PACE TO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THIURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1923 itrne~riinr~ Germany Vnsafe, Fju~ ;'<~ Fe iiinv it ii'te i V out of a beard ~Wed. Mat. 5o to 1.50 JiGht .. .50o to $2.50 iat. at...50oc to 52.00 r " . t * R $'Ii ri lo d ra m at < E I1 uighisand jolts Phone 265.0 IRVING 1'4ARMOILTS, D. S. C.. CHIROPODIST aind' OTHOPODIST 707 N.,University ' ;,'rI E^ O lli1N' 2d "' tPI{ ".tJ0 in !)ri? ' 'IX) ~i~d4'l4'Ui h, pa 4 PeNJ) a '~l-grai Iron Prof. J.. Ii1ae ?:.' 1ofot'te law school, wVholhars beenG Th i~ihS le cable said, "'hafc in Vona." According to Professor" Gyodd~iA,' this would indicate that the' a~Iintcrand his party must have ex- One lllre I ew embrs ere er iened ome dilneulty in getting ude ote"OGCu"fi l~~ out of ermnany. r'The 1rofessor's pI~n~ b lsim sx mntin pol i~ 41 ugi e, Eizabe th. '25, is also in the the~~~Atmc secnd Th 1.t leireanuGdriee ~i t(' (jfi v t~ ' 1 'l'h al rA m R pi s J ni a r o a n in>e( ; to lheW a sp ecial m eetin g At th e 'P a n t- ; le'ilon of 1ilu' ,swhuii' p"ool w' illC)1- bud hotel on Nov. 3 to getth returnss tinule tr021her ,( hCwek4hof the Iowa-Michigan game by spol'ial thecaps It 15 jtiitncd to have a ,wire. An invitation to alumni in we t- tag (laytomornrow in wrhich ?me sta erm Michigan to attend rmay be issued1. tioned abou" 1?t 'the campu1s will givetags ' to those who havesgndDaumy clitssifled for real result~s.# James i ror, '4.j)2residen1t ocf the "4000 Club," cxpre '121himelf last. n iht as; dissatisied ,,ith'the fr(esnt, poor soigo b apsinth drive. Althogh neaw) a=1.r con di--, dahesid e hol b I- The woman whbo was cutieffl cidled siflx f ,bes durinYg lie next two a ifI e rv i i'b of the woman suffrage amend a woman who has devoted lic S11ccess. mcwomzan's rights. Now Presid There wil lie a meer tng oftheo o-' an Su ffrage :Association. Fori ganization at. 5:00 o'cloc I Tay;n the r v£).itre Suffrage Allianzce. I UJnion swimming pool, slate in this country and eve hiv ~'talntwove den id the priv i- lege of the Union dance Saturday nol ,. tlt troughi the invalidity of the cardis that they >>resented in obtaining J: n~t ,c ( Cii gto) an annut I'cenei.t made by the Union house committee la~t night. The ,tu dents were retur'n- ed their cards with a wyarning that if a similar condition ever occurredl again, their dance ptrivileges wvouldI 1) completely removed. r'cTes'Tuden t s found guilty this week had change,-d the nuimber of h~lei4 Un~oa reIstalion cards so that they, coukcLa'ps as seniors. Two of thosej attemputing this were I'veshmen. Tphe tickets' given outt will be checked -with{ the file system of the Union each weekj in an atempt to eliminate such prac- tices, a.iccording to Henry Elub-' 'bar d, '24E. #Patronize The Daily Advertisers. ____________ ' 2 11 >)7 , . _ t '_ ,, t , . i l, A FTER shaving, does your face sting-feel raw? Don't blame it on your razor. The fault lies elsewhere. Unless your beard is properly massaged by a supple, pliable shaving brush with just the correct degree of stiffness, the keenest razor blade grows dull and pulls. . _ _..._. ;; i 'ti ' ; , _,, ;.., s. T! )~;1{v ~~1-, i"'']'1. // jin tk "34 t V _I Ims W~or'i ld Movement" Ry responsible for 1the fassing dment to the Constitution, and i' whole life to the- cause of ent Nailoin,,d Aner~caun Wom-- merly President International i fs lectured in almost every rry country in Europe. Just 're she has been reorganizing dbrings a me ssage about the n's movemen;t. 'JI'OIIE Tull ;a I'' 6 V .li i-nds Won'tMar ---YourComplexion---If you tae proper care of it now-and in our well- -Iocked department, you will find everything you will need to, keep your skin fresh and lovely. i il j, flower-like in odor, and pure in quality. Chicago. Oct. 2 ~ (yA.P.--. Royal S. Copel, U ,,Inited Stalfes senat- w tor frontNe YrkMelevsht Tlkel- ry Fo lrd ; ;GI;Ii +b ' lc oney coin be earned by , students at the iunive-rsity (lur-+ ing- their spare hour :s. The wV.ork is extremly povntand will proveigh ly profitable. Fory r 1i