' 'H I IICI-- ICi. '' ' A.IL:
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Published every nmorning except Monday
during the University year by the Poard in
C,-)rterofo. Student, Publications.
Mlembcrs of Western 'Conference Edito~rial
I-arkening to thke protests of the
townspeople- of Ithaca, the Student
Council -.t Cornell has taken action
to abolish the tradJitional frosha-soph
1 tusW.,151- Contest as a means tao hlm-i
'fuYtrther 'rushcs upon downtown
theatres an'd hotels. Thee acolm-
panied the pop meeting s he ld in cons-
nn,,tir'n,, wih nnnl-, on urrn rin (II,,lc~hnof
The Associated Press is exclusively en- " ''~"
titled to Ike use for republication of all news the undlerclassmeon, ju is i5inltrusiofl
disp atches crt'ited to it or not othierwise
credited lit this paper and the local news p)ub- Iuoz'011ur local theatres are at part of
4 shed therein, r the rousing conflict before the - imnal
1 rldat the 'nostoffice ;at tan' Arbor, ay
£ich gfIhs sc and class nmttr. Taving tf'cd ma t2n easures to corP2
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, tc h nuymb ite:pu u
SOffices: Ann Arbor Press, Building, May- +fromn th 'ir'.arntP-bt' ium confer'ences,
1 honcs: ;,itorial, 2414 and 'r76M; ]3'isi- the Cornell men finally recognized the
55, 60.________________- the necessary steps to- aloliuh the tin,
Signed lcomrnunicat ons, not, ti ceedinf po300 worn' tradit'on 'of undorcl su rushes .I't
w ~ witl be published in Thle D1ilx' a
tedi~iretion of the Editor. upon rcqtuest, In the Ii ht of CLitiism which posse
are itt of cbminunicants will be re- i po the heads of all -Michigan. men
- ---- --- ftertheWhitney incidlent of luszt fall,
* EDITORIAL STAFF their appreciation of the 'One way t:)
T ceephones , 2414 and 17- do away with the disorderly cond(uct,
so completely a part of artificially
-MANAGING EDITOR commntlatd clss rvcairy, deserves high
- - Aside from their desire to calm an
News Editor .............. Julian E. Mack aggravatedl public, the mrany injuries
City Editor.............. .....Harry 1I',ey
Editorial Boa; d Chairman. .. . Y. C. Moriarty which occur in these engagements cv-
Als Night Ed;.tns cry year, while Seldom serious, areC
V. 11. iles . 1B. Connable 1 enough to cause the injured much ex-
R. A. lliililiogton 1. E. Fiske reuse and great discomfort. If the
nia~ry C. - Clark J. G. Garlinghouse - sii fcasrvlyms esiu
P. M.. Wagnerjsprtoclsriarmutb tu-I
Spotits1Editor............... Ralph N. Byers lated 'to. such an extent that the par-;
U oineii's Edlit. r............Winona Ilibbard;
'Tlerdi-h :ltt(r........ . 11. Tarr" tiecpanlts themnselves enter' into the i
Sunday 7vT~gizine* Editor......F. 1L. Tilden
"Music Editor..... .. '..Ruth A -,,well? spirit of the occasion only half-heart-j
.Asastai~t City Editor.,*.Kenneth C. Kellar; edly, it is indeed time to let it find- a
Editorial Board I ermanent resting place among the;
Paul Einstein Robert' Ranay discarded traditions of -the' School.I
, Andrew Propper
Assistantsj The Cornedi council has .Jhown greater
T;. G_ PR-tcke J. J. McGinnis intelligence than our own organiza-'
MIarion Barlow R. S. Mansfield ticn in recognzing the {fact that it is l
{eieii rvw" Vrena MoranI impossible to spend a half hour
Ih'ruad'tte Cote Regina Reichmnann'm
G, tit. Davis S. L. Srnithi arous-ing "the fight" in a crowvd oft
bdarold Elhrtich WV. TH. tintlaI1 I freshmien, and then expect thema to
'.C. Fingerle TT. R. Stony
T2. 1'. henry K. E. StyerI come out. into the open, calm, just as if
-Doothy Kaniin N. R. ThaIj
Joseph Kroger S. -B. Tremble they had attended a church session.-
MEizahe+.t Lieberman W. J. Walitour Weee ohmr-rsmnrv
R. R. McGregor, Jr. Ihrvrspoor-rsmnrv
________-___ - alry continues, the Cornell Sunn says
BUSIESS TAF "the members of these cla,,se: will
Telephone 960 find some satisfactory method of,
settling their little dispute, without in-
BUSINESS MANAGER con en'encing the general public."
LAURENCE H. FAVROT Certainly there could be no greater,
-- ,ttrmoil created by self-inspired rnv-;
Advertising ..........E. L. Dunne airy than there is by the present'
Adveriising ..........erty M. lIlaydeni
Advertising.. ...........C. Put~dy system of organization, one which de-
Advertising.................... w. Roessersptiseanseswlnvrle
Advertising ................WN. K. Scherer sieIseretes ilnvrb
Accounts ...... ............. C. W. ChristieC able to control the crowds which it,
Circulation................ Jno. Haskins -t
Publication................Lawrence Pierce: itself _ incites to action.
The proceedings at a University
function now run something like this:!
After all the students have jammed
into the auditorium, a-nd all is quiet,
a little fellow from the Oratorical as-
sociation get up, clears his throat, and
'tells a little stor . 'The audience
laughs. Then the ljittle fellow from
the Oratorical association, just tb
:;how the world that he is something
more tear. a mere humorist, says
so: ething about trddition, how, it has
'always been the 'custom to hold these
'meetings at the beginning of the year,.
.nd how Professor Alger has always
;taken an active pas't in student af-
fairs, andl how the said professor At-
ger has kindly consented to act a~s
chairman for the fiesta which is about
to be pulled off, and (finally) "It is
with a very real pleasure, therefore,
ithat I introduce to you-" (now very
dramatic, to add to the surprise)
"Professor Alger."
Professor Alger then rises, bows
to the little fish from th6 Oratorical
fassociation, and retails a fetching an-
ecdote of his own undergraduate days
---"in the late '80Os." Hie then gives _a
-short biography of the President, pre-
faced with a remark that "none of us,
I am cure, need an-introduzction to the
President", and finally introduces him.
Then you look, at your watch, anid
perceive that a. good half hiour has
fled into the limbo of forgotten thing,
+that dread land fi roi whence there is
ne-ither initiative, referendum, or re-
call--in short, the land where the
-woodbine twineth.
Campus Opinion
Dear Jason :
May the gods bless my humble ef-
forts to effect. a change in our foot-
b~all schedule for next year.
Realizing the important part which
the battle of brains now plays in the
game, I would suggest that we ar-
range a game with the Electoral Col-
lege for next year.
YFours for a better schedule,
Tack Lax.
". ' .I 1
To the EditoV:
It has been m-y observation andl
doubtless- that of many of your read-
ers that there is a rather widespread
dissatisfaction w ~th the arrangement
for, football ticket distribution now
being employed.
Nd otie -who"' will take' the time to
watchf the -work of the -'athltc depart-
nmen-t nmew in, the Press building for Ca
shornime can deny that -they have a
good any haredl problems: to deal with.
JBt itrtis just: possible that a .change
in' nlethods wbudd result . in' greater.
fsaitfsfaction aing thdJoe who. 'shoul
be 6 the first onsieredl-=zemibers - oft
tlhe University, and secondly, alumni.
V ith this end in view I wish to out-
line a plan which has worked well, I
understand, in other schools and
-wh'ch already has a number of sup-
porters at 'Michigan. The plan is
briefly this : let that section bounded
by the 50 yard'line in the South stand
and extending west, including the
West stand, around to the 50 yard line
in they North stand,' be reserved for,
students and those who are admitted
on tickets obtained in conie tion with
a student coupon. -
'Townspeople, aluni, or clubs .hay-
ing a few alumni only in them, who
did not get their tickets through thie
use of students' coupons would this
have 50 yards..,in each of the two
large stands~ for their sea ts. No seats
in tale seetido( restricted for students
womuld b -sodd until about 4t31 hours be-
fore the game to any persons not stur-
;dents. ;.
There are a number of arrangements
such asp'this possible and anothior
Imight prote:.even better.
The means is secondary; the main
thing is to- be sure that every mem-
ber of the University, excepting fresh-
amn gets a seat in either -the North
or the South-° stand before 4people who
have ne,er- attended or had any con-
nection twith the- in :,itut1P'm tare given
such places, and. i-hat all fre'hnie'a get
seats in the West stand as 'n the past.
E. C. M.
lp .
" H
I I I I " - I mmmwq
Aff MY
is play
At Graham's
'Two Stores.
Gu~lid to - -Etd-"Trvstiiml' l 'e"7
'Tryst ing Place" by Booth'Tarking-
ton will be cmmcted at;.9 -o . lock: to-
night; at NWesley Hall by- the menibers
of- the Wesleyan, Guild,: This will be
prceded--by a llaliowhe'en 'pari-y which
-w'ill begin at 8- o'clockh. :All those that
can- are requlested to appear in cos-
INIGIA 1-M1' 0 11IP. s c
707 ~T. Iniversity
Wed. Mat. 60.0 to $1i.50
GABBJ J* I~t 60a to 52:60
G"A H R I C st. mat...',513 to $2.00
A ''.llonsand VoliUof Iaiuj*Irs aiid Jolwts
Central Trime (Slow Time).
Leave Chamber of Cbonmcrce"
WeekDays Sundays
b6:45 'a. im. 6:45 a. i.
12:45 P. m. :-p.
4:45 P. m.
JAS. H. ELLIZOTT, Proprietor
Phlone gab-M Adrian,. Mich.
_______________ -------------.--.-.-
For I1~'i.t3 'ii
- ((fl AND SEE!
in 'R glkir AU 011 lce
~ Try It'his:;Week-End
Aft~er the Game,
Have a Delicious
AReal Ho-ie Cooked Meal Prepared
in Our Own Kitchen
Karolyn Kitchen
119 LE. Lib'erty-
Rennie Caplan Harold A. Marks TH~E AEuk ,LT IL EUNON j
John Conlin Rvron Parker--
Allin B. Crouch S. A. Robinson Each year the Union sol'cits the
Louis 'M. Dexter H. M. Rockwell campua~s in an effort to obtain life
Jogeph J. Finn H. E. Rose'
David A. Fbox Will Weise .1members for the erganization fronm
lauren H~aight . C. V. Whiite
R. J" lHawkinson -R. C. Winter t among the student, body. Each yearj
Edw.. D. tIoedeinaker .____ - 20~0 men, interested in their Universityj
-f and in the chub that is the center of
its social acttyities,,Qwote the greaterj
f t part of a week to visiting other stu-
SATUDAY OCOBE 27 193 Idents and placing before them the tea-_
Night Editor-J. G. GARLING HOUSE 1scous why they should become life
-- --- t______ members. And 'each ,year, too, their;
ON TO IOWA efforts meet with success.
Student interest in the destinies of-Tudathtemofenwo il
solicit their fellow students for this
the 1923 football team which so brill- cause will again swving into action. Al='
jantly started out the Conference sea- ready then men w=ho are at the head of
son last Saturday is. such that thereI the work have devoted the greater
,wil unoubtdlybe agret nuberpart of their time for the past week in
willundubtely e ,agret nuberorganizng the teams that will act and
of rooters who will want to go with2. in placing before the new men and the
the team on its jaunt to Iowa City andi students not already life members the
then again when it goes to Mad-son, advantages of the. offer that they advo-
Nov. 17. To facilitate the students in Icite.
doin thi theUnio hasmadear To these men who are devoting so
doin ths th Unon as mde rinuchi of their time and energy to the.
rangements with the Michigan Centraldane ntoacusin hchhy
railroad to run special trains to both! have no personal- interest other than
of these games 'with round trip fares !to the extent that their University,
reduced to half- the usual price,. In m ay lr.east a club of which it ma~y
fact the railroad ticket to Madison and- -1be p oud, the campu sjn general owes
a vote of thanks. It is. a spirit that
r eturn i:s approximately $4 less than should~ be admn red tpt sendIs these
it was on the special train in 1921 men to their work. 'there is no per-
To insure the running of these sonal gain, and there is an excess of
trains at least 200 students must signx very personal wor.
upa beforehand so that the railroad-
company can make the necessary ar- ^ ^
rangemonts. If the Iowa special is~
to go it will leave Ann Arbor next 1iwentF y-rive i-.ears
Friday, less than a week front today.a
Last night 5 tickets 'h~d been sold for Ago-At ] lihgan
this train and 18 for the Madison
fqec al. There is time for those tin- rmteflso h .o .Diy
decided as to the M1adison trip in October .27, 8 ;9
-which to make uip their minds but fort
those intending to go to Iowa action! The Atlfetic :board at a meeting last
is recomnnienc.edl today. -eight voted to furnish the U. of .M.
Last fall the _students wanted a spe- band with uniforms in return for
(tial train to take them to Minneapolis. which the band is to furnish music
''he requests for this train were many free of charge at all games, mass nmeet-
'or on the outcome of the game rested ings, indoor meets, etc. The uniforms'
Mi~lhigan's claim to the Champonshlip ;,ill be ordered immediately and will
(f the Went. The train was arranged arrive in t'nio for the Detroit game
for the game and tickets put on sale and the band's debut in their new
In comes friend murch, reads d'er WOLVFERINE S GOOD HOSTS
our shoulder, and says we might get
a game also with the realistic school - To the Editor: 1
in art.I Let me take- this oj portuinity. to ex-
Or the College of Cardinals. D ress appreciation for the reception
- - * ** ~~ N youMic~fgapdrs g' ye weOhio Stators
Every ryear about t ' ljti iie t olasts~- S t reay, Ya, {dflVeopur trip a
hardware stores all- put little dutmmiestpesranth oreutetmt
in their windows, with boy scouitsf we received helped in a great mneasure
suits a-n, -nd the public knows that he to atone forthbierdfawsu
1, ntig. easpn has openedi. From.! fereA: ° 1,Af,* hanW4cif vour Yost-'
noW o4, tlie loyal rlis w Il ',be i0 oache~ v!4s ' .
gong"u'orh" andi"tuniga Your band was an especially good
week later witl fafti'lrbus itales ,Of Elhe-; iott' .r; -t-te treat it
ferocious deer and duck they hos&e g. - V -~ - Union; .-
slain. From now on the newspap rs Now 'tar t Ohi f rciazcs-o
run stories every,. day: or two about--' 1923 Big Ten football championship
how so and so, mistaking his co im- are practically gone, the only thing we
pano~ or chpmuk, bpt~ndkiddtcan do is to hope for the -next best i
him. -'thing-a Michigan championiship wizt-hj
fEven the Sunday Mag is-'falling for~ Ohio State taking secondl honors.
+I;-cnc na cnf ndi r n i- '''Very frily vo" ,
EAST 130 UNI) '
Limiteds : 6 a. m., 9: 10 a. in. and
every two hours to 9:10 p. I.
Express : 7 a. in., 8 a m. and evecry
twvo hours to $ .8P. ,
Locals:. 7 a., in., 8:55 a. nm. and
every, two .hours to 8: 55 p. in.,
11 p, m. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40
p. i., 12:25'x.mgi. and 1:15 a. in-.
j ~ WEST . BO V D..
Limiteds:, 8:47 a. m . and every two
hours to. 8 :47 p..? .
Express (making local stops) : 9:50
a. in. and ev'ery two hota's to 9:50
.deals: 7:50 a:Tht; 12:10 a.n
little article on Dove Hunting tomor-"
are guaz'a ide 1 To be well
groomed your hands must be10
smzooth and white. Veivetina
Cream Lotion is a mild bleach
and forms a dry' antiseptic coat-
ing on the skn. Special ar-
iran enients miade for free mnas-
sages by p~honip~g Mrs. MVoules,.
104(;-.' or calling at
12414W. Huron St.
/ a
1 1I
of the.day
I, ,
"Aw, come on, break that dlate. I'll
take you out to Barton Hi'lls! With
that freshman that's such a hot foot-
ball player."'
Lyonel Ames, '24, has insured his
"fibs" for $25,000, according to the
Greatest College Daily. Gosh!'.-~
{ y
American prohiiitionists offer Scotch
shopkeepers free paper bags with dry'
Don Toste Roes: -propaganda printed on themn. T'ie
Why not star a "Height of " Scotch, a thrifty race, accept the offer. _ E-
contest? I'll give 'you one. y Then anti-prohibitionists offer to print E- - -'-
'rh heghtoflaziness-To ride u' their propagatnda on the other side -f - --=
Th-egto ' the bags, and the Scotch, a race with (r
and down-atn elevator until, sofnteonq ;-
else calls your floor. - Elsie Arr - es fhmr cet htto
- Now the good wife takes homie lher n yTeS .A s utn n a 1
Th .C .i utn na l-sugar and tea and household articles -
or oys' Conference. --Well, if we'd wt.pr'aada svr- -- .
had some of the advantages that the-'wrppngp per ext moall o t-er -
boys in this -state 1-4,ve;4Thaybete advtso h r u:to n
wouldn't be the wicked, imm-ral, lan vts n h dyItes'o ndm 7ho.l..--
meanvthile thle war of ;'r"p a1; ndo;
entious, heartless Man we are today. rages fast and "furious. It can't be
B u t t h e f a c t i s , t h a t w h e n w e w e r e I m u c h o f a s s e o e v r -I n l IiAch o , e e e e ' o d e o g h oP
ldat asae-- - -- - -the Scotch whiiskey is beingsli p h w rear-t1-
rate is an"older boy",-so we simply to this country. e NW'
-.missed out on it. ____
What do they do in these conferecac- tTIO E. = WUD A
es, anyway? If they are anything 607-'. E. vvWiscllims StreetI
- hooeRoeethsa n w -T
like the farmer boys' conference we Thooe-o,,(,I a nase
once attended in Madison, Wis., wetote uKlxKat(etrti C R Y 4G A F L LIE O-
haven't missed a thinig.I socialists, and to all foolish vsion- ! -= -f
At this farmer boy thing, we all atries. -
went through the state capitol, and "Every far-sighted patriot should TABLE SUPPLIES ' w
had an intervieW,'with .4-ts h1ighness, protest first of all against the growth '
the gov. The gov shook hands vyitht in this country of that evil thing which I GO DS-.
each and ery. one of- ts, ed a is called "class consciousness." The- /1 1C -- DjX t.L=
shop talk with us, Just asru al~y demagogue, the sinister or foolish so-
he could. When he cam &'b t~ ;he re.1c ialist visionary who st~ixe tptire .-.
marked, evidently under the imp~es [this feeling does a foul and evil this.Jo se tw rd ! G tOu u ttin#
sio thtw eoge ooeo the. for lie is no, true American; he is no$-o s, t w r s Ge u -Qtain' Sinta-e eogdtooeo-
filthy "Corn Clubs"-well, ny hos tself-respecting 'c ti ed{ of th is republicU
di-te roches "ltyorcos -? he forfeits his right to stand with -
And, pl~ased tltnf kindly manxneU" nmanly sef-rellance ol a-fo ting of enis i-
of the exalted o-iiciM - we blushed "and 'tire equality with all other citizens Invte our Inspe tion-
answered, also trying to be rural, "No; .who bows to envy -and greed, -who -'
sir."- * * * erects the doctrine of class hatred into -
-Why is it that of all the classes in Iasibltwosbtttslyly 'T ilW l
teUiestteonly oe hr to nmen of a particular status, whether A Tr l Order W l Convince
rich or poor, for loyalty to those eter- -
the students praise each others' work -°nladmintbepicpe frgt
,n"irioc o + ,,i+. ; ,,,;,. ela di m tbep icpe frg:t
tI roe weeks before the game, but con-- trappings is to be one of the features
Strary to early" indications, the ticket I of the game.r
sale was so slow that it was necessary
Sto cancel the, train a few days before it ; n a 'recent issue of the Detr oit
was scheduled to leave.- papers was a lengthy article to- e
This year the situation is essenti- eoffect that Charles Widman who is
ally the same. The band needs all'of candidate for halfback on the Varsity
the rooters that can possibly go to be 'eleven was in college simply to play
eon thle side Ynes when the Iowa game: football, and wouldl leave at Christnia.
oTpen"~ next Saturday. The band should stime: The Board in Control field a
14C there andi with it a cheering sec-netigo vsiatthsmtean
fioni of at least' 200 undergraduates to found that the charge was entirely,
cti-engthaea the body of the alumni i groundless and false.
supporters that intend to be present. ____
It is the first time that Michigan has! Several years ago when the Women's
l ayed his school in years and the gymnasium was being planned for,
Vnivor it c orui1,he wali r1vrrannted Afi M Jnhn « Cnmnfild o Mn it