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October 26, 1923 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXIV. No. 29






} onw methods in medical educa-}}i
tion which will "produce doctors}
DRVECI NS equipped to operate without mil- NPT
lion dollar hospitals" was voiced
touay by Dr. S. II. McMechan, of}
Avon Lake, Ohio, secretary of the ---C
NIGHT AT FRATERNITY | c'ation at the organization's 54th }1I IiEAIDED BY HAROLDl K. I
HOUSES } annual convention, here in con- IATTA }
_junction with the clinical on- }-
"gross of the American College of NEC}
SSurgeons., T4 T OU TEN
BE HEADED BY TREMBLE 1 "Full time medical education I'O'FALS AT FOURTEEN
in marble halls," Dr. McMechan - -
Money Obtained on Drive Will Apply said, "is not producing praction- Additions to be Made to Vocational
on Building Fee, Not on ers qualified to cope with the I Fellowvtip and Reception }
Upkeep [.needs of the average American Divisions}
community of today. Men are ---
Financial conditions surrounding the tra ned in observing the cause of }IFinal appointments were made last }
diseases but are not equipt to }
I'fe membership campaign of the Un- serve their people as were the I night at the cabinet meeting of the }
ion were explained last night to doctors educated in more rugged fI Student Christian association which}
freshmen and students not life mem- surroundings." was held at the home of Harold Coff-
bers of the Union at the fraternity Dr. C. L. Bonisiedl, editor of man, executive secretary of the S. C.
I(the Cincinnati Medical Journal, A himn n h' epcieI
houses on the campus by captains of described the present day ten- A., chairnians anltinr respective
the teams that will canvass the stu- dency to the more practical prob- 1jcommitte es being announced. The
dent body in the life membership lems and humanitarian consider- number of services branched into 14. i
campaign that starts next Tuesday. ation from the purely scientific j Heading those in charge of Univer-
It was explained to the students that questions in medical education. sity Service is Harold K. Latta, '24. }
the fee charged for life membership Tman p sc__}r
in the Union to a student still in 'Those making up his coms ittee are
college is $50. The sum is payable in the following, Franz . HBackstrom
yearly installments of $10. If the first 12GL, Douglas W. Ball, '26t, ,oward
payment on the fee is made while LAL. Birks, '24B, Harry C. Clark, '24, Li-
students. are still on the campus, the }nlCokr ra. wr . -
Inal years regular fee to the Unionl ahue, '24, J. Kyuang Dunn, '24, Leo I. -
will be placed as payment on the life Franklin, '24, Edward C. AcCob, '251,
The charge for life membership toL D E Gon B. P:erce, '24M, Ferbert Steger,
the Unio after graduating if the p '25, Elizabeth B. Cain, '24, lonnora I
pe nG ae radeduing the rstpyay- WalTrib.Falconer, '24, Gertrude K. Fiegel, '24.
ns eeTo d gth std, War Time hlelen J. Delbridge, '24, and Dorothy!
after graduation will also be $50, it MIinister v. , '24.
was explained to the new men. It is E_._tnd,_'24.nm
reurdthat this fee bepadia Egbert Isbell, '26L, was namned
ur sum. Foin the e first year STAES[AN SPENIS DAY chairplan of Vocational Council. Those
the charges for life membership are IAKiIN( ACQUAINTANCrS assistiig him and comzing part of S
$100 in $20 payments. m the committee are Winfield Line, and
$ $xplain Advantages Washington, Oct. 25.-David Lloyd Howard Anderson. More names which
ExpGeorgedcameago Washington todaynto
The advantages that the Union holds George came to Washington today to will be added later to this department.
to students and the reasons why they I find a friendly handclasp awaiting him composing the news service is hall r
should become life members were al- at the official threshold he crossed. DeWeese, '25, chairman, Jack N. Berk-
so explained by. the team captains. 1rir a lms ocrmn o man., '26, and Kenneth Kellar, '26.
so xpaind y te eamcatais.There was almost no ceremony for T 1lie chaiirman of new students is
It was pointed out that the Union was .rnt
a men's club of the University where this first visit of the sturdy little Harold Jacox, '26, his committee, Neil c
alumni returning at the time of Welshman to the American capitol. Staeble, '26, Neil Dixon, Rensis Lik-
games could make their headquarters. le spent the day making new ac- ert, '261E, Edwin W. Davis, '26, Robert h
It was also explained that the Union quaintantships among the men who McPherson, '26, Charles Stevens,
would act as a connecting link be- now guide American destinies and in Lanan1Haight, '26, John G. Perkins,
tweed the alumni andl the campus in 1I '266, Walter Belser, '26, Donald D. Jo
the case that a life membership with an Ol Dunn, '26, Milton Surbrook, Harry E. e
pledge is taken otm friend if the harrowing months at ginham, '26, Fred Cuthburt and te
Financial conditions make the mon- Versailles. George Douglas, '26. Each man of f
ey obtained in the life membership ! ut Washinsgton # t only a fleetling this committee is in charge of one of gi
drive a part of the regular building glimpe of the distinguished visitor a.l the Freshmen Tiscussion groups li
fee of the Union and keep the money ie was whirled here and there on his which meets onlTuesday, Wednesday
from gong toward the operation of the round of calls in an Army automobile I o mThursday night every week.d Ibyp
present club, it was also pointed out but whenever lie was identified there n CommuniLy Service is headed by P
to the freshmen. The present debt of came again the applause and friendly Resis TLikert, '2,,E, chairman and in- Th
$850,000 that the Union holds on the greeting that has met him every chid rieo io n H tbre '27, Fred d
present building will be cleared in where lie has gone in this country Sidlhto '27, Mi~San tilii '27, m Wii.
art through life membership pay-! Even the staid customs of the State fredlne2 '27,1andsWilliam Bronune. U *1

IUna n : mon
idea of stagi
the purpose
complete tl
pool was vo
meeting of
nors of the
feels that s
would be an
raising funs;
same time,
ly advantag
old custom.
When the
given, it fur
sums of me
thousands e
now planne
held it will
Chr'stmas v
field house
the purpose.
campus org
operate in g
and attract
ually found
timent in f
now growin
Student cou
their approv
meeting W

.s approval of the
ing a Union Fair for 1
of raising money to
ie Union swimming
Aced last night at a
the Board of Gover- }
I nion. This group
uch an undertaking ]
excellent method of l
ds and that, at the l
it would be extreme- I
geous to revive the I
fair was originally
nished the Union with
oney totaling in- the !
each year. As it is I
d that if the fair is
take place after the
acation and the Yost
will be utilized for 1l
Fraternitieszand all
;anizations will co- I"
riving various acts of I
maintaining booths, I
ions of the sort us- 1
in a county fair. Sen-
avor of the idea is 1
g on the campus, the 1
ncil having expressed
ral of the fair at their
adnesday night. The I
lir tm of thn U~-




Classes of University to be Relieved
of Expense for Support of
Action on a petition, presented to
the Board of Regents at the first ses-
sion of their monthly meeting, held
last night; which urged reconsidera-
tion of the refusal to grant the use
of Hill Auditorium to George W. Wick-
ersham, was refe-red to the Regent
committee on Student Welfare. The
committee is composed of Regents
James 0. Murfin, Benjamin S. Han-
chett, and Junius Beal.

A statement in the interview
with Sir Paul Vinogradoff pub-
lished in last Sunday's Daily and
repeated in Wednesday's Daily,
regarding self-supporting stu-
dents at American universities,
has resulted in conveying an im-
pression exactly opposite to that.
intended by the distinguishel Ox-
ford scholar. Instead of look-
ing upon self-support by students
as a social impropriety, he has
been, forcibly and favorably
struck with the liberality of A-
merican social customs which
makes it possible for students to
earn their own way by manual
labor without in the least sacri-
ficing their position as gentle-
He has been delighted with
the dignity and simplicity with
which American students per-
form these services, and only
wished to point out in his inter-
view that English students are
precluded from employing simi-
lar means of self-help because in
English universities students
would be compelled, in so doing,
to associate with scouts and
flunkies,--classes of servants
which do not exist in American


noara or Djrecors oz Yeun
pro- i Permission for the use of a Univer-I
Snwill take action on thispr- sybudig or r.Wkrsa's
position at their meeting tomor- tity building for Mr. Wickersham's
speech was originally refusedon the
ro.grounds ta itwa not consistent
_-----__ _ _ with the policy of the University to
sanction political speeches. Repeated
'0DB PD E ICTSprotests on the stand of the Regents
in the matter by faculty, alumni, and
student body, have been based on thel
assertion that the talk is not to be
strictly political in character, but that
it is to be a discussion of a problemI
of internat'onal moment at the pres-
--- ept time.
ays New Zealand Will Be Locality Classes of the University will be re-
Of Future Earth Shocks Due lieved of the expense of supporting
To Formations the Student council, according to a
----; ruling passed by th'e Regents in this
ELLS Oh1 BIG QUESTIONS meeting. The new ruling provides
AT AUSTRALIAN CONGRESS that the council will be supported by!
the Univers:ty, and will be run on a
"The next great earthquake will oc- yearly budget.
ur in New Zealand," is the opinion In the past, all funds needed by the
)ice by rof Wiliam -I.lhobs,1 Council in its activities were supplied
oiced by Prof. William II. IHobbs, btI sd at I eas
~adof he eolgydeprtmntin isby the student body through the class
ead of the geology departent, in his assessments.
ddress last night before the Geology An invitation was also extended to
ournal Club. Professor Hobbs stat- the Right Honorable William M.
d that it is a comparatively easy mat- Hughes, prime minister of the Com-!
er to predict the approximate location monwealth of Australia during theI
1 coming earthquakes in the PacificI years of the war, to deliver an ad-
roup due to the character of the up - dress here some time in the coming:
ft going on there. year. Mr. Hughes is at present en-
The main body of Professor hhobb's gaged in a lecture tour in this coun-
peech was concerned with the Pan- try.
acitic Science Congress held in Mt1- Names of the six recipients of the'
ourne and Sydney, Australia, during Henry Strong scholarships of $200


~ ,

mnnts, the new men were told. I department yielded to the popularityA '27. The Friendly elations commit-
Will Solicit Students of Britain's war time premier and he tee has Vitor A. Condos, Jr., '24A,
Actual solicitation of students as entered Secretary Iughes' oflice on chairiian, Wilbert T Claxton, '2GM
life member pledges was not made last the first visit of the .day with tOe for the Tniiarian Church, Edgar G.tt
night, but will begin with the official handclapping of a hundred of more+Cochrane, '25M, for the Baptist
opening of the drive next Tuesday. clerks ringing in his ears. Ile was church, and Emersion M. Hill, '25, for
Twenty teams of ten men each will, almost compelled to force his way non sectarian. Prentice C. Ford,'
canvass the student body to obtain through the crowded co ridors and he i '25, has been nominated as chairman!
new life members, appreciated the greetings Ithe more I of World Fellowship and the mem-
Edward Star s.'24, chairman of the because of the contrast of the infor, 1 -bers composing his committee will be
drive this year, announced last night I ahity with the ways of Dwing str m ouncedlater.
that the "Flying Squadron" team of J~Extenson Service is under the di-
this year's drive will be headed by) Papers Feature Club Program rection of Perry IHayden, '25, Arthur
Sidney Tremble, '26. Tremble's team Presentation of papers by members ; Bannister, '26, Charles iigley, '26;
will act as a clean up squad compos- of the club marked the program of and Robert Criess, '26. Donald Chubb,
ed of picked men who will canvass the meeting of the Junior Zoological h '24, will hea the Campus Service as
the students doubtful of joining in a' club held yesterday afternoon in the ;chairma.i ,is committee is Ma-r
last minute attempt to sign them. I Natural Science building. The fol- joric Sweet, '25, Josephine Weiler, '26
The elimination of the faculty squad lowing papers were given: "Some Dorothy Fessions, Katherine Stanton
this year through the inadequacy of Notes on Thysanoptera," Lloyd Ack- Wae '3. Ellis, '26, and Carl Shoon-
the work that it could be called on erman, grad., "The Reciprocal rela- maker, '25. Entertaiment will in-:
to do, makes the "Flying Squadron" tion of Soil and insects," Florence G. elude Robert C. Straub, '25, as chair-
also in charge of this work. IProfes- Adcock, grad., and "The Growth and man, Clarence Kersten, '25, and El-
sional fraternities will also be can-! Shedding of the Antlers of Deer," Ma- me F. Lant nohr, '26. Edwin W. Dav-
vassed by this team. rie Bamber, grad.-. is is chairman of the Reception coi-'
imittee. Ir[is staff' will 1)e announced
later. The chairman of the Faculty,
W6man's Pledge Urges Pool committee is Clifford A. Mitts with
Russell T. Perry, '27, Frederick Woltz,
W V/rk'e s.7 To F"urther . ffors '26, and Garret Fielstra making up
teothers of this division.
John DeTarr, '251n, will act as
chairman of the Finance cormmittee
She was a girl just one of Michi-1 "The showing of the freshman chai ter of te ance c i-
Snbl OO with Walter . Pear as assistant chair-
gan's two thousand, but that made n oclassh as bee nunpard ly yo o.in man. The others of this branch are
difference. She wanted to see the Even the fact that they are the ones-EtBert Isbell, '26L, Donald Chubb,
who will profit most by the comple-- gotIbh,'64 oadCub
Union swimming pool finished because Lion of the pool appears to have little '24, and Victor A. Condos, '24A. These
as she said, Michigan's swimming effect on them. i men will have charge of the annual
team and the University as a whole "We are going right ahead with this I S. C. A. drive.
needed a natatorium. drive until the first of the month. If IhLionel Crocker, grad, is chairman
So she signed her name and told the there are not enough pledges by that of Religious Education. Those com-
men who received her subscription to time to assure us that the campus posing h s committee are Ada Siles,
call on her for the money whenever wants us to go ahead, we will give it '26, Milton Straub, '27, William
+'h a114 . -- hib" was ready. up as a lost cause. In the meantime Bromme, '27, Wertin Brisbin, '25, and


he past summer. As one of the 16j
elegates to the Congress from the
nited States, Professor Hobbs trav-.
lied from San Francisco, stopping at
ahiti, ' Raratonga and Wellington,;
ew Zealand. he then event to Syd-
ey, Australia, where lie arrived three1
eeks before the opening of the Con--
ross. Duritig the time between his
rrival and the opening session, Pro-
essor Hobbs made several trips into
ie interior of Australia and along the
Six symposiae were held by the ;
eology section of the congress, of
Oich those on coral reefs and the
tructmu of the Pacific were the most
mportant, according to Professor,
Iobbs. In connection with his discus-'
ion of the coral reef symposium,
rofessod Hobbs spoke most highly
f Professor Sir Edgeworth David,
'homn he referred to as the "grand
ld man of Australia." Sin Edgeworth
ed a party to the south magnetic pole,
nd was in charge of certain vital in-
estigations of atoll structure in the
outh Pacific. During the war he
erved with the Australian forces as

apiece were announced. Those re-
ceiving the scholarship are: Elizabeth
Carson, '24, Dorothy Jeffrey, '24, Elsa
Schuler, '24, Millard 1. Pryor, '24,{
John W. Shenefield, '24; and Rowan
Fasquale, '26.
Dr. Stacy R. Guild, of the medical
school, was made associate professor
of anatomy. Dr. Howard A. Kelly, of
Baltimore, was appointed honorary
curator in the museum of zoology.
Prof. Robert T. Crane, of the political
science department, was granted a
leave of absence for the second semes-
ter of this year. le will devote his
time to writing.
It was decided that the scientific
papers,,published from time to time
by the museum would be made avail-
able for class room use, and for tech-
nical libraries, at a nominal cost.
Hitherto these papers have not been
published for general distribution.
The offer of Joseph Parish of De-
troit, to establish a fellowship, to be
known as the Sarah Parish fellowship,
was gratefully accepted. The fellow-
ship will be for $1,000 a year.

Court Writ Restrains Ex-Governor!
From Interference With'
Oklahoma City, Okla., Oct. 25.-
Lieutenant Governor M. E. Grapp was
declared acting governor of Olklahoma'
in a decision of the state supreme
court late today making permhanent ai
writ of prohibition against Gov. J. A.
Walton and District Judge T. C. 1
Chambers, Sr., which restrains them
from interfering with the Lieutenant
Governor's administration of the office.i
The court announced its decision
formally after a brief conference fol-
lowing an afternoon of argument. The'
decision, it was explained, made the
writ effective against J. C. Walton as
an individual and not a governor.
Judge Chambers was enjoined in his'
official capacity as judge. The vote
of the court was five to four.
The decision sustains a resolution,
adopted by the state senate suspend-
ing Governor Walton during his Im-
peachment trial and nullifies an in-
junction obtained by the governor in
Judge Chambers' court which would
have prevented the Lieutenant Gov-
ernor from becoming active governor.
Notified of the court's action Gov-
ernor Walton declared that he intend-
ed to "continue the fight". He de-
clined to indicate his future course,
saying that whatever he does is "up
to my attorney". He refused to issue
a formal statement.
Comedy Club
Comedy club will present the sec-
ond of its four annual programs at
Sarah Caswell Angell hall, Wednesday
night, November 14. The bill will in-
elude two one-act plays:.
"Op-O-My-Thumb" by Frederick
Fenn and Robert Pryce, made famous
by Maude Adams, and "Fancy Free" I
by Stanley Houghton, a comedy-sa-
tire of English society.
This series of plays is under the di-
rection of Donald E. L. Snyder, '25,
whose clever interpretation of "The
Dreamy Kid" was largely responsible
for the success of Comedy club's last
program. The performance will be
open to the public.
Dodos Will Present Frost Play
"A Way Out", a one-act play writ-
ten by Robert Frost, will be presented
soon by the Dodos. The date has not
bbeen set. A. R. Morris, instructor in
the Rhetoric department, has been se-
lected to coach the play.

~[me-Honored Traditlons Entrusted
To Freshmen As Upper Classes
Look On
Expressing by voice and action their
appreciation of the thought and pur
>ose of the meeting, more than 4000
aen and women representatives of the
entire student body, gathered last
light in Hill auditorium to observe
dichigan's sixth annual Traditions
ight ceremony. According to custom,
he freshmen were the guests of the
vening and in the presence of mem-
>ers of the upper classes were oficial-
y entrusted with the keeping of time-
ion ored traditions of the university.
Jack Kelly, '25L, president of the
Student council was introduced by
Donald C. McCabe, '24, master of cer-
,monies, as the first speaker of the
vening. Enlarging upon unwritten
;raditions the representative of the
tudent body laid before his hearers
tn outline of the customs dear to all
Iichigan men. Of the unwitten "
ules democracy was characterized as
he first and most important. "W
want men to realize that here they
oust stand squarely on their own
eet," said the speaker. "The only ar-
stocracy is of achievement." Loyal-
y was mentioned next. "Loyalty a
we know it is veneration and love for
ll things Michigan", Kelly remarked.
haracterizing service as the last of
;he traditions he continued, "It. is
;reat thing to believe- that we hay
.he greatest university. Real mien and
women realize what they owe the
iniversity and try in 'every way to
prove it. Every day opportunites ate
>ffered us to repay our debts to Mich-
Representing the faculty of the uni-
versity, Prpfessor Thomas H, leed of
he. politicalsscience departmn t, ws
he second speaker. He dwelt up
loyalty throughout his talk, charae-
[zing the man who comes back from
i. football game able to talk above a
whisper as a traitor to his school.
'There is nothing the university does
that is more valuable than nculatng
a spirit of loyalty," said Professor
Reed. "A man who is loyal to his
university is loyal to his state and to
his country. But we do- not want the
type of loyalty which only manifests
itself when we have winning teams."
"The faculty looks with favor on
traditions which make this a distinct
community", the speaker continued.
"Traditions are a community habit.
The good ones are a stepping stone
to something better, the bad ones a
mill-stone around the neck of a col-
lege community. Bad traditions can-
not be ousted by the faculty, you must
do it yourself."
Arthur J. Adams, '18, addressed the
gathering on behalf of the alumni of
the university. In opening he paid a
tribute to the Michigan band which
was present at the ceremny. The
"Victors" he denoted "the key-note of
the campus."
In his talk Mr.. Adams stressed the
point, "Freshmen be freshmen." "Be
good freshmen", he said. "Do not
make the mistake of trying to buck
tradition. It will spell ruination. It
can not be done. It never has been
done. Be freshmen at all times until
in Sleepy Hollow you burn yOur pots.
Do everything that is expected of
freshmen. Consecrate yourself to the
ideals of this university."
As he. finished speaking he el-

comed the first year men to the "great
brotherhood of Michigan men."
Unique among the features of the
Michigan Alumnus this year, the third
copy of which appeared yesterday, is
a novel graph of each game that is
played by the Michigan football team.
This week's number contained a com-
plete summary of the Ohio State game
last Saturday.
The graph contains only one page
but every gain is shown with the
players who make the longest runs.
It is prepared by Donal Haines, '09,
of the rhetoric department associate
editor of the Alumnus, who takes
notes at the field, and Wilfred B.
Shaw; '04, executive secretary of the
alumni association, and editor of the
Thecurrenttnumber also contains
an account of the 0. S. U. game, illus-
trated by several action photos; an
article on Sir Paul Vinogradoff, cor-

Feolcgist in charge of tunneling op- The research comimission of the
erations. American Dental association renewed
their offer of $1,800 for the salary of


Letters, explaining the purpose of
the Mimes dramatic tournament to be
held Nov. 2 and 3, have been sent to
the fraternities and house clubs. The,
contest planned is a semi-annual ev-
ent orig'nated and sponsored by the
Mimes dramatic society.
The purpose of the tournament is
to encourage interest in campus dra-
matics. Any student or group of stu-
dents may enter the contest by giving
notice to William Kratz, '24E, gener-
al chairman of the tournament, at the
Mimes theater. An act may be en-
tered -in the name of a fraternity or
group, the decision rest'ng wholly
with the entrants.
1 To the winner of the contest, who
I will be chosen by the total number
of votes cast by the audience on both
nights of performance, will go a large

an assistant in the laboratory of den-
tal research. It :s also voted to
establish a dental clinic for the Ann
Arbor public schools.
New York, Oct. 24.--Faced with the
prospect of the greatest challenge to
its athletic prowess in the history of
International competition, the execu-
tive committee of the American Olym-
pie committee today formulated de-
tailed plans for the marshalling of
this country's most potent forces for
the 1924 Olympic games at Paris.
The United States, it was deceloped
at the committee meeting, will be
more completely represented in the
various fields of competition than ever
before, notably tennis and polo, while
in such branches as track and field
where American supremacy has bee
Swell established in thme past, every ef-

me 4vvuu to&"J4
This and one or two othe'r equally urge every man you see either to sign
encouraging incidents were the only up for you or turn in his name at the
bright spots in the reports given at Union."
the meeting of the "4,000 Club" in the The office of the club at the swim-
Union yesterday afternoon. Only fif- ming pool will be open from 1 o'clock
ty new subscriptions were reported. uintil 6 o'clock today. A table will be
In spite of that fact the workers in the center of the campus where
on the swimming pool drive pledged pledges may be signed. Another
themselves to renewed efforts in an meeting of the Club will be held at 5
endeavor to give every man on the o'clock in the swimming pool.
campus an opportunity to do his share
-, ~. .1,.4nn, ofdt}1p,. ,onn1 I Xnr Adrsses Soiety

Grace Iheisdon, '25. The chairmen of
these departments comprise also the
cabinet of the Student Christian Asso-

. .

Are the days when articles
are not found that have beery
lost. It is easy to find what
you want or sell what you
don't want. Jimmie is wait-
ing to be of service. Just



Contrary to the announement ap-
pearing in Tuesday's Daily, the ban-

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