1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I Accused Of U InIvest ~T -JOURISTS Of Vet Michigan Writer Will Address Meeting of Students' Press Club Tuesday Night :. Graft tigation s' Bureau I CUSIIING, '07, CONSENTS TO MEET WITH ORGANIZATION Ivan Swift, of Detroit and Harbor Springs,,who holds the degree unique with himself of "Seven P's" will ad dress the Students' Press club at their next .meeting }which is to be held at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening at the: Green Tree Inn. Mr., Swift is the cerator of many : Lbits :of quaint philosophy,. the record-' .er of.. unusual experiences, painter of I . .scen.es in Michigan's northern coun- try. In answering an invitation to; : address a group of journalists, free lancers, and writers of all sorts Mr. ' Swift says that his talk is apt to be *. . too hetrodox, for he is "off the press," f : and "much nearer a freight train journal than the printed one." The ': appearance before the Press club will be Mr. Swift's first appearance in Annf Arbor before any organization. 'Arrangments have been made to' take care of 50. persons at the Green! Tree Inn, and the officers tofthe Press: club invite any members of the faculty : ;:r: f . , : who caie to attend. Student admis- sion ri sbuelimited to members of' the Press lub;tt I 'AcommuIcation recently received ( t 9 i M TT RV TLibrary Stores~- INDEPENDENTS TRY "OUT LbaySoe a ' "E "' '"' V M any Rare Books r FO 0TflTEI T01 Few undergraduate students are aware of the exceptional possibilities FIVE MINUTE TALKS WILL BE offered them by the collections in the rare book room of the general libra- GIVEN; "LEGALITY OF STRIKES," ry. Although the prevailing idea that IS SUBJECT these volumes are primarily for the use of graduate students and faculty Central league debate try outs for members is correct, they are by no means exclusively for this purpose. independents will be held at 8 o'clock One of the most noteworthy collec- this morning in room 302 of Mason tions is the McMillan Shakespeare, hall. At this time all those who are comprising between seven and eight not members of either of the campus thousand volumes, the nucleus of which was p-esented by Senator public speaking societies, Alpha Nu or James McMillan of Detroit. It was Adelphi, will give five minute talks gathered under the supervision of the on some phase of the question that late Prof. I. N. Demmon, formerly is to bebused this year in the tri- head of the English department of the agulr dbat Wih Nrthestrn ni-University for over forty years. This' versity and the University of Chicago. accumulation in its entirety is the best The question that will be debated working collection of Shakespeare in this year when the three schools meet connection with any American univer- on Jan. 18 will be: Resolved, that the sity. Unied tats soul enct la First editions of Carlyle, Tennyson,' United States should enact a law giv- complete collections of Bret Harte, ing to strikes and their concomitant Henry James, Milton, and literary gift a civities the sameegalityh Inustrial books and annuals, which were the divesunderthef E (nsInutrialypredecessors of the modern maga- disputes act of 1906 (constitutionality zine, are a few more of the attrac- granted). tions in this room. According to Prof. Lewis M. Eichof The space for the preservation of the public speaking department, who the rare books owned by the Univers- is in charge of the debating this year, ity is the south end of the fourth floor the purpose of the try out is to size of the Library remodeled from the old up the entrants as public speakers, stacks into nine fireproof compart- Six of the men trying out will be ments with metal shelving. Entrance chosen to compete with the 12 who to these compartments is not ordinar- have been chosen by the public speak- ily permitted, but anyone with a legit- ing societies. imate reason may have access to the rtbooks. VINAGRADOFF AWARDED HONORARY 'DEGREE " HONORARY............................................. .:....................................... .....: from Mr. Charles Phelps Cushing, '07, (Continued from Page One) of New York City, former editor of University of Wisconsin. Following Colliers, announces his Willingness to-- this he will spend a few days in Ci- address the Press club at some later Col. Charles R. Forbes cago after which he will go to New meeting. Mr. Cushing has promised to bring with him a manuscript which Investigation of the conduct of the Haven, Conn., where he is scheduled he is now writing. Vteerans' Bureau under the regime of to give four lectures at Yale Uni- Definite acceptance of a former staff Col. Charles R. Forbes by a senate versity and also to New' York City' writer of the New York Times is also committee is bringing sensational for an equal number at Columbia uni- expected by officers of the Press club charges. Elias H. Mortimer, of Phil- ;forsity. Before his return to Eng- j within two days. Mr. Swift and this adelphia, who represented a group of land, Sir Paul also expects to visit ; colandtSiratPaul alsoexpectstitoedi writer will constitute the principals contractors at the time, has testified McGill university at Montreal, Can- of the program, and several student that Forbes was to get a big "split" of ada. talks have been arranged in addition, profits on hospital contracts. Forbes .rev. Henry Tatlock, rector emeri- denies the charges. tus of St. Andrew's Episcopal church, CONTEST SUBJECT offered the invocation and benedictioi DAY DELEGATE TO at yesterday's ceremonies. Prof. Earl T B E C11O$ENV. Moore, director of the School of EDUCATIONAL MEET Music, played the processional and - For the purpose of choosing the!-- postlude and Tschaikowsky's "AnI Ssubject that will be used for this se-, Prof. Edmund E. Day, head of the dante Cantabile" was performed by a mester's . extemporaneous speaking econoiics department, will be a dele- string quartet composed of Mr. and contest,. all those who are interested gate to the meeting of the Educational Mrs. S. P. Lockwood, Miss Marian' in public speaking will meet at 5 conference to be held Nov. 2 and '3 at Struble and Miss Ora Larthard. o'clock Tuesday afternoon in room 302 Madison, Wisconsin. This meeting is of Mason hail. being held under the auspices of the Alumni to Gather a: Seattle All those men and women on the Institute of Research in land econom- One of the big alumni gatherings1 . campus -wfro have. not been on Var- ics and public utilities. of the next month will be at Seattle, sity debating teams and are inter-' On November 30 Professor Day will the latter part of November, when it ested in entering an extempoi-aneous speak before the Chamber of 0,6oin- is expected that more than one hund- contest, Tare eligible to compete. The rnerce of Kalamazoo' on the "Appli- red alumni from the western part of ; final coiter t 'ill- be held sometime j cation of the Business Cycle." '-the State of Washington will meet in D'G ,ber after syeral elimina- with the Seattle club,, T. Hawley Tap- tion contests have been held. Patronize 'The Daily Advertisers. ping, field secretary of the Alumni - association announced yesterday. not* 1 r I F verything for little folks' winter needs. Dainty Shower Gifts. 'I7 1 VI 1 V14 p'J1J vV ;,%A~ -AT-. CHERRY HILL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27 DANCING Thursday and Saturday Nights Michigan Melody Circuit OF CHOICE NorthernApples has just arrived at Michigan Central Freight Deport from Harbor Springs, Emmett Co., the home of beautiful apples of high quality-sprayed, thinned, and fertilized to bring the fruit to the highest development-in size, color, and quality. There are SNOWS, McINTOSH, SPIES, TOLMAN SWEETS, SHIAWASSEE BEAUTIES, STEELE or CANADA REDS, GREENINGS, BALDWINS, ROXBURY RUS- SETS, and others. We deliver. Ask us about those high quality United States, Grade No. 1, GREEN MOUNTAIN po- U U I I- A 9V a i l I 1!