PAGE: FOtJR /,}________________ TSHE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1923 .................. " . - -------------- t jtaoilrule. The others are _______________________________ of Bavaria, Captain--Geneoral Primo' OFFICIAL NEWViSPAPER OF TH iRivera of A pain, Colonel Conatas of IJNIE~tITYOF 1C~~A~ Cre ece,and Mustapha Kemal Pasha of kTurk~ey. I Published every morn ing excep~t Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications.7 Members of Western Conference Editorialt Association.I The Associated Ptress is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwike credited in this paper and the local news pub-! lished therein. Enter-ed at the postoffice at A'nn Arbor, l Michigan, as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, $ Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Mtay- hard Strcet. Phones- Editorial, 2414 and 176-M ; Busi- ness, 960. __ Signed communications, not excee'ling; 300 - o -,will be published in The Daily at the isrcretion of the Editor. U pon request, theide(Intity of communicants will bie re- garded as confidontial. E~DITORIAL STAFF Telephones, .2414 ad U7-l MANAGIN'G EDITOR I{OWAVD A. I)ONAIUE Newvs Editor......... jutian E. Mack! Cite Edit q1 r............I Ilarr y l' ey "Editorial oard Chiairmuan.... R. C. Moriarty; Night hEdtors i.11. Ailes A. B. Connable R. A. Millington 7. f.. Fiske Harry C. Clark J. G. Garlinghouse P . IN. Wagner The eumerationr of this list sums up in 2., conr-rel o way tihe trend of poit- cal power in Europe at the presentr time. Democracy is receiving its most serious setback in years. And the: most enlightened statesmen of the ! present day are seriously coflncne with this halt: in the slow but steady mnarch toward democratic lprinciples. i'lbere is no dioublt that dictatorship , is so m ctimes a ecesss ry 1 wit it 's never; desirable. True, it is soxetimes the only feasible mecans of br'inging order ou~t of chan::>; but its dig advantages far outweigh its .advantages,. In the I fir:t.;atC i e order i , only oif a very; templorary 16.nd and ap~t to disappear (,omnpictaiy Un er 1provocation. And in the second, it can easily develop from tempoira ry c on stita tional dictators;hip znt() absolute tyranny. History strowisl repeated examples of thjis. And. tyr-' anay irl an evil with which the people of l arope L a en truggl0igfor, ,Cei I'luries. . i r h t I I OAS-FE ROLLCAMPUS OPINION FAMOUS FOR FAIR AND JUST ACTION ITS I3MPRENAT - To the Editor: jEl) MATCHES In your issue of the 19th, is printed j A UTUM N COLORj a report of action by the Central Dis- There comes a duel fought on these l cipline Committee of the University r nearby hills, in the case of a student because of in- Where Summer played afore be- cidents which occurred at the -Vander- n eath the sky, bult football .game. The committee's When he must, fight armed Winter,I withhisskilsoffi cial. statement is that the student J wasfoud giltso skillsxg cn-I _ S 4_" SdI E f lr ti .. z-,rr .,.rry r k - . . r ti -- - , S.4k.r'_+ii,.._y. rr. s-.c y _... o _._. _3 ___.;:e. ,.;. r aw.. .. ..., .v_. _.. _.. w.. .eii'k r.t. .: .e,.e._. .ie. 9 1 f' _ -. - ,. { ,.Lk... li ,. , ?flo tores ,I II I . In w'ays untaught but with his cour- age high. Then far will Winter spread the blood he spills, And laugh aloud to see faint Sum- mer die, Who,, dyin , earns the right to live again Since hie'light brave but knows he fight in , vain... N. I. duct" and was put on prob~ation for the rest of his course. Your report of the matter further states that the complaint against him was registered by me. I think it is only fair to the student to have publicity given to the fact that, as reported to me by the chairman, the F _ v '. . . This ever inxcreasing disposition, on. the part of the peCople of 1 urope, to submit to dictatorial authority is some- thing which sho.uld be watched wVith apprehcflsa)1 by thie roest of the world. THlE MEXYVNC OF 'rill', OT Wpomt~eslditor.............. Ralph N. Byers Women's Edit(.......... ..Wino~a IHibbard Teerp Eio. .1.Tr 1 Sunlday magazine Editor... .F.,. '1 ilden Music Editor.........Ruth A11),well AeristaiitCity Editor. Kenneth C. Kellar Editorial Board i -. committee was unanimous in acquit- No0w Are tile Mighty Fallen! t ing the young nman of the charge pro- . Mr. Calvin 'Coolidge has acceptedf ferred, which was not, however, un- the office of Ifonorary President of! becoming conduct, and the Committee's the Car"'pFire Girls. findings were, as reported to me from EMr. Fielding Yost now writes arti- the same source, that hie was sick at Iles on Howi Women Can Keep Fit, for the time the incidents occurred. If. the Delineator, these findings are warranted, 1 wish to s * say that I cannot regard the student's Pythagoras conduct as unbecoming, but rather as He hardthe Circa 532 B. C. deserving of commendation for con- Ileherd heharmony of .the ( siderable forbearance undier provoca- spheres tion, and this at a time when by every Choiring in unison. consideration he was entitled to kindly He heard. the pMantes shifting and sympathetic treatment. Any pun- gears, j ishment under such circumstances Hymning an orison, would seem to me to be unjust andi unwarranted; and as no complaint of He dwelt in gardened Babylon. unbecoming conduct has, so far as I I He was vegetarian; am aware, been preferred against him, i An th wayhe irmy eshewd II am today writing the committee to beef ' hamed he rugh graran. petition that the light penalty inflicted Chared te rogh ararin. e remitted. Paul Einstein Ruhirt RaYJ]:a Andrew Prepper Assistants B. (;. Baetcke s . J. Mc~innis Marion Barlow T:. S. Mansfield 1. N. Berkman E. C. Mack helen brown Verena Moran Bernad-tte Cote Regina Reichinann G. XW. Davis S. 1,. Smith fl iroll Khrlich W.V. II. S"nmau F' C., Fingerle 11. P. stole Dorothy lKamin IN. 1R. Thal josepht Krug~er S. B. Tremble 3li7abl L ieberman W. ;., Walthiour R. R. gc~regor, Jr. ' - BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960( BUSINESS MANAGER LAURENCE H., FAYROT An ,Amrerican2 citizen who required an iiniecant. to t hro'w =:11e Stars anOd Str'ipes.: upon the grour.d and jumnp upon ft'enm . and 'iK Ithem arounld, wvoiuld raceive liLtie toltration from his fellows. The American flag is the syml- bol of oar dem'ocracy. We may oe- ovr look a lull in patriot ism , but direct disrespec-t to otir ft'sg, never. Numeroustitf ri-st year iufwn1 have "be_-n required recently to t crow their grey pots mu.on the ground, junip upon there, and u :e, them as footballs. Memblers of Il' sincauming cla: s : re :m- 2ni<;2' ni a new world ; the grey i3ot it ?E?.emlblem of tir il' illl :gness to becorne 7m]'n of MtdPl"I~ ven tmore, it is the very eliibiem of their allegiance. jT o doff the grey cap upon comm'aand s quite fitting. Thsle performaunce of variou2s toolish a,,tics wAthit iS ex- Icusable. But it, is beneath2 the dignity of Michigan tradition'; for the fresh- jjwn pot to tcuch th:ie °round and to l betramledunder foot. Ii BJover!j Suich I1uJ-~ i~ r r ..w {otB-c t J2I st hin 2iltc b.(' I0 itt!-+ n +f r' II'.lat s1, I 9 S1 a I ti ix a c. ^t 7a. noi., i t n. -1) - t "O ) lni1r 2 i' to ) _- o : ). III. ,i5:J I ia a il {o7-' ;: 7 a. a 1t., I:5t 85 t 1 11 1_. III. To ,;t i otil y, 11_A") p. nIl 12: 2s a:. it. . aad1 1.,5 (1 1;i 4s ::17a. ill. sItd eve(y i~ 3. Iin. aX11( -rr 'At! Ii eon .a;to9:) j3. I#-. Loals: 7:50 a. III., '12:10 a n -- ,IM O .Vi-Mean lat.tli il' are different help make Your1'lart~y a fascinating and mie nioraitie one. madtte to . czrdez.of Cicagor 1t " eL I a °"cwR° tni"d "'a E ' 1Gli9 8 Q' d Ol 1 R_'l 4 "' a; if3J . - te J' ? it r I-fie FRATERNITY ;Shap St nfe Your IDcslres to i .I r i r _ i 'rI I M y ' .. Advertising............... ... L. Dunne Advertising.............Perry M. Hayden Advertising..................... .C. Puidy Advertising ...........XV. Roesser Advert; sing............. W . K. Scherer Accou'its ..... .... ....... W. Christie Circulation................ .Jno. Ila-lcns Publication................ Lawrence Pierce Assistants Bennie Caplan -- Harold; A.;. Marks John Conlin - Byron Parker Alcli-t E.-Cr ouch- S. A. Robinson - L,61is At. Dexter I. 1M. Rockwell Joseph J. Finn 11. E. Pose I)avid A. >fox. Will we; 'se Lauren Haight C. 1'. White R E. 1Hawkinson R. C. Winter Edw. D. Hoedemaker z c c I Sea-girt Samos saw his birth.____ __ He taught metempscychosis. II ssrneta hr saycn His soul went wvest when lie 1I ssrneta hr sayc passed on I fusion as whether or not the League Of arterio-l sclerosis! gained prestige in the Corfu affair. It. Caligula I seems very simple. If you are a be--a * * lieover, the League told: Mussolini{ The makeup man has been hxanding where to get off, and prevented war.f us such a series of rawv raw deals If you are not a lbeliever, Mussolinir of late that we can never feel that! told the League where to get off andI our comments are going to be as apro- got what he wanted. pos when they appear in the morning --_ as they seem to us when we pound "Darwin or Bryan?" asks a headline them out in logical order. Our eaigle- in a metropolitan paper. Take Dr.- eyed patrons will doubtless recall the Lovell. . . .. 't ky 'k lyj i f _w : T RON. 30 W.AGNER CIDER ,MILL N. M.), °; . - 511111 iof Macline Specialty Company 1i)' -.?I I3. )TXISTREET w lb az~-~r.~ - r - - - ~ A ~: ~ ~~g~t.~1ff"--- -. SYET IDER ago when' the introduction to a littleI i i The seventeen, ticketA scalpers who opus dealing' with, the 'crow 'appeared werebroght ll)in te cty curtsevreral inches below the opus itself. Saturday and yesterday received just Our remarks on East-West football,-I' about one half the punishment they forceful as they certainly were as we dese(rved. N'-.viertliele s the activity of origin ally typed them, lost much of the olie oficalsin rounding up their vigor because a bit of holdover the pliceoffiialsabout a horse-hair was shoved in be- thatmanyis (Omilelial~l. Itween the two paragraphs. TUJESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1923-It Night Editor-A. B. CONNA13LE," JR. "Send the Pand!" Once more., Mich- igan feels the necessity of having its band at its games away from honeci Its team will be there and it wants its band there too. Both of the games away fromt, home, however, are a con-' s'derable (i.,tarce away from Ann Ar'- bor and to send the band to both games will cost about $5,000. How to raise $5,000 is the question now con- fronting the student body. At the Ohio Stag~ game Saturday, buckets wxere passed. outside the gate-, by members of the Student council and $800 was collected from the crow-il -of more than 50,000 who passed in or around tihe gates duhing the after-3 noon. ' This result should be enough to h low that the "tag" method of col- lecting funds, even for such a worthy cause as the band, is not very popul- lar. It is futile to expect to goj year after year with the Mich'gan band depending on such unlreliab~le agencies for its trips away fronm home. Thie matter should be settled this year. The 1-and is one of the proudest {boasts of- Michigan. It renders invalu- . ;e ervice to the University and par-' ti7culairly to the athletic interests of, =t 7e University. The band is composed ('-, , £ --six en vwho perform their ~2r'icsduring the school year, with- out: any rmward of any kind oxept tihe } oner of s erving their school. For the rupport of the band, the Athletic as- soa-atiof contributes each year tile sum. of $700 which goes toward the! buying of equipment and supplies andl tCre University, besdes paying the sal-' a;.Ty of the direc~tor, contributes the ruim of one dollar per day for the l ,:riod between the close of school in -June and commencement" -for those ineflbers of the" organization who stay In lots of I gal. or more "4,000" siQ'ns Ita in 410(0 windlows Would "insure -_+Y.Z13 T.:k..: .;1w; ,Ad: os'E"=ifid:FX C . confidence, the lowever, the poem which you may on -the Store or'-may not have just read, about Py- th e swhnmn-ing -ths imras who taugcht mnetempscycho- pool1 this year. 'lI1e uist be 4,4000 student s at Michigan Wbo swime. Thwe subscriptionl llatilis -will soon 1tell the tale. F_+igures (taiot lice, but iars can-i often figure. Twvenfy-Five Ye r ,1 F r m t h~ e fi e s o f t l q, r, o f ) T. D a ily , I October 13, IS9S An -almost continuouis exclanmation fof pleasure was "to he heard as the largo audience wended their way out of the A'lthodist church last night af- ter ho-aring J1ames Whit comb Riley. It had bean a. mat ter'Of no little curIiosi ty to the large number present to ree how an already popular poet would acqitimiself as a reader of o iiis0vnh s-e ltors. "Fo say that every- one was satisfied is describing feelings mildly.rThere Was no onie presenC~t,"but wa s comp~elled to adulit O~at a wealth rof meaning never before discovered ini the quaint far-mer' stories and~ ballads of the I hoosier state wia bhrought to light by tje tan' who wr oit them. Sintee March, , the Universityl library has had its own bindery andl .Aifl~e then its value has often been deoan st rj ed. In the time thiat it has, been running, 14,050 volumes havel been bound, rebound or repaired, the number' for last y(. r alone being S4,362. Hardly a student in the Universityj exphected the result of~ Saturday's game si, remninds us of Ann Arbor's dletec- tive agency4 headed by one James J. Ratti. Mr. Ratti has gotten out a lit- tle brochure dealing with his pro- fession (as merchants do, nowadays) and among other things, he says: SWe are expert on Investigation, SIdentification, I-andwriting, Do- tectiphones, Telescrebes, Micro--!. photography, Blood Stains, Chem- ical Analysis, Medical Jurispru- dence, Dactylio Photography, Psychology, Dictograph, Bacter- iology, Firearms, Telephony, Pho- tography, Criminology, and Fing-I er Prints. Any fairminded guy can see that this Ratti is wasting himself on .a hick town like Ann Arbor. We are perfectly willing that Chem- istry, iaedicine, and the other odorous sciences be studied at this University if anyone is really interested in them; but we think they might keep the doors and windows shut or something, and keep the noisome stenches con- I fined to the devotees. As for this ol-1 factory fatigue that the psych fiends rant about, it failed to help us as, we w alked across the Diag yesterday af- ternoon. Ann Arbor, we see by our esteemed rival, "Where To Go", now has an airplane ini it. His stunt of jumping- off in a parachute is most enter'tain- inig, but we don't see just how he makes his percentage off his person- al jeopardy. It's darn near impossible to charge admiission to his exhibit, as it, is plainly visible to anyone with the energy to look up in the air at five p. in. It must, as some of the sa-- gacious lads around the office suggest, be an advertising expedient. And speaking of airplane s (al- though we are once more in the hands or OHiP ma ,lreiiir ma~n 'YESTERDAY, By SMYTIME TWO HATS IN TIHE I G Two bids were made for. the presi- dency during the last few days. Gov- ernor Pinchot's challenge to President -Coolidge in regard to Prohibition Ca)n be0 taken in only one way, namvely: a bid for the presidency. Governor Pinchot's blstering revival of the "Whiskey Rebellion" was ill-adv-'scd but it served the purpose. It has focused attention on the Governor's very laudablq presidential aimbition s. Whether it has helped or hindlered hxis cause is another, question.- Henry Ford too is engaged in an , -active campaign for the presidlency.- as his recent charges against Mr. Weeks, the Secretary of War, show. Mr. Ford's 1 charge is a shattering broadside against the whole administration hut it missed its mark._ In fact Ford's in- nuendo sounds very much like just -,another variation of the great Ameri- can pastime. Hie has failed to give any convinc'ng reasons, why the gov- ernment should not sell to its own advantage and he certainly has not. J shown why that advantage should lie with him. The Ford charges, however, did serve the purpose for which they were probably intended. Five monthxs ago, Henry Ford as a presidential possibil- ity was monopolizing considerable space in the news of the dlay. Then the "Ford for President" tali: dcd down. Today, thanks to the episode referred to above, the gullible public. again sits up and takes notice. In a political sense, Ford is a lilt- icrous figure. The danger lies in tak - ing him seriously. Mr. For-( is an ignorant man and boasts of it. .If Ihe were nominated, lie would have to come oat in the open and talk and expose his mind to scrutiny and ex- amination. Unless national intelli- gence and humor are -at a very lown ebb, Mr. Ford's exhibition would be fatal to his chances. Bunt the very fact. that there are large numbers of 1per- sons who believe that Ford would make a good president, reveals how wide-spread is the lack of understand- ing of the qualities necessary in a1 [7 _ .. ,,, "a,,, .r ..____._____ W ...__... + I -t-, ii W6 DiOR TO H S~ ~~~~d al - 5t 4zl 1 l!kinds, of elpat iiin and relock tg ( hh; t!on prces for high class work. WTORY HAT STO"RE -- fh4 ' . 1. U. It. Stops at State.-P HIONE 179x; FOR QUALITY.- Ou' Pies Can't Be Beat In -Detrit- or Anywhere Else FOR STYLES 'Ilie college man' will always find the correct thing, waiting. for him. Save a Doillar or More at Our Mtoro .-Ww { * ~ Wien In ChicZ grVisit the Lydon Callege Shop I F , ..1 -'-1'W Ia 1 - i I 1 - 7 , '. 1k A'' J/k~i/K J' 5 A. A~~c"( > , : v '-r dWednesday, Oct. ,2nd, 23rd, 4t 13 Lcdeld will show at-Allenel Hotel euthe styles and f::aib rics that college men -prefer. Secured thl'oug h the tremendous buying power of the Largest Fine Clothing Store in the world, they insure you better qualities at the price you customarily pay. over forthe core tionies. Otherwise, to fbe as it was. Even those who were the band 61ists on the mogney it canf Sure that M~eigan would win would 1 raise itself, jromn the studIent body anid not have dared to say that Notre D~ame the ?amni.-- would not at least score. Put such' It As ~ver'v distinctly the duty. of, vas the result, and the Varsity won m