THE TMI,-iGAN DAILY - ---- ---- . W SECM ON OUN f HOCKEY E IN1SWIZETA TAU' ALPHA AM) ADELIA. (IITEEVER HOUSE WIN ("SAl1IS Women desiring to tape the 10 mile honor point hike are asked to meet at J o'clock today all Barbour gymnas;- ium. 'Faculty oe's lub emes ShowInterest InCraive Art Creaiive art, in whicb faculty wvor- parties are formed. In winter, the cu have an interest in spite of their women will gather at the homes of busy lives, is being given a chance for! memnbers where they will sit at dif- o'xp; ion h~Ci i the art section of thle' ferent windows and sketch what they Faculty WVomen's club. On the sece- see.. and floor of the club house at 226 S. An exhibit of the art work done bay Inagalls is tine studIio which has re- thle section during the past five months many and varied aspects of the activ- Lutheran Stucdentq to Hold Part~y ities of the Faculty Women's club.I The Lutheran Student club will, hold Their meetings held to read and dis- a Hollowe'en party at 8 o'clock to- cuzss plays, their work with the' kin- ngti h uhrncaea h diergarten, are ~phases of the activities ngti h uhrncaea h i which this organization is engaged. corner of Washington street and Fifth avenue. The nature of the affair will be a representation of an old fashion- Patronize The Daily Advertisers. ed Hallowe'en social gathering.' Elimination of two more teams from. the contests for the coveted silver The six league houses belonging to cup in the inter-house hockey tourna-'the honor council must elect their mnent was effected yesto~day when, permanent officers before the ineoting. Zeta Tau Alpha triumphed over Alpha 'of the councnil, which will be hed' at 4 Epsilon Phi 5-2, and Adelia Cheever ' o'clock Wednesday in Westminster ~house won a 2-0 game from Hlen' house. Newberry residence. Both games; ~were fights to the finish between even-+ All, oriental women on the campus ly match~ed teams, with the final out-' are invited to a luncheon at noon come undecided until the last minute! today in N~ewb~erry hall. This is tobe "of play. given by world fellowship committee The cheering and evident enthus-, of tue Y. W. C. A:., of which Alone Day- .asm of Helen Newberry, even when 'is, '24, is chairman. They plan to have their team faced cfeat, were an ex-' luncheon at Newberry hall and then cellent example to ,the other rooters.' attend the game ensemble. Spectators turned out in greater num- bers than before to' witness these Enhsamfrteeni or- gamnse and support the teams. Their then asvsil dmenedibthena cooperation noticeably, gave renewedwetrduigheaswekbtte ,vigor to the players, and the team'wahrdrn h ps ek u h work throughout was remarkable. i sets in the third round must be played Lineps o Wining ea1 off by this aftern~oon on one or the Lineps f Winin Teas tother of the contestants will be forced 'eta rTau Alpha Adella Cheever to default. House I_________________ H. Best ........ C.F.%....... L. Groff ____________-__ _ J. Sinclair ...... L.J......... 0. Fast A. Mellinger .. I.. G. Burmnmeler' AT THlE iHEATS S( M. Taylor ...... L.W.. B. Johnson I M. Brooks ...... R.W...E. ArnovitsI A. Johnson .... L.H.B..D. JohnsonI P .Malone ...... R.H.B..M. Appelt I r dfl'I'(daIy F. Ely........ C.H.B....... M. Baker I D1. Nicklebrough.L.F.B... J. Redmond I A. Burdick .. .. R.F.B......0O. MearsI M. Burrows ..,.. Goal.. .. F. Starrj Arcade-"The Eaglie's Feather." Adelia Cheever substitute: I+. / Chong. j Majestic-"Red Lights." LNrmer Student 1l~trrkes Wuerth-Glenn Hunter in "Puy'- Miss Minetta Goetz, '21, of Ann Ar- itan Passions." bor, and Alexander MacNicol, of' Brooklyn, N. Y., were married Thurs-l Orpheum - Gladys Walton in lay evening at the home of the bride's "rse ie. paet,326' E. Liberty street. , Constantinople, Oct. 26.-(By A.P.) -American and World War Allied Sa~TisWe delegations have been notified' that they are no longer considered "'corn- - ' rissioners," but are "representatives"I of 'their several governments. Garrick (Detroit)-- "'Wh lispering I, _________________Wires." Patronize The Daily advertisers. __________ cently been redecorated and equipped th Ii pints, pencils andl other artist's' Mate: ials. Ii ere the facult~y women conie, undist-arbcd by childryen,. tele- phones and (doorbells. Mbemborship in the art section, which is in charge of Mrs. Everett' S. Brown, is open to any women in' the club who have an interest in creative art wihether they choose watercolors, p)astels, oils, ('lay, 'or pencils as their miediiums. 'Many of the amuateur art- ists have discovered their ability since h(ey joined this group. During the ;all and spring, frequent sketching was held recently in the Studio. Among the pieces shown was a lamxp whose base was a cloisonne vase, withy a parchiment< shade executed in t he; same dli.n. A pencil sketc h, a first attempt of the artist, portrayed a har-'- bxoy scene in an extremely effective manner with a minimum of lines. Watercolors, several of them scenes arxound Anti Arbor, were displayed.j Clay, watercolors, oils, pastels, and pencils were all used in a manner which showed an appreciation of their jossibulities. Thin,, how ever, is only one of the r EST fu iII)1904-LOW PRICE , Y'" t . / ~ a /, . rtS ' ,g t FU tR F ''SRS ' Furs of every description, whether it is a fur coat, scarf, choker or only fur trimming, this long established firm is ready to serve you by filling your needs at once'at the lowest prices. A t~!nl lepsflWil 1c~i'c IUL S'le's ZWERDL !NG BLDG. ANN ARBOR,IM ICH. f i a e I { ,s i r. : '+ . 'piE smart appearance,fault- les fit and wonderfualcomfort of DOROTHY DODD styles- in actual wear--is a revelation of howe good such moderately priced styles can be. To assure yourself of tus built-in quality and lasting satisfaction, be guided by this Trade Mark in your buying. Ct~elha5 You will appreciate the style of this pump which may be chgsen in log cabin brown suede or field mouse kid. e The Green SPECIAL LUNCHEC for M. A. Make Reserw Weekdays-i1 * OPEN: Sundays-c Opposite Lane H all,, ;.n Tree Inn PREM90" DN AND DINNER C. Game ations Early 2:00 to 1:30 5:30 to 7:00 5:30 to 7:00 n ~ Phone.1306-R. 7M SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY FLAPPERS! -:- PLAPPEP S! .. . L and h iF FUN! .)0Y.! THI-iLLS! A LSO THE CREAT 66 SMASTERPIECE ,. . _ WITH AM ALL-STAR CAST C DO. NOT FORCIET THE SiG. MiDN~ie. STOW ; SStarts at 11 o'clock Come Early for. Your Sei-t5 ZANE' LAST TIME tODA-Y t GREY'S tO~'~I ~d d)X STA N LAI'lii:L ('OMEI)Y I )ATHllE NEWS~ KENNETH HARLAN in lb PAL ~lI i1 06 ThleYeaA Gitst My teiFim HITNEYHEAT E_ " .Saturday N~ight N O VEM BE R 3 YOU H//,qVZ f/1,RO of ITS.SQL/V YEAR/S SUC'CGS5 .,/Y NW ! SORK '-YOU 11,1 E WHISTLED ITS CHARt/I/VYG f17ELODES -YOU fHAVC- D12/YCED TO 1TS Ifi'ES/ST/8LE MUSIC, NOW YOU CAN 9P; Ii GFUP/ALUTRE6 1RAEYVAY PRODUCTI OtNIt/TXCT WITH A RZINDRAWDOI57IYCT FEATURES WHICH MAD&W IT THE rTALK OF P16W gooc RK OA AIY TIRE YEAR A FEASOF5FALTYOUTHMIRTH DANCE- /4ND ME-LOfl. i 1 r a'* __ A Story that Creat- ed a Sensationin Cos-, mopolitan Magazine f LAST TIMES TODAY ..^ OTHER 0 Nko" FEliTIA.4i.N ( 9-"ET N( amE a GfU E MU-ir. EA& 3U"RimUa