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October 24, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-24

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Expect Each Division to Participat,
In Weekly Meetings at
Freshmen will be given the oppor-
tunity to get better acquainted within
their own group and of participating
for the first time in athletics and sim-
ilar functions under a new depart-
ment inaugurated by the Union and
carried out under the supervision of
that organization. The department will
be known as the "Freshman Activities"
Snith; '2, Chairman A
Franklin B. Smith, '25, has been ap-
pointed chairman of the committee
that will supervise the work of the
new department by Thomas Lynch,
'25L, president of the Union. Assist-
ing Smith will be a group of managers
and several department heads who
will take charge of the work.
Under the plan of operation, the
entire freshman class will be divided
into ten groups consisting of approx-
imately 100 men to a group. The div-
isicn into these bodies. will be made
geographically, according to the place
of residence in Ann Arbor.
Plan Weekly Meetings
Each group of freshmen will be
headed by a sophomore or upperclassi
member. He will preside at weekly
meetings of the group that will be heldt
in the Union. A general assembly will
take be held of all the groups oncej
every two weeks in the Assembly
hall of the Union. At this time prom-
iont student and ficulty speakers }
will be secured to address the fresh-
men on topics of campus interest. It!
is planned in this way to encourage
the first year men in taking part in
campus activities and in being betterI
annte s of the school in every phase

Next Speaker


j ... ... ......., .... , Fr '' "z

Reed, Adams, and Kelly Will Speak
at Gathering Tontorriwv Night in
Hill Auditorium

i i
Announcement was made at the
athletic office here late last night
that the entire supply of alumni
tickets for the U. S. Marine-Mich-
igan football game here Nov. 10th,
is sold out. This game was the I
last game to sell out, and with
the exception of the M. A. C. game I
which is general admission, no
alumni tickets are left for the
Sgames here this fall. I
Standing room tickets for thej
IMarine and Minnesota games are
on sale by mail order and if the
supply is not exhausted, they will
Ibe placed 'on counter sale at the
Ioffice a week before each game. !

Mrs. Catt, former president of the
National Woman's Suffrage assccia-
lion, and for many years a world fig-
ure in women's affairs, will present
the second number of the Oratorical
association course when sbe appears
in Hill auditorium next Monday eve-


ning, speaking

on "WYoIan's World

Courses to Be Offered Are Explained{
By Men in ('harge of Ea la
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the politicalj
science department, talking upon j
"Protestantism at the Crossroads',
was the principal speaker at the ban~-
quet held under the awspices of the

Freshmen wil meet en masse to-
morrow night in uill auditorium when
the first speaker opens- the Traditions INCREASE IN
Night ceremony. At this time the
yearlings are the guests of the Uni-
versty. The ground floor of the au- K
ditorium will be turned over to themI
where they may sit in a body, close
to the men, who are going to instruct Tillotson Says Department Wishes to
them in the ways of Michigan, and out Protect Spectators from
in front of the rest of the classes. Practice
Arthur J. Adams, '18, will be the
alumni speaker at the meeting, Prof. VICTIMS OFFER TO APPEAR
Thomas I. bReed, of the political IN COURT AGAINST OFFENDERS
science department is to speak for the,
faculty and John W. Kelly, '24, presi- "Tickets scalpers at the Ohio State-
dent of the Student council, will be the Michigan game were more numerous,
representative of the student body. than ever before," stated Harry A.
Each of these men will have a mes- Tillotson, of the Athletic office. Six-
sage not only for the freshmen but teen men were arrested by local and
for all those present. special police over the past week-end
Pei) and plenty of it will be the aim f on charges of violation of the state
of the Varsity cheerleader squad. With statute prohibiting the resale of tick-
tie Varsity hand and the Varsity ets to athletic events for more than
Glee club they intend to work up en- the price printed thereon.
thusiasm. Alumni Report Offenders
Donald C. McCabe, '24, chairman of "Ticket scalping at football games
the committee in charge, says, "This has aroused the Alumni of the Uni-
is the sixth annual celebration of one versity to the point where they are
of Michigan's most important tradi- cooperating with the Athletic associ-
tions. It wvill be an all-Michigan get- ation in running down offenders," said
together where everyone may come Mr. Tillotson. "The Athletic associa-
and enjoy the privileges of being a tion received telegrams from alumni
Michigan man and of imparting this all over the state during the past
spirit to the graduates of tomorrow. week bringing to the attention of of-
To do this properly it is necessary that ficials cases of ticket scalping. The
every student in every class in the indignation of some men prompted
University be present and help in giv- them to offer to appear personally in
ing the freshmen the right start." court to testify against men engaged
in this unlawful practice," continued
Mr. Tillotson.
Two hours pror to the football
game Saturday, scalping was preva-
lent at the entrance to Ferry field.
Persons signifying the least desire to
obtain tickets were immediately ac-i
costed by men wishing to dispose of
tickets. In the crowd transactions
Mcimhera of the Newly Organized Club were made so that in some cases peo-
Sill Sell Ta1S o Campus , ple simply put a twenty dollar bill in
Next Friday the hands of a seller for two tickets
____ Fridywithout inquiring the price desired
GliOWTII OF' ORGANIZATION ,and then were shoved through the
FIALS I'NIER EXPECTATION gates into the field. It was practical-
liy impossible for officers to make ar-
~~ rests in the crowd. Sales of tickets
Additional signatures secured yes- were consummated all day Friday and

"Flying Squadron" to Visit Profes-
sional Fraternities and Faculty
Captains who will supervise the
canvassing of students to obtain life
members of tne Union in the Life
Membership campaign that will begin
October 30 and last three days, were
instructed as to the methods to be
used at a meeting with members of
the committee last night in the Un-
The captains of the 20 teams that
will act in attempting to sign all stu-
dents not already Lfe members of the
Union were given the general idea of
the campaign at the meeting. The
best manner of approaching the men
they will attempt to make life mem-
bers was explained at the time.
Stark, '24, Chairman
Edward Stark, '24, chairman of the
Life Membership committee of the Un-
ion, presided over the meeting and ex-
plained the details of the work to the
men. He was ass'sted in this by Ar-
den Kirshner, '25, Paul Bruske, '26.
Perry Shannon, '26, and Frances Aus-
tin, '26, assistant chairman of the
drive. Thomas Lynch, '25L, president
of the Union, also spoCe to the cap-
Tomorrow night the captains will
go to all of the general fraternities
on the campus and speak to the fresh-
men and other members who have
not already joined the Union on tile
advisability of joining. The fraterni-
ties and house clubs will be divided
into definite groups for this purpose
and the captains will cover all of the
houses within their groups.
200 Will Canvass
The Life Members'hip drive this
year will be conducted in the same
manner as in previous years. Twenty
teams composed of ten men each will
canvass all members of the student
body not already life members of the
Union. Personal calls will be made on
each of these men.
In addition to the 20 teams that will
work among the students there will
be another team known as the "Flying
Squadron" that will act as the clean-
up squad of the drive. This team will
not start action immediately, but will
serve in calling on men at the last mo-
ment who were doubtful about join-
ing. The team will also canvass some
professional fraternities and other
similar groups not in the regular

Gov. J. C. Walton(
Governor Walton was relieved ofr
his duties yesterday when the Okla-X
homa Senate passed a resolution sus-X
'pending him, following the preferr-
ment of impeachment proceedings byt
the lower house. The fight between
the governor and the legislaturer
arose over Walton's determined op-E
position to the Ku Klux Klan. Ille-
gal use of state funds is the chargeX
made in the proceedings against thet
Governor. r r
Europe, Engaged In Death Struggle.
Needsr U.S. Support Staites
War Premier
Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 23-(By A.P.)1
-Declaring that Great Britain seeks
nothing in Europe except a cessation
of strife and -that "there you can,
help", David Lloyd George, wartime
premier of England, at a Chamber of
Commerce luncheon here today re-
newed his pleas for "effffective coop-
eration" between the two great Eng-
lish commonwealths.
Europe in Chaos
"At this hour," the former premier
asserted, "there is deadly, grim, 1
ghastly struggle going on in Europe, I
not for the moment with cannon and t
machine guns, but none the less, itE
is a deadly struggle and I ask you, ,
don't turn your backs altogether on,
Europe. You saved it once. Don't,
give it up. It has been a great
continent. There have been great
men growing up through the ages in
it to whom you, as well as ourselves
owe much.
"And although I come to this land
with no mission, if you ask me, I have

i K"S1 s;t'

Senat4e>'s ActionI
Dismisses Walton


" t . S

Bill Accuses Executive Of Placing
Chauffeur On Payroll Of
Health Department
Oklahoma Gity, Okla., Oct. 23.-(By
A. P.)--Gov. J. C. Walton was sus-
pended from office at 6:40 p. m. when
the state senate by a vote of 36 to 1
adopted a resolution relieving him.
of his official duties following the sub-
mission by the lower house of a bill of
impeachment against him.
Charge Corrupt Agreement
The impeachment bill charged the
executive with entering, "into a cor-
rupt agreement" with Dr. A. E. Daven-
port, state health comnissioner to
place T. T. Edwards, the governor's
personal chauffeur on the payroll of
the Health department at $200 per
month and that thereby "certain mon-
eys were diverted from the statutory
objects for which they were appro-
priated by law."
The suspension resolution was in-
troduced by Sen. W. G. Gulager, of
Muskogee. A committee was named
to inform the Governor and the blieu-
tenant Governor of the action.
Oklahoma City, Oct. 23.-(By A. P.)
-Governor Walton was among the
last to leave the darkened state house
tonight. With a small group of
friends he walked slowly down the
stairway to the main floor.
"We still consider you our govern-
or", one of the group said quietly.
The governor made no answer.
He halted briefly to read a copy
of the Senate resolution suspending
him from office which a press repre-
sentative handed hin.
"The vote was 35 to 1 for the reso-
lution," the Governor was .told
"Who voted for me?" he inquired in
a low voice.
''Senator Barker."
The executive inquired about three
other votes all of which had been
cast against him. He declined to
make any statement.
Appointed for the purpose of consid-
ering the stadium ,problem at the
University, Fielding H. Yost, Director
of Intercollegiate Athletics, and C. D.
DuCharme, '06, of Detroit, an alumni
member of the Board in Control of
Athletics, have been chosen by Prof.
Ralph W. Aigler, chairman, of the
Board. These two men will act with
Professor Aigler on this committee to
investigate the situation.
T w.as deided at n recent mtins


suppor{n () ue 1;Iv I vlpio
of its activities I S. C. A. last night in Harris hall,
Inter-group competition will be car- which o)Pened the fall term of the in-
ried out in current sports. Through stitute of Religious E1lducatian.
the co-operation of the Intramural de- Ile deplored the lack of moral unity
partment with the idea, it has been in the present age and laid the rea-
made possible to secure Waterman sons for the recent world struggle at
gymnasium and sections of Ferry field the door of too much individualism
for this purpose. The Intramural de- and indifference to religion. In his
partment will also provide men who talk he also praised Cardinal Mier-
will act as referees in the contests. cier and advocated the uniting of all
To Choose Debating Teams the numerous sects which are now
Debating, oratorlcal contests, and demoralizing the world under one1
scholastic work will also be placed on great staunch man such as the Cardi-
a competitive basis. Teams in debat- nal.
ing and oratory will be chosen from Courses - Explained
the groups and debates and contests Harold C. Coffman, previous 'ex-
will be held. It is probable that the ecutive secretary of the S. C. A.,
scholastic competition will be carried acted as toastmaster of the ,banquet,
on through the awarding of some being introduced by Dr. Thomais M.k
trophy to the group having the highest Iden, head of the Ann Arbor Bible
average in scholarship at the end of chair, which group is directing the In- I
each semester. ;stitute with the Students' Christian

terday on the first day of actual can-
vass ng for members for the 4,000
club, brought the total number of
pledges to 500. 'This does not include
all of those who have pledged them-
selves to buy $5 tickets to the swim-
ming pool as a large number of cards
had not been turned in last night. It
is thought that nearly 1,000 have now
become members of the club.
Campaign to secure members was '

Saturday morning on the streets, in
public stores, and hotel lobbies. "Of-
ficers brought in men as fast as it was
possible to walk from the scene of
arrest to the Athletic office," stated
Mr. Tillotson.
Seek to Protect People
"It is not that the Athletic asso-
ciation wishes to protect itselfsen-
tirely," said Mr. Tillotson, "because
when the tickets are sold the Athletic

nnnnnrnrrr' nflnflIv

Short speeches , explaining the
courses that will be offered were gig-
en by the six men who have charge of
them. The Institute will continue for



1 caurnl ,4,atina Tuesday -Ivnialmt, all 1s

live wo'e , 5- - uu - -~u y " ,
} b n rlasses being held in Lane hall. t
The opening class each evening will
Tremendous strides toward the ul- be from 7 to 7:15, under the direction a
timate success of the American Peace of local pastors, who will talk on the t
award, was announced last week by general topic of "". o w I Study the
the policy committee, in charge of the Tinila--
Edward W. Bok organization. The- Two further class perios will be
awlard was nnounced July 2nd, and held, one from 7:15 to :0 and one
the conditions governing the competi- from 0m to 8:45, each evening. Three
tion published on the 23rd of the same courses ill be offered at each timre'
month. and will meet in separate class rooms.
Between these two dates, over 250,- " imeet in s:-parate clroos
000 persons have been supplied with "comij parative Religion" will bed
literature at their own request, which given by Prof. T. E. Kirkpatrick of
is in addition to the wide publicity the political science department in thet
obtained through the daily and week- first group, as will also "Boy Prof-
ly press. The results have been more ems," by Mr. F. II. Swits, Ann Arbor'
than satisfactory, according to the boy scout leader and "The Twentieth
committee. j Century Bible," under the directionI
At a meeting last week in New York of Dr. Iden.1
City, practically every organization of In the second class period eafh eve-t
national importance was represented. ] ning. Prof. Bruce A. Donaldson of the
Each of these organizations is coop- fine arts department will conduct a
erating with the award committee, and a course on "The Indebtedness of Art to
it is through these that a referendum 1 Religion," Prof. Legoy£ Waterman of
of popular feeling is to be effected. the Semitics department one on "The
Message of the Prophet to the Present
Age," and Prof. James hanford of the
NTEDEnglish department one on ",nglish
A E Religious Poetry in the Seventeenth
A victory over Vanderbilt. We Lionel Crocker, grad, has prepared
the program and secured the speakers
shall have it if every man, wom- for the work this-fall.

started last night in some of the fra-
ernity houses when various members
of the club spoke at dinner, independ-
ants were also seen last night by club,
Efforts will be made during the en-
ire week to obtain new members and
t is planned to have a tag day on
Friday when men will be stationed
it various points on the campus. Tags
may now be secured for those who



f d

have already joined in the club's offi-
ces in the Inion swimming pool. ,
According to James A. Beresford,
E24, president of the organization,
the club is not drawing as fast as it
should be. "Every person who ist
really interested in seeing the pool,
completed should sign up, " said
Beresfordi. "1n doing so he only-c
ledges himself to buy a $5 ticket of
twenty swims some time between Nov.r
1 and 10. The ticket is. to good a year
from that date." le also emphasized
thac fact that every man who Joins
should take it upon himself to try and
secure two or more new members.
Areliteets To Name Officers
Classes in the architectural school4
will hold an election of officers today
and tomorrow. The freshmen and so-,~
pho-nore classes meet from 2 to 3I
and from 3 to 4 respectively in room
"it of the englimnering building.
Sens rs and Juniors will meet to-
morrow in the same room, the!

association can realize but one price one word to say: I ask you, the peo- ftg
on them. What happens to thetick- New York, Oct. 23.-(By A. .P)- ple of this mighty land, this land of be the Board that such a group should
ets after they have been sold by us A fifty-mile northeaster, reported to liberty, once more to turn your eyes be chosen. As explaied by Professor
makes no financial diffefa as be raging along the coast from New- towards Europe, and help t to rescue Aigler, the committee will consider
eaencnd T an s foundland to Cape Hatteras, hit this itself." what should be done to solve the sta-
we are concerned. The alum, stu- section hard today, endangering sev- ho Hardi dium problem.
publc are the peo- eral crafts and leading indirectly to Mr. Lloyd George arrived here at Although the posibilities of either
plc that we are attempting to pro- the injury of more than half a dolen . completing the present stands or
tect. persons. noon from Marion where he placed building a new stadium is not some-
The Athletic association spends ap- A three-masted British steamer a reath on the sarcophagus of the thing that can be done in the imme-
proximately $1000 in distributing tick- called for help 30 miles off Fire Island lat President Harding and visited diate future, as Professor . Aigler
Mrs. I-arding, Ile was taken direct pointed out last week, thenewlySe
ets to each game. For the Ohio State and the Coast Shore cutter Seminole tw -
amne, beside the local police, the as- was racing to her assistance. At the;to the l amber of Commerce and lected group will consider whether or
sociation used the services of two de- same time the gale sweeping across' from there went to the ceremonies at-' not, when the time comes that action
tectives from a prominent detective Long Island sound caught the 45-foot tending the laying of the cornerstone can be taken, it will, be advisable tp
agency. Sums of money are used in IHarpoon owned by William W. Nut- of the new public library, taking the complete the present stands or to plan
this respect practically every year. ting, which was to have raced a boat place originally assigned to the late a new stadium. The committee will
"What is more," added Mr. Tillotson. of equal size belonging to the Duke President on the progr4m. start its work at once.
"the association refunded money on of Leinster across the Atlantic next
tickets that were purchased at prices spring and cast it on the rocks off
above those printed on the face, in Totten, near White Stone, LongBe osEn
order to apprehend scalping. Tgie Island.
Athletid officials are making every ef- Meanwhile dispatches from Norfok In,1919, Beco es rewtE e
fort to wipe out scalping and this I reported receipt of an S. 0. S. call
method of prosecuting seems to be S from the British steamer Westmore-
the only one that has yet brought re- land and stated that the Cape Charles Tradition night conceived in early Michigan traditions, Traditions day,
suits." Lightship had been blown from her i 1919 and now one of Michigan's most last night at Hill auditorium, in a
moorings. ..monster mass meeting that promises
Business Schools Discussed Ashore, wind and rain prevailed, significant customs, as originally to take its place among Michigan's
Speaking on "The Graduate Schools planned as a "giant mass meeting to most famous events."
of Business Administration", Nelson' Mentioo Burton for Ambassador inaugurate the activities of the The Varsity band and Glee club
M. Smith, of the economics depart- In a recent issue of Time, the name Spring games week." Before the first
ment, gave a talk before Alpha Kappa of President Marion L. Burton was actually occurred, however, it was de- combied to add to the brilliance of
Psi, commercial fraternity, last night mentioned in a list of 15 men who cided that it be known as "Traditions this beginning which will go down in
in room 306 of the Union. Mr. Smith are being considered prominently as day" which has since been changed history as the first df one of the most
compared the various schools of Bus- possible ambassadors to Great Britain, to traditions night and its purpose is distinctive customs in any university.
iness Administration in the different to succeed Col. George Harvey, recent- to acquaint the incoming classes with The success of the second obsery-
colleges of the country. ly resigned. the various, time-honored traditions' ance of the day, Oct. 14, 1919, may be
---__ _of Michigan. I guessed from the statement that 3,000
. War news, Liberty bond drives and, students were turned away from the
socialist riots had been foremost injmeeting at Hill auditorium after the
the thought of the day, and the stu- huge structure had been packed far
"THIRTY YEARS OF FOOTBALL" dents were losing interest in those beyond its ordinary capacity. The
fnanmental ideas which form Mich-j event was characterized as "the great-


an and student gets behind the
team. Have you any other
wants, desires or wishes that are

Choral Union Openings Annoumwed I
Earl V. Moore, director of the School
of Music, announced yesterday that ,
there are few more places in thej
Choral Union and all interested in

. . - . , -- ,


maiora num4 to 5 o'clock and the
juniors from > to 4 o'clock.
>r. Novy to Speak


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