.. PTHRSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1923 THE 1MICHIGAN DA I LYPAGEET13 1U: MASQUES TRYOUTS British Facisti TAIJNLFEHE WILL MEET TODAY : PA°RTY SET FOR DECO Io Jeane Briggs, at 1414 Washtenaw~ Savenue. L -11smnwoe hs jno d 1 I'rosoectlv Mem~lbers4 to Assist With Work on Annual Produe- tion l'AIL PLAY' TO GIVE CHANCE' FOR AIT ISTIC TREATMENT The meeting for women interested i3n trying, out for Masques Dramatic ociety which was announced for yes- erday afternoon will take place at 4 O'clock today in B~arbour gymnasium. YTis meeting is important to all pro- "pective members of Masques as the try-outs will be given a chance to as- r rist in the" detail work in connection wvith the annual play, "A Thousand p ears Ago," to be presented under the ~direction of Professor J. Raleigh Nel- ion, November 20. The play is an experiment in Italian Coramedia dell' Arto and according to Professor Nelson it will offer the same 6pportunitios for artistic stage treat- M ~ent and the development of a large east as has been exhibited in Masques p roduction of previous years. JNTERIMO,[E OCKEY fllTF3fflF F 7fAY ~I OI')i O4)RE WONEN i ORGANIZE COIIITEES FOR EVE N Tr December 1 is the date set for the Freshman spread which is given each year by the sophomore women. Jun- Ifor advisors conduct the freshmen to} and from the spread, and are also the1 guests of the sophomores. Committees for the event are as fol- lows: Margaret Geddes, general chairman; Margaret Mogk, secretary; Kathryn Willson, treasurer; Elizabeth Tompkins, chairman, refreshmients; Dorothy Ogden, favors; Anne Seeley, programs,;, Loretta Cooper, decora- tions; Jessie Sprague, invitations;, Margaret Effinger, floor; Ruth Rankin, music, and Catherine Mellen, publicity. PROFESSOR TO ADDRESS COLUMBIA GRADUATES, Women *wishing to join the Univer- sity Y. W. C. A. are asked to con-,, o the office at Newberry hall fromt 9 toj 12 o'clock or from 2 to 5 o'cloclc any dlay this week, to sign the inemberzshvi) arrangemrents about attending the ad- isory party to be held from 8 to 11 o'clockt Friday night at Barbour gyme-j *oasiumo, are asked to attend the party anmyway. MTistakes have been made in some cases, and advisors are not able pledge. to be in the city, for the affair. SThere will be an important meeti~ng Cluzb leaders' training course will be E of the senior women at 4 o'clock j 01(1 at 7 o'clock tonight at Barbour this afternoon in the League rooml gymnasium. At this time the first les- of Barbour gymnasium. The mnecing son in basketry will be given. All is called by the chairman of the Son-I women taking the course are asked to for Girls' play committeQ.? bring their registration fee of 50 cents II ~in order that the material may be or-, Sophomore women are requesto-d todo'd pay their dues for the Fresh,.man Spread from 8 to 12, tomorrow, at theI Berlin, Oct. 24.-Bread shops still Women's League booth in University are being plundered. hail. Those students wVho are un- able to pay their clues at that time are requested to communicate with KaC.th- ) AAY t ryn Willson at the Delta Gammna I1, ~ house.a4.uSa oF All committees for thy,'Paoihci.,_nic ball will hold an important meetin at.:' 5 o'clock this afternoon in Ba:r-! bour gymnasium. , . MLUSICALE HOLD 1)53ETING - Piaifo selections preceded by short UE adiscussions of the composition and the composer formed the afternoon Lprogram of the piano group of Mat- Ar -inee Musicale Student league which Tmet yesterday at the home of Mrs. Ava i o i - a e T e fo llow in g m em b ers too k p art in t e p o r m r n e d m , V c toria Wordoman, Grace Hlendrixon,j Betty Palmer, andl Mrs. Ava Comin- Just imagine oneocf the Case. The next meeting will be held funniest stories in all fiction Thursday, November 1 ,,t the home of in the hands of the miaster Miss Hendrixon, 1901 Washtenaw,.director who made "THE COVERD WAGN." London, Oct. 24.- Former Premier B~onar Law is having throat trouble1 m again. _James Cruze Daily Want Ads always bring good results. Ipresents _\) V .7N .. ,, C t0 J. t. yigiioleos Emma H. Gunther, professor of household and institutional admin is- The Fascisti movement in England; tration of Teachers' college, Columbia is rowngrapidly, according tc (rapt.'! university, will addestealmi(. - * i i id1 s 'iwan J. B. Vignoles, prominent journalist I tat college at a meeting to be e ld at - an lecurerandleadr ofthu ove 8 o'clock Saturday evening at Betsy jRound one of the inter-house hoc- Blarbour house. Mr. Raleigh Shoring, k~ey tournamxent will, be played off this ment. He claims to have interested principal of the new University high jfternoon when Kappa Alpha_ Thetai many prominent Britishers in the or- school, will act as chairman of the 1jneets Alphia Omicron Pi, and P~ BetaI ganization. While the Duke ct N-orth-j meeting. All alumini of Teachers' col- 3'-hi pla'ys Alpha Gamma .Delta. Thej umberland denies being a membe;- it lege are urgedl to attend. snatches are to be open to all Univer-j is pointed out that Vignoles is con- Miss Gunther will be the guest of ity students andl a big turn out of' nected with the "Patriot,," a publica- Miss Helen Bishop, of Helen Newberry tpectators is anticipated. Cheerlead- tion backed by the uDke. residence over the week-evud. Os will be on hand to organize the rooting and singing. -_---___. .. . .. . Line-ups K.A. T.- A. 0. P.- '' (D0Stewart...,L. I......F. Murray; M.Hays......HR. I........B. Hayes TYPEWRITING * Balz... ,,...L. W..Irene LutzT1T JBalz.........HR. W......L. IHayes BOOKKEEPING 7Bishop...... L. H. B. ..V. Smith Beri n Clse M' Hays..... C. H. B...... D. Patton Beinn lie 1P, Ollmachxer... , H. B....... E.-Cody ^p, ,y A , OCTOBE R 29 'Barnum.,,.. L. F. B..... F. Dumas l-1 I CO US LLEGE IDutton .H. F. B. .....,. L. Boer ! itT~T ICT~tC K. Rettenmier.. Goal ..E. Langdon STATE AND ILAM]V STR11EET.S Alpha Omicron Pi substitute: Alta _ _ ____ ,.. ., ~-t_._._r, . _ .............er;~ and Virginia Van Zandt. I ".. . Pi Beta Phi - Alpha Gamma Delta E~. Lauver ...... C. F. .. .Evelyn Cook 0. McKay...... L. I. ......I Smith M1f. Ainsworfli... R. I.......D. Bolton j K. Ainsworth.. L. W. .. L. Holdsworth a d e Bl C. Paull,....... W......I. Chapin D. Lauver....L. 1-.:B. ....A. Ladd 1W-111be c(ciien M. Bron . H: . H. B..F. Fenton PHlet..C. I, ,B.. . J. Compton ~~'E .Sur.,.. I.T3 ,4.VnNs L V d - , Ot-- e F. Mode.......HR. F. B . . . .E. Scherer, HI. Roberts...... Goal..M. Parker - AT- Alpha Gamma Delta substitutes: T1XhrC TT T Olive Fast and Violet Bay;le. S . HVI jAL The folic v g l~eu'ses have not as - 3iet fen t i the rsve~3 PC:: r3 im iyr it is , { tr rto .:s ~~ and KE NE YS SIX PIECE ORCHESTRA 31,r'i e11 oloay: Aluhti '1+1)psolnPI31 tVOI) U 1TuHE PIANO) Pi, Zeta Tau Alpha, Delta Gamma,.' i lets n i ahui .ns Pc)lta Zeta, Chi Omega, Kappa Delta 'Theta Phi Alpha, Martha Cook, and X119NCNit~ -_I $1.50 .delia Cheever. t . The industrial committee of the Y. VV. C. A. will hold a meetilig It 4: o'clock this afternoon in New- I berry hall. All committee members are requested to be present. The dance which was to have been! given Nov. 1 by the Faculty NWomen's club will not take place. o s, ,;. 'r A New Pattern Banjo t-routs for the lin club will be hield o'clock this afternoon ball. f All girls taking gyn Girls;' Mantio- f'rom 3 to z in Newberry asium courses SAMPLES Permanently on Display at GUYV WOOLFOLK &CO. 336 S. I tote Street Anun Arbor, lieili. Designed by WHITEHOJUSE & LIARDY INCORPORATED BROADWAY AT 40"'STREET 144 WEST 42k",STREET METROPOITAN O1'RA HOUSE IDO. KNICKERBOCKER BUILDINO arereuired UoInave. ajtlocker aZt if;1 they have not already done so imust! sign up for one immediately. I w spaim9ZI Wyvern society will lmeet o'clock tonight at the Delta house. at, 7:15 , - ... ........ ,.,...EW. .ORK. t^~ .. [ Manuscripts fob the Junior Girls' play are now due and should he sent Pocket Malted Milk!I Like to drink malted milks? ' Sure thing, Old Top!' Then why not eat 'em-- here's your chance.. THOMPSON'S Pure Malted Milk Bars contain no cane or beet sugar Sate for Athletes in Training!{ Right -size for your pocket. Go great at the game--at the s how-.-on hikes--at school or in your room.E 5- At All Dealers - 564 Send a nickel for a sample. Thompson's Matted Food Companly -, Makers of HEMO the incomparable founiitain drink 710 RIVERSID)E 1Warukeshi, Wisconsin N~OW PLAYING SHOWING AT REGULAR PRICES -IN- Based on Percy MacKaye's "THE SCA~RECROW" L COMING IHi s Latest Six-Reel Comed) i 0 ATDENA SOCIETY SELECTS MEMBERS SAthena Literary society has chosen ioh following, new members in conse- qluence, of the tryouts held Tuesday evening: Virginia Cronin, '25, Gwen- dolyn Doew,, Joanna DeWitt, '24, ~luth Schieninan, '27, Thelma Steven- ;con, '24, Bernice Tompkins, '25. Since more than forty women par- t icipated .in the tryouts, there was not ! time for the members to pass upon all of them. The following women are asked to report for a second tryout ,t the next meeting, Tuesday, October "0: Emelie Oppenheim, Violet Kid- der, Ruth Rosenthal, Hartiet Levy, fugrid .Alving, Ruth Browne, Alpbra L'a-dd, Merel Parks, Rosalca Spaulding,' ~iargaret Gullies, Edna Ziegler, E~sther' Anderson, Beryl Schafer, Mary Warni- ncr, Verona Moran, Gertrude Bailey, ilargaret Eaton, Mary Margaret Mill- rErnestine Roe, Sarah Dorothy, IDing, Tunic Holt. ;MuSSolini Refuses Degree Rome, Oct. 23.-The rector of iDo-j logna university called on Premiert Mussolini and told him the college w-anted to confer on him the de-mee ofI .Dloctor of Laws; "Not unless I can take an exairpination and submit a thesis," said the chief of the hFascisti; "Only thus would my conscience be clear." 4 AT THlE TREATERS I S'[. .. 1 . , . I.3~:30 LAST TIMES TONIGHT 7:00 J 5:30 I ..w i THE ROMANCE PARISIAN FA t o A err racraz . . It' SWANS N } , IA gA t}VA POUO STARTING TODAY! a qgywmtri. - - LLOY ill F. 0. 13. and F. 0. B. The best known of all French love dramas. Withi a new and greater Gloria Swanson in " a powerful role. WO- tf ZSre! hear~Gets yti II! I i I 1' Sereen-Today t s I I{ ; 1. -SPECIAL- FRIDAY AND A'TURDAY A 'Fascinating Romance "17 EE4GT WAhic h created]ia senation when published in Arcade- Gloria Swauson in "Zaza." Majestic-"Red Lights." Wuerth-Glenn Hunter in "Pur- AND ) Y OU IMON and His Unrivalled SYNCOPATED ORCHESTRA i