PWiflMS I i E MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23), 132" f _ - - r MICHIGA6N SHOWS REAL PDWER INOVER WHELi I G OHIO STATE Evecry Departmnit Sbows Iiiaproveenii; both offense and defense. The sorrel- Over Work in Previous topped center stopped line plays and Contests end runs in sterling fashion and hisi -- G_ quickness in analysing the opponents' FAST OFFENSIVE 13111 ? u A YI' lays enabled Jack to drop back and FACTOR I N YRIT~N! knock down several forward passes, -~ I Jack scoredl Michigan's first points by E~xhibiting a fast o~fen.sive attack, a beautiful place kick in the second with the forward pass playing a quarter. prominent part, Michigan's Vars'ty ;lEnds Play Well eleven trampled over Ohio State's, rep-, The end play was not spectacular resentatives in such a manner that, but both Marion and Curran played a even the most pessimistic were, con-' fine "brand of ball.. Curran's chief vinced of the Wolverine~ eleven's s ault lay in the fact that he went in perlority in all departments of the 3u14 a bit too deep for Workman's end game. runs but he did succeed in iturning With the all-important clash with "Hloge" in. Curran and Marion cov- Ohio now a thing of the past, the (Coiitiniied en Pag~e Seven) coaching staff is primning the men for- - - the remaining Conference gamencs.';JIn tram r b' Iem Iowa is to meet the Yostme)n a, week! * from next Satufday and the coaches are drilling the squad with this con-' Speedball among the fraternities is test in view. Both Iowa andl Michigan fast comning to a close and the end were undefeated in Uonferencea corn- E oftk s week '1ill1 see mnost of the t /' ji Icin eilc' ui ' jau I rnn wt "lA ' k o I)iie' id n dio t1 an iwci4c So :a la.t - andi e Pll oI id a}~es tiro{ t whol'ele 1hliarnagt fla''y9r'.)7'erlrg strs o c are, f rI2e ' @tC:' nJ,<< ;; _________Y____________he I~x ofth petition last fall and this year's. battle will in a measure settle last season's feud. I Wolaverlnes Well Coaa;.ned' A critical survey. of Saturday's tilt with the Buckeyes showts that the Wol- verine gridders were a well-coached crew and. prepared in every detail in the offense they used. They were also well versed in any phase of attack that the'visitors might employ, as their work onl the defense showed. TheI Ohioans failed to gancnitnl through the Wolverine forward wall, Workman being the only man who succeeded in breaking loose for short gains. Late in the game the Scarlet and Gray opened with their renowned aerial attack but the Michigan backs and line were prepared and succeededf in knocking down or intercepting mostf of the attempts. It is part of the Yost system that the men be instructed individually in the technique of the game, and then they league 'titles cinch-ed by the mtere powerful teams. One fraternity has already coppedl the tittle in its league, but may be displaced or tied if one of the other teams come through at the last minute with a win. The schedule for this week has been made out and is as follows: 3::15 (.'clock, today-Phi Kappa Sigma vs. IAcacia; Delta Phi vs. Phi Beta .Delta; Delta Kappa Epsilon vs. Chi Psi. 4:30 o'clock, today-Phi Chi vs. Kappa Nu; Delta Sigma Phi vs. Alpha Rho Clhi; Kauppa Sigma vs. Delta Chii., Tomnor- row afternoon the following teamsi will lineup against each other: 3:15 o'clock-Phi Gamma Delta vs. Phi Delta Theta; Sigma Phi Epsilon vs. Sigma Chi; Delta Upsilon vs. Cygnus; 4:30 o'clock-Sophomore lits vs. soph- omore negineers; Phi Sigma Kaplia vs. Delta Taou Upsilon; Sigma Alpha Nu vs. Phi Sigma Delta. Thursday's schedule calls for: 3 :15 o'clock-Del- ta Sigma Pi vs. Alpha Sigma Phi; PRNEO X COUNTRYSHADI Sport Snap Shotsr T ro i M A9 z M ITJAmhlerst is planning a big time for November 3, on the occasion" of the TRI [D mACiM ET~Anilrst-Wesleyan football game, for SRACE TO BE.1W UJ D HRESA 1U.Jterasnta a elkonAneri- I)DAY i' )I ING--VAR~SITY can, Mr. Calvin Coolidge of Washing- ~1I41'IA ~lNton, D. C., expects to add considerable -~ eclat to the occasion. through 1i-s at- Steve Farrel's Varsity Cross Coun- tmne hs~~l~~,u try squiad is I b 't Is next in line. Aber., Who showedl well oll star lastyer'stem ho on in the Micldllelbury game1, cannot be years tam ho on-overlooked. eluded his college cross country Ca-- reer by winning the Conference chain- *~.pionship rno 92 u ttksfv Fortune is surely a fickle jade. Not a' or six men to make a chamipionship many hours after Luis Firpo, lie of~ !. team an(d this year's aggnreg, ation the Argentine, had been lulled to scoems to have more balance than slee-p by one of Dempsey's ferocious rthait of last year.I paws, Young Peter Jackson, once the The personnel of the team to facec idol of the fistic world, wa}s lowered the Farmers Saturday has been de- into a pauper's grave at I altimonre, terininedl and according to t".aceh Far- gone and virtually forgotten. Jack- rely the Wolverines should experience son, whose reoaI name, was Simpsoni r little difficulty in winning the meet ''iliis a n ftl lvrs >. :x ~irclby a decisive score. Davis who te boxers of his day, ineeting, among 1 ~with Rearick for first honiors in the ('ethers, Jack Johnsonz,danm Langford, trials held Saturday is one of the best i o actind many others. Ile was . long distance runners in this section' also the sparring partner of Joe Gans. of the country. Davis was ineligible ~ last season but lie worked out regu- I We desire to compliment the Rev. ,y larly with the team and always man- Frederick . 4.Iopkins, pastor of the aged to run dead with Isball in the First Presbyterian church. of Mich!* weekly trials. Steve expects nlucir of gan City, Ind., who in a recent serf- eft, ;Thai Crowley h lfliack Davis in the Conference championship mon declared, "One reason why the 1tal Irun. pulpit is not reaching more men is. Rearick is also a strong runner. He because it does talk about the thing-s seems to be in the best form of his ca- in which men are interested., The firs, eat reer and if he con tinues to run in the thing the average man turns to in his sanienianiier as lie has thus far this daily newspaper is the sports page." 0 Scrim mages season he may place high in the Con-i ference meet. Reinke seems to 1)0 theI World's series and the like which next best bet on the team. "Mike"I the Giants as one of the participants then rut a pretty drop- has a good form of going and a lot of' brings to mind the fact that at the. Ithe posts for an extra rserve speed at the finish, close of the Western league season Slienefield, Capt. Arndt and Bowen the Des Moines club took Iron IMaii IVarsity touchdown came appear to bre equally matched. All are Joe McGinnity on to pitch as a "cir- identica Imanner. H-ard good men and if perform~ances in pro- cua attraction", againist St.. "Joseph. runs by Parker aind meets count, they should bel The-veteran lasted three innings, dur- rought the ball to the towers of strength to the team in fu- ing which time St. Joe collected thir- yard line and a line buck tune meets. Calahan., Hicks, Polyhe-! teen hits for twelve runs. tooktheballove fo innms and Griffen are the other nienl tooke the inballoe fora who will be pitted against the Ag- Richmond, Va., Oct. 22.-J. D. Lgm- Pakraaiiaet es" bert Jr., prohibition inspector, was .____ pefectdropkick___ftall shot during a' raid on a still, Patronize The Blaily Advertisers, near Ashburn. ire Used cal training in football Inployed this week-endiDe lo ng a d P nt g besof the Varsity squad De eo ig a d P itn o the Barton Hills Coun- spend Friday night and for the Amateur .ruing before the Ohiio After a meeting of the I has risen a mightier ttre Damie tva. n That is the belief of,_dh;r1ts of tics Y. ll( d up by a snapy signal drill are molded 'into a football machine. Zeta BeBta Tau vs. Phi Mu Alpha; oclcoli. Ceena~ al ll 0 'ItV-11Wh11itootwo iisionws nesfor This fact will explain to those who lAlpha Delta Phi vs. Phi Kappa Psi; NotrinDame'so its;Iiiiovictory oor were .not elated over the showing of 14:30 o'clock-Alpha Clhi Rho vs. Alpha th ryadI~clme 'aev'i tefrtVriysb vs.eSigmay.antIt I a1=c ,Clol'(i er:fr sritymage- the Wolverines in the first two games, Rho Chi; Delta Sigma Phi vots.Dmeiolmeenfoemor 'c'iriii lft<'ee tam why th Maize and Blue first show !Alha Epsilon; Lambda Chi Alph~a vs. hopeflomis,>('>ictIi'aeeatears.e hoperftheofirstehalftthe'second1Fresh tfieir real strength in the third :gameI Delta Tau Delta. Games will be on{Itisyar-on.enc o~hla of the season and thereafter for thei Friday afternoon also and ar'e as fol- i n' ilt o eelpei'i ld ' 1~"~the tl~sri'ves to a' -remainder of the schedule. !lows: 3:15 o'clock--Kappa Sigma e s ametyt e, that it as.yoflt, V'CSte -e alzgrgigu Lineman Prove Strength Kappa Nu; Theta Chi vs. Pi Signumanlyfnelvei adi by f,. !y sda ueseon hlf, zhw- Slaughter was late in reporting to Alpha; Psi Upsilon vs. Zeta Phi; 4: 30 al possible fora n to ( oiiijlfcl e l' i~i T elbyscaymrhe the squad and Steele was handicapped ocok paRo Cii vs.1)eta.Sg iful li.e i'sei've splaying a during the first two weeks of iarepa ra- in a Phi; Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Phi Ads for the halcyo n dc of'Goi > _ al a rerad.onm o ghiyblerrgum c and ca lorwuird tion by an injury to his knee, there- eaDlaha etaPiv.Cgu.lai'dt--thiefans believed theni oveirtto Kruskmen the oytIou chdon o fore both these men were unable to a time. t'n nytuhono show their real worth prior to Satur- Owing to the rain last Thursday and Bu o~em~ i~ hi)'l~~n~'~A s ii('('C sfiil try fcn, an day's .game. Against Ohio the two! the secret practice of the Var'sity foot.. mIing"teao to the m'in n 1 rn' esnore0 to 7-0 stalwart guards showed that they are ball teami last Friday which prevented toinhem' uttbh(eeflonaliicoum(nat as steady a pair of guards as one ,the tennis sharks froni having access hey a otysiesto otei eo- lrsniga l~r of football tha would wish for. They repeatedly ito Ferry field, the Intramural officials 1'(II es'. o l "'tm <1i.. more hurled 'the opposing backs for losses have gra~nted a few days of grace to! Crowlev's tall ari'iid11~)) ,atIl , aA the yearlinig first and were able to open up holes for! the delinquent players in thme second one1 of the illiarnt fea tuzrZres - ; . in' resounit t ea- Michigan backs. round of the all-campus singles tourn-- tryoerth ry ' a mstoe etni 'abae ntetthl Both tackles also showed conclus-; ament players. Those affected by this runsof 37 and 117, wrds n i< ':n'i .a "Iy n-hllw the shfel ively that they c-an hold their ownF ruling are as follows: Bibsham, 997- Ole westerners in1 a etie> n heifiel with any pair of tackles in the Con- M vs. O'Connell, 2420-W; Watts, 701- their second orane rtOUh)enadh < , ference. Mluirhicad was in the lime- R vs. Olian, 2492-VV7; Flowers, 1166 vs. one point with ita rc! 1 p gaul iilitthebal t light more than his teammate because ;Singerland, 26$0-R. The men listed toifchdowvn. to ~ isi i ad line and from 1 h isshdldto goun(Ier pnsi telsrin ut hae te 'I1ni upwt rw>fIai in' i t ;:"ar maen could ort while Vander Voorthlds inzthe line, ;games h pla' yedl offeby 5 o'clock tonight ' in ivlm. firtI t 1i-*'-. E i ' tt'''i. iiid intngadna Stan, 'however, was under the kicks as the complete schedule for the third does most of thrfein i . ' 'I un' :a+tuon llstownh fast'and was sure in his tackles. Stan rounid will be announced toniorrow. keyii ltoehi'(I('t('';'i .on ?t . .lastl't , - and Vandy were bothe hard to taket plays a good (daSh'ac.i' rd UU~iO(lx oti e' out and succeeded in making big holes Matches for the third round of thme l Crowley mak e oneio he t-ti 'mccf1(1l.:l iiii{'thkick f'rzot I-li te ~~~ ~ at tunes. VanderVoort did well to'ule doubles will he carried in tomlorr-owi 's orw ard pass ('lipaikt:ei sco re11m) t(17-I-. block one of Workman's punts, paper together with the complete list' have seen thi yer. I WaSit b'by -isoed i ee ctaclmes the V'arsity Jack Blott proved to be a star in for tile singles.' iful nass from CroeyI- < a~,itui im i f wlease o,"lifec, and on gaeteior mz"tot i ecbg- 1 u;lie c-n the Fr'eshmani ____________________-As it is only a fe wdays before the score against: the ;cold < i ' tIa e;I c 0701, e the yeai'l- WE IAtTI l P )VS entries for the fraterniity and all-camn-? Roclne's lads may r" n , r ',; b- t anarlan'lta (it brilliant line 3 'ESLIC FA1' t'ZYI7 , buck, Ii t-'. ndtfilce plays. Park- TO HOLD MEr"1I 1 ' ,rJ )IJj I spus cross countmry meets close it is fore the seas 1oids mt h i zs opu nawodo anigariesoe he -i adVriy afakto h Al nnzn--- o rr.r r j o (f those who intend to take part. The sounded] the wvarnin tt'.\ 'o oz:'e I lana' oi ain p..lunge and t k ick lbetween -point. Thie 'second in an almo t pluinges and Ilernsflin hi Fireshman 3 y by Rockwellt second time. Ipoint by amiotl Rest Cu~ Psycmohogi( teams was cn w he n2 me re taken to try club to Sat: rday mc State game. i team t U i. :3 oclckU P ricay ightIIat! the Union, thme men were driven di- r'ectly to the chub, where they could ie away from all the "troublesome atmosphere of the town." They were acconmpanied by Coaches Little and titimznegger, and were joined Satur-1 aay morning by Coaches Wieman and Vicek. 'rinccton, N. J., Oct. 22.-(By A.P.)E - - Ntre Danie Saturday slaughtered Ithe 'Tigers 25-2. Marching into jungle town fresh from their victory over the' Army, the invaders from Indiana launched their attack of end encircl- ing runs and forward passes and al- lowed the Princeton eleven but 2 points tallied on a safety in the sec- ond period.- Memory Books Flashlight and Outside Groups YDLL3112 1AR poundos and wishing to tryout for the wrestling teani are re- quested to report at 7:15 o'cloick Tuesday night in Waterman gymnasium. Only men under 1,50 pounds will report at .this time, as the call for heavier men will not be etysetwlbeflean lsdionisutyu t. 1