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October 28, 1923 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-28

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ST NDAY,' OCTOBER 28, 1923

......................... 6 .

.. .

Pulished every mornin'g except Monday
during the UIniversity year by the P'oard in
Control of Stud(-nt Publications.
Meinbors of Western Conference Editorial
.,sorvi tion.I
The AsTi~e ress is exclusively en-
itied fto the am for repubication of all news
dispatches cctd :o it -or" not otherwu-e
err ditcd i thV papradthe local news pub-
Entered l tz. l,4f'ce at Ann Arbor,
Michigank s~matter.
Sribsc pI nb rr'.r,$3.50b; by mail,
offices Ann A ubor Press Building, May-
Pne:Editorial, 2404 and 176M; Bnsit
ness, 960.
Signed commnunicatiops, not exceeding 300
wor ds, will be pultishedi in The 1)aily at
the discretion of the Edliter. Upon requ~est,
the, identity of comnmunicants will be re-
garded. as confidential.
Teleph'ones, 2414 and 176-31
News Editor..... ..Julian E. Mack
Citr Editor.......... .Harry .Ifrey
Editorial Board Chairman... Y. C. Moriarty
kligbt Edt-rs
E. IT. Ailes A. B. Connable
R. A. Biliington 1 . I. Fiske
Hiarry C. Clark M VG.' Garlinghouse
Sports Editor ......... .....Ralph N. Blyers
W omen's Elite r. ,,......... Winona Hibbard
Telegraph Editor........... B. Tarr
Sunday :Magazine Editor......F. L. Tilden
MtusccI titor.........Ruth A Howel
.Assistant City Editor .i. IKenneth C. Kellar
Editorial Board

one of the most. noted scholars of °---
jurisprudence in the world today. Hi,):05
studies in the political, legal and so- R L CAMPUS OPINION I
cial in sti tut ions of Eng land have wion /,/_______,_______;
for him an acknowledged] pree-minence P MT N'S THlE BC T1 P
in his own country and abv"ocd. The y WORD) ToCtheHEditor
fact that Sir Pail, a Rus.sian by birth. ' . -T teEdtr
educated in Russian and ot'ier conftin-, Anglomnania, long the pursuit of the The campus is asleep-or else it
ental universities, is the 'recipient of upper classes, is now catching thei is dead and won't lie Sown. The Stu-I
a degree from a.n .Amet wan unfversity b~ourgeoisie by the ears. In otheri dents of Illinois raised ever $1,00,0001
makes the occurreicec doubly interest- words, the mercantile strata in. our to buildl a stadium. The average waq
ing; an(d further, the manner in population have become aware of the $121 per man. They got nothing for,
which the degree was conferred, in ex- advertising value of "things English".I their money except the satisfact:on
.tra seIssion of the University "Senate, ("Apologies to Jack Kelly, who saysi of helping to build their stadlam and
lends great dignity to this impressiveI "things Michigan".) The clothing 1 pride in the knowledge that the men
occasion, storesrespecially are gg nfor it, of Ilni er nfeEndaie h
{ r n he s~ np o~ t o le Tn v r although Am erican clothes still bear I state liof affairs at i hig an is e all
city, it is as, important for them that absolutely no resemblance to those deploral e. The 4000 Club, striving to
tihno hld hacrddteworn in the British Isles. The Ads raisO money to complete the Union
grea juist asit ustbe leaantstart off with a little ditty about .'Ut- swimming pool has procured but sey-
for Sir Paul to receive it. For it f.erly English, and therefore quite 'en hundred and fifty members. They
mus beaduittd hatonemeaureofcorrect", and go on with the old bab- are not asking donations-merely that
the reanes of istheble of fabrics, loose-hanging lines, and the students pledge themselves to buy
men ho earh~'i~nveritythe rest of the stuff that should have 1 20 swim tickets. They will get full
me h erhrdegrees. Michigan !been copyrighted by the Messrs. Kup- vlefrtermnyadytte
has granfed (degrees to many of the Yvlefrtermnyadytte
most distinguished men in the world. penheimier long ago.; are unwilling to cooperate in the comn-
andherdl~masofdegeescanbe The Kelly-Springfield tire adver- pletion of the only unfinished part of
j ad hr r~plnia ofdegeescanbetisements, for years supported by theI the Union. There can be nothing more
found in practically every country,! clever drawings of Laurence Fellows,I typical of Michigan sp rit than the
It is an hionor to the University that are taking a flyer in Britisisms too,'
Sir Paul receives his degree, for such largely because Mr. Fellows is (or uiigo h tdn oyi etn
'men are above institut ions, and in ac- was rcnl)o ori h l on be'hind the 4000 club to show the Alum-
cepting their degrees, honor as much try. He sent in a great bunch of copy tathsudnboyirelyn
o s hey re onor~l.the job.
thyaehnr~.from England, including views of De- B. F. Hausman, '24E.
- - ------ vonshire on a rainy day, and little
W 11T WILL LETTER 'NEXT BE sketches of Englishers on the. way to
>USTffD FOI> the races, the cricket matches, etc. HCHIGANY'S ATTITUDE ON THE
From Kialamaz=oo college comies the WI'e recall one delicate scene in Lon-i IOWA GAME
iwordl that athletic letters are to be don, wherein one English1 gent inquir- To the Editor:
awarded to girl students. The report, ed of a friend what sort of "tyres" The Iowa game is near at hand, andj
states than honors will be attain~able he was using. The other, after admnit- it is only expedient that a word be
more through adherence to strict rules ting his ignorance of whether hie used said of this coming contest.
of person al hyg'-enae, rather than - in any tyres at all, asked his. chauf-1 ntefrs lc,]wahsafr
; n;hfrtpae oa}a o-feur about it. The chauffeur said 'i 1 s o
athletic comrpetition, although the soetinmik ti: Kelbsrig aggregation which i o
lattiglketi:erll pin,- will figure in the scoring on filssr;adbgigyorpro i preparaing to knock our chances for
which tie awards will be based. Co rn~hnr. nyls er
they'r~e a bit of orl right."-; Michigan was> compelled to share her
Some of the highest scores may be; Which example of the British idiom chmiXshpwt.tietenrvl
attine thoug Pbtenat~ frnicomes pretty close to taking the cake. Now that Illinois has 1placed the first i
eating anything except fruits between
meals, giigu ade xcp nCmuiu black mark on Iowa's sheet, we mayj
I feel assured that Iowa is pointing her
small quantities taken immediately of-; My Dear Cowles:
ter meals; cleaning the teeth after My diafragm heaves with emotion,7 efforts toward keeping us on her liane
eachHel, nd bstetaton rom' iof the score chart: It is the first'
eahmaadasetto rm(No, not that kind) .as I indite this. 'gm hc-ehveshdldwt
more than one cup of coffee or- tea a It is a matter of vital interest to all goaewi reshvsiceuledootal
day. Six hundred points are neces- who fear God and the United States Iw' arossneorfobl
sary to win. Other th-ings a girl may' congress. Do you not think that some team has worried the Big Ten. Itj
do to win the hionor are to sleep in suitable punishment could be devised poie to be a hard battle and weI


- ~ : 6P- 4!-71 ,,qt-fla,*l~tt



At rah am.s

Tvo. Stores.

Lirniteds: 6 a. ran., 9:10 a. mn. and
every two hoors to 9:10 p.' ni.
Express: 7 a. in., 8 a in. and every
two hours to 8 Ip. rn.
Locals: 7 a. mn., 8:55 a. m. and;
every two hours to 8: 55 p. in.,
11 p. in. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40
p. in., 12:25 a. in. and 1:15 a. i.
Limiteds: 8:47 a. in. and every two
hiours to 8:47 g.yn. m
Exp orss (makting l:,al stops) ' 9:50
a. in. anul every two holjra to 9.50
p. in.
Locals: 7:50 a. in., 12:10 a. mn.
-('-:,atral 'Time (Slw 'l'ime~)
L.eave Chaumber of Commerce
WtekDays tun 'ays
6:45 a.nm. 6:45 a. m.
12:45 P. M. 6:45 P. m.
4:45 P. flm.
JAS. H. ELLIOTT, Proprietor
IPho.we ,g26-M Adrian, MichI.
A new consignment of Chine-se ruigs,
grey, t oulpe, tan and bl,11e, have ar-
rivedi in D.troit. JIl be here nr'xy
weekc.- Display remnovedt from IHa tier~s
to 928 Church St. Mrs. 11. D. TMcrriclk.



.. ...,


Iiiqh in1Qualify
Not in Price,

Paul Einstein

F. G. l3aetcke
Marion :Barlo'w
.1len Brow n
flernadefte Co
G,.VW. Davis
H~arold lEhrlicl
T. P. Henry
'Dorothy Kami
Toseph Kruger
rlizabeth Liel
R. R. MeGregc

PRnfjzrt Pam -ay
Andrew Propper
nB. C. Mack
Verena Moran
)e Regina Reicuman
S. L.. Smith
;h WI. II. S- 'on nu
ie H. R. Ston,
KE. I. Styer
in N. R. Thal
r S B. Tremble
Berman W. J. Walt tour
,or, Jr.


eimpart more cheer and charm
to every room in the home.
Our selection embraces a, wide
range of floor, bridge and table,
lamps, with attractive shades to
match ; at moderate prices.
Fine Furniture--Moderately Priced

Telephone 960

tiIEI;I' A" ~ lEE Il
7I1?Arbor litreet
'Near Staft ad t ach ard S~iet

Advert is ing E. . .. I,. Dtunnej well ventilated rooms, drink from six
Advertising ..........Peru y M. II ayden t ih lse ofwtrady n
Advert iisig ................ Purdy 0egtgasso ae a n
!Advertising--.........W. Roe sser take hikes of, n otnore than ten 'miles:
'Advertising .;. .... W. I. Schemer'
Accounts . .. ....... Christie "each and not less than fifty milesfor
Circulatw~n........... .. . Jno. .-askins the semester.
Pulcto -......... Lawrence Pierce
As-i-, - - J.udging from this report we Avon-
Be nnie Callan Harold :A M arks - der , w hat the next use , of letters w ill hi Co lnl y on P r e b . P L- a s s l e co eg m a1
AliI13. (:much 'SA, Robinson
L~oins M. Dexter .11. 'U. Rockwell I the lian of giving letters to it; pret-
J-oseph-. J.: Finn - 1-H . B. RoseItist -r o'o th s
:Daid- f1: Fox WVill Weise - is ils rt hs who are best:
Lare laiht2 c ~Witer- - able to make paermanent w e.The
EJ.. D. :ldoni. 1er ' .Wntrpo -~ it hatiithe reitvaj ~fue of let-
- 0 trs and the ]honors which they sym-
1-) ize,z t re r. dually becomuing more
-~___ ------- - trivial and comnplex. Their worth i I
SUQNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1923 -1 being respected less and lens because,
Night Editor-HARRY C. CLAR3K 01: the loose way in which they are be-
-____ __--ing d'stributed.
A POSSIBLE SOLUTION Kalamazoo college might well sub-
~-Today, just two weeks short of five stitute soiiietliiig more useful--say a
years since the. cessation of fighting hatirpini or a barrel-..
:on the western front, the allied na-
btons of Eucrope are contemiplatiug the
fo riationc-f an international' econom- Tue , " jY a s
'cconfere we to settle the reparationsr e s,;
tangle. Al dsst realizing the fact i Aglo-A ih -,a
action in l :, .i tuation wo-uld mean
'the ps-b'~- of, all claim upon! Fromn the files of fihe T. of -M. Daily.
the Gern.a ,r,!lius resources, France 04October 2, 18 )S.
has veaturcd Lc-, approval of the plan
submitted by the British foreign of- TeAhei aaeethsmd
flee' !arrangements whereby a low rate can
Av*ith the German republic on the! be_ secured for those desiring to see
Ver'ge of - XnmIplete Ipol-ticaI disrupt'on,1I the Ml~ichtigan-Nortwestern gaine at
. portion aftei'portion. of -the. once mi - (,dao fffycnb eue]
ghity empire- seceding froum the unified rate of six dollar,,; and fifty cents will
11government and establishing separat~e be madte for the round trip.
little states, Prance is a t last, wilfug
to recognise the fact. that Germany's The Athletic association of 'Harvard
capacity to lpay must - be th subject ofI graduato:s iv ill give. a complimentary
as serious concer'n as-the strained c'r- dinner to the Hlarvard oleven and sub-
~cumstances of her creditors.',It is stitutes at which Col. Theodore Roose-
just as riiulou-s to try to squeeze vest, C overnor WAoleott, and President
the many, billion; at first proposed! Elliott will be speakers.
froth the already strained coffers of____
Germany as it, would be to sue a. poor G reat preparations are being made
dlay laborer for fifty thousand do"-I at the M1Vuseum bfr xeceiving; the Fred-'
Sara, Granted that the one who crick Stearns collection of musical in-
brought suit woon his case, what would' strumn vhc a rsnelt h
1e have? I Universily a few days ago. The North
In th'e'Highly organized society of ;s'le of the third floor hias been clear-
the day, everything hinges upon. ceo- : col01f is case~s of shells and fish, and
monnic stability. Without this, no ag- the entire room has been given up
reemnent can be formulated. Now 'to dlisplaying the curious noise ma-
that the crises. -of the past few years . chines that Mr. Stearns has gathered
in Germany are over, we see no light fi-oinale:l lands.-
aha.-What once wvas termed- a ens-_ -
is liarnova= ecome so coimonplace'- mc:-d-ent: i,Tv-while we are talking
that it bgyeW receives our notice. Even ,ab1ot II e mus euni,- the--fish and rep-
though a coiferenee such as is agMisttile.s are biggiv-ca a;good washing
,proposed might conceivably fail to, b;ft fom-e eang llaced on exhibition in
c~omne to a definite conclusion in the} the' fourth floor hiallway. Yesterday
.;exact determination of reparations, it" the 1big "niackernl shark" together
might throw some light- upon a sit- withi the other fellows vwas carefully,
uanion, now clouded by-the prejudices I scrubbed with lye and water, ,And,
of ?rations blinded in the+ pursuit ofI when they ne-At make thim r appear-
pesnlgain. anee. it. will be with bri ht, clean
if the natons of Europe, together scales ad skins.-

for those specimens of humanity who
are always ..making killing remarks
remarks such as- "How fowl" when
the w aiter 'brings in the regular
Tuesday ehicken croquettes? Such an
occurrence sickens a man for the rest

of the' day. I meditated having the
town council of Squeegee, Mo., pass
some sort of nmandate authorizing boil-
ing in a good "quality 'of oil, preferably
linseed, for ivaryinmg periods of time,
according to the. size of the offense.
Or perhaps a, system of signals could
be arranged!, like' 23-56-77 shift, to be

.uttered before getting off a blighting
remark.- This would enable all in-the

vicinity to take leave before they were
incited to homicide. I certainly be-
live that something drastic must be
dlone, or I shall some day lose control
of myself and gently but firmly
strangle one of these unblest persons.
Cold uchIs
And did you see the bit in this
morning's Daily purporting to be a
letter fronm an 0. S. U. bandsman,
thanking "The Michiganders" for the
good time they gave "we Ohio Stat-
A nother' correspondent says very
generously that all the humor in the
'Daily is not confined to our column,
and calls attention to sonme of the
class ifieds--
For Alire-Cars and drive yourself.
And again-
'Fine Honne filled with thirteen
roomers close to campus. This is
very nice and can be handled with, as
low as $ 2.000 dlown, including roomers
and furniture.
3Our correspondent remarks that

should be there in numbers when our'
SWolverines make their intial visit to
the Hawkeye state.
Then there is another reason why
mention is given to this contest. Our
Michigan alumni from the south and
west are going to be there with great
sexpectations of. seeing the band and
- hearing rpl - .icto m,'three, special
r;trains ca r ing gr ite§ will leave
:C.IKansas City' while kbther will leave,
Indiaiiapot ,.- If Miohi an isawake to
tthe dut YV4;e sheq6? s to hier alum-
ni at this time, of all times, she will
put the entire band in Iowa field
when the Yostmen mnake, their second
'jlap towards the Conference title. The
Iowa campus with its o~pen hmouse tra-
'ditions will oAer.- a ~festival wvek-end
Sfor every' W6'erinfe Who wears tme
arm band. The cheerleaders must ac-
companmy the band amid broadcast the
loconmotive throughout the Hlawkeye
stadium. T11 special rates are cer-
tainly reasonable_ and tickets will be
on sale from now on at the Union
IHow about it Michigan?.
1L. J. Glasgow, '24.




vxerts.r:.4..:: w.wFnnwewnnrr
,a.«rsnnwr as

Roosevelt on D~isarmnament
The Bok Peace' Prize contest is near
its culmination, and there are many
who look for some radical change as
a result. Nothing can be farther from
the truth. Theodore Roosevelt once
"Amiable but fatuous persons

" -

~, 0
Threrto enyngth cm
fepi, h ort of these bigCoats It's
there.a So 'sthe distinctive,
appearance. Wearing one will'
make you~ very well dressed*.,
Also $30 to $8. 1hrtSchaf/ner --
& A~iruazlIother fine makes
+_ T T1T 7 ~1VJ T XT

-, t
t If

this sort of thing harks back to the ps rsltoi~eadn nvra
lasofedls.* arbitration for'- everything, and the
I disarmament of the free civilized Pow -
TI'he current attraction at the Arcade,G ers and their abandonment of their
a film that goes by the title of "The are'ocsso lete wiewl-
Eagle's Feather", exhibits the ele-
mental pasosroe ae t. n meaning, solemn- little books or pain-
is further e lvedbyateriv,alry ph lets, or editorials, and articles in
tsefurtheerined andhriaunt .O !magazines or newspapers to show that
twee theherine nd er ant.At I*it i an "illusion" to believe that wvar
time end of the picture, these words --
are flashed onto the silver sheet: pays, because it is expensive. This
-It's a Metro is prec'sely like arguing that we
The Wold's Best should disband the police and devote
outr sole attention to persuading crim-
'Mrs Lloyd George, who is unofficially finals that it is "an illusion" to sup-
paying a visit to thYe' Unitedl States at pose that burglaryy highway robbery
the present time, fs no busy laying and white slavery are profitable."wr a h oi 't e om s f A eic s
hono:red dead. He h~as taken in Wash- The Grand Old Gamie
ingtoni, Lincoln ,(nit' sure about him) Early season attendance figures in-
aind Harding, to date, as well as oth- dicate =that football instead of wan-
ens that we must have missed. The 1 ing in. popularity is gaining. The first1



Unknown Soldier will undoubtedly
receive his just due before Mr. Lloyd
George leaves these shores.
What interest's our speculative mind
in this business is just what* a guy
thinks about when he's laying a
wreath on the tomb, say of Warren
Gamaliel Iharding? Does he ponder
on the great and noble qualities of the
deceased, his far-seeing statesmian-

few games of the season have drawn
crowds that only tole so-called chain-
Ipionship games of last season could
have drawn.
ISome 45,000 people watched Michei-
gan beat Ohio State 23-0. The Notre
Dame-Princeton game drew over 38,-
000, and the Syracuse-Pittsburgh game
dre~w 25.000 rinn1 Tle.T Harrd

w,,ith the cooperation of the United
states, establish some sort or organ-
ization to investigate the exact status
of Germany, and possibly that of the

Only one Iichig .n man who has
never lost, a football game while the
Wolverines were still playing has been





1 11



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