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October 27, 1923 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-27

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(Continued from Page One) run every Monday, Wednesday, and
Cgptain Kipke will start at his reg- Friday night with Coach Sullivan as
ular job at left half. The Wolverine well as start in the official race if
leader has been showing wonderful they expect to earn points for enter-
form this year and will have a reason ing. This rule will be strictly en-
for putting up a good game as he forced.
will be playing against his brother Entries for the race will be accepted
"Stub" who holds down one of the end until 5 o'clock, Monday afternoon,
positions on the Aggie team.-
Miller at Fullback
Uteritz will call signals, while
"Red" Miller will start at the fullback
position. The ability of "Utz'' needs
no more mention and the playing o;
Miller has shown great improvement O
since the beginning of the season. I
Qn the line will be the regular Var-
sity men. Jack Blott will be at the 1FMajority of Confere-mce Teamns Have
pivot position in readiness, to be called Titfe (hances At
to the backfield for field goals when- Stake
ever needed. Jack started the ball I__
rolling against Ohio State last week M 1& ilA ONL TWO
by means of his accurate toe and may wiTrouT BIG-TEN QPPONENTS
be called upon for some of the same,
Work today. At guards will be Steele
and Slaughter. Both men have shown .ast Saturday saw many team ehm-
real playing this year and should be nated from their sectional or confer-
In for a big day. "Stan" Muirhad ence races and today brings on hard-I
and VanDervoort are carded to open er competition and what is expected
at the tackles and "Dutch" Marion and to be better football. t
Curran will handle the wings. All West face experienced opponents and
these men have been playing real any upset might throw them out of
.football during the last couple of consideration when the final ratings
weeks, and today should prove no ex- of the season are made. Injuries, due
ception rs A eto last Saturday's game will also
Richards at AggieHelm - handicap many of the teams.
While ,no definite Aggie le-up, Of leading interest in the Western
has, been received, it is thought Rich-
conference race is the battle between
ards will call signals from quarter Iowa and Ohio State at Columbus.
with Neller at fullback and Lioret Iowa finished at' the top of the lad- I
and Schym-ser at halves. Eckermander last year with Michigan, and be-
will start at center with Hultman and lieves herself far superior to the
Hackett on each side of him, Taylor Buckeye outfit. On the other hand i
and Haskins will play tackle, with the Ohio claims that her defeat at the
ends covered by Edmonds and "Stub" hands of the Wolverines was not a
Kipke. fair estimation of her strength. Al-
The line-up is as follows:- though both teams are practically out
MICHIGAN M. A. C. of the race, there is a possibility that$
Marion ....... ...LE ..........Kipke one might tie for the Conference hen-
Muirhead........LT...Taylor (capt.) ors, provided upsets come.v
Slaughter.......LG........Hultman When Illinois meets Northwesterna
Blott............C .......Eckerman at Evanston, and Wisconsin facest
Steele ............ RG . . .,... Hackett Minnesota at Madison, much hangs in
Vandervoort.....RT........Haskins the balance. The two teams to leavet
Curran..........RE.......Edmonds the fields of battle defeated will ber
Uteritz..........QB........ Rickards forced to count themselves out of the .
Kipke (capt.)....LH......... Lioret running, for it is probable that the
Herrnstein......7Rh..... Schmyser winner this year must finish with aa
Miller.......... FB.......... Neller clean slate, so strong is the competi-f
Referee: Costello. Umpire, Kenne- tion.-

---111" allI aU A IImIU 1 1.i.111 1141U IL, U1 ILU111
South State Sroe( (our e To Be greater things in the future.
+Sene of AnIaniz c ul lMiles Reinke, undoubtedly the best
'This )orning Sophomore to break into the team,
---runs a great race. Steve is anxious
tARERS lNUSAl7Y " TRN to see how fast Reinke traverses the
tr ? D A 1 SI l r3 ~ESTRfour imilez; i tomorrow's run as he
w sto get a line on the Sophomore
so that he can know better what to
The Michigan cross-country team is exect in the future. Bowen is now
all primed and ready to tear through running bodter than ever before and
with a decisive score against the 4.I should lace high tomorrow.
.;':>y~y r tA. C. harriers, whom they are sched-; Callahan, hicks.l Polhamus and
uled to line up against at 10: 30 this Griffen are the other men who Coach
,:N ".; .,. morning in a dual meet to be held Farrell will put against the Aggies.
over the South State street course. All except Grliffen are inexperienced
The start and finish of the race will and only time will tell how they
be at the Varsity clubhouse. stand up under the flre of competi-
Coach Farrell has deemed it be ,.t tion. Griflin, who was seventh man
to make the distance of the race four on last year's squad is having a lit-
miles instead of five which is usually difficulty in hi regular form and is
the case. Steve is of the opinion that ? not running as fast as he should.
1 the shorter race is much more ap- I ra:xoars trcng;
propriate to early season meets. If The team that Coach Barker will
the athletes were made to counrete hrin'g from . A. C. is probably one of
Four Penn State stars rarin' to over a five mile course this early in the strongest in the history of the
go. Above, Quarterback Palm, i the season staleness might impair the school. The Farmer hill and dalers
at left, and Left Halfback "Hap" worth of some of the runners before have practiced consistently for the
Frank. Below, Halfback Harry the long season is ended. i last five weeks over hilly, rocky, un-
Wilson carrying the ball, and Davis Should Win even courses. Practicing over these
Captain Bedenk. Davis seems to be the best bet on l Iulls has given the men from Lansing
one lined up for the final blow- the Wolverine squad. Harry, who was , endurance and lots ;c reserve
off on Turkey day. Which ineligible last season nvertheless strength.
makes Coach Hugo Bezdek's kept in training throughout the sea-I C aptain Baugley is undoubtedly the
men wonder just why they son and ran dead heats with Isbell Aggie's strongest runner. Baugley
elected to play football at Penn in all the trials that were tendered to ran a number of good races last sea-
Stae. In the face of this the runners. Some are of the opinion son and topped his good showing in
schedule Penn Staters express that Davis is one of the best distance dual meets of last season by going to
the confidence that the team will
come through with colors flDing. runners i the country. etroit and winning the state cross-
and count on Captain Bedenk Rearick, another one of Steve's country run. In the Wolverine-Aggie
and three brilliant backfield men trump cards has been running in meet held last year I3auhley finished
to form the nucleus of a team great style this season and if the per- seventh. Ripper, Banks and Clark are
powerful enough to turn the formances in the early season trials pillars of strength to the Farmer ag-
trick. The three backfield men i stand for anything this man should gregation. All are in the best form
are Harry Wilson, "Hap'' ?'rank a of their career and should
and Quartreback Palm. !pace high nrte 1meets to beheld latsm-sr ae adshudput up
and uarrebck Pin ----- or on. Rearick has a lot of reserve at some strong races.
the finish, an asset which is rarely Tornbloom, Barnett and Green are
found in a cross-country runner. othey Aggie men who have been run-
Captain Arndt is e-lpected to place ning strofig in early season trials.
tie after November ell up in the list of meets the Maize Harper, Hartsuch and'Willard round
and Blue runners ingage in thr ough- the Aggie squad into a formidable ag-
Men remaining in the third round out the season. Arndt ran a number regation.
of the all-campus singles and doubles of good races last season and he now I Professor Carver will referee the
tennis tournaments should remember appears to be in even better shape race, Hattendorf will do the starting,
that 5 o'clock this afternoon is the than last year. Shenefield is another while Penberthy, Isbell and McElvei
dead line for their matches. A little Wolverine from whom Steve expects will serve as judges. Charles Reinke
co-operation on the part of those still great things. Last year Shenefield will be official timer.
in the running will keep the schedule was a tower of strength to the aggre-
from being drawn out until the last of gation and with the benefit of a sea-
November. I son's ex nerience he should do. even

l'enn State grid team has Tech, Pennsylvania and Pitts-
nothin' to do until Thanksgiv- burg. Five of the strongest
ing day but dispose of-the Navy, teams of the east scheduled in
_'lN Virginia $racusrreorgi five SUccessive weeks and Ith


sin's 52-0 victory over Indiana last
Saturday places them in better fa-
vor than Minnesota. Jack Ryan has
a team that knows the game and it
their scoring success of last week is
any criterion of their potentialities,
they should turn haclk their Gopher
rivals. )
ir.o ins M ret IP ardue
Chicago anli Purdue st. lik 121
aga inst ech o thcr in Ithe ci her Con -
ference titlt at Chicago. Chicago was
foreed to show its best to beat North-

In the East the Big Three meet
their strongesttopponents of the sea-
son to late. Yale must show that Tad
Jones has been rewarded for his ef-
forts when they cros Nwith the snappy
Brown eleven. This affair will not be
decided in a Nvalk away neither will !
there be any heavy scoring, so evenly'
matched are the two I eam. If Yale is'
to held her prestige in the East she1
must squeeze through. with a victory.
Harvard and Dartmouth will furn-
ish a classic at Cambridge. Both
tea:ns have been pointing toward this I
game with the keenest rivalry. Dart-
miouth has met more worthy oppon-I
ents than her rival and has come
through with a good slate, but Har-
vard has exp~eriencedl difficulty in
have played her hardest game of the
season to date.
Princeton will experiece like oppo-
sition in the Navy. With the blood of
defeat still on her marriors, havingi
Su fferod a setback at the ha.nd of

dy. Head linesman, Olds. Flinois Iate. in Balance western a week a go by the score of
Illinois, the dark horse, at the be-1 13-0, and the Boilermakers can brag
I ginning of the season looms as the of a fighting aggregat ion and will
Irhia brightest prospect at present. Last give the Staggmen a real battle. Pur-
FN T O NI iSaturday she turned the tables on the due gave Iowa its first scare of the
T much touted Iowa aggregation and re- schedule and is out to put the Ma-
IEImains with a clean front. Such is not t roons in the discard. Hlowever, Cihi-
MEN T START IINE the case with her next opponent, North- cago should come out on the long en
western, who was beaten at ChicagoI of the score.
Three more days remain in which last week. Coach Zuppke is without Other western games hold their
all fraternity cross-country runners the services of "Chuck Brown", star share of glory. The strong Notre
can sign up for the annual harrier ( tackle, and before the game today he Dame team, rated as one of the lead-
race which will be held November 19 1 must find a capable substitute to fill ing elevens of the country at the
over the short course around the boul- ; Brown's shoes or suffer the chances present time, meets Georgia Tech.
evard for the championship among of defeat. However, the Illini have a The catholics can easily lay claim to
the different houses. formidable eleven and by hard work one of the fastest and most elusive
Thetprospective c eit wil ge t Iand the game that they have displayed machines in modern football. Their
1 in the past, should defeat Northwest-! wonder coach, Knute Rockne, has giv-
ing period at 3:30 o'clock nest Man- ern. It will be one of the best and en his monuments to football in the
dny peroat 3:30 o'loc nextMon most interesting contests of the day. persons of George Gipp, Johnny Mohe
dwill take thernoonwhen for their first jullivant The Wisconsin-Minnesota fray pas- ardt and Paul Castner. This year he
around the boulevard. Men who have sesses equal interest. Here are two 1 surprised everyone by decisively de-
aroun tbolad. M whouhave teams all primed for their biggest feating the Army, and Princeton,
never participated in a cross-country game of the year, both knowing that leader of the Big Thr.ee A problem
smeet before will be given special in- a setback will put them out for con- faces the Irish coach this week. Elmer
struction by Ted in order to help them f erence honors. Wisconsin came' Layden, who starred in both the Army
better prepare for the stiff grind over through last week's contest without and Princeton gaies has been lost to
thIa nuy n hn scranteta.Hssrnt isi i



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N.tre Dame, she must win tomorrow's """" "".... ..,.. -.
conflict or else be pleased with a sec-
and rating in the East. T G e Tree I
In tramural hemgs ElSpecial Hot Luncheon and Supper
Entries for the all-campus cross-
country meet are now being received
at the Intramural office. The rulings Open Week Days-12:00-1 :30, 5:30-7:00
for tiraining for the fraternity race E
will hold for tine all-campus meet, al- 1Oppcsile Lane flail
so. A definite date for the race has
not been set as yet, but will be some .., , ...,,,, .,_

From Airplane
See he beauties of Ann Arbor from a-
bove. B g three passenger plane. Ex-
armv pilot, Smuooth, safe'flying. No
"'Going Up" stuals
$5 Each Passenger
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_ . _ ..........

in~cure. ( an injury. One thing is certain, the team. His strength lies in his
Delta Tau Upsilon, last year's chan- Coach .lack Ryan must come across ability to punt and hurl long passes.
pion, will be minus their star, Vande with some new plays, as up to the He is a strong link in the flashy back-
Visse, while Beta Theta Pi, runner-up present time there has been nothing field, whose brilliance has dazzled
in 1922, will also be lacking iii Reinke but straight football used. The Notre Dame's oponents. Georgia Tech
who is now with the Varsity squad. Badgers cannot expect to come home always leader in the south, should
On the other hand Phi Sigma Delta with a victory with only one method make things hot in this inter-section-
has a team of veterans, who if they of attack against the Gophers. al clash.
are in shape will give a good account The Minnesota. team has been In the far west, the strong Univer-
of themselves. Sims, their leading strengthened by the addition of their sity of California should humble
man has been sick and it is not known last year's captain, Oliver Aas. Stu- Washington State with no great dif-
at the present time if he will run. dies kept this star from performing '[ficulty. The State boys have an out-
The Intramural officials have ruled this year for his school but the ad- i fit that will stop the high scoring
that all houses which expect to com- I vent of such a critical game finds team from the south andn make real
pete in the meet must have their men him ready to enter the fray. Wiscon- football for the Berkeley fans.
h 41





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