HTHIS. COLUN LaSS COLUMN CIVJ±S ClOSES AT 31. "DAERTISINGT 3 P.M, OPTICAL i i _ _ *, j f, < ; . ,,. k t . ------ Classified Column Closes at 12 o'Clock Noon, Saturday. "Jimmie-$he-Ad-Taker" 4.t w .,: k LOST FOUN~TAIN PENS^ f I AL;PHA OMICRON PI PIN-Name on FOUNTAIN PENS back. Reward. Call 2949. WE HAVE fountain pens of nationally a L - i . Lv ' .""' '"' " " ... - ° 44ROWN LEATHER BILL fold con-. taining sum ofimoney. Reward if returned to Herman Bremenkampf. 612 Church, 1070-M. GOLD EVERSHARP pencil. Valuable to owner. Call Margaret Elliott. Phone 2338. ' The worry over where to get real good punch for your party. Every- body is talking about the wonderful flavor of the punch made by THE ARBOR FOUNTAIN 313 S. State A STRING -of Oriental pearls at the the 0. S. U. game. Highly prized by owner. Finder please return to Michigan Daily Office. K. A. T. PIN with "Josephine Balz" engraved on back. Call 2570. Re- ward. - 0. S. U. Debaters "0" Pin. Lost prob- ably in Law building or State street, Phone 1686-R. A GOLD CUFF LINK with the initial S. Call 1405-W. tRAY OVERCOAT in locker room of library. Reward. No questions asked. Phone 2106-M. 615 Monroe. DARK BLUE PIN with letters S. .A. * U. Phone 452. FOUND W WAFFLES--ig crisp, golden-brown waffles with real Vermont sugar syrup and fresh country butter. THE ARBOR FOUNTAIN. 313 S. State TAILOR HERMAN THE TAILOR We have a complete new line of fall and winter overcoats and suits. New collegiate styles, custom made. "We Strive to Please" 802 S. State. Phone 3341-M. OSTEOPATHIC PIHYSICIANS Dr. Cairie 0. Clssen_ 510 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phones: Office 1636; Res. 2451. Hours by Appointment Dr. W. S. Mills Phone 321-F-1 616 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. I Hours: 9-12; 1:30-5 Dr. Dorothy Sellards 303 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Hours by appointment Phone 333-F-. FOR SALE USED CARS- 1921-4-Pass. Stearns Knight 1922-Nash Coupe. 1920-Hupmobile Touring 1921-Ford Coupe. 1 OAKLAND; 1 BUICK $150 EACH ANN ARBOR NASH CO 311 Maynard. VODGE Touring Car, excellent condi- tion. Phone 661-W, 532 Thompson St reet. A COLUMBIA phonograph,rportable style, with 50 records. Price $45. Apply after 4:30 p. m. at 224 So. Thayer. OLD VIOLINS, Guitars and Mandolins -Italian, French and germant makes. Will buy old or broken violins. First class repairing done. James Coon, 533 South Main street, Phone 1075-W Same day optical service. Arcade . Jeweler and Optoetrist. 1920 FORD T OUEING without ,a starter; good running condition and good tires. Or what have you to trade? H. Magnuwsen, ojc White Swan Laundry or phone 1296-W aft- er 5 o'clock. OPPORTUNITY to select real green jades, bead neck laces, pendants, brooches, ear-rings and other small pieces. Show them at your house. Call 1666-R evenings for appoint- ment. MAH JONGG: 2 sets, 1 new,' 1 slight- ly used, made in China. Furnish instructions. Owner likes to play game with you. Great fun. Call Cheung, 1666-R evenings. GLEE CLUB MEN: Fu'11 dress suit, complete; size 37-38. Cash or trade i for tuxedo. Call La Fever, 1841-J. mUSICA.. Paul Whiteman the "King of Jazz" is back from Europe. Hear his new Victor record "What Do You Do Sun- day, Mary" and "Chansonette" Fox Trots at Schaeberle & Son's, 110 S. Main St. FLOWERS luMaize No. 9 Nickel's Arcade. 213 E Liberty. advertised makes that give good ser- vice; also the best grades of foun- tain pen ink including Diamond, Waterman and Reflex. FOUNTAIN PEN repairs receive prompt attention. O. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels' Arcade. The Typewriter & Stationery If you write, we have it. Store. S MISCELLANEOUS A CONSIGNMENT of assorted quali- ties of Ma Jongg will be received this week. Mrs. H. B. Merrick, 928 Church. Phone 265-J. DON'T forget the folks at home. Mother likes tulips, hyacinths and daffodils.' We have a large stock of Bulbs of all varieties. We pack carefully and ship anywhere. HARRIS SEED STORE, 300 E. Washington, Cor. 5th Ave VANITY CASES Powder boxes with mirror and puff. Embroidered silk covers in all colors $3.50 and up. Sterling silver vanity cases $12.00 to $15.00. Newest and most complete line in the city. ARNOLD STATE STREET JEWELRY 302 S. State. TYPEWRITING & MIMEOGRAPHING promptly and neatly done. BUSINESS SERVICE CO., 322 South State St., over "M" Lunch. Phone 993-M Furniture repairing, upholstering and refinishing. Prompt service by expert workmen. Mr. C. Link. THE SQUARE DEAL FURNITURE REPAIRING CO 305 Third St. Phone 2731-M C11IROPRA T' C Dorothy B. Lowry CHIROPRACTOR. 606 Nat. Bank Brldg. O ffee flours: 1-6. Phone 401-J. Dr. M. R. Minnis, chirodopist, has discontinued at the F. W. Demattia Beauty Shop and will be at her own beauty shop over Zwergel's Book, Stor, 61S W. Cross, Ypsilanti, Mich. COSMETIC SERVICE' Every WOMAN with a BEARD Should know that the Superfluous Hair Growth ca: be permanently and safely removed by electrolysis. Work done by competent graduate nurse operator. Fees reasonable. ELECTRIC - COMS3IETIC SERVICE, Hours: ,224 Nickel's Arcade 1 to 4:30 (2nd FLOOR) BOARD CHICKEN SALAD HOT ROLLS & JELLY HOT CHOCOLATE WHIPPED CREAM CAKE 5 to 8 p. m. SUNDAY THE ARBOR FOUNTAIN 313 S. State. VARSITY LODGE DINING HALL Our Main dining rooms are already full to capacity with satisfied stu- dents, but we are contemplating open- ing an annex which will give twenty- five more the l enefit of our excellent cooking agd service. If interested call at 611 Church sttreet. Painstaking examinations.? Highest grade material.- Prompt service. All work guar- anteed. We carry a complete line of all frames and lenses. Our work is thorough and cor- rect. C. S. WICKENS, OPII. . EYESIGHT SPECIALIST At Arnold's State St. Jewelry , Store 302 SOUTH STATE REAL ESTATE FINE HOME filled with thirteen room- ers close to campus. This is very nice and can be handled with as! low as $2,000 down, including room- ers and furniture. HAVE ONE EIGHT ROOM, very nice, on paved street at the right price that can be had with only $1500.00 down and easy payments. WE ALSO HAVE some very choice building lots in different parts of the city, at very attractive prices. IF YOU are looking for a home or a. I - THE- MICHIGAN DAILY WATCH THIS SPACE FOR LOT SALE WANTED HELP ON EAST OR UPPER SIDE PACK- STUDENT HELP-No 11 o'clocks. ARD ST., FRM I Arcade Cafeteria, Nickols Arcade. AD T., -MILE FROM CITY Commerce iDepartment Issues Book LIMITS. Prompted by the recent decrease in LANNSARBQR HOME BUILDERS the percentage of families owning N ARBO ON Btheir own homes in the United States, ASSOCIATION Edwin H. Smith, Samuel Schultz the Department of Commerce has is- 408 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 3385 sued "How to Own Your Home," an t official handbook for prospective home FOB RENT owners. It may be obtained by send- ing five cents to the office of the Su- A VERY pleasant suite, close to perintendent of Documents, govern- campus, for one or two. 204 N In- ment printing office, Washington, D. galls St. C. TYPEWRITER REPAIRING !INSU ANCE. ALL MAKES. Agency Woodstock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- We Handle ing machine, Line-a-Time copy holders, rubber stamps, ribbons, LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE IN- cushion keys, type cleaners and sup- SURANCE plies. Machines rented. WOLVERINE MUTUAL MOTOR ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER INSURANCE EXCHANGE. Phone 886, downtown LONDON UNDERWRITERS AGENCY WANTED j ALLIANCE INSURANCE STUDENT SALESMEN H. A. WELCHER, Phone 646 TO SELL LOTS in a fast developing 310 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. property, during spare time. Lib- eral commission. Phone 3385 or BEAUTY SHOP FREE treatment with every $5.00 Experience unnecessary. For free { ticket. list positons, write . Terry (form- Up stairs, Room 21 Wuerth Arcade -. ot i '( nuwm ri e R.Je r I (A or .p Phone 241-R rister Bldg. Washington, D. C. ARCADE BEAUTY SHOP E. L. Anderson MEN, WOMEN.- 18 -upward. For ,OIEN'S SHOP government positions. -120-$133 mo.__ LUXITE HOSIERY A NUMBER of energetic students de- j for siring to earn money during spare LUSTROUS BEAUTY hours. Congenial and profitable AND worl. For particulars, address tha* LONG WEAR Garvin Institute, 4140 Woodward MILADYS SHOPPE Ave., Detroit, 'Mich. 27 Wuerth Arcade building site oraninvestment or a b s ereSMALL furnished apartment, or two We handle exclusively for Ann Ar- businss propert ust vea us ~ or three rooms with private family, bor "Kellogg Uplift Corset". Recomn- cll afor visiting professor; three or four mended by Doctors and satisfied users. weeks beginning November 16. Tel- Special fittings by appointment. Phone MICHIGAN WEAL ESTATE . ephone Univrsity 95,305-J. - E A C-MILADYS SHOPPE 3101d ROOM MATE for large front room, 27 Wuerth Arcade First a. Bank Bldg. s in heat. Pone 119 -M. 422'T. Office Phone 6467-W.WashingtonA new line of silk and wool hos=. Reci. Pohife 1597-W. PU IKT orte Mrn FOUR TICKETS for the Marine Assorted line of handkerchiefs. Silk ' Game. -flowers for your evening gown. Only SubCdiision aCall Ann 4-- IEXQUISITE CORSET SHOP Only Sub-division afound Ann Ar- A GARAGE in the neighborhood of 109 W. Liberty, Opp. Macks. bor with city water. Modern conven- Hill and Forest. Phone 180 McIn- iences such a's electricity, cement tosh or Murave walks, streets and shade trees. One mile akOOMATE to share front room whf o r yortStaest.t. wonderful opruiyfrAj OMT osaefrn omwt T Investment a sophomore student. Steam heat. ST DDARD or home-site. Construction already 320-J. 415 N DivisionA being carried out. First sub-division = HAIRYSHOP past city limits. For any information_ TYPEWRITERSI call owner. MRS. N. S. JOHNSON, 27 Wuerth Arcade We are pleased to offer a very at- tractive house in a most desirable res- idence section. The exterior is brickF and stucco. The lot is 75x150 and highly improved. Living room '6x --beamed ceiling--hammered fixtures -side lights-steam heat-bath with shower-four bedrooms and sleepiig porch-garage. A real home-Owner leaving city. A six room house (new). Lot 40x 132-strictly modern. $1,000 down. New six room house with attic in Washtenaw district-Living room 16x 22 with 8 electrical outlets-garage- $12,000 with easy terms. We have some very desirable lots INSURANCE ON EVERYTHING POTTER, ALLSHOUSE & RICHARDS, Inc., 601-4 First National Bank! Bldg;., Tel. 20 721 THE PUPPETEERS Auspices of UNIVERSITY Y. W. C. A. TYPEWRITERS Rainwater Shampoos of all makes! Iair Goods and Cosmetics Bought, Sold, Rented Exchanged.ud Cleaned and Repaired. Tanlieurig and Marcelling BUSINESS SERVICE CO., 1 322 South State St0eet, 707 N. Vniversity Phone 265, over "M" Lunch.. Phone 903-M TRY OUR MALTED MILK AND ICE CREAM Sundaes and KODAKS TOILET ARTICLES GILBERT'S CHOCOLATES DRUG SUNDRIES Prcsgriptions Carefu1ly Compounded MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 S. MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING \ SECRETARIAL TRAINING CLASSES NOW FORMING Hamilton Business College STATE AND WJLLIAM STREETS a U See our window display of specials on i "" Pillilill I Mirro Aluminum, Tea Kettles, Roasters Double Boilers Basins Cleanliness I The greatest factor in a clean house, store, or office is paint. Un- finished woodwork means dirty Dodn't niss this chance to get these goods at our price wood work or wasted labor. Savc f your walls with paint. Save your PRICES RIGHT floors with varnish and wax. I L &K Am0 n IJiwnra N0TICZ ; 11