TH- I CHIGAN DAILY ..r ,r. THIS TH IS OOLUTA COLUMN OLOSES CLOSES AT 3 P.M* Y I IN" A 3 Pa t OPTICAL Classified Column Closes at 12 t'CI :k - aonm, Satitda. "Jimmie-the*Ad-Taker" LOST LOST Dumabell shell briar pipe in tFOUNTAI N PEN REP1:ZAIRINVG 1):aNIN TERRACE GARDEN Dancing Studio' 15 one-hour class lessons . Enroll now, $5. Class every Monday and Friday evenings, 7:30 to 8:30. We specialize in teaching children. We teach allj modern, fancy, ballet and stage (lancing. Argentina tango, ball-room; (ancing, etc. 22 Wuerth Arcade PRIVATE LESSONS i)AILY 10~ A. M: to 10 P. lt. Phlme $1-R~ IDANCE-Masonic Temple, Ypsilanti,I Saturday, Oct 27. Music by Wolver- I' ines. Dancing at 8:30. $1.25 per couple. We Handle up e IUIo nl uu1toluJ 1llI[()LUI-!- - day night. Call 2999. You wa nt "yo1r them10oanl GOLD EVERSHARP ptncil. Valuable undra~r xeine workman-! to owner. Call Margaret Elliott. ship to be, had only at idcer's Penl Phone 2338. Sho)p. It c(sts 1,)110 ore. The worry over where to get reaal 24 T ourljn-ie' Service. good punch for your party. Every- llj' } ie802 S. State' body is talking about the wonderful St. Ai'thoriz:ed \Vazi ad Evei'sharp favor of the punch made by 1'VC. Mj'j-jjj AIU(F NTN FLOWE RS B luMaize No. 9 Nickel's Arcade. 213 E Liberty. iNSURA e{,E. ' L1INTCOLN :NTIOSNAL LIF. EIN- SURANCE WYOLVCERIN E, MUTU AL MOTOR INSIRA NC 11 LONDON U N D E IW RI 'E R-S C AGENCY ALIAN\CAE+1INSURIANCEI H-. A. WELCHER, Phone GAG 3 10 First Nat'l Bank BIldg. IWITYSO FRE;E treatmnent with every $5.00 t.icket: Up1 Stairs. Room 21. Wuertli Arcade W~fENS SOPcominere e Pertment I sdues 1Rook -------' Promupted by the recent decrease in LUXITE HOSIERY the porcentage of families owning Sfor 'their own homes in the United States, LUT NUS EUT the D=.partment of Commerce has is- AND sued "How to Own Your Home," an LONG V .L lIY JAR E official handbook for prospective home 27 LADYS SIOPPae owners. It may be obtained by send- 27 Wurth Acadeing five cents to the office of the Sui- We handle exclusively for. Ann Ar-? perintendent of Documents, govern- bor "Kellogg Uplift Corset". Recoin-!ment printing office, Washington, D. fmendled by D~octors and satisfied users. C. Special fittings by app~ointmenlt. R~hone STDN SLSE 30 5-J. SUETSLSE MILADYS SIJO1PE0 TO SELL LOTS in a fast developing_ 27 Wuerth Arcade property, dluring spare time.. Lib- __ eral commission. Phone 3385 or A new line of silk and wool hose. 2444-M Evenings. Assorted line of handkerchiefs. Silk;' flowers for your evening gown. I MEN, WOMEN.-_18 upward. For EXQUISITE CORSE'T SHOP government positions. -120-$133 mo. 109 W. Liberty, 'Opp. Macks. ( Experience unnecessary. For free ________________________________ list positions, write R. Terry (form- WAINTED HELP er Civil Service examiner), 731 Bar- STUDENT HELP--No 11 o'clocks.1 rister Bldg. Washington, D. C. Arcade Cafeteria, Nickols Arcade. Daily classified for real results. Painstaking examinations. Highest grade material. Prompt service. All work guar- an teed. We carry a complete line of all frames and lenses. Our work is thorough and cor- *FOR HITRE 313 S. State A STRING of Oriental pearls at the the 0. 5. U. game, Highly prized by owner. Finder please retur- t Michigan Daily Office. K. A. T. PIN with "Josephine a,,," engraved on back. Call 2570. Re- ward, 0. S. UT. Debaters "0" Pin. Lost prob- ably in Law building or State street. Phone 1686-R. A GOLD CUFF LINK with the initialI- S. Call 1405-W. GRAY OVERCOAT ;in locker room of# library., Reward. No question's asked. 'Phone 2206-M. 615 Monroe.I DARK BLUE PIN with letters S. A. A. U. Phone 452.t BE'TWEEN Monroe and N. University. Black and White stripedl fountain pen with fraternity seal. Finder please call 2236-W. FO-UND WAFFLES--Big crisp, golden-brown~ waffles with real Vermont sugar- syrup and frlesh country butter.l THE ARBOR FOUNTAIN 313 S. State TAILOR HERMAN THE TAILOR } We have a complete new line of fallI_ and winter overcoats and suits. New I collegiate styles, custom made. ''We Strive to Please" ' 802 S. State. Phone 3342-M.- OSTEOPATHIC PH IClA~iS Dr. Carrie C. Classen £ 510 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. ! Phones: Office 1636; Res. 2451 c Hours by Appointment Dr. *W. S. Mills Phone 321-F-i 616 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. { Hours : 9-12; 1:30-5 $ Dr. Dorothy SellardsI 303 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 4 Hours by appointment Phone 333"-. I rf ~FOR SALE k -- ~ rect. Why risk iaviig your hpen spoiled . WiliENOPHl. D. w ith VICIOUS inik. FIIl at our free L YESIGHT SPECIALIST filling station and 1)e conlviuiceCIthat A inl' tt t eer our spicial forrioula i )amnond Xril ing t r dsStoreStJelr F +4luid is_ tle lest in; k lor Your' 1)01. , SoTrSAT W'e sell i: ' t 3 O T T T I i ces.__________________ - _ kREAL ESTATE W'te are the ttttl cri 0 t\\ 1111 vO Eversliarp Sevi Station. FINE HOME filled with thirteen room- ICall and -)6t e wf11 DW Whl "Signa- ers close to campus. This i s very ture" Peiis. Two $5061 nd nice and can be handled with as $ 7.09. They axe tale e ;t ,tljf-ililQ* low as $2,000 down, including room- pens we ha ve ers and furniture. 102 ',S tqte st. HAVE ONE EIGHT ROOM, very nice,! F OR HIRE-Cars and drive yoursolf.1 Phone 183-R. Phone 241-R ARCADE~r. BEAUTY SHOPI E. L. Anderson WE HAVE fOontaiin nnof nationallyi adventiser i-akes thaii, ve ,ood ser-E vice iialso the osi05 gad of 1oun- tao n o'n injk icindilm; 1) m ond, FOUNT A INi P 1 cpai 's receive plromupt < ; ; ent ioI 17 >icii8Ii' Arcade. The Typewr]iter & Stationery S-tore. it' youl write, we have it. E DON' foct the foils at home.~a Mother likes tulns, hyacinths an(I daffodils. We have a large stock of Bulbs of all warieties. We Irack carefully Alid[ lbip )anywhere. HARRIS SEED STOR, 200 RF, WasP'ngton, Cor. 5th Ave l)PESSIAT >N' of all kind, coats re- lined a, specialty. 411 'I'homlpson 2768-W. ViA'ITY CASES l-owder 111 c. ,:; 11 Ii mirror and puff. '>;Tl)rVi derc'it sil" ~~ c"NfAJ. ;Cill 1colors $8s, < zd t'.. Si l rling silvi r vanity £aJELLYS SMALL furnished- apartment, or two LOT HOCOATEor three rooms with private family, WHPPDCR.rCK for visiting professor; three or four <> to 8 h. l weeks beginning November 16. Tel- SIJN1DAY ephone University 95. THE AR1II~fl FOU.NTI AIN ROOM MATE for large front room, 313 S. State.r steam heat. Phone 1194-M. 422 E. {VARSITY LODGEWaint. DININ HALLGIRL STUDENT to fill vacancy at Our Main dining rooms are already Alumni House table. Call 2226-MI. f ull to cU1J)C1LY XV 1111 i ols 1~i St ~u-" GLEE CLUB MEN: Full dress squit, dents, but weare conteinpl~ti g open- complete; size 37-38. Cash or tradeI ing an annex. which wvill give twenty- ~tfor tuxedo. Call La Fever, 1S41-J. five more the benefit of our excellent] - cooking andi service. If interested MUSICAL I call at 611 Church sttreet. Paul Whiteman the "King of Jazz" t g y t tII IaI6 is back from Europe. Hear his new --_ - Victor record "What Do You Do Sun- A1L"IKL. gec Woodstock and daMary" and "Chansonette" Fox'. Oliver tync, writers, Sundstrand add-! Trosat Schaeberle & Son's, 110 S. in; ahie Line-a-Time copy Main St. hoilers, rubber staro ps, ribbons, cushion keystypeclea:ners and sup- E.NORMAN BILBIE (of the Detroit lplies. Y c .'.n(, rented, Conservatory of Music). Teacher of ANN ARBOR T 'IYPEWRITER, ,violin, piano, harmony. Studio 307 EXCITA GE. hone 33(y, downtown; A GARAGE in the neighborhood of Hill and Forest. Phone 189 NMcIn- I toi1 or iviuirave.I ROOMATE to share front room with a sophomore student. Steam heat. 320-3. 415 N. Division. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS of all mlkes Bought, Sol, Rented Exchanged.' Cleaned sand Repaired. EBUSINESS 3ERVICB '0 ., 322 South State S' *d 3-MI raver "M"i' Lunch. Phone 993- No. Main St. Telephone 611-M. ' W gvide in sal acosts rt Di JWiiiiiiliii1iiiiiii