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October 26, 1923 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-26

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Kappa, Alpha Theta defeated Alpha
/ oc1;T +Qa>i 3on Pi with a score of 4-0 and
nig '1! Xu.n33Til Pi Beta phi downed Alpha Gamma
A { Delta 5-1 ili the interhouse hockey°
I tournament yesterday afternoon.
W. C, In the first quarter of the first
1. T C. ANDd~iPII ~game the teams appeared to be fairly
'10 I{ISi \ SHI T .~evenly matched although the major-
I nt~ wi enwil be ntetainl ~ity of playing was in the teritory
near the Theta goal. The Black and
at a Ilallowo en party from 8 to 11 Gold girls scored in the fiirst 40 sec-
o'clock tonlight at Barbour yn as- *' ondls of the second quarter, and from
that time on the game was decided in
b a1y fthe upperclass advisors: Up-
< { h 1their favor, although their opponents
c ~rclass advi<sors are expected to call
fIor their advsisees, but if they are not ; gl ut up a good fight until the last
abl)e to doo so, the entering womlen are whtlbe.
aske toatted te afairanyay.Casady, center forward on the Kap-
7icial fortune telling booths have - : -A#ha Thetrteam, wa the onl
'1)E, n arranged for the entertainment :~ I casualtyT of the afternoon. H-er knee
c> te ad th ghst' tral r2 v ::<; } was I hrown out of joint and, after
~,ftheguetsandtheghot'stral ~playing till the end of thaat quarter,
irojis ;to be e'x citing. I-allowe'en ewsselce yTopis.G<
the avebeenpla~d aout~,..~..*,~* .i ach r, Cassady, Stewart, and Mary
gy4aini .,. Hi-ays showed aed and skill through-
During theo evening the guests will ° ...s....,.
out the game.
be entertained by a short play given Pic:>eta:.Phir:only.:allowed:«:Alpha
"b b ebr fMmes oit,~~' Gamma Delta to score once in their'
an y*.ki o eprsntdby.m con test. Seawright, Roberts, Lauver
hers= of the Y. W. C. A. These will be 'n ca itnuihdtesle
~givii n Saah aswll Agel hal. 1IJ~ ffrgart Mseron the Red team. Few fouls, fair play.
° umrswl preet"heTeho Annouincemient hias just been made Igood support from the spectators, ex-
tlie Gift Horse," Rosalind Freundt, of the engagement of Miss' Margaret ceptional team work and kzeenl, but
' 24, becing in chiare of the produaction. Major, director of physical education friendly, rivalry characterized all of
liTe skit to be presented by the Y. W- for womnen at theC University of P enn- the games.
~~~~C.~~~~ A.w eudrth ieto fSylvania, to John B. "Jack" Kelly, In th'e nurses tournament the "De-
j~~rth 2, n st e "former American champion oarsman. ;os:ba the "Wasps" with a score
~He~To He." Miss M1ajor is he:rself a noted athlete. of 1-0.
Thepary, hic i anannal ffa~cKelly retired from active cornpetition Helen Newberry will' play Adelia,
~gieu or nteingwomn, s bingar-last year. Hle was the holder of soy- Cheever at 4 o'c~ock this afternoonj
ranged by Blanche Kynast, '24, chair- c ral titles, and Delta Gamma willplyDit
;an of the upperclass advisory com -____la___________
mtedMraetD o, '5-p~ Zeta Saturday morning instead of fol-
laite n ta~rtDxn 5 arty , lowing the schedule formerly an-
chirman of 'the junior advisory com- jrPO I A SOCILF . Ynne
mittee. The committee in charge isw
-Ioust aeeeyetrn oa ' ° R n the aias present, and alrej--- Cardiff, Wales, Oct. 25.-An order
icordially invited to attend, with or I 'ortia Literary society lg 1c hasbenrcidfomNwYkad
.i itliout their advisors. j ed thirteen women, following the try- New England states for 100,000 tons
Out Wed nesday evening. 1,hey are: o ec nhaie
Lt )cedl, 2,1l~ ol,.!Patronize, The Daily Advertisers.
MI -9 tU S4z , er d .~a~e, 2, er 1 '27, Olive 1-fndeson, '26, Clarine
r :Levy, '27, Brnce Sm:itha, '26, Dell
TO S.1 '25 M 1),i~iriam lOlden, '27, A~ph-
SrLadd, '25, 1 rel Parks, '25, 3una
Yi { ~Barnes, '25, Margaret i'Mlines, '26.
D3r. Anne L. MacLeod, associate p)ro- The next meeting of the society will
fe-tsSOr of chemistry at Vassar college, will 1)o held( at 7 :15 o'clock, next
outlined the work of the new depart- aThursday, in room 302 Maso'n hall,
#nent of euthenics which was recent-
~whiclr she is the head, at a luncheon' Dean Jean Ham:iltoni delivered an
gvnTuesday at Barton Hills Coajuz- extension lecture oii "Social Ideals,
try club by the Vassar club of Ann; IsMaking or Breaking Them" before the! r or Dr Ma e d is n l av '(f T rctet C tu y l b *y st r a n' \G
'absence to visit other instttioans in l Detroit.
.order to plana the courses for Iher d - f
h _atinent. She came to Ann Aor fkIo' c~2.Bracsa' en
upontheinvtaton f MSS cflict~.econsidered for. the . 000 or more gel-
Sc anton, secretary of the Mcignsla},Iis imadeloiesbytecrhE1'
*.Vass ar ,club. Mi qiuake.ieessbyis4epth I

S to Jeane Briggs, at 1414 Washtenaw meet, at 3 o'clock today in Barbour
v$ enuie, gymnasium. All members are re-
99911 " (3111 CLUBquested to be present.
I~?fl Freshmen women whose junior ad-
AD0MT THIRJTY-igPIi 'Iors have not called them to makei Women desiring to take the 10 mile I;
arraM.-neents about attending the ad- honor point hike are asked to meet
Thiry-eiht enriershavebee ivory party to be held from 8 to 11 at 9 o'clock tomorrow at Barbour; COMING SUN~DAY coktngta.Brbu gy-ymsi.
admitted to the Freshman Girls' Geasunaeakdtoatn h at
club as a result of try-o'uts held jMon-j anyway. Mistakes have been made in Rome, Oct. 25.-Signor Pirandello, Thad fCmd
dlay and Wednesday. They are: i some cases, and advisors are not able the playwright, told Premier ixlusSo-' Classics Unquestionably.
Roslyn Selker, Ilelen D. Brown, to be in the city, for the affair. But good-by and started for America.
Ellen Johnson, Katherine Boothl,
Katherine Ihubbard, AMargar et Shre.- The senior social committee will Daily classified for real results.«
mhan, Harriet Levy, Ruth B. Schein-
man, Vera L. Haux.well, Lucille Groff, Iii3611911Ylti11191i1i9t1fi1Ii4i1ltli111E! 9 1ri1I
Maxine Shinkmnan, Emily Woodward, I
iF<Florence T. Star'r, Julia Wilson, Kath
ryn Brady, Phyllis Johnson, Agnes__________________T__
Sheldon, Gertrude Bailey, Kathleen
Davis, Marguerite Shattuck, Dor'OivSP CA p rPYS FO S TU D Y;,;' t'y;"°
Alice Nix, Irma Weidman, Marion Coy., FLAPPERS! --F A PfS
F A P R!Margaret Rowing, Gertrude Welch,
Agnes Purdie, Tunic H-olt, Ma ine^
Geddes, Mary Kent Miller. Lois Bra- L D L I and -.1
shear, Doroth Laugher, Helen Wolter, V
Emnilie Oppenheiml, Cathesrine Keider, '
E lizabeth Thompson, Florence Foster, in lue.F N!J-v!THRI ne ebr r euse o' Luh
be present at the first meeting of the { ALSO THE OREAT
club, to be held at 4:30 o'clock 1V on- MA TERPIECE ... T L O" IL uh
day, in Barbour gymnasium. .IHANALSTRCS
Starts at 11 o'clock Come Early for Your 'eats
Sophomore voinen arc req estod to _________________
pay thenr dues foar the Freshman#' \
spread from 8 to 12, today, at the C M N
W omen's League booth in University .mj
hail. Those tudents who are uzi, -
able to pay their dues at that time arc UN A
requested to communicate with lath-
rya *Willson at the Delta Ganula --+
House. n enH ra
All girls taking gymnasium courses - r'j
arc required to have a locker andi if te aentaraycoes ~s
sign up for one immediately.
Manuscripts for the Junior Girls'Wehv wthu Mr
play are now due and should be sent i I Ruggles froin dedr old
the Stage\.
]ICIIN '06
o wi g--if You Don't Like This Picture You're IHopeless!
1unnct chappe you ever
T saw. In a weserui comedy
t ~of a brand new'.ind.
____ ____NOW
COPN ~stem'Y rVX3:U u
a rill/ O IFFunny? B lime me, it's a
N looing crantwa.

7 C"JIOf of the,


l ai'
} i
4 .

The establishment of the depart-
Smeat of euthenics at Vassar college is_____________
~an experiment which hias caused wipe-
sroad comment. The de)artmlent is a I ATT HE TTI2ERSl:l
in no) wavy~~rr~~ il (2nci
fcoo ',:~'in ~t i::~'cps
member of the ait iid of the corn -
iminity. Such courses range from'thle
-itory oif the 'family and hieredity to - Arecde-"Th'le Eagle's Feathe r."
the relations of employee and emzl- I
gpMover, aiy the re-ulation of th ajcstic---"Iced LighIts."
Iength of the worker's dlay. It is a _____
,correlation and extension of c!,urses i 'uert i--ienn Huteri "'ur-
?ine i r bearing on control of environment and ialassion;"
its effects upon the (Ieveopment of the,
~individual and the advancement of thI-' rlpheiit --- Glady Is Walt on in
~rate. Euthenics aims at imiprovenient _ '"Cro sod -ires."
of- the race through environment.I
Mold -Hallowe'en P rtyy Tomnorrolw '
A Hallowe'en party, spoilsor22 I)Y-
~the young people of Presbyteria.n
church, will take place tomnorrw oi
the Thomas farm, two miles out A ci
street. All are invited to comec to ,,f
-La.ne hall where transportation wrill IGaririek (Detroit)-- := isperi-v f
be provided immediately k~fter thc I
M. A. C. game.____

- occa,
Saturday Night



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IQ,, a~ozzs ,I'Iulca C~o. c
Sfr3~e~r o / te ~sc
~shos coparion i impossilei
I ; r+ l 'eS R , 7a "'V N * r t C 1 II AN

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