TH-E. MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 132: SUNDAYI ply at the 'En sian office for con- 12:00-Student Bible classes at Wes. tracts, or make arrangements for WHAT'S GOING ON, ley hal,. the same with George L. Pattee, or- 2:00-Phlippine-Michigan club meet- ganization manager. All contracts in________________ lg at Lane hall. must be in by Nov. 1. 4:30--Open house at Wesley hail. Seniors who have not yet obtained SATURDAY 10:00-Supper for students and other their photographers' receipts must 12:30-Philippine Michigan club din.' young people in Harris hail. Dean' do so as soon as possible. TheC ner in Lane hall, at Y inn.( William. Scarlett will speak. Michiganensian office is open from 6 :0-Halowe'n prty or Pesb t :30-Wie ,le a uild meeting in Wes- 2 to 5 every afternoon except Sat- ian students. Meet at Lane hall aft- ley hall.I urday. er M. A. C. game. 7:15-MeetIng of tihe Jewish Student___________ 8 :00-11.- lowe'en party followed by # ongregation in Lane hail auditor- P Tarkington's "Trysting Place," at ium. Dr. Jacob Kaplan .dill speak. tris, Oackt.o2.-us staJu bssanda Wesley hall. 7 30-Wesley Guilid lecture by ted ak tastestsabasd S :00--Meeting of Teacher's, college, mond Robbins in Wesley hall: or to the UntdStts Columbia university alumni, at . Betsy Barbour house. U-NOTICES a~ r 8 :00 -Ltheran Iialloween' party at . All organizations wvho want space in I1iRead thle Want iAds Lutheran chapel. the 1924 Michiganenslan should ap- i ., .. . I COMTPLETE A SSORTJMENT Hallowe 'en Decorations AHR'S UNIVERtSI TY BOOKSTORES MIIN TSTREET .'STATE STREET mg wN. Chl'-urch iervices BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) 4th Ave;, near Packard t G.. A. NEUMANN, Pastor Sunday School at 9:00 a m. 9:00-Sunday School and Bible Classes. 10:00-English Services. 11:00-German Services. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Corner Third and West Huron Sts. CARL A IIRAUEI, Pastor SERVICES 9:30 A. M.-Services in German. 10:30 A. M.--Bible School. 11:30 A. M.-Services in English. "The Reformation of tile Church - A Cleansing of the Temple" j Young People's Social Hour' at 5:30 If you are human you have some sort of religion. Why not let a church develop and clarify your ideas concerning' it? tw u'ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Wa~1ug~ Stzp~,Fifth ,Ave. - ~ II We~I~m~tr si a]a~~it m111M1~u111 !- OMav - ~Youx cas St F sMoneyW'. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS r= r" r* - pmounds $ 7 SUGARflf SPotatoes--GroWn on sand .... SOne bushel Fancy White Baking85 C - S . ~~3 lbs. Elbo Maccaroni-2 c SThis is a 38c value ,.. .. . .. .. ..2 1 ww -0 iS 45c Coffee S(None better)....3 35c Bacon 2 c := Loins ...... .0 0 00 0..0000 $1 Japan Green!Tea-Royal69 Satsuma Brand (uncolored).:" ' w. .S T S S. We -" a a S'sesele.Us r .y S. S38c Full Cream3 c _ Cheese,: 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 . . ' q N Nq _ b Shopping Basket .. . i....... 4 K25c pkg. Chipso, 8c bar IvoryTQ'M0% ~Soap; Sc bar- P. G" Soap-all for. v . - -. .r.. 3-Lag .4 (Th betmae).. I c tI Temporary Home LANE 'H-ALL P. -ARIfUlt, Pastor- 10: 30-Morning Service. Subject: "Thou Shalt Not Comimit Adultery" " I my~f ( o 4ilf tf.ther ; nor do I preach Lu her; but- Christ.- The- devil take Luther, if lie can;" bgt1et him leave Christ in peace; then we also.:shlall abide."- Mlartrn Luther. 10:30 A. M. - The pastor will S preach a reformation sermon. '5:30 P. M. - Student Forumn. l "Student. Ideals of a Future Life." C. F. Wilkening, Leader. 7:30 P. M.-Sermon, "The Church Convention at Jeru salem," All, services in the English language. RNEV. L. F. GUNDERMAN, Pastor. TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH. Fifth AM e and Wili St. 9:30 A. M.-Sunday School withI student class. 10:30 A. M.-"The Lives:' Bible In OurI IEVERYONE IS WELCOME I ' FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. LEONiARD A. BARRETT, D.D., Minister LEWIS C. RELMANN, '16, Sec'y Men Students MRS. NELLIE CADWELL, Secretary 'Women Students I OF Mr. )ND 10:30 Morning Worship: "'SALVATION' THAT SAVES." ~:5Student Sunday School. .15P. 'M.-Students Fireside Chat. Prof, J. Raleigh Nelson, coach' 5:30 Social Hour and Open House. 6:30 Christian Endeavor. Geraldine McHenry '26, Leader. Topic. i "WHAT ARE THE SOURCES OF HAPPINESSr' All Young People Welcomed. I i :I I COR. CATHERINI AND DIVISION STREETS HENRY LEWIS, RECTOR HIERBERT A. JUMP'1, ?Minister E. KN1OX MITCHELL, Unversity Pastor i 14:415 A. M.--MRS. FRANKLIN Ht. WARTNER, of New. York City, A sp~eaker of distinction, will report her observations on a. recent tour of the world CHARLES T. WEBB, Director Student Work RACHEL HAVILAND, Secretary for Stddent Work Sunday, October 28 $ ; O A. X.4-Ammnion. 10:;30 A. M.- Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Very Reverend William Scarlett, Dean. of Christ Church Cathedral, St. Louis, Mo. 6:15 P. M.-Presidents Fireside Chat. Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, coach of Masques and Comedy Club, will discuss "TIDE VALUE OF AMATEUR DRAMATICS:" The Chorus Choir of thirty voices will make its first appearance, in choir vestments at the morning service. A~ to~12:30-Bible Classes Hfo younig men and women, 306'N. Division St. 5:00 P. M.-Evening Service and Address by the Rector. 6:00 P.AW.-Student Supper in Harris. Hall. Speaker,; Dean Scarlett. I I- ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION PROGRAM 1 IVYi T I Krr.e" u m ",k v * e% I I "is I I