PAGE TWC THE MICHIGAN DAILY SAT URDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1923 News From t Wsconsin-Revival of the old cus- tom of hauling the members of the arsity footballteam in a large flat topped wagon from the station to the lower campus by the students has come to light again. This custom has not been in use since the time whien :Wisconsin was the football luminary of the West. In accordance with the . 'er Colleges growing larger ever since, the Har- vard Ku Klux Klan has been ex- pectantly awaiting the chance to show The club will be conducted on a basis its real strength. It is opposed to the similar to the men's dramatic organ- policy of the open door. Thus far the izations of Oxford.Klan has been inactive,sbut anpromin- izatons f Oxord ent member when questioned about3 -this apparent inactivity replied, "The Indiana-Forty-nine students enter- HavrKlniiacve Buiti ed the first elimination round for the very far from being disorganized, nor determination of the university debat- can I say that even now its influence inig team. Twenty debaters will be jis unfelt." ing was done in the cases of the per- sons whose names were misspelled and the person whose name was left out of the ballot sheet. Daily classified for real results. Sofia, Oct. 26.-Refugees, unless they are Bulgarians, are barred from Bul- garia; this is the first time Bulgaria has put a general ban on immigration. Patronize The Daily Advertisers. , Cosy Corner Tea ROOm picked to compete in the second round old custom the wagon will be uSed to of elimination. meet the Michigan team and, escorted ' inniiesota- Torchlight send-off is by the students, will be taken to the being planned for the Minnesota grid- campus. iron warriors. A fife and drum corps will furnish the music and extra in- 1Chicago --Plans. for a new men's spiration for the rooters. The squad dramat"c. club have recently been !will be escorted to its train with the formulated. The new organization "greatest, loudest, and peppiest send- will be a non-musical one, and the Ioff" that a Gopher team ever received, work will be the continuation of according to all expectations. Blackfriars, which heretofore has not j been active in the field of drainatics. Harvard-Started two years ago and James 0. Thirfin Regent Murfin heads the Regent FASH ION'S FORECAST committee on student welfare to which the Board of Regents yester-!-are- day referred the Wickershan action. Felt Velour Velvet and Metallic Hats The action was taken in response to a, petition from the literary faculty re- Street Dress and Dance Wear questing the body to reconsider the See Us at case. I POPULAR PRICE HAT SHOP per peninsula and which are now be- ing prepared for exhibition by the Un- 333 SOUTH MAIN iversity. He will also visit a diamond 'and gem-cutting establishment for the purpose of obtaining information ,111[fI il111,11f1I il1I1iI lfIII~11[I ii1iii~1111~111t1. which he will incorporate in a book entitled "Gems and Precious Stones," now being prepared by him in collab- oration with E. F. Holden, of the Geo-n logy department. He will return to Ann Arbor Nov. 5. HELP WANTED o or e a Big money can be earned by students at the university dur- ing their spare hours. The =j *ork is extremely pleasant, and Wire Lampshade Frames Bed Lamp Frames will prove highly profitable. Rings for Paper Shades Attachable Fitters for Frames For particulars, address the Parchment Painting Outfits GARVIN INSTITUTE, 4109 2 Wall and Candle Shields Prchent Patn Ots Woodwrd Aenue, Detrit, rushes, Oils, Paper Colors Woodward Avenue, Detroit, - Boudoir Doll Lamp Frames Sdt Michigan. ; Shade Holders, Electric and aTelephone Doll Frames Candle 1'==_-MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION- IMPORTED WEED BRONZES RL Cc PATiN AN DECORATING -N r .iT WO STORES - YPSILANTI '"""" " '; atlltlltllllll[11t11111111[11[ll 11111[11 Iltlttt181ii t11ttlilll lll l ltll tlli titti Upstairs Ohio State -Student council willI have charge of the setting of a date for the election of senior class presi- dents according to the latest reports. Recent action by the council resulted in the reinstatement of the senior candidates who had been thrown out of the first elections because of charges brought against them. Noth- Serves LUNCHEON 'Daily 1 DINNER - - 12 to 1:30 - - - 6'to 7:30 50 cents Chicken Dinner Every Saturday 6 to 7:30 330 MAYNARD STREET South of Majestic Theater Telephone 996 i ____________________________________________ l Ju Js OKAHE Great Bargains :t $9.00 l - Distinguished in every way these shoes of ours. Different from those the rest wear. Originality in every line of them, yet conservative. Characteristic of the style tendencies of the times. Clever Merchandise But No Fancy Prices HOSIERY Very good values in cotton, wool, silk and silk and wool 3c to $1.,40 E. J. WEIMER PORTIS HATS in all the new styles colors-$&5O to $K.iO. and F. Wilson Bros. Haberdashery is known wherever well dressed men are found as superlative in quality and style. Arrow Collars and shirts complete the attractive- ness of our line.. We have priced them so all can afford them. Fraternity Representative-. WALLACE HOFFMAN - -- . - - - - -- . . ... . SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING SECRETARIAL TRAINING CLASSES NOW FORMI UNG Hamilton Business College STATE AND WILLIAM STREETS ,. I1 - Th a'C An ideal hunting or hik- ing shoe in 14 or 16-inch top. Price $13 and $14.50. Wahr's Shoe Store DOWN TOWN 108 S. MAIN : e~tIlnrl irn rri tt iituutttilm rilnrirtfu lininutnilinlllnlitnnllili -"BE A WILD MAN MADE FOR YOU 11 Every suit from this house Ynat y( u see impresses you for two realsons : Firs:t, you notice that the ex- cellent material is always correctly cut; and second, each suit seems to be a part of the wearer's own personality. This last is especially true because every suit that is made here is tailored to fit the man who ordered it-}wilt to his individual' measure- ments. The two-button sack pictured above, with a long, rolling lapel, is indisputably correct for the coming season. TAILORS TO MICHIGAN MEN k'orOutdoors A 5 II C i BLANKETS ~uto Robe-a, necesstity .- in pain colors and a multitude of )atterns of surpassing beauty. Steamer Rugs, Wool Blankets- nany plaids-. D. Wool Army 3lankets. SHIRTS Wool in blanket patterns - all olors-Mackinaw, plain, color- ed, and O. D. wool army shirts. If you walk ;down here you'llI save some m~oney .ori these shirts. Also wool shirts for WOMEN. BREECHES Corduroys are selling fast, ,buy >efore our stock is depleted. Also a wide range of materials n both knickers and breeches. RAINCOATS Slickers, Cravenettej, Gabard- nes, Whipcords, Rubber Coats- a complete selection of rain- coats. Buy now for you'll soon need them'. SHOES M1unson army lasts for, the Rl. 0. T, C. (and indeed, for anyone who wants a comfortable, de- pendable shoe). Hiking shoes or men and women. All kinds A outdoor shoes, packs,'high- ops, etc. SWEATERS Brushed wool in plain and in popular, combinations heav y nd light weights in all styles. lose knits for indoor wear and fnder a coat. Heavy rugged weaters for rougher wear. STORE 11 Br-r-r-r-r-r! this col dweather forcibly turns us to warm clothing. Leather coats (for men and women) Sheepskins Corduroy Coats, Sheep-lined Vests, Overcoats, and Sweater Coats. Our' ladies' leather jackets come in brown p suede, some plain and some fur-trim- 6 med. Before you buy at least come down and look them over. We pride ourselves on offering better goods atB lower prices. aC A Special-grey Suede Leather Jaelet in Norfolk Style, Priced Rea- swnably. SUR PLUS SUPPLIES "It Pas to Walk a Few Blocks" 213 N. FOURTH AVENUE L J mril R1Il E. M. WURSTER !'