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October 25, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-25

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", OCTOBER 25, 1929

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Regulars Scrimnfage V rAsiuien ht dAI4ogs in the Ags' defenlse against the
Huard Workoutt Before Yostmnen's wide open method of at-j
Clasli ;tack._



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team and in view of the fact that the'
N M I j t Iowa game which follows will -without
L <a doubt be a terrific strugle the
0 RfS[Hcoaches are allowing the men to take
, \ischwho has been on the injured
lin fr oera week with a bade leg
AIS_ ESE VE his not expected todon harness again
Against Scrubs But LalackWith the Aggis.
Although putting up a fight that 1I P [g oR m.ail 0, GME
made their heavier opponents earn
their points the Reserve squad was( Following the scrimmage with the
yesterday unable to cope with the Varsity second-stringers last Monday
shifty running attack and passing I the Freshmen are now rounding iffto
formations of the second Varsity team. shape to give the first team their last
losing 22-2, workout before they tackle the Mich-
Roekwvell 31akes Hin igan. Aggkos on Ferry field this Satur-
Parker, Varsity halfback, opened (ly
the game with a magnificent kick-off dy
that wvent past the goal posts. The Coach Mather has good reasons t
ball was brought out to the 20 yard be proud of his yearling outfit. The
line and the Reserves kicked after ifootball they 'displayed against the
several futile attempts to gain ground , Varsit~y subs pleased the coaches who
via line bucks and end runs. Rock- looked on, and right now they woull,
well receiving on his 40 yard line do justice to any college that they rep-
started on a jaunt for the goal but wasI resented. 'their play has been of a
halted by Day, fast Reserve quarter- superior brand all season both indi-
back, after a pretty exhibition of dcdg- vidually and as a group and they inr
ing and pivoting during which hle c lude men who will 'bid for Varsity
eluded the entire Reserve team, ex- berths; next season.
cept Day whose neat tackle deprivedl Yesterday they were given M. A. C
the Varsity of a sure touchdown. F orI plays in advet of their practice later
two downy the Reserves held until in the week. While the Varsity per-
Parker started the scoring with a fects their own style of play the first
beautiful drop-kick from tre 35 srd Year men will have the Aggie plays
line, down well enough to furnish the Va-
Again Parier kicked off past the ity the needed opposition. By the
goal line and with the, ball on the 20 end of the week the Freshmen will be
yard line the Reserves fumbled. Par- j showing their best and will, no doubt,
ker recovering and circling the end give the Maize and Blue representa
for another Varsity 'touchdown. tivcs as much opposition as the Farm-
The remainder of the game was justI ers from up state will offer, With
a repetition of Varsity rins and for- such a formidable practice team as
ward passes. Vick substituting for Cach Mather has turned out the Var-
Parker shot several long passes to i sity will be afforded all the practice
Herrnstein who successfully captured it needs.
two of them. Marion who was tried_____________
at fullback yesterday gained groundl
by consistent plunging and Rock- Canada In2cr'eases
well showed his worth as a punter by Expo ts f #-i
[reeling oft some. perfect spirals. E p rs~ ~ a '
Day was undoubtedly the most val-_____
uable mran for the Reserves. Although
his~ kicking did not compare with Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 25.-(By A. P.)-
Roekwell's his running and passing Iheavy increase in the exportation of
passing were the means by which tlme" dairy ;products, particularly cream,
Reserves gainedl most of their ground, from Canada to the United States is
Savage, the smallest man on either sh down by figures prepared by the Do-
team, played his usual steady gamzeI minion Bureau of Statistics. err
as right half-batsk. The Reserve line i In July, 1923,. Canada, according to
in spite of its grit and fight, was in- I the report, shipped to the United States
able to stop the vicious plunges of 1 437,679 gallons of fresh cream valued
Marion who in his first attempt at at $695,046 as compared with 339,620-1
playing in the back-field this year tore' gallons in June and 245,986 gallons in
through the line time andl again for J uly of the preceding year.
short but consistent rains.
Varsity In Signal D~rill Must Pity Daily Subscriptions
Practice for the first team consisted All students, townspeople and oth-
merely in light running and a short ers who signedl for the Daily and have
but snappy signal drill. It is ex- nopadtersbciinshul
petted that Saturday's game will not ear in mind that all subsriptions
warrant starting the first Varsity are dlue on or before' November .'
Subscribers failing to 'settle their ac-
It's, true efficency to use Daily counts by this date will be fined 50
Classiefeds-Adv. cents for their tardiness.

i.J V eaInsI~- wV UiIeae1U6, 01 'io urI
St.; McCobb-Stewart, 33 vs. Garber-
Hicks, 1324-JT; Crane-Leopold, !59-R~ laee i~bfl h or
vs. Burke-McCabe,-131; Rolland --r-rit- Danme team in the coining wee' s,"
2420-AW. The Olian-Dreyh ss conmin-' may well be calledl the wonder manl(H n -GE BC
ation has drawn a 1)y for this round. of the 1923 grid season. H fO FRAGE RC
latghies in this roundl must be played ji For this plump and smiling coach1_____
and the scores handed ign before 5 ih1as whipped a formidable f cami (ash Wl BLNCDSOL
o'clock, Saturday aftern oon.; the Army or Princeton) out of the rein- jiTTA IE L }I'' UALd 1;S1 1
Folwngtecocnpo ants of a club--at hanzdfuil of imi- i MEET S4'iUi{DAY
Folowig te cneliIjonof c ,er-forms, so to speak. TLa st fall wholesale
clay's fraternity spee;a 1 sellednile; barring of p~layers; on charges of pro-v
three teams emerged as the winners fessiorialismn wiped his teamn off th,! Vr: ross country coach Steven
of their leagues. Bletar Theta Pi %xas ma-p. This year Notrie 1lJane adhler- J. Farrell {continues to sand his ath-
the first to cinch the prehnntary lion- cats expected him to go serioruslyr' letcs through stiff workouts in prepar-
ors, having won, its g;wnies by large about rebuilding the clubi with lit tle a ! ion tafr the meet with thxe M. A. C.
scores. Phi Kappa 1sig iswas the next thoughlt of: continuing the success that 1liarrier s whichi is to be held Saturday,
(Continued on Page ;ieven) lias been the team's for several seas- Th e morning of the clay set for tihe Ag-
ors, led by: such brilliant players as gme-Wolverine gridiron tussle.
!GergeGi!pJohnny Mohardtan Pail; Just how strong the Aggie aggrega-
Gre t merca iCastner. linstnad of that Notre e tion is this season is not known but
Co~nnercil Ai looms strong er todlay than it Orid a Coach Barker seems confident that his
* . 1yearae
Lizne Is Planned, Rockne wvon Is football slurs as agsnainlst F arrell'stmen. Last year theplyrath din.nstuo,?e!Wvrneiladdlrsundte
lilyerat heIn~aneifstiut~ii It Wovinaee iladtdcersessirned-he
played an endl andIwith suiclh brilla iecy tmeet it ee rci1 ssinwe
": t4' , ,::..that he won all-Amlerir'can fame. I1is they nla c, sib tmen ahead ef the first
::}. :luncanny ability to read anOl4150dissecrnnrtot~ tetae
>:,t <: 1 >:;:;::": ::<:, coninig plays of his opponen !ts formr)edf M1 VlW2 .
r :..)a part 0ofNotre Da-!le's success55iPi his
zk}.. ;~t Qc } u~ . .playinrg days Ilec had the bTall cc ta-
logued and the rman partly nailctd, s
to speak, before the ball w",a:: put is
lie played inr the day's when the
y tackles were flyinrg one;3.[I,:' s a
- secondi coo sum to <a yIP cy fir: '~n i
old t a millapies v ill tell you.ghen 4
came to leaving tugram; fd un'i > ,ft r
a fightof part 0f timeli,1n )i f 'at"4
field, grabbing the runner ab.out theg
knees. HIGH CLAS
".;.Y, :'4y 'I etun ing to Notro Dame as M11cachG t
Rockne seemed bless~ed Withtfhe abl.ility
.. .to teach this uncanny mnind residing to ~ v ~vdi
his paer.1 de i teNtre sre
Dnnteas havec. beenm iesr #:at
strategy, (dc" 'n ive and offensive.
Cate.And this y~ear he ona. aJi'
'":: Crowley, a backfield mran, !e o
- - the sarre ii i c ein t:;Ic halt m ta .
Tfo;RoIc'." also, niu t go 'y'_rtof th;eL
canotAnton JHleinien credit fo: the wonderfuliide Ib
Capt. Anton Hleider!, classed' by LU.' west has madle in footbialla:caei.,'r
S. navy officials as the worldl's greyt- -a ace so hot thiat the ea~ts f -
est Zeppelin expert, is to become the are losing their presti° e steadily h> There is
head of a great Anierican commsercial fire the onslaughts of the team-s to-
air' line which will construct and op- w ~ard the sunset side of the country.'tloll
Ieral e dirigibles bigger than the Sihen- I_______
andoali, according to reports. lie wa:, Panama, Oct. 24.- In1 seven houn
consulting engineer for the Chenan- 3.75 inches of rain fell ; a freshet i..
doah. Hie asserts that the bigger ships expected in Chagres river. pS1
with Pullman compartments and dine- ; - -_____
ing rooms will some (lay "carry Lour-! "Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything
ists to Euirope for $500.s quickly.-- d.3

Davis and Rearick seem to be the
best bets on the Maize and Blue squat
ifthe results of the four mile trial
'lheld last Saturday count for anything.
next in line 'seerzs to be Reinke
"Mike" is only a Sopohomre and if heI
continues to keep his present gait of
going he should turn out to be a sec-
ond Isbell before hie finishes his three
years of competition.
Shenefield, Arndt and Bowen are all
towers of strength to the team and
should place high in meets this seas-
oa. All are experienced and have "de-
livered the goods" on previous occa-
sions. Calahan, who threatens to re-
place one of the men now occupying,
sixth place. Hicks Plhemus and Grif-
fen round the squad into a formidable
aggregaition that will be hard to beat.
Manila, Oct. 24.-General Wood and
staff have gone to Mindanao to look
into the Moro troubles.
It's true efficiency to use Daily


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