WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN 'Hit THII ~ IAIISt efl 'm II llrIrn filu TYPEWRITER REPAIRNG' LL MAKES. Agency Woodstock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- nS ULEI machine, Line--a-Time copy GLSSIEIc LOSE holders, rubaber stamps, ribbons, AM3P-.. ADVEPRTISING AT 3 P.M. cuhion keys, type cleaners and sup- plies. Machines rented. ANN ARBOR TYPEWKITER DAILY CLASSIFIED RATES EXCHANGE. Phone 886, downtown 10c per reading line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line for COSMETIC ERTCE three or more insertions, cash in advance. Minimum, 3 lines per insertion.E Charged at the rate of 12c per reading line for one or two insertions, 11e per Every WOMAN with a BEARD reading line for three or more insertions. White space charged for at same Should know that the Superfluous rates. Classifieds charged only to those having phones. Ask about contracts Hair Growth caa be permanently and for classified advertising. safely removed byelectrolysis. Classified CQluxnn Closes at 12 o'Clock Nooni, Saturdayse. Work done by competent graduate "Jimmie-the-Ad-Taker" nurse oerator m Fees reasonable LOST BROWN FOX ST7OLE. Please notify Sigma Kappa, Ohio State University, Columbus. ON SATURDAY blue and white beads on silver chain. Call 3214-. SILVER MESH BAG on campus. Call 1070-J. IN OR NEAR the School of Music Bldg., Monday morning a Green gold ring with large reddish, brown cameo setting. Valued as a keep- sake. Finder please, call 995-J. REWARD. GREY TOP COAT, Friday morning. 317 Engineering Bldg. Finder call 1780-J. "Lem." A BROWN leather traveling bag con- taining personal effects, sorority with name Jean McArthur. Reward. Call 937-W. FLAT BLUE ladies purse. Containing keys and mfoney, Saturday after 0. S. U. game. Please return keys. valuable. Call Potter, 94. LOST Dumbell shell briar pipe in upper hal of Hill Auditorium Mon- day night. Call 2999. AN overcoat belt Sunday night. Phone 3011-W. GREY KEY CASE in or near camp'us contain one Russwin, two Yale, and others. Call Warner, 33. GOLD EVERSHARP pencil. Valuable to owner. Call Margaret Elliott. Phone 2338. A PAIR of horn-rimmed glasses in leather case, between "U" Hall and Monroe St. Call 2597. FOUND LADIES pocket book. Call 1358-W during day. FOR RENT TWO well furnished pleasant rooms, either single or double. Phone 2506 M, 530 E. Ann St. FURNISHED house of six rooms and sun porch. Phone 656-R SINGLE ROOM in new private home, preferably to upper class man or faculty member, 3334-J, 1060 Bald- win. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. Carrie C. Classen 510 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phones: Office 1636; Res. 2451 Hours by Appointment f Dr. W. S. Mills Phone 321-F-1 616 F1rst Nat'l Bank Bldg. Hours: 9-12; 1:30-5 Dr. Dorothy Sellards 303 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Hours by appointment Phone 333-F-1. FOR 'ALE A COLUMBIA phonograph, portable style, with 50 records. Price $45. Apply after 4:30 p. m. at 224 So. Thayer. Same day optical service. Jeweler and Optometrist. Arcade iti G p ia u . P 7t;l S~ L i . ELECTRIC - COMSIMETIC SERVICE Hours: 224 Nickel's Arcadej 1 to 4:30 (2nd FLOOR) OLD VIOLINS, Guitars and Mandolinsj -Italian, French and German makes. Will buy old or broken violins. First class repairing done. James Coon, 533 South Main street Phone 1075-W i DIRT CHEAP. Overland, tires and car in good conditicn. Reason- Broke. Phone 1519, 605 E. Jeffer- son. PIANO, Schaeffer make, upright. Will be sold at a bargain if taken at once. Call Van Vlect, 591-R after 7 p. m. WANTED hELP SINGLE MAN to act as porter in fra-1 ternity house. Call Sage 1399. MAN TO DRIVE car, on occasion or spare time. Only an experienced and careful driver need reply. Ad- dress postoflice box 212, Ann Arbor. A STUDENT (white) to work for board around kitchen, 8 o'clock, no, hindrance. 819 S. State. STUDENT SALESMEN Sell SHEEPSKIN COATS aid LEATHER VESTS to students. Fine opportunity to earn some money with- out much effort. Write immediately giving qualifications. Box ABC Daily. CHIROPRACTIC Dorothy B. Lowry CHIROPRACTOR. 606 Nat. Bank Bldg. Office Hours: 1-6& Phone 401-J. REAL ESTATE SIX ACRES of land just outside city limits. ONE HUNDRED acres on car line, oneI mile from Ann Arbor. MEAT MARKET, with all fixtures, utensils, etc. This is a splendid opportunity for a good business! man. Call on J. W. DWYER 508 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Read the Want Ads FOUNTAIN PENS FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRING You want your Fountain Pens prop- erly repaired. Why take them to an undertaker? Experienced workman- ship to be had only at Rider's Pen Shop. It costs no more. 24 Hour Penmaker's Service. , Remember the place, 302 S. State St. Authorized Wahl and Eversharp service. FOUNTAIN PEN INK' Why risk having your pen spoiled with vicious ink. Fill at our free illing station and be convinced that our special formulakDiamond Writing Pluid is the befit ink for your pen.1 We sell it at standard prices. RIDERS PEN SHOP We are the authorizes Wahl and Eversharp Service Station. Call and see the new Wahl "Signa- tiire" Pens. Two sizes, $5.00 and $7.00. They are the finest self-filling pens we have seen. RIDER'S PEN SHOP. 302 S. State St. ead the Want Ads MISTELLANEOUS DON'T forget the folks at home. Mother likes tulips, hyacinths andl daffodils. We have a large stock of Bulbs of all varieties. We pack carefully and ship anywhere. HARRIS SEED STORE, 300 E. Washington, Cor. 5th Ave it's true efficiency to use Daily Classifieds.-Adv. NOTICE REWARD for infomation leading to recovery of heavy, brown, half- belted overcoat taken from law building between ten and twelve Tuesday. Glen D. Curtis, 607 E. Williams. Prone 129-R. i 31USI AL SOUSA'S BAND on Victor Records. Complete stock of Victor Records at Schaeberle Sons Music House. E. NORMAN BILBIE (of the Detroit Conservatory of Music). Teacher of violin, piano, harmony. Studio 307 No. Main St. Telephone 611-M. Intramural Items ,(Continued from Page Six) pa Nu; Theta Chi vs. Pi Kappa Al- pha; Psi Upsilon vs Zeta Psi; 4:30' o'clock, Alpha Rho Chi vs. Delta Sig- ma Phi; Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Phi Del-j ta Theta; Tau Delta Phi vs. Cygnus. All preliminary plans for the fra- ternity cross-country meet have been discussed and decided the In- tramural officials and many of themr are of the utmost importance to the fraternity athletes. Coach Sullivan, Intramural trainer, will train the men for the meet andI will hold his practice sessions every) Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. from Oct. 29, until the day of the race, Nov. 19. Patronize The Daily Advertisers. FOB CO__ING BATTLES11 (Continued from Page Six) signals will be given out this week in spite of the fact that the preparation for this week-end will. consist only of work on the defense to be used against the Farmers. Although the Aggies are not being overlooked by the coaches the team will not be pointed for it because of the harded contests to follow. Dur- ing the coming week a light schedule will be carried out by the coaches. Individual instruction will be given the team members in the early after- noon, while signal drill and defensive drill will be worked on later in the sessions. All of the practices from now until the end of the season will undoubt- edly be held behind closed gates with perhaps two or three open sessions according to the coaches. New plays will be given to the men during the week before every game, making it impossible for the public to be ad- mitted. This afternoon a scrimmage will be held between the Varsity and the Reserves, closed to spectators. y .: I f Evening meetings of the squad at the The peculiar feature about the test is field house which were cancelled for that it cannot be conducted during an last night and tonight will be resum- epidemic of that' disease. Dr. Allen ed tomorrow evening. said that if there was evidence point- ing in that direction he would imme- HE ALTH SERVICE diately discontinue the Schick test. TO REPEAT TEST Dublin, Oct. 23.-Philip Cosgrave, --- brother of William T. Cosgrave, presi- Dr. F. P. Allen of the University dent of the Dail Eireaua, is dead. Health Service will again be prepar- ed to give students the Schick test from 3 to 4 o'clock tomorrow. This ;"R, test which was tried two years ago 6044 EAST WASHINGTON can determine whether or not one is BOARD susceptible to diphtheria. $5.00 INCLUDING BREAKFAST If he is, a preventive is administer- 4.00 WITHOUT BREAKFAST ed, which lasts for two or three years. H OME COOKED LUNCHEONS 'A -: Ui s a. . at an MO Arbor Fountain COMING SUNDAY By Jove! Such Laughs Dontcha Know! Special Light Luncheons Soups, Salads, Sandwiches and Deserts served 11:30 to 1:00 Special Hot Dinner served 5:00 to 7:00 every evening Three Rousing Cheers And All That Sort of Rot! Just imagine one of the fun- niest stories in all fiction in the hands of the niaster director who made "THE COVERED WAGON" Waffles Big g6lden brown waffles with butter and hot maple syrup served daily 11 :30 to 8:00 313 SOUTH STATE ii ' i I P t % a 0 %POO Your u i b VI Just Arrived TofheHI W Y AMP*- Im o- w va ff UAILAI 50 New Topcoats All Subscriptions of $3.50 not paid by Thursday, Nov. 1st advance to $4.00-Don't let this matter go by -Take care of it today-SAVE THAT FIFTY CENTS- Box Models Over Plaids Tweeds Knitted Coats Send a check for $3.50 or pay at the Daily Office, S pecial Prices $ 2Oand Press Building on Maynard Street $25 HOUSE~ MANAGERS Please sernd us a check for the dailies being left at your house. Remernber you save four bits for every paper addressed to Ii II THE MICHIGAN DAILY Circulation Department 11 11