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October 25, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-25

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ME COMMITTEE Lloyd George Receives True
[ [AS FOR OLDER Welsh Greeting In Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Oct. 24.-(y A A. During his stay here the former pre-
A true Welsh greeting was given 1 )y- m1ier was a ntest at the home of Mrs
the± ,ohn11 XX )1 1 intnwi do V ot oile ot
id Lloyd eorge, the war time lrimi t he J r,
the founders of the American Gorsedd
1500 MICHIGAN BQYae WILL AT.ym of Great Britai,, upon his arrival 1ureoan society of Wel en, upon
TEND MEETIN(, AT today to be the gue st of the cuiy. the arrival at the home he was made
LANE HALL Welsh organizations were out in force an honorary member of the organiza-
to meet the distinguished visitor at tion at a formal ceremony held behind
19 CHAIRMEN APPOINTED the station and to escort hire for -ev- closed doors.
eral miles through crowded streets.-I During the afternoon Mr. Lloyd
TO ARRANGE ACTIVITIES The reception committee was head- (eorge resied and at 6 o'clock was
ed by Mayor William A. Magee and in- guest at a Welsh dinner before ad-
StAte Y. M. C. A. and S. C. A. Meet To cluded Secretary David, of the Depart- dressing a mass meeting at Syria I
Discuss Plans For Annual mentof Labor at Washington, who willi Moscue. Leaving here at midnight
Occasion accompany Mr. Lloyd George to Wash-: he is due in Washington tomorrow
ington. morning for a three day visit.

Dauren, Trier, Duisberg, and Muliheim
Are Only Important Cities
Coblenz, Oct. 24.-(By A. P.)-The
position of the separatists at the close,

New Legion Head


Plans for the organization of the
twenty-first Annual Older Boys' con-
ference, to be held Friday, Saturday,
and Sunday, Nov. 30, Dec. 1 and 2, at
Ann Arbor, were announced at a
meeting of the representatives of the
S. C. A. with the state Y. M. C. A. of-
ficials held last night at the central
Y. M. C. A. building. F. N. Menefee,
state representative and general
chairman of the conference, announc-
ed the appointment of 19 committees,
which are to equalize the tasks con-
nected with the conference.
General committee for the entire
conference is as follows; general
chairman, F. N. Menefee; general stu-
dent chairman, Harry C. Clark, '24L;
general boy's chairman, David Inglis;
state boys' work secretary, J. F. Mac-
Farlane; secretary S. C. A., H. C. Coff-
man; secretary city Y. M. C., V. O.
Many Committees Chosen
The student committees are as fol-
lows: meetings and discussion group,,
H. R. Stone, '26, chairman; entertain-
ment in fraternities, George Haggar-
ty, '25, chairman; conference badge
committee, Jack DeTarr, '25M, chair-
man; visiting university committee,
llEdwin Davis, '26, and Neil Staebler,
'26, co-chairmen; seating and usher-
ing committee, Donald Chubb, '24,'
chairman; muic committee, Luchin
Lane, '26L, chairman.
Committees in which students co-
operate with adult advisors are as
follows: finance committee, K. N.
Westerman, chairman; meals com-
mittee, T. A. Lowry, chairman, boys'
chairman, William Donaldson; enter-
tainment committee, A. L. Nelson,
chairman, boys' chairman, Lawrenc
Van Tyle; registratIon and guides
committee, F. -. Swits, boy's chair-I
aan, William Bishop; printing com-
mittee, V. O. Nelson, boys' chairman,
Curtiss Toms; Publicity committee,
C. HI. McKinley, student Chairman,
Hall Dee Weese, '25,'chairman, boy's
chairman, Wilson Light. Signs com-
1ittee, I. C. Lee, boy's chairman, 'Bob'
Hartwick; decoration committee,
Hackley Butler, boy's chairman, unan-
nounced. Tour committee, Rey Vigel,
boy's chairman, unannounced. Par-
ade committee, Major Carpenter, boy's
chairman, unannounced. Local dele-
gation committee, H. C. Lee, boy's
chairman, unannounced. Photograph
committee, F. G. Hamilton, boy's
chairman, Hueseman.
An information and checking com-
mittee, which is to take care of all
questions which may puzzle incoming
delegates, is to be headed by George
Douglas, '26.
Burton to Address Boys
This conference is under the di-
rection of the S. C. A. and Lane Hall
is to be used as conference headquar-
ters. Plans for the entertainment of
the delegates are being formulated by'
Harry C. Clark, '24L, president, and it
is expected that over 1500 boys from
all parts of the lower peninsula will
be present. The big meeting is to be
held in Hill Auditorium, where Prs-
ident Marion L. Burton will be one of
the prominent speakers. President Ho-
ban, of Kalamazoo College, will also
be on the program.
After the meetingthe boys will split
up into groups of from 25 to 50, and
will meet in the various churches
where they will discuss what was said
in hill Auditorium.
New Specinens Placed on Diila
Two new casts of fossil sea reptiles
have been placed in the paleontology
museum in the Natural Science build-
ing. The specimens were obtained by
Professor E. C. Case of the geology
department during his trip around the
world last year.
Tokio, Oct. 24.-Raw silk prices have
declined 45 cents on each 1,320 pounds.
lltTlliRill illDllllillillillIlllllillill lilii

mean a lot to true Mchigan men and

iMcaning of Word "Student" Defined;
To Attempnt to Stiandardize


l'i~eutXs Ic A d; Eveii



I With the purpose of affording more
I adequhte recognition to students who
have distinguished themselves in aca-
demic, rather than extra-curricular
activities, the University will hold an
Honor convocation some time nex.
spring, if plans, brought forward at
the conference of Deans yesterday,
materialize. The exact nature of the
proposed convocation has not been de-
cided upon as yet. It is thought, how-
ever, that the names of those elected
to Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, and
other honorary scholastic societies,
will be read.
The University has never held such
a convocation, although the matter
has been considered twice in previous
years. It is understood that several
other Universities throughout the
country have similar means of honor-
ing scholastic excellence.
Deans to Handle
It was also decided in the meeting
that hereafter the administration of
scholarships should be in the hands
of the deans of the several depart-
meats. It is planned, in tie future, to
state more clearly in the University
catalogue the qualifications necessary
to application for them, and the rules
governing their administration.
A petition from Prof. W. H. Hobbs,
of the Geology department, and nine
other faculty members, requesting a
special meeting of the Senate to con-
sider recent disciplinary cases, re-
sulted in the advancement of the next.
meting of that body from Nov. 19 to
Nov. 8.
The definite meaning of the word
"student" when used in matters con-
cerning enumeration or enrollment
was also. determined. Thereafter, the
word will be used to designate only
those who have completed, or who
have definite intentions of completng,
some regular period of study (semes-
ter, year, or session). Hitherto, per-
sons enrolled in extension courses and
other irregular courses of study have
been included in the complete e..-
Will Pro poso Later
In an effort to establish all the cdu-
cational institutions of the country on
an equal basis with regard to this
matter, the proposal will be put for-

StudenL endorsement of the Union
fair projeat was given last night when
the mnemiers of the S'.ddent council
unanimously agreed to support tho
proposd x ,hich has us iLS purpose h
comrCrtIin of the 11(.1 swimming
pool. The Board in Control of Ath-
letics has given permission for the
fair to be held in the Yost field house
and the plan has already been ap-
proved individually by many members
of the faculty. The Board of Gov-
ernors of thIe Uinion will meet tonight
to further consider the proposition..
The Board of Directors will come to-
gether Saturday morning.
According to present plans, the fair
will be held shortly after Christmas
vacation if the amount needed to con-
plete the pool has not been raised by
that timp. Fraternities and campus
groups' will cooperate in running side
shows and entertainments.
A report was made to the council
on the bucket collection made at
Ferry field last Saturday to send the
band to the Iowa and Wisconsin
games. The committee reported that
although many generous contributions
were received the necessary amount
needed to insure both trips was not
The original plan of the council was
to pass buckets in the stands between
halves but it was amended by the
Board in Control of Athletics with
the belief that such a means of col-
lection would inconvenience the spec-
tators, while seated in the stands.
The men who were stationed with
buckets at all of the gates both inside
and out said that practically everyone
who pasted gave something either
coming in or leaving the field. It is
the belief of the committee, however,
that many people were missed due to
the jam at these times at the gates
and that had the .original plan been
allowed the sum would have been
A report was heard from the cheer-
leader committee.
Some clever acting, combined with
the artistry of two great playwrights

of the fourth day since the proclama-
tion of a Rhineland Republic at Aix-
la-Chapelle is little improved, as they
are holding about a fourth of the ter-
ritory under foreign occupation,
Today was marked by the Republic- I
an's most signal and costly victory,
at Creselb, where 12 separatists were John R. Quinn
killed and 50 wounded and the peace- The campaign of the American
fuil occupation of Mulheim, and a few T
villages in the vicinity of Trier. legion, carried on through the past
Occupation Linited year, for adjusted compensation, re-
In many instances the occupation habilitation aid and other vital needs
has been limited to the confines of the j of the veterans, will be continued un-.
City Halls with the garrisons on the + changed during the coming year. So
defensive, fighting not only for the announces John R. Quinn, recently;
existence of the Republic, but for elected commander of the legion to
their own lives. The failure of the succeed Alvin Owsley. Quinn is a Cal-
separatists at Mayence and Coblenz, I ifornian and a wealthy cattle owner
which was counted upon by certain and ranchman. He was a cowboy at
adherents, resulted in offensives at one time and served as captain of field
various unimportant centers. The in- artillery in France.
creasing effectiveness of the reaction-
ary defense and the evidenced hap-
hazard plans of the poorly-organized I
parties, itself rent with internal dis-
senslon in a prematurely launched INFOAMAL OPEN/NG
mvementmake it appeardoomed un-
less a change of attitude occurs on,
the part of troops of occupation, which O
is not likely. e
3 Mittles in Flight ----

With Joseph Mitthes, a member of Talks to FVhternty Men Will Open
the separatists directory for a Rhine Union Life Membership
Republic, in flight from his chosen Campaign
capital, that city Vas declined with
more thanks the honor thrust upon it SIGNING OF PLEDGES WILL
-Coblenz tonight is the etherial capi-!I NOT BEGIN UNTIL TUESDAY
tal of a phantom state. Duran, Trier,
Duisberg and Mulheim are the only Fraternit freshmen and other fra-
cities of any importance in the hands y
of the separatists this evening, but ternity members who have not already
they are all remaining in nominal become life members of the Union will
control of Wiesebaden and Dorn, both be given talks tonight at the varl-
of which are under matrial law with ous houses by captains of the teams
the French troop keeping order. that will canvass the students to ob-

Tickets for the M. A. C. foot-
ball game Saturday are now on
sale for $1.50 at the Athletic of-
fice in the Press building on
Maynard street. There are no re-
served seats. Coupon number
four of the athletic book will be
used for admittance of students.
Athletic officials urge that all
who can, puchase ticketsat once
and avoid a rush on Saturday.
Five Managers Appointed to Supervise
Competition Among Freshmen
Committee members who will direct
the formation of the new Unin de-
partment to foster freshman activities
and bring a better mutual spirit into
the freshman class have been appoint-
ed and were announced last night by
Franklin Smith, '25, chairman of the!
Five managers were appointed to
supervize the work of the entire fresh-
man group in certain definite direc-
tions. In addition to these, 10 other
men were given the leadership of
groups that will be formed in the
freshman class. The appointments for
managers are as followa: athletics,
GilbertThorne, '26; dramatics and mu-
sic, Robert Daugherty, '26; debating.
oratory and scholarship, Clyde Ken-
nedy, '26; publicity, Bernd Baetcke,
'26; and entertainment, William R.
Day, '26.
y Eight Group Leaders
The appointments to group leaders
are: E. H. Haass, '25, 0. V. Vaughan,
'26, W. E. Taylor, '25, 0. W. Reel, '25E,
Earnest Neitzer, '26A, H. W. ooper, I
'25, P. C. Brady, '26k, and W. C.
Dixon, '26.
The entire freshman class has been
divided into 10 geographical groups
in relation to their place of residence
in Ann Arbor, according to the new
system that the Union is inaugurating.
Over each group one of the leaders has
been placed so that he will supervize
all actions taken by the group and di-
rect it along such paths as the com-
mittee in charge shall decide.
To Secure Speakers
It is planned to hold a meeting of
each group once a week in the Union
and a general meeting of all the groups
every two weeks. The group meetings
will be presided over by the group
leader, and matters of importance
within the group will be decided at
these times. In the larger meetings
prominent students and faculty mem-
bers will be secured as speakers and
other entertainment will be provided.
Athletic competition,( rivalry in
scholarship, debating, cratory and
similar activities amon gthe first year
men will be sponsored by the new


tam life members for the Union. The
I official drive in which students will
be given the opportunity to join will,
be held in a three day period, begin-
ning Tuesday, Oct. 30.
Captains To Talk

Reed to Represent Faculty; VasIty
Cheerleaders and Band Will
Also Add Pep
Tradition-the tie that binds te
past to the present-will be honored
by Michigan men and women tonight
when the entire student body will
gather at 7:30 o'clock in ill audi-
torium to hear speeches, singand yell
for their University in observance of
Mithigan's sixth annual Traditions
Night ceremony.
Pep and enthusiasm is always high
on Traditions Night; but it is more
than a pep meeting for it is on this
night that the freshmen each year,
in the presence of the older glasses,
are officially handed over the keeping
of those traditions which their pred-
ecessors have brought down to them,
Some of them from the founding of
the University in 1837.
Freshmen Have Place of Honor
Custom has it that on Traditions
Night when the new men take over
these time-honored observances.they
are the guests of the Universiy.
Seated in a body in the fronJ on -th
auditorium, before the eyes of all.the
Michigan men and women prsent,"
they are publicly presented byr te
speakers with the traditions that are
to be entrusted to them. The rest cf
the student body takes seats poiwld
them, giving them the honor, of the'
Arthur J. Adams; '18, is to bing the
Traditions Night message ' foin th
alumni body to theUniversity. Wrhle
in he University he was member'.of
the- Varsity debating team. and ip. n,
on the faculty of the University of Pe.
troit. HIE talk to the sttidents'w ll
concern the into prtton of the ne
cWtomstand observanres as. the ati
L~ see them.
Prof. Thomas H Reed, of the polit-
ical science departm nt, will oe thl
faculty speaker. Jona W kells,. "
president of the Studnt counc1, will
talk for the student B ody and D Miald
C. McCabe, '24,. will -' aster of cer-
einonies. These spaiors will ouint
,us' what Michigan tr,.itlons ara tid
tne way the new mn will be best
able to observe thsm
Band Will Ad uEnthusism
The Varsity chee:',u'.er squad "ith
its newly donned set of Maize and
Blue blazers, will ntake its appear-
aince on the stage to lead the assemxblb
i the form of unif ru1 cheeringth at
tle3 have develope. The squad ;
planning on workig up enthusiasm
to a high pitch and, with the ass tan'e
r' the Varsity band, ot giving . a big
demonstration of Michigan spirit.
The band will also play Michigan
songs and the meeting will coln t a
close with the singing of "The YelQw
and Blue." The doors f Hill auglitor-
ium will be "opened at 7 o'clocii with
the meeting beginning promptly at
Reservations for the special trains
that will run to the Iowa and Wiscou-
sin games may now be made with Den-
nis Donoyan, house manager of the
Union, at his office in the Union. The
reservations may be made by payment
of the regular fare, exclusive of pull-
man rates.
A reduction in the pullman fares
for both trips has been made.. The

pullman privilege may be bought sep-
arate from the regular fare. The new
rates that are in effect are as fol-
lowls: Iowa special, lower berth each
direction, $5.63; upper berth each di-
section, $4.50; Wisconsin special, low-
er berth each direction, $4.50; upper
berth each direction, $3.00.
The round trip fare for the Iowa
special that will run on November, 3
is $20.30 and the round trip fare for
the Wisconsin special on November
17 is $15.16. The present number of
students who have signed for the spe-

Freshman and Sophomore architects Twenty captains fo
held class elections yesterday in the been selected and it
engineering building. will talk at the frat
Results of the sophomore elections night. The entire is
were: president, F. W. Rowe, '25A, I
vice president, E. F. Wollin, '26A, sec- ternities has been div
retary, M. K. Yerex, '24, treasurer, D. phical sections, each
G, Warren, '26A, architectural soci- been assigned to a
ety, G. Richey, '26E, P. V. Brady, The talks that wifl
Results of the freshman elections will not be for thed
were as follows: president, Paul Star- ± obtaining members.
rett, '27, vice president, Kathleen Ret- will explain the purp
tenmier, '27, secretary, Richard Flem- I the financial statuso
ing, 23E, and treasurer, N. Gabler; advantages that life
architecture society, L. R. Preston, the organization will
'24E, and G. A. Watts, '26A. ilar features.. No a
Junior and senior classes hold elec made to actually sign
tions today in room 311 of the engi- members before the
neering building. Seniors will meet opens.
from 4 to 5 o'clock, and juniors from 20 Teams tol
2 to 4 o'clock. In the drive this
will be made by the1
rrnnip IRI1T'ITIITr fli un 1many new men anda

r the teams have
is these men that
ernity houses to-
st of general fra-
ided into geogra-
of which has
be made tonight
direct purpose of
'The captains
pose of the drive,
of the Union, the
imembership in
bring, and sim-
ttempt will be
n students as life
e drive officially
year an attempt
Union to sign as.
as many old men

ward by President Marion L. Burton ;was shown in the presentation of
at the meeting of the National As.o- Booth Tarkington's "The Trysting
ciation of State universities, to be held Place" and Rachel C.-rothers' "What
in. Chicago Nov. 12 and 13. Dean A. r1'liey Think" last night by the Players
H1. Lloyd, of the Graduate school, will club. It was the opening performance

H I I N.11 1 111 1 IIIH 1who are not already life members tof

I 1.11111 U III U IU L U1 L L~U U life membership in the Union. Twen- Union department. Teams from with-
FIPP T NFW O IFAUty teams of ten men each will can-. i the groups will play in the athltic
vass the entire student body in an ef- , contests on Ferry field and in Water-


also present the plan at the meeting of the club this year and if the audi- -LLLU 1 U l UI1IULIIU I fort to do this. man gymansium through the co-opera-
of the Association of American Uni- (nce's applause may be accepted as --I The Otto Hans cup will be offered I tion of the intranural department.
versities, to be held at Charlottesville, criticism the club's first effort was a At the meeting of the Ferris Insti- this wear as the gift of Otto Hans of
Va., on Nov. 7 and 8. genuine success. The entire prOilc- tute club held last evening in room 205 the Ann Arbor Press and will becomeN
tion was staged under the ^eral University hall, the following officers the permanent possession of the team I B
superVision of Clement A. Smith, '2M. were elected for the coming year: securing the greatest number of
uaunnnOGRUnnrr nnrP"Tille Trystinlg Place" was acted well Max Hamlin, '24, president; James pledges.
throughout and few of Tarkington's Dunne, '25, vice-president; Miss Jessie pledes. N D
witty remarks failed to "get over" with Werner, '24, secretary, and W. G. Mc- nM[[
4 SNKm rrTrenty of siiap. yy The comic situaions Cracken, '27, treasurer. -i
nicely carried out, shwin~ a were also laid for a banquet IL O llTChicago, Ill., Oct. 24-Glenn Thistle-
-- again the handiwork of the director which is to be held by the club at Waite, head football coach at North
Sir Paul Vinogradoff will deliver an of this play, Stacy Black, '24. the Union on November 10, following uriwestern University, figures the 1923
addressat a convocation,atwhichthe Rachel Crothers' 0 serious com - the Marine game. It is expected that IIwestern conference race will result in
Univrsi t Senvatei n requested t e edy was portrayed with a sympa thy IMr. G. Masselink, president of the CtA. a tie, with Michigan and Illinois divid-
University Senate is requested to a- that rang true as the lines that were I Ferris Institute, and Senator Wood- Oklahoma City, Oct. 24.-(B A. P.) ing the championship honors.
tend, which will be held at 4:30 spoken. It is doubtful if any amateur bridge N. Ferris will be the guests of -Governor J. C. Walton, in a state- "It is my guess that Michigan and
o'clock tomorrow' afternoon in the could have created the part of the boy the club at the banquet. ment issued late today "to the people Illinois will finish in a tie," Coach
Assembly hall of the Union. any more convincingly than did Jack of the visable government" declared Thistlewaite said tonight..
d fii assberger, '23. June Knisey '25that "a conspiracy for the express "Chicago looked the best to me
The ,Regents, Deans, anhholir lsCLbRK Fr, Junethrniseekya'25bof preferringt
and Mary Noble, spec., directed the' LE K FINED purpose of preferring impeachment three weeks ago but the ease with
guests will assemble il the ante-rooi"l l1y. .F R SCALPI G charges against me" e e before which Northwestern carried the ball
of the Assembly hall, where Prof. C. Inasmuch as thtree times within Chicago's ten yard
W. Cook will be in charge. Mebes all built and aranged by emers of ordinary session of the state legisla- ine shows that any opponent with a
of the University Senate will asseml- the club workship it is only right that Dick Wintermute, clerk at the Al- ture, and that "whatever the future diversified attack and a habit of get-
at 4 q'elock in the Reading room they should receive the credit for the lonel hotel, was fined $100 and $40 in 'may hold for me personally I shallI ting past that last chalk line will have
f t 4 - qi nck n,. -m I hi r m it-11 txr it. h h 0 $100 ene ltdan an d $ 0in Turi Tse fli ac T nli v d hn , fA tn o .rr . little difficulty of winning.

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