds to try ther iate calef in the old days-over
luck on the village BroadwayUder: college spirit, athletics, sportsman-
the auspices of the University Y W:.sloip, Amer'canism., religion. and alt
C. A. they are to present "Six -Pupet ; th rest io,;ater all, the proper thing.
_____________________ Fnoamnal and Good witl its
-goal toards' Character and Real
_DonaldHE. L. Snyder.. .Books am -njst ibegintng to appreciatej
JNormand Lorkwod....tiMusc the stlNcesity of a se-loming
Robert Barron Henderson..
-U.. rama ao- Ifor ties Gretness-I mightOhave
Gordon Wier-----------.i. . rt ad soui'ctin aot Snitaton also'
Lisle Rose. Halsey Davidson. tfste ey r.taiosane-of this. te
Newell Behalt, Samel Moore,( t _r I are-C luniversty in th coun-
Jr. - try. ,
TeSunday Magazine soiits( Then there is the matter of Capus
manuscripts froni all persons a- Opinion and all uch turning ques-I
filiated with the University. Man- f lons as Fraternities and the S. C. A.
usripta must e typewritten. and the Woan Prohlem wich musti
triplcl spaced and ottitten on oe I(lbe solved by it. The ea when I
e ssidein.
laughed at such problems is no more
TeSunday Magazine acknowl ! and I finally realize thePrtme Import-
edges The American Secular Un-
ion review servic-e for "The Un- ance and Passionate Need of letting
official Observer" depario'ent. h wevethosan- vent their ideas

Carson of the naughty words, and the ing pleurisy causes one to pause, yet
deception of Delbert-Clarke. In short at the same time, admiration is mixed
I am through with this smart-aleck with the sympathy, for we realize
sophistry: I will have none o' it! that here are two true Michigan men
And not only have my opinions that gave their all for the alma nmater.
changed with regard to tis one nsat-; The real gem, however, the tale
j ter, but with regard to all other things 'that thrills us to the core is that
as well. For exanmple, I went to ihear story by "Proxy" himself., You have
Mlr. Sousa the other evening-Mic. S all heard it:' howv last fail he was at
of the U. S.A. some people call hubn-- the psint of deBath-the doctors. in
and hecause of my nee. isentlgeo- :tiact, lhad given up hlope-hut when
graphy I was thoeroughly charmed. R is lO e erd the iMichigan locomotive out-
sobtle finesse and taste were every- sill"'ihis wcindow, he was saved, the
where apparent, especially in -the er--is ws passed. and he lived to
combhination of Srheliilc-s suiblimie"s(rve tis "'-at college sonce agatin
'Victory Boll" with ' The 'Victors,- Gea1100"tOSroA i ac
Chopin Noctuirne, (on tle Xyiophonc),I n-Is tie f1st 1, <ed3tli nevars
with the incalo arable "YesWe h-ye Ie 'l iA 3joy. One more is Awon to
Nfo lianas" and Saraste o"a avioli te boost0lerced, oliotilldle 1 ises-
with "Turkish Towel" on a saxophIone; co-Ito"s'ng tile etaises t -I
It is such mixtures as thas" thatelace "I t 5" 1lo(t (loin~ ~
the gentlemnan inext to none. Mc has ccrnI-I 5-- and Cod and Itlictigall ,
-the t-slyAmner-ican Iit o oee__________
doubl~le lortetht i -lkes ) 1 'l "01et'4
maeatds r ier a3 tim 4Abnet in kiao le 8ic5 1
Thcrc is also t - hil 1's1 1 1cif--cli cC .ec
fie rec tc- loit A- OteaI o r"'. 1his'
ien.-l at1a 1 lt ll ae. I "I
IIit-01 Iced Ill Ito to-n,-_ ail E'1,0t~< 1 c
a r :c.- (l.ltA. Pill.


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_____________________________ Art last I :realize the virtues of I
____________________ -redoubtable Bacon. As the PresidE
liiiill poicyof 111 ,to ~ himoself hai put it, "Be is a ComE
Ipuiblish articles.oopnonbi bth I sI p en the knee) Yes, str, a Comei
th jutil dgmn f the editrb, thsef is 'nally I am made to see the baseni
clesae of intrinsic rovalusadSntst.l of 0. ID.- , thtat wretched one '
Thise Sc-s ~ot xan t1-oS o 1.-sts .
solicited or , voko'o'ili offe'edIare lacked the brains to appreciaet
.ncessls intaccord1z1 4editorial honor of being triple-starred for I
opiio ethe iPiciples orfor.t
S a N. -;pa, . the iudoency of I

I 1 r.

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