THE WEATHER CLOUDY TODAY; CONTIN. UED COOL Ap ASSOCIATED PRESS LEASED WIRE SERVICE MEHUER WESTERN CONFERENCE EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION VOL. XXXIV. No. 30 EIGIIT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS BREAKDOWN FROM STEINMETZ DATH ELECTRICAL WIZARD CONFINED TWO WEEKS BEFORE j DEMISE PACIFIC LECTURE'TOUR TIRED MATHEMATICIAN American Offer Of Assistance Lightens European Depression London, Oct. 26.--(By A. P.)-Amer- America's voice, stressing the im- ica's decision to lend her advise and perative need of finding a suitable her co-operation in a conference for financial plan to prevent economic the settlement of the German repara- disaster in Europe, found promptf tion muddle seems to have lightened echoes in Paris, Brussels, and Rome for it became known late this after- Europe out of the slough of depres- sri eaekonlt hsatr Eo. usnoon at the foreign office that France, ion. Belgium and taly had all accepted Secretary Hughes' prompt and de- the principle of an advisory confer- cisive response to Marquis Curzons ence of experts. plea for American assistance gave im- While the British authorities would petus to a situation which has hreto- have preferred a full conference of fore been marked by utter inertia and ministers to liquidate the reparationsI for the first time today British oihcials' trouble, they hope the preliminary began to see a rift in the mix which conference will lead to a large coun- has so long enveloped the prk-oblemi. cil of allies and American statesmen. SUFRAoGELED IPAH ETIL TO GIVE ADj4flE3SUi GO'ES TO SEAlTE Was Chief Consulting Engineer The General Electric for SiUOmpany Schenectady, N. Yk, Oct. 26-Dr. Charles Proteus Steinmetz, electrical wizard, died at his home here today of a physical breakdown due to a trip to the Pacific coast, from which he recently returned. Dr. Steinmetz had been under the care ,of a physician for about two weeks. He made a six weeks' lecture tour and returned to his home here exhausted. His physicians ordered him to bed and refused to permit vis- itors to see him. Dies Without Warning Last Monday it was announced he was steadily improving. This morning, according to reports from the death chamber at his home,j he told his nurse a minute or so before= he died that he was feeling fine. With- out warning or sign he turned over in bed and died as he was being served breakfast. HIGHEST HONORARY Lloyd George Maintains Interest In Reparations ' ~Washington, Oct. 26.-(By A. P.)-Idistinguished visitor the two had op- While David Lloyd George, war time I portunity to discuss 'questiQns in U P O N .IW s i g o , O t 6 - B . P ) { i t n n s e i i o h w a p premier of Great Britain, devoted to- which they are mutually interested. day, his second day in Washington, Although no statement was made con- UNiVERSITY GRANTS AWARD OF chiefly to pilgrimages to Arlington cerning the conversation it was as- DOICTOR OF L'AWS TO National cemetery and Mt. Vernon, sumed that the latest phase of the ENGLISH SCHOLAR and to a call upon the disabled sol- reparations question as well as other diers at Walter Reed hospital, public matters of public interest, was dis- SENATE HOLDS SPECIAL sections did not escape his attention. cussed. ~The reparations -situation n the j Throughout the day the reparations CONVOCATION AT UNION light of latest developments, attracted situation held the interest of the !____his interest and tonight he conferred former premier. Walking from his Recipient Is Corpus Professor of with Secretary Hughes at the latter's hotel to' breakfast with William J. Jurisprudence at home for an hour. Bryan, he remarked to friends that Oxford Invited to Mr. Hughes' residence an "those are remarkably interesting - _ hour in advance of others who at- telegrams between Lord Curzon and Sir Paul Vinogradoff, corpus pro- tended a dinner given in honor of the Secretary Hughes in the newspapers." fessor of jurisprudence in the Uni- versity of Oxford, who has been in Ann Arbor the past four weeks lectur- the University the degree of doctor of laws at a special convocation of the University Senate held yesterday af-CCH N S ternoon in the Assembly hall of the j Union. A similar session of' the Son--! ate has rarely occurred in the history Minnesota Serator Will Take Post Old Power Plant and Fire House Will 1 of the University, As American Aml:a;sador I Be Removed; Space Provided Whiter Presents Candidate d For Parking A large majority of the higher of- -S T IO MI NC2 AtCT ficers of the University were present PET l P FEDIERAL C ON SCOTCH BOTANISTS INVITED in their academic robes in honor of S__IAL E COUNSEL TO LECTURE AT EARLY DATE the distinguished jurist. The presen- Was gtn Oct 26 Fak . Kel- tation of Sir Paul was made by Prof. logg, former United States senator May changes in the landscape plan John G. Winter of the Greel ,depart- from Minnesota, has been selected for of the campus were sanctioned by the{ went and the degree, the highest with- American ambassador to Lorndon, tol boardofrgnsathi eio y- in the University's power to confer-~ succeed Col. George Harvey. of regents at their session yes- was bestowed by President Marion I,. Mr. Kellogg who was one of the terday morning. In accordance with1 TEAM EXPECTS TO WIN WITH LITTLE DIFtFICULTY Steger Will NotI Start; Herrnstein and Kipke to Play Ral Positions Coaches Yost and Little sent the Varsity football squad through-,a light signal drill yesterday afternoon as the final preparation for the annual game against the Michigan Aggies which will be held at 3,o'clock this after- noon on Ferry field. The team, which has been holding secret session since the first of the week, is in good condition physically according to the trainers, and it is expected that the Wolverines will have little difficulty in trouncing the l Farmers today, as in previous years. Large Score Wanted It is probable that the Varsity or- fense today against M. A. C. will be of the wide open variety with the for- ward pass playing a large part in the attack of the Yostmen. Michigan has had considerable success in the first three contests in this phase of the VAST ENGAGES AG GIEIS TODA Y I N ANNUAL STRUGGLE YOST AND LITTLE SEND THROUGH FINAL WORKOUT TEAM Mrs. Carrie Chnpm atn Catt Will Here Monday Night On Lecture Course I (harges of Mis-appropriallon aiid In. eo,3diuileteiic y Vote4d B~y Hollso SUBJECT OF TALK WILl4 iE "WOMA N'S IVRLI) 1MGVEUMENT I Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, presi- cadent of the national American slf- frage association and said to be the woman who is chiefly responsible for the passing of the woman suffrage amendment to the United States con- stitution. Will Sneak at 8 o'clock Mbon- UPPER21 POUSE BECOMES COURT IN (MYERNOR WALTON TRIAL f - Oklahoma City, Oct 26.-(Py A.. P.) -The last aritcle in the hill of im- peachment against Gov. J. C. Walton, drafted by an investigation commiittoe was approved late today by the lower house of the state legislature and the hill was ready for submission to the i, J .j The American career of Dr. Stein- aLJLV'*Wl klJ x, "Ll"*' V_11- lItC7I, jIViks.-L-ul , Tet chiecnulinaeieer of te day night in Hill auditorium. This will senate. mnetz, chief consultingege otngi nHlr(eter Eer WOnly two charges remain to be General Electric Works, Schenectady, be the second number on the Oratori- Ivoted pon when the house reconvenes N. Y., had its beginning in New York cal lecture ccurse program for this after its noonay recess. Both wer in 1889 where, penniless and able to year. speak but very little English, he ar- "Woman's World Movement" will be 20, charging the executive with col- rived from Zurich, Switzerland. He the subject upon which Mrs. Cattwill lecting "many and varied funds of was accompanied by a young Ameri- talk. She is said to be especially fit ng "many an variae fund can who had been his fellow student, to discuss such a topic because of her boneis f s ow private use and intimate association with *euffra e lbenefit," was acc pilted 76-9, and article:t at the Zurich Polytechnicium. 22, alleging general incompetency byi Born In Breslau work, having- spent her whole life in a vote of 79-7. Born in the city of Breslau, Ger- the iterest of this movement. She The impeachment articles -werea many, on April 9, 1865, and educated has given lectures in alnost every s at Its famous university, young state in the United States and has presented to the senate by a commit- Steinmetz early became interested in spoken in many foreign countries.prte andy house s managershead by W y ~D. Difney, of Muskogee, chairman of Socialism at a time when vigorous Mrs.att as ormery the investigating committee that steps were being taken against it by the International woman suffrage a drafted thebill. omhAnglin tt the government. An issue of a So-. Hance.zdetoth-;c ih s publicatn in wiss e astu Recently Mrs. Catt has been in Bud- ;ent of the enate, reepived the ar- I cialist publication in which the stu- apest where she has een studying te tiles.t apest where she has beenn iterth snaeedents were interested and in whics unmediate y the senate resolved it- Steinmetz had several articles was of omn suffrag in Ion self into a court with Chief Justice confiscated, the publication suspend- an tempting tomrng otanion Johnson of the state sureme court! ed and' the editors arrested and im- of the warring women's organizations esiding,and the house managers prisoned. Steinmetz fled from Ger- Tickets for the lecture course which prepared to place their charges for-. many and found refuge with a friend, s nn ms mally before the court. a clergyman, near the Austrian bor- will consist of nine morenumbersthstn der. From there he went to Zurich. may still be obtained, notwithstanding Two weeks after landing in Amer- the fact that a larger number of rer ca, Steinmetz obtained employment in served seats have been sold this year the manufacturing establishment of iethan for the series of programs giv-T Rudolph Eickemeyer at Yonkers. en last year. Seats will be on sale t f In 1892, the General Electric Co. at the box office in Hillnauditorium 1gh1t1M 1Jv MII t bought the electrical manufacturing Monday night. 1 business of the Eickemeyer Co. except {As a result o a meeting held Thurs- which the Otis Co. took over to its ow. OSDITR I OBD rI day night an economics club will soon plant, and Steinmetz went to thebe organized on the campus. Mem- Lynn, Mass., works, of the General bers of the teaching staff and gradu- Electric Co. In January, 1893, he was COPY OF [0 PUUIfIOUI ate students of the department of transferred to the Schenectady works, ecoomics are eligible tormember- and since that time made Schenectadym r- his home. In 1912, he was.appointed Each student publication will con- ship in this organization. president of the board of education tribute from now on an issue for stu- The object of the club is primarily 1 of Schenectady, and in 1915 was dents in the hospital and the Health to keep the. members in touch with, elected president ofn thecommonst .currentresearch and publications in council .of that city on the Socialist service, according to an announce- c etrserhadpulctos I the on eral field. The organization: ticket. IHe never married. ment given out at the cabinet meeting Dr. Steinmetz's special field, in of the S. C. A. yesterday. Donald l thus serve both as a research swhich lie was most expert, inchluded I en~iarand(Ijourfial, club. magnetics, symbolic method of alter-' Chubb, '24, who is chairman of the The first meeting will be held No nageticurrent calculatosnd tr- committee on campus service, has re- veniber 7, after which the body will sient phenomena. a s t ceived the consent of the business meet every two. weeks, probably at s___t phen ___na._managers of The Daily, the Chimes the Union.l and the Gargoyle. -- -- i German M issionary Thiswill be the first time that suchF ul Ct olicy iscarried out. Before definitelY- ci yoncert ield By Bandits ideciding this it was looked into and Gi en Tomorrow it was found that very little attentionh Shanghai Oct. 26.-(By A. P.)-A in the reading of campus pubhications dispatch from Changsha received here was received by the patients. Defin- The first of the Faculty concerts for I ..- _--1 -_..z ,... 3-:., a lih en _=r l i h - an d " _ ?. Burton. In presenting Sir Paul, Pro- fessor Winter said: "It is my privilege to present to you for an honorary degree, Sir Paul Vin- ogradoff, corpus professor of juris- prudence in the Univerity of Oxford. In conferring upon"him her highest. honor, the University of MichiganI pays tribute to a scholar whose bril- liant studies in legal and social insti- tutions, particularly those of Exjgland, have won for him an acknowledged pre-eminence in his own country and abroad. His researches in the life of the peasantry and the village com- munities of the feudal age, repre-1 sented by his "Villainage in England," his essay on "Folklore," "The Growth of the Manor," and "English Society in the Eleventh Century" are.authori- tative works, marked by profound learning and lucid exposition. Not less important have been the many and notable publications in the field of jurisprudence and the history of jurisprudence whereby he has taken rank as one of the world's leading scholars. In recognition of his ser- vices as a distinguished educator, jurist and historian, the University' bestows upon him conspicuous honor." Sir Paul Responds Sir Paul responded with a brief speech in which he spoke of his "Deep sense of gratitude for the exceptional honor about to be conferred," refer-i red to his own birth and education and concluded with tributes to America and to the University. "What has always attracted me greatly in the United States," he de- clared, "is the magnitude of your American democracy and the general domination of prosperity. Put even more admirable than this material strength and wealth, is the success with which your country has main-' tained the democratic ideals of ts founders. Equality is not an empty word with you. In America you are justified in paraphrasing the old French proverb to the effect that there are no mean men, only mean tasks. Every man a'mong you retains his in- dependence of character and dignity, re-ardless of the work in which ho i engaged. "While in your country," continued Sir Paul, "I have learned to appreci- ate another national quality not gen- erally recognized, a peculiar aptitude for friendship in its simplest and tru- est sense, an aptitude of which it would be difficult to find the equal anywhere. In no country is friendship a more potent force in social life than in America. As a member of your University community, I will try to imitate you in friendship and in loyalty." h- Many Degrees The d stinction which was conferred union Sir P'aul yesterdlay is but one' little coterie of personal friends who plans submitted to the committee of tempt to gain more ground today by accompanied the late President War- five on the University building pro- - this route than has been the ase ren G. Harding on most of his trips grogram by Pitkin and Mott, Cleve- any of the previous tilts.s away from Washington, and was a frequent guest at the White House land landscape architects, the old While the game has no bearing on luring the Harding Administration, power house and fire house will be the Conference standing of the. Vl- is a lawyer by profession. during the removed, shrubbery and trees will be verines the members of the sqd-aie single term he served in the Senate planted to beautify the library and anxious to defeat the East Laning he devoted considerable attention to the new hospital building, and the aggregation by a large score. T e foreign affairs, was a member of the sidewalk in front of the new literary Aggies have already stacked Op "mild reservationists" in the Ver- building will be moved near the street against Chicago and Wisconsin 4id sailles Treaty fight, and served as a upon the completion of the building. the Varsity is anxious to roll up a member of the Foreign Relations com- The site of the old Couzens and Hall larger score than either ef thbe twQ mittee. greenhouse on South University ave- Big Ten teams could against t.e He first arose to national promin- nue and the Israel Hall lot on Wash- ( Farmers. once as special counsel for the Feder- , tenaw avenue will be used for auto- Chance for New Players " al government in its anti-trust suits Imobile parking space. If the eleven men who stat'the during the Taft Administration. I The Regents invited Prof. H. G. game show as high a quality oEfrnn -Pulling and Prof. F. O. Bower of the as they did in the Ohio State g .me University of Blasgow, noted botan- last week there is p qgt'stipn .bilt IT Iists, to lecture in Ann Arbor at an that the issue will Dot be 1ong00 .k N Y O EI early date. doubt. The Wolverines, although ed ;, Regent James O. Murfin was desig- almost even in the first hal tagat Enated the official representative of the Buckeyes, opened up an attack .in the University at the dedication of the last two periods which sh'wed the new Yost field house, November that they have one of the most po* Prof. Robert M. Wenley will act as 10, the da'te of the Michigan-Marines erful offensives in the country which toastmaster at the annual dinner of game. the Aggies will have a hard time t University Episcopalians in the as- The Regents acknowledged the gift hold. sembly room of the Union at 6 o'clock of a $650 fellowship in chemical en- It is quite probable that mosta tf Tuesday evening. The other speakers gineering from the Swensen Evapor- the members of the Varity squad-Wjrll- will be Dean William Scarlett, of 'ator Co. get into the contest before -the bloj - Christ church cathedral, St. Louis, Dr. Hgward A. Kelly of Baltimore, ing of the final whistle as the ganie and Seward Bean, '24, of Grand Rap- who was made honorary curator of today will give the mentor staff a, ids. the University museum by the Re- chance to get a line on what all f For many years the Hobart Guild gents, is a noted physician and a their men can do in action againt held its annual banquet in Harris hall, friend of long standing to the staff real competition. Some of the .new but four years ago the affair was and students of zoology, according to men on the squad have not yet had a transferred to the Union, thus making Dr. A. G. Ruthven, curator of the chance to display their wares against it possible to enlarge the function to museum of zoology. Dr. Kelly is the I Wolverine opposition but they will no include not only all Episcopal stu- author of numerous books bearing on doubt get that chance today. dents and their friends but alumni various medical subjects and has dis- i Ilerrustein Starts and members of the faculty. tinguished himself by much work in Announcement was made yesterday Kennedy's orchestra will furnishI the field of reptile study which is his of the opening line-up which,, with the music and George Oscar Bowen 'avocation. r the exception of Herb Steger, includes will lead the singing. Tickets may be all of the men w o started against obtained at the bookstores and at I the Ohio State elelen last Saturday. Harris hall. Steger is being given a rest, although -------lt J there is a slight possibility that he Imay play later i the game. Herrn- CLSS O ICCOSNAN BtMAeAin-will replace Stegr at right ahf and should give a good account of W HITECThimself at that position. He came I IIE IRLECIION Special trains reservations for the through nicely in the Case game scor- Iowa and Wisconsin games are being ing one of the touchdowns credited to - _ taken now by Dennis Donovan, house Michigan in that fracas and was ex- In a recent election, the senior manager of the Union. The reserva- ceptionally good on defense while he architecture class elected John Din- tions must be accompanied by the was in the game. Herrnstein's be t widdie, '24A as president; Douglas D. payment of the round trip fare for }ets are his ability to run in a broken Loree, '24A, vice-president; Augusta the trip. field and his ability to nab a foiwird Stewart, '24A, secretary; and John Unless at least 200 students signify I pass from almost any position. Fie Barry, '24A, treasurer. On the same their intentions of making the trip will no doubt be given ample op- day, the junior architects elected the the special rates allowed by the rail- following offcers: Malcol pretzel, h pcilrtsaloe y h al portunity to prove his worth in this r25A n preie s: ack, '25A, road companies in connection with 'latter phase with the aerial attack '25A,president; Kenneth Black, '25A' the games will be withdrawn. So far which the Varsity will uncover. secretary, and Alden Marvin, '25A, the number taking reservations for (Continued on Page Six) sreary, i the Iowa game has been small, ac- treasurer. . cording to Donovan, and unless a de- TO A V7'O AM In addition, Ray Ward and Reinhold cided influx is noted during the first T /DA Yl S 1AME Oester, both sophomore architects k were elected to the Architectural so- i of next week, it will be necessary to ciety, while Arthur Hyde, and Joseph witsra the sca xdEAST Leach were elected to the society by l Rates for the Iowa extra include a Yale vs. Brown. the seniors. ;round trip farecof approximately $2G Harvard vs. Dartmouth. ________ with pullman charges extra. They ; Navy vs. Princeton. ADE PH C OOS SImay be taken out during the first of Pennsylvania vs. Centre. next week. Pittsburg vs. Carnegie Toch, DEBATE TRY OUTS 1'--- Syracuse vs. Springfield. MORE MEN WANTED FOR LIFE Army vs. Lebanon Valley. Six men were chosen from Adelphi,j ME IBERSIHIP DRIVE OF UNION House of Representatives, to compete Penn State vs. West Virginla. as tryouts for the Varsity debating More men are need to act on the I team next week. The six men chosen teams that will solicit students in 1IWEST are: Ray ,Alexander, '24, J. Holmes, Ijthe life membership drive of the j( Michigan vs. Michigan Aggies. '26, Millard Pryor, '24, W. C. Dixon,;I Union that will start Tuesday. j Wisconsin vs. Minnesota. '26, A. M. Stern, '26 and Albert Any student is eligible to work. A = Ohio State vs. Iowa. Strong, '25. Several of these men, in j banquet will be given to all aid- j Chicago vs. Purdue. contest with men chosen from the j ing in the drive immediately fol- j Northwestern vs. Illinois. 'other debating societies on the camp- I lowing its completion, providing jIDetroit vs. Washington and Jeffer- us will be chosen as members of the' jthe quota set by the Union for its I son. Varsity debating team. E new members is fulfilled. I Notre Dame vs. Georgia Tech. today says a German missionary by the name of Ftrauff has been captured by bandits who are holding him forC $10,000 ransom. Conditions in Hunanf province are reported to be rapidly getting worse. Herbesthal, Oct. 26.-A train of 40 cars of coal and coke for Belgium and France, manned by Germans, has ar- rived. Munich, Oct. 26.-Premier Von Knill- ing says the Palatinatte movement is being fostered by "irresponsibles." VISION! The success of a real estate concern depends on the VISION of its managers. A far-seeing advertising man will increase your sales great- ly. Jimmie sees into the future. Already he is looking ite need was found to exist when the , 1 "SWill gvnat-4:is chairman visited the Health service o'clock tomorrow afternoon in HillI and hospital auditor ium. At this time, Miss Ora Iarthard, new 'cellist, on the School R. 0. T. C. Pays 4,17 of Music faculty, will make her Ann It was announced at the R. 0. T. C. Arbor debut. James Hamilton, tenor, office yesterday that a total of $1,176 j will also make his first appearance; had been paid this week to men who They will offer the following pro- were at the summer camps. In addi- gram tion to this $18 was paid to each man Sonata in A major, Opus 69... I in the advanced course. Those who...................-....Beethoven t d $28 Miss Larthard each, making a total for the vacation orhsiiof Cod in Nature. eetoven TeAsra................ Rubenstein of $146. Munich, Oct. 26.---Premier Von Knilling says the Palat iate-mocrimeul is being fostered, by "irrecponsiblos-'" PREFERENCE ENDS TONI lIT SFOR MA RINE TICHE 'TS I t Aria "Lucevan le stelle" (La Tosca) ....... .....Puccini Mr. Hamilton Nocturne in G major, Opus 42 of many similar honors, of which he has been the recipient. He is the possessor of honorary degrees from Cambridge, Harvard, Liverpool, Cal- k i II Class preference in the di tr'ibu- tion of tickets for the Marinn game of November 10 ends at 6 o'clock tonight according to a statenment from larry A. Tillot- son, assistant director of Intercol- le-ia ahletics. . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . Popper cutta and Berlin. Degrees for his Adagio, from concerto in D scholastic work were won at Durham major..............H. aydn aind Oxford. The range of his in- Tariantelle, Opus 33.......... Popper terests an d the international char- Miss Larthard acter of his reputation is indicated by I Come, Beloved, from "Atalanta" the number of learned societies of .......4.............. Handel which he is a member. He is a fellow Dedication ...................Franz of the British Academy, a fellow of Aria "Vesti la giubba" (I Pag- the Russian Academy at Petrograd hiacci) ............ Leoncavallo and a foreign member of the acad- Mr. Hamilton emies of Belgium, Denmark and Nor- Mrs. Meud Okkelberg, who has just way.