i.TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Mioard of Directors Invites Six Houises' To Illenberiliip in Ho~nor Council WILL INCLUDE OTHER GROUPS I AS THEY ATTAIN STANDARD Installation of the honor council ofI League houses by the officers of the W1omen's league took place yesterday' afternoon at the home of Dean Jean Hlamilton, 1722 Cambridge road. Six hou ses, Jordan, Westminster, Waite, lMcQ~fiton, Reagh, and Adams were in-I vited by 'the board of directors of the League to become members. The president and one delegate from each house attended. The purpose of the council, as ex-f pressed in the invitations to the hious- es,, is to unite those League houses which have exhibited service and leadership in the past in order that they may give the other houses on the campus the benefit of their experience and the encouragement necessary to attain their high standard. While only' six housejs are to form the council during this semester, other houses will be invited to join next semester, according to the quality. of organiza-c tion and work which they show. Alll League houses will be given an op-T portunity, to prove their worth. { The first work to be undertaken by the lionor council will be0 to have charge of serving refreshments at the- American Legion dance to be given{ Nov. 10 in Barbour gymnasium. Fi s Make Sakes 1 Ofrers TOWomen Directs Women 's Physical Welfari "" ^^^^^ y ^y Tryouts for the Freshman Girls'; ceived the public recognition of a na- r ~Glee club will he held at 4:30 o'ciock tion. Hlenriette Davidis, a German .e' j tomorrow afternoon at the School of w~oman who lived more than a century Music. ago has 'been officially decreed a pub- lie benefactor by the Berlin govern- Th- l usiness - andl Prof es ;ional Wo- ale Student league will meet at 4 :15 her memory. I men's club will have a luncheon 'at o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the For years every German woman has 12::15 o'clock today at the Green Tree home of Mrs. Lee Case, 91.2 Mary'known the name of Hlenriette Davidis. inn. sre.Apormo iclaeu stet rga o iclaeu She lived in a small village in the Thefirt metig o th Unverityselections has been arranged for the itulir valley and her brea'ds and pas- !Girls' Glee club will be hold at 4:30afeno.Idlcusttshwn o'clock this afternoon, in Barbour I- famne as a cook throughout the dis- gymnasium. !MONUMENT HONORS triot. When she collected her receipes CULIARY K IL Land pub~lished them in book form she A special meeting of the cabinet of wo'ainlacai.HniteDy the Y. W. C. A. will be held at 4 o'clock idis diedl in 1876 and some time ago tomorrow afternoon at Newberry hall. Erecting monuments to men end i the house where she lived was torn It is imp)ortant that every member women who have distinguished them- fldown to make way for a railroad should be present. The regular cab- selves in literature, science or allied track. inet meeting will be held at 8 o'clockI arts is an ordinary occurence but only iLoyal citizens of the village who Saturday morning, as usual. recently has a genius for cooking re- wished to preserve the ancient stone ElBanjo tryouts for the Girls' Mando- lin club will he fheldl from 3 to 5 o'clock Thursday afternoon in New-! berry hall. Due to inclement weather the ten- nis matches could not be played off, last week. These must be finished 1 as s-oon as possible, and the courts a:re now availabl*e at any time. I- rf We~ Will Still Be Open TheW2ffIK hop Athena tryouts will be held at 7:15 Br )arg'ret ello'clock this evening in the Alpha Nu The new physician ot' the Health room in University hail. Service who recentl r took up her Iota Sigma Pi will meet at 7:15 I(duties as director of the women's do- o'clock tonight in Martha Cook build- partment of physical education in the' ing. University. Dr. Bll1 is a graduate of f Chic.ago university and received her Tryouts for Portia Literary society MT.D. deogree from Rush Medical eel- will be held at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow lege. evening in room 302, Mason hall. Try- outs will consist of' three minute Announce arl1114 speeches on any subject in which the Mildred Campbell, '23, of Ann Ar- candidate is interested. bor, and A. Ross Fox, '23, of Port "lrnwr ntdi araeb Dr. A. M. Stalker Saturday morning ! 'E W at Wesley hall. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mr's. Erwin are 11-111,)x 1 V I~ARtui."E:. '1ace -an1t 1 is a I 232 NICKELS ARCADE M YA ....a.o.r.. P R f G. OAT Or A Now Pattern . Attraction selling propositions ar memiber of 1 i KaPacesorority.Mr bing offered. to University women by iois ember of Pi Kappa Ariy har bhjsiness firmhs all over the country, - sanele fP ap lh according to Mildred Sherman, '21, f?__________ity. wlio is in charge of the office of. the d~an of women. The goods to be sold Columbia Alumni to Meet on a' comm-rnission basis include hair- Detroit, Oct. 22.-(D3y A.P.)-One of nets, silk hose, engraved Christmas t he events during the meeting of the cards, toilet articles, and magazine M. S. T. A., Oct. 25-26, will be a break-I subscriptions. The firms state that fast given by the Teachers' College women in other universities and col-AumiCombaUvesttth leges are handling similar sales suc- H-otel Statler, at 8 o'clock, Friday, Oct. cessfully. 26. At this time a large number of Miss Sherman also reports that she a alumni from various parts of the state'j receives many calls from Ann Arbor will be in Detroit for a real "get to- to take care of children 'in the eve- gether" of all T. !C. people in this partI nings and to house work by the hour. ' of ichigan. U Upto the present time there have not S __________________ boeen nearly enough women to fill the places:. Definite information concern- u 19 ,1ing employment may be obtained from ~ c Miss Shermain ipersonally at the dean's ,4 ta alrd lak office in, Barbour gymnasium. Constantinople, Oct. 22-(By A.P.) - - a vi~estpricesin'Years -Speaker Gillett visited Admiral br W fe-will ship anymake Bristl. -you cboo~e for one Brisol.weekz's triaL Underwood, .~ Royl .C mt,-7d A" emington. Oliver, etc. 4, Esy Trmsthan rent each month ATTEi kJA'I:~ and own a typewriter. AT TTHE i to.. I Guaranteed as good as 4 :r r new. Perfectly rebuilt by rxpnrt-the famous "Young 1 I k'rcess." send for par free tilyl i Ypnin~ TyewrterCo. T&'rl'sJen-T odaersinSt xiiTpewriters rte OR ;the student or prof. " ~the superb VENUS out- rivals all for perfect pencil -work. l.' black degrees and 3 copying. American Lead Fi fth 4ve, F '- ive o r C "'lq en 9~ $~ th worl SAMPLES Perinanc~nt'y on PCplyat GUYu WOOLFOLK& CO. ,30' S. State Street Anii Arbor, -ThCI1. Designed by WHI TEHOUSE &HARDY SNC OR P0RATED !ROADWAY Al401W STREET 144 WEST 42ND SERE T AELrRoPOUTAN 0 R O'UmAlBLOCs w. K1ICKERDOCKER BUILDING NEW YORK r ' r' t h -. ., : ;a, f:" © W 61H19fl. t: . J . . ,.:.E w - im -~iii~ 9 -I .vrsamsmsurc~c.awu r::.. , . Arcade - Gloria ISw m on in j Majestic- "Three Wise Fools," with Eleanor B~oar: w,,n. Wuerth--Madge BEllamy in "Aire You a Failure?" I rpheum -- "Good MN-Ii and True." SfVIge--T7'1is Week1 Garrick (Detroit)- "WhispMering \VL es." w. Always Fresh PHONE 115 Cousins & Il Florists "f xLY~E~Iy VNT ." y ,, a I I I i ; i i I i ; just een wshed I STACOMB-mktheairigsnal-ham bed used for years by stars of stage and + screen-leaders of style. .Write today for free trial tube. Ft y 'pubes-35c -Jars--75c e - Insist on STACOMB-in the black, ( yellow and gold package., For sale at your druggist or wherever toilet goods are sold. l Stan~dard Laboratories, Inc. 7. 50 Stanford Avenue Los Angeles, California Send coupon for Free Trial Tub. STANDARD LABOUlTORISS Inc. ?60 Stanford Are..,Los Angeles, Callforna. Devt.)D Plese send nmc free trial tube. Name Address r -I L. Wallace Illff- man, ~F r a t er itity Rtep re sen tatlive. Really Finer hats :'±t Lower Prlce:. 'I 8' Portis Hats to your hear here, not your are Fitted ,I- retain their shape longer th head to the hat. They at way--wear better- lock nicer always. $30TO 6.0 E. J. WEIMER 335 So. Main .St. 2:-0_TODAY__ -- 7:0- THURSDAY FIRST-Mrse Leslie Carter The -GrJIine Farrar aid iow this Famous Production - Live gaii WITH I,-'L in . it i'+ A . , .e ow i 11 I MADGEBELLAMY- LLOYD HUGHES- NOW PL~AYING~ AT 1IE6ULAR PRICES i NOW! l S AV MOUR SIMONS HFIALLAM COOLEY- ---IN--- F ILU" A Comedy of Youth and Love ___rTR -- MACK SENNETT PRESENTS 6'ck"XTJ ADWTW4r9 F-MkITAIIIED INCOAE ORCHESTRA IN TUNEFi'U, POPjLAR :MUSIC I- I K n$ VdoA LI Ki a FI sal \,<- i U 1 v oIl