TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER~ 28, 1923 Named To Succeed R l. IE T -ME ousa T'ells Of ALPI + ROBINS TO ,SPEAK Harvey- At Loudon -Tea AId C As U S. _m ass dor RR",Up Genea ON CRISTANIT A~L.S./mbasad~rFOR PERACOMMITTEEShsfmu adMnayngt odteAp -CHRIS I 9 1INITYJohn Phllip Sousa, when here with~ NiagaraI Union Opera committee chairmenI an interesting story of a concert at near Ma ilaoInllV4(nowti Economist Will wvere gamed yesterday' by William which he played in a small town in lai, for t tak t Mlethodist r Kratz, '24E, general chairman of the Texas. tro pow Church Iannual production. The four chair-f "There had been a blizzard, and it wyas. mnchsen~ by iKratz will act as his was bitterly cold," he said. "Most ev- A dam RECENT, EU4)9EAN '1IJ' ,assatadwl aecmlt TQSPL ~C(JQUN)~assisatadwl aecmlt ery one who reserved a seat had re-rern ;'_:"- charge of the general work on the turned his ticket, and when we arriv- It h R "k } Rbnintinly ~ nQpa" off-stage. ed, there were only a hundred and 4000 econmis~ au pbi~l igue, wll ' 4John D. Briscoe, '24E, was selected twenty dollars worth of people there*, The dam spa ai34o' I "~toi ht . t the ; ....." f> ,as thsistan. $eerl chairman of Our first selection was played and was same as N~ spesa n OLLil ,~ s ai We Met gal the committees in charge of the greeted with cold silence. The se- b 1 e 3 odist c ':t1 x~nt 'e>}ec, "is . y; 4 ~ . #..^ o£ T ix en wfho were appointed nd one elicited no applause, and dr- work wil + r"ti 41y.,.- rti t?'Denoc at: hea s of the committees are: stage. ing an intermission, a committee cor- We CiiaT~oip. ., ;+ w :+? r< ' ..i ; ; lbn iBr imiy, '5 properties, Edwin posed of the mayor, and the editor of latin wc Mr. Rp~rs has ~Ritchie, '241, an}," akup, Hioward the local newspaper came back and sfiin c "un ry'rp n i t irop d h anl~. tm ~ n,'4,tl e that there were just tw o songs sutie ntai' observations. he mnade ai'rroai will forks~. Mrion R Stal, '25L, will have they wanted to' eay, "ixie" and ,the wic.w the backgroundl for his address. charge of. 411 publicity for the an- "Strs andtripes" coal. 1fao Rpreseii1 d IT.U. Abroad.e. nua musicl comedy I told them I could not play thern ' 'Dutingthe war Mr. Robins w4te / ~ except as encores, and that I would American. Red ross commissioner t« E D8 N Ti not play them unless they gave me rand Russia and was later the informal E soefig tatthy anedthm.I Two hun representative of the United Stakes £ f 'O J , ET WAGESi one person would just stamp the floor are expec Government in negotiations, with the____ I told them, that would be sign that ber 133 fa Lenixle ,oyernmnent. ted they wanted it and I would b, de-I th 1MiX Those' who heard M4r. Robins last .. Chcago, QcLM 27.-The rising 'en- ton whi year when he spoke, here on "The eny to n. wgs on the bsis of what ligteet acomortttem Qui~gqry~f W~ Wil cera~ni wis - Fank . Kelogga n needs, rat er than, on the econ- "I played again, one of the usual ____ to hear lm jaga . Frank B. Klog omryamm omt value o his labor, was blamed concert pieces, and the applause was To CoductForu , nr Kellgg, ormery "amen)recently .pr, maniy of; the ills o h temendous, considering the cumbe is *ToConiwt Forumber of the Unite States Senate for .Country by D.GsW yr rfs fpol rsn.Ite b~e ih ll theciiIQn~moftheecoomst'toMinnesota; has been chosen American . sor of ,social sciences at Vanderbilt 'Dixie' and the Stars and Stripes', and hold an mien forum at the-, end' of his 'masdra odnt elc ol nvriy ahilTn. paigw l a ietm. address in which any one who wlsls ubs{o tIodi.t elceCl nvriy ahilTn.,sekn ealhdafn ie tormi adakhi i'gtps i rge Ilarve. Mr. Kellogg is 'a law- here before thE ~oer lb the F oru m last year', AM3. R Q)$s et- yer by i~ofessioni. He :ros~e to promin- theS e a d a' li sI eebain _ _ _ panewhihsjeti wsenee 'servng' as special counsel for the TrkySupie M Tbcc aethurstlN.sJIn cet. 27-ncl ' paiod hyIS lsju~gmetit asFederal government in ant-trust Tre upisMc oac aeusN . c.2-nl impossible. f or'the, Legue of Natiox}sAlhuhteUie SttslasamsbgstdrilteSen- to acconp lfi the purposes wich it'suwits during the T aft administration lhuht~Uie ttslasSmsbgetdrgbe h hnn aren.upotesexete+ _____________6,11_____ l other countries in the production doah, took the air shortly after 7 ardet spporersexpetedt cold.and manufacture of tobacco, the Juan- o'clock today for a 700 mile trip to in enealMr.Roinsbelevetw Ra lGE STAR S IN ihies of both tobacco and tobacco pro-, Richmond, Va., by yo h h n should agree to outlaw war, so that 'ducts imported from Turkey and the doah valley, and return, as part of the no nation or ruler will be- able. toj ILLINOISVICTORY IPhilippines are considerable. In 1922! celebration of Navy day. I cause trouble withiout33 being broughtl more than af'f the leaf tobaccoi-I to terms for it. Mr. Robns wil speak. otdwsTrihtbcofrte' PeietAAantCnoiain in the -second of a', ser ies. of lectures Chicago, Ot. 27. - (By A.Y.) - pore wsTrks obcofo Ih j Peidn 'gantCosldain which are being presented; under. the Harold Grange, assisted ably by the: use in the manufacture of cigarettes. Washington, Oct. 27. - Presideont 4"uspices of. thie Wesleyan ,Guild. remainder of the Illinois football Coolidge will not approve consolida- team, defeated Northwestern here to- It is estimated that each registered tion of War and Navy departments in- day, 29-0. automobile (including, trucks, taxis, to a department of national' defense,'1 Grng sare te rnean bf r buses and pleasure vehicles) cnum- it was said yesterday at the White AVIATI ON OURSEhe was taken ot ton. says himi from s 425 gallons of gasoline a year. House. posil iuyhehdcosdNr-. .............. ........ ...... ...... ....:...................... wsens line three times, once in a,90 ................._____ _____________ New York, Oct. 2,-(By A.P.)-Newyadrntouhhefl. York university announced today that Ty ard tuntrogh thesfie. oe with the' appfoval ' of President' Col-( h at top1os eemr dgSceayoWaWepad e evnIliossoigtreponsaai WH TELIrtary of the Navy.Denby, it had in-result t'Bitsoting agree p ointsas aII Tay INiht Ii VEL\1i;E3 stalled the first course in 'aeronau- the 'field and Mui's catching a long ticl eginerig nd ndutril ai-forward' pass thrown by Britton and } . ation to.'find' place in the curriculunz go ng over. e/z A ew ySpk Glok cftea f n. s of an American col ee. Only once did Northwe tern pro've Ol6 'pn du tor J tc T xe course will be open to new stn- dangerous.' This was in the second zo .s Jzi.zc1C r d dents enrolled in, the engineering col- period when they wonrted the ball- lege- next February and to undergrad- down to the 10 yard line, only to have uates and post graduates at other Un- Grange intercept a forward pass and' iversities who have successfully corn-. make his sensational run. iI pltdtwo years of mechan ical "engjn- eerlg. ','.", Duln ~,T HE.PUPPETEERS t Dubli nd Oct. 27-(BY A.P)-AIl the- WINSA ator andmotion picture houtses inWENSA i ublin wor'. losed recently by a 4ai p.m Oct. 3 1 sl$ .trike of employees.r &6 : Aft*H ' Nights .50c to 240 '~~ TO IG T nJJ'3 l WVed. Mat. 456c to *0 (lrr unda ., Oct. 28-., 01 N I~i.{- a):-Sa. Mat.E -$2.0091I -,.. 01 IIISiCON. .a+d..LAST W EE K WillIng333 Am1icu ''k11-, 'So erTheo af ohe mw/c 133333 ' IriioIrWu n1:11 33333fr33ero o f ohr as a I333 1I75N COMPN7 3333133 '1 ;r I C1UDl N& GLO5 THEATRE BEAUTY CHORLUS AM, IO r. i~m M .SFISATIONYAL ANCEFRS JR O" l b'OQN I 333313 3331b-la l 311333.. Allsat sred-=seasslb anEcoeselfaddress- ~ilt ed envelope with check. Prices-Orchestra, $2.75; Balcony, ;a OKCSTADPOUCIN I' $2.20-s1.65-i. 10. Mail now as orders are filled ap soon Whatdoe1?et ril rilcs aidas received. Wh t hSDerot ,., r.. ,... ..__. ..."...............T/Y v(......u..... . . . "w..unnd opt. har levrly jj." utiius ln o h1 -ad -n+dy"-en t Fe a Holm P esT Tmes ""4_ "313 ... alhmi~s pckd~ ~" 333133, "A'oarlnxg¢mystery, 1full of A 11 and pake w ith s3333331 A D elcio s, The sort ~ofT play wo 1hove been watig for.'"-Ge~rge W. Mark, The ; ~~-- E _ - . r.L - ~ " -= .1 SUDAY: 12:30--2:O . I . CALAD ELM Toma to, Ui'que .CL N ELU WHAT YOU LIKE WE'LL PREPARE IT Chickensouhe'tyeANY TIME Mfas a p~t~ lazed Streets - Banana:Sald - C.Give Us a Try, Fanc l1ric IceCrem 'Sunday Night Tea Coffee Milk -at Lunch Time a a IE NIAGARA IS BEING BUILTY Intrarnural Ite s en from the tryouts who tried out Fri- Items, Iday, but memb~rship in the club is -~ still, open. Entries for tlv all-campus' cross-j Oc.7-(yA..-Anwcountry inget arc now being received It's true efflciency t use Daily F'alls is being constructed in tth uranaIofceTerlig Ciassifieds.-Adv. ' at an altitude of. 6,233 feet __tthe__________raloffice.__Therulings rtigny, in the canton, of Vi_ for training for the fraternity race he urpse f sppling~ Iwill hold for the ail-campuis meet, al ~r o heSwis edralral-I>o. A definite dlate for the race has THE T PUPPETEERS. er o te SissFedralrai- Xnot been set as yet, but will be sonic time after November 19. Have You ' top is being built across the Pa-'--f_;_y_', __._yV cascade whose waters flow Gle lub Waaiirats Tryouts Rhone. An artific-al lake of Fehnnwowiht'ryufrte D cubic yards will be formed.EFrsmnwoih 'tyufrte twill be 262 feet high--thle f{Shuan glee clib will report at 3:30 Niagara Falls. Its length will, o'clocki tomorrow in room 308 of the yt. The complete cost of the ' Union. Forty-five men have been chos- 11 exceed $12,000,000.' completed in 1926 the instal-': 4ll be capable of supplyi electric power for the en- y s te in S tzrind , i11 be independent of foreign' / Seen Them? Rend the Want Adg" BE WISE, TRADE AT THE, Rapids, Oct. 27--(13y A.n-)- dred credit men of fIte ~tm .ted to convene here Novenm- r the annual convention of shigan Credit Men's associa= ic will have headquarters at ton hotel. E. PUPPETEERS 4t, Sarah Casw'ell AngellFlaill a SH O E REPAIRING and SHINING Ainn Arbor Shop HAT BLOCKING and CLEANING 625. E. LIBERTY STRET IPhone 1 568--j p y.1 r' ' 9" _ _ NOT PLAY, fi ,x IBY A. REG~ ULA- PjRICES EXTRA!I T be New Sensation "LET'S VIL A" gi ILES I. GIGGLES: CI4UC1LES I _PATLIE COMEDY- .1 r II. tr .' Y r;. 'r t i f i t i c's i d i "I a i $ -o p i f , I I 1 s } ,xr A 6 : -.,, . La~ughzs! Thrtills! Lel DON'TM ISL I THIS o1E~ Kenneth Harlan is an aviator who crashes into the tlop of a Mexican. house., He loses his memory and loses his heart. Miriam Cooper is the charming Senorita that~ he marries. Walter Long is the bold, bad bandit who causes most of the trouble. If you don't like this picture, you're hopeless. _p Made from the famous play into a greater picture. y fa . '4' r. d.: x.. ..... y { , t ; :: B. P. a hhexj Preosei I-. L - .1 __ W7IJ1~N ~ ty AN hv P, I M U 0 9 1 T J,- U27 WMI I'm TOrn&V TUIl I