THE WEATHER FAIR AD) RISING TI.E-MI'ER ATIUR~E ^. ; ''' , . , ? r = I Y Aw Ar t ASSOCIATED PRESS LJEASED WIRE SERVICE :CE NBER WESTERN CONFERENCE ED)ITORIAL ASSOCIATION VOL. XXXIV. No. 26 ETGlT PAGES AN ARBOR, M IT.hIG.AN, TUESDAY, [_7T.1I OPR 23, 192 3 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVU E NT U'NION TO [[OPIM ENSI DRIVE OCI 30 HANS (UP [S A(GAN (WFERED) AS AW~~U) TO BE P OSE; SINI * OF WINNER.~ STARK, '24, HIGH1 MAN, APPOINTED CHAIRMANj Tivety TemC~i a pains Wil Led lsqid~ts M ('Ipe itd li e Sales ife members for the Michigan Un- ion wil be the objet ,of the annualf ife Membership drive that will bein on r' Tuesay October ;0, -and last throughl a perIiod of three days. All f students not already signed as lifeI members, will be soalicited by teams of picked inen during0,thi imo. Tweity 'eai2 Twenty captains have ben chosen who wille act as leaders in the cae-1 pa igning aniong the suidets. Each captain ,vil have a team o tei men chosen by lilisel f and worknugmider him. The teams ill1 be 'given definite territories to canvass including the fraternity houses0 and the rooming houses so that every student on the campus not already a life member will be given a chance to s;)n "I:i'.ward Stark , '.4, liyhb n ij in o- taining subscriptions in the dfrive last year, will be chajjirman of the drive ' this year. Ile will have direct charget of all the captains and the men work- Ing onl the drive. Assistin,, Stark as' members of the Life Membership oms- inittee of the Union wvi lb Arden Kirashner, '25, Paul Brus:e, '2, W1. F. Austin, '26, and Perry Shannon, '26.1 Teamt captains who will have charge of the wor: were announced last night by S ark., They are as fol- I ows: Frances Austin, '26; Joseph Armijo, '25; Hal Coates, '251 ; 1Wiliam Day, '261+; Nat Ely, '211; Jospi Girandy, 2G; Bradley Ilaiht, ',6; Robert Halsey , '25; Alfred I Ilzna,{ '26; Luchms ally, '2;' Allan Myer, '26;. Charles Murray, '25; Stewart Hlulse, '25E; Frederick I 'inony, '25; John Plain, '25; Perry Shannoon, '20: SidneyTremble, '26; C riTrent , '.'N 11. A. Turner, '2; and IFrierck Sturiner, '2. Will 11feet Tllimgut The team catains will meet with! Stark and the members of the com-' mittee at 7 :30 o'clock, toigt in room t N02 of the Union. At this time they as to the manner of hanling their, toenis and the means of soliciting theI, students.l The high man In the drive this year -will again be preseted with a ciip contributed by Otto (fain", of ~he tAnn Arbor Press. The cup 'rill be a permanent noessession of th winner,I and will be0 known as the H ans Cp. It 'will be the third cup that has been given to the le dr in these drive by Mr. ]:-ans. j In addition a plan is being formu- lated by members of the cofllit ce tbrough whch every member of theI w~inning team- will be giveim some form of rowar( in the shape of a! watch charm or a simlar issgia Alt hough no (definite act ion has been taken In this direction, it is probable that such a reward will be given. ZEY AND MY OWN TO SETTLE TITLE Noted Ban drast Conducts Con $r : .rr+%" .ry <:<: ;::::N Q~y: r'."i; '"N~r'":,:},{:} ;{;;f.{} '%' ...j" r ::y{" rv" . i : ; i {}"4.f,'.-% i p. . z iz 41s. 7"r amu nat x.ndt tr.Cmc r iea hl ad i ,:taihtwtza f-c onPoi lpTrips' ier ~ci 1 (f Ii x to4u ii an ofal _. V. _ SI OuSA THRILLS 1H[AT UDIENCE IN HHST CONCERT SFI "sl i0SO1lN ii) IY IPREMI ER 1,0A I1) 11 it STEIt 1jA ST SOLOIST S PI±A S[a WITH MANY VAIJDEI)NUMBERS Fe., ure lProgrami c ousa .a.ndl his lPoand uashered inl with1 blilli isn't and lfit tOle extras Concertj series at. l ]Amu±1torim last; night. His urr,"n 11 'i ne'iill tnisl afrom. ° 'Ves, We I La ye No Bana,,nas" to Cho- pinl. judgifeIng fron] il te ready re- sipoliso givenl to him by the atuclicmce, his versatility was satisfactorily re- ceived. Schelilng>s "Thell Victory Ball,, bas- ed onl Al fried Noyo ' poem The llVie- i ry Pal)'' .) a most ftaut ast ic, work. 'fiae iniluence ofi l'ie Russian school1 upon ;)(lcll i: isfelt inl I he work. ,'ihe (composit fion i' ely 1ultra-mlod- ern in its t x mre, and its effect up)on;th i tv e is r h r un tal b c u e otf thPis fast. "''he indlian'', a iniodlernrhapIsodyy 1~ Omni t ca' s for the use of practically every mlodfern piece of band device and inst rumnt'. 'The hemol is first. a:Iuno111,ceOPIfly tivha (iNire band and is th1en ltakeillu) inroltat ion by th loboe, flute, an (Id by th:e cla vin~t Nwith harp aCcO111pamlinlOni. Numerous famousI Aecisa 1 iaches were 0fi iVell, includinig ...ile ESlas s %and trijisFore ver"'t'il'[e al ln Sevent ii''andl "P,1lCap itan', "'t'he Victomrs'" was played as an en-; { 3 t gOVENMENI MAY ICORASE FlUADS $20,000,000 NEEDED TO BRING ABOUT REFORMS Pailin.- too raplidly for com- foil., and wit hout a ground guff Sto relieve hi:; fall, a parachiute jumper was saved from- injuary jby iaIilucy tall into Parton Lake Sunday neon. It is believed thatI the man was, a sophomore engi-t ncer, making the attemp~t with a parac'huoteof0 his own -(lesigli. 'intjump Was 1nade from ia low a it itide, and trace si xlliroiz of the I cloth. didl little tovard Icereas;- in the rSpeed of the fall. Within a. moment aft or the junmper =truck the lake, a boat put cut to his rescue andl pulled hint out from the icy cold water. I SIXTH ANNUAL TRADITIONS NIGHT SET FOR THURlSDAY; ___ E[0 DM, KLYOSPEAK NIA1N'\AG RS' I. IEC TI MI CLUB OFFICERS i i i i . I i C i j( t f 1 t 1 t If (} I ii 'i i Mellon States"ig Power Beer Bec'om~iigAll 'too (ommion", Il AMally Sections I Chmarles Baird, of' Kansas City, was elected paresident of tme Michigan Athletic Managers' M Club at a mneet- ing of that body held last night at the fl K' ! presUidntTalyTapn,'9 Washing lon, Oct. 22.-(4. P.)-Ex- pauxsion of the federal gevcritnientI prohibition cn for cement machinery inj an effort. to stop liquor smulmgin; and to test wvhat is described by officials as raplidly increasing supplies of high powered beer is under consideration t at the treasury. The program con- temnplates practically doimll lu the. Strength of the coast: guards andth ie pl acing of a prohibition agent in every brewery. While the changes under considera- tie .r1'mo the coast gmiard have not yet been placed before Secretary Melloni, di hoe in charge of'tihe service have c~alculated appr'oximately $20,000,000 would have to be appropriated by congress ;:o carry themn outI'enta. five plans call for the addition :if more than a score of cutters and about W;i sp~eedy power boats to be ursedI inI. n r field secretary of time Alinni associa- "Fri Lt n Nt A ion, was electedI secretary and treas- urer. fl ~ IThe organization voted to extend m 0"i' M L NT ;an in vitat ion to Cedar Rapids high M U ~F M N I~ iDsch~ool to stop over in Ann Arbor in th itei btwe their games with =h to ts F i'01 o () C inyinen Observers I Toledo high school and Harrisburg of Umamn._lil fy Sampp}loij(Yf i gh school. J7~~ I DIANA9 ECOE nlovealirent 7iirted ii time Ihineland( H T IS IIPRE[MIERI i1 E F i r : can1; ,Tn(1IaUV IPIa re-iimiic I 5i'dC- ing but only slwl , acrring to lat;- es.. t (1ispat ches m celvedP re, <:ma d geem-f Thousands Come From Distant Parts To Greet Lloyd core. ~~ 01' thme soloists, Miss Nora Fa ucli aid, sopramno, Pesdtim l most. Shle 1)5- r~ rT S i c 1 of ole. i' (lualily,1Her i ccer, ''Am eiricaim C in'' ,by Sousa, wv e'xt remiely pioa sing. Air. IDolan, £)lclnet 5, lahiedth ' itr11s''from }i ji() ".io.;lyn'' wih feeing and exlproSsiorm. The0 ViolimiSt, Nli"Is [a bl Snior 01, a pupil of Auer, playedl"" 'aust ata-ia" by aralsat. tracking lewn ruin ru nners oft i :oast. Additional personnelA also is pr'osed. j ecret ary :Mellon is Samid to receg- n ize that. "high power beer is becom- ing all too comnmon"' in nmanv secl rens of time cpunti'y and, it is replorted, is inclinedf to favoir a returnt to the old arrangemet of putting an agent of the treasury on guardl in all brew- eries so that daily tests may be mrade of produc11ts. Union 1P"ol"Drive Will Be Launched On Campus Today Today thme(camnpagnfor completing S lighltly more 'C Ilion I 10waS(col - le 'ted trots t hecrop &"lsut eying TFor'. ry Field Salturday by intei'5 rsofIle Stud lt C (ouncil co-ri11ittee h'i rg'e of rah in,- funds to fine ne e t rips cf the Varsity blind to the lowa amnd NNti commsin genes. It will b~e nece:S- sary to col lect: atleast. $',00 m1oye be- fore hoet ii of t imeso I rips xviibeiema (Ie possible.I fCrowns "were canv asted at the galtes of the field enld on ltate Str~ee~t just before the g ame. It. is fel t:by I hoseO inl charge I ha I a. great man1y who w o ul Ihc ilotherwise have ontr~nhted to to do so omil O.c(oult 01fthme density of the crowd1 enterintg and Ileaving the js tadiunm. SNo (definite Illensfor 1tee colleed ionj of the rest of the money have been formulated yet, a ccorihing to Robert A. Campbell, treasimrerl of the iver standi faculty a dvisor of thme b1aband., "The till to isconisiin will('0st $1,900, and that to Iowa, $2,9300,''lhe said yost erday. ";omce means will be found to raise' the muoney, but it is not: Ii sight now. We shall ask the lAth-r letic association for funds, and possi- bly will agoain p~ass thle buckets at the game next Saturday." Mr. Campbell is convinced thatI i Ph [0nio1 N1 LEAVES ]{ Pool beglis in plans. S I r TO t table will bec placed onltie ca mpl- rnyir :,where pledges canl be signed..,\Meni _ w~~~ib t to every roominig and New York, Oct.' 22.---(By A. 1)-sI eden s an opportulnity to cimlist their W lieu ttihe I eviat haltn sailedl yest erday !a'o l n apieting the s imnirig 1)01 for Cimerliour it ('iirriedItwo ps'e- Tihis canmpaigni is not a house-to-1 g-ys whose namues (iid not ,ippear on 'momiso solicitation, thme colmittee cx -{ t~mestaerommmlist. Tey re l~,1} la ins, It is anm opportunity for ev- Jfohmn j. Pershimig. commanding officeir ery Michigan man to come forth vol-a of the American army, and his sister, iiiitai'ily and1 give aid to time cause. Mrs. D. AT. Butler of Nebraska<. Jamntes A !. Ilereford, chairmian of 1 'hey welli t~our France for three time - committee for completing the muot ths, revisiting scelloes 1hat Ammeri- 1711n i i5.imulimng pooml, yes5terda(y made can troops enshrined in history. They tihe following statenmenmts : "Looping will go to Chateau Tlierry, to the at the campamign front a selfish side,; Av~imnile, to time graves of soldiers tihe nothing can be lost and everytliig goneral loft. ini France, and to time' can be gained. Each studlent merely little building in Chanmont above pieusges himuself to buy a, $5 tickset ell-I vwhic h flew the flag of F(er'shing;, chief titling himt to 20 swimgs in the newv of the Al erica ii Oexiedit ionary for'ces. pool1 when it- is coimpIleted. Ie lproin- Reservations were nitade in the r >e5 that, if ('alil il onl between Nov. names of cahlers. 'Plihe French gox'ern- 1 and 10, lie will purchase a ticklet.. niecii m,,eiS&(l to allow the general to',1If the commnit tee sees that the pool comnd I< go as a pri vate citizen with- I will niot be completedl, it will not try out cut ang;)inn social oblig ations.. to collect the money. IThme comm it tee workers will' meet 'ita 5 o'clock this afternoon in theI r "ROESOR COT illII swiimmning pooi room of tihe Union and( ailo(t hers inft rested am'e urged to be p IIUILpresent a~7 t mt this tine. IHedge cards ADDESSE N-L ISH CLU UNIVERSITY CLUB Prof. F~red N Scott of the rhetor.ic TO OPEC TROPHY depart imen L, .whrlis IaIPsent from thme 'i MIMrsi ty for Ithme current, .aedemjo I ghscoosciknOl.o -llb yea,,, will dIelive'r a lecture onl''Amer- (!fered( a football trophy for the icon Idiom"' before t he Phrilological ehalma ionship t eam ech i year by the Society of England, Nov. 2, accord- Iiversity of Michigan club of Akron, in-' tom a letter received yest erday by it was (decided at a recent mieetting. 1I ''sident i? 'ariiofl1,. 1 tirt oA. Thne t eanil that xins this three tunes Accordling to Professor Sc-ott's let- iwill gain p~eranet possessioni of thlis ter, he a ndlMs Scott had planned axward. Ralph K'ryder, '08L, amnd[F. A. to leave L ondon shtoilly and( go to W A altz, 'OBE have charge of the anr-11 'li, bt th s e ag m n w l l - r n e e t . la.y their departure for several w('C'k. T1he club is als0 platlnming to haxve -- --- - ---- -a special wire for the returnms to the i"en in Reported Well WAisconmsini-Michig am football g.arnme. tiosc,,w, O,=t. ^2. - (By A. P.)-Nik- I- olai Lenin. time Sovio't prmer, Ilas CI IMES N ! DS15 comle(tely recovered tl ' luseof 115 ;iS- paralyzed leg and is able to mout ,MO RF. S _ AA FF MEN time stairs to the second floor of his iesidence ullmiided, sax's a :3t~tt_ leiiitt Chimes busines s stal. is in need of bly Dr. N. Sceniasimho, (commnisar of at least 5lo mcae ti"'outs. The large n ubleiealthivxIto is onie of tihe phys- nulmber ~of sales of time magazine tis icianis attending Lenin. ye'ar has tmade the prosenit size (of the i tllr3I }1'.0 . sSophiomor'es, iupperC classrmen and second setnester freshmen xw'ho wish T]7kioOct 22--(ly . PY.-Admr-to tryout for these, po.-itions niay dIo al 1E. A. Anderson, whmo for nmor'e than s'o by a1pplyimig at the C'himes office 12 monmths has ben1 comnmander (oftien the Pesbilngayateoo A i-. .i , bi'l r.-,3 3 n 1 ih Unfol H~r nth Pes biC ay ftrno towns. Thne s is, fill, of i''jetl~ioneorge s am loiften ('(litriadlic Tory'3 ;ca d fails to give the iirt siit t 111 o os)ervers in VISITS SOLDIERS' MLONUJMENT P~arru that ihie iliiend hall s answer- I ATD LEGION HEADQUARTERS od the Call ma-de to it with anmything I like( mmauniiv, a il)omgh luire ie no Indianapolis, Oct. 22.-(By A. P.)1 ecordl of any pri'(l-13'iYdii eetI(' op- Time state of Indiana welcome David. lt pit ion to thlie nov em emit. rth') Berlin L loyd George, time war tinme premier or elsewhe(re. The executive coiim-ittee of the , of Grneat Britain today, tme day being "l ree IlliiElandi Party" has assumed I set aside in hmis honor, thousands corn- time h'aderslip (If the revolution and ing here from distant points to' give j insttalled headmiubrt ers at lur. iI him a greeting upon his arrival short- w11hch is in thle Frenich vzoie. 1 .eo ly before noon.I Deckers 0andt r. Juthard#: have be- l ie xvas met by a reception commit- conic coolnmiisioumer s for time Aix-ia- Itoo Iheaded by Goy. McCray who was I Chta polio distr'ict and are followingI in the city, and xwas invited to accom- (ime(ctiouis giy('mi by Joseph Matthe s, ' any time reception committee. and es- the sp'parat ist leaider. Matties has i corted by troops from Fort Benjamin ! addr essedl h letter to t he interalliod -farrison and by the Anmerican Legion, high 'ommlissionm annunciming the con- World War veterans and other form- ; stitution to the provisional govem" er service men, time(distinguished vis- monentt whichl in tends t(o enter into ne- itor plassed through streets lirmed deep grod i1 iolm wilm time occipaion auitlioii- with people who at sonmc points crush- tie's cat once. ed through thme ropes arid surrounded Durmen was chmoose n as lime provin- I the official automobile. vial capital because it is time junmction At the soldiers and sailors mono-1I oif several impn~ortanit railioad ,. Thme Imment he stopped to place a wvreath general staff is installed in a little' and again at tme national lmeadquart- - village in the T~ivoli Straffe. Many ers of tme American Legion lie stopped -automiobiles are stationed in the gaur- for a minute to sign lime register, (l; en in front 01' the villa anmd motor-; Proceeding to his hotel Mr. LloydI cycles comnimd go incessantly giving George lunched privately with a few time usual quiet- quarter a feverish aus- j guests anmd then spent the afternoon beta1 to 0'hich it is unaccustomed. j quietly,.lHe dined again tonight be= fore going to Cable tabernacle to de-- live' an address before an audience of FIVIIfl.AIformer service men and. tmegener- al public. Danme Margaret Lloyd M L~~L~dII~iUIJHIUUGeorge and thmeir daughter, Miss Me- ffl'gan TH!dne were entertained late today at ~UU dinner by the local council of wo- _____I men. FFSl1)EN 1WI BF! INITIATED INTO WAYS OF UNILV1RSITY AT ASSEMBLY MEETING WILL INCLUDE ENTIRE STUDENT BODY Varsity .Band, Cheerleaders and flee Club Will Participate In P~rogram Michigan's sixth annual Traditions Night will be celebrated at 7:30 o'clock next Thursday evening in Hill at torium. The entire student. body of the University will assemble at this time arid, joined by the alumni, will initiate time freshmen, the, Michigan Imen of tomorrow, into the spirit and traditions of Michigan. The commit.- tee has completed all arrangements for the affair and believes 'that the observance will be a huge success. Adams, 119, Alumni Speaker It is time plan of the committee to make the program short but interest- ing. Speches will be delivered by Arthur J. Adams, '18, who represents the alumni, Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the political science department, rep- resenting the faculty, and John W. Kelly; '24L, president of the Student c umucil, who w-ill act as the. repre- sentative of the student body, The Varsity ceereading squad will lead in time cheering and the Varsity bated -will be present to afford music for thme occasion., The committee in charge of the Traditions Night program stresses the fact that the observances. are not solely for freshmen. Freshmen will be given certain privileges, as It is the nighmt on whichm they will be initiated into the traditions and spirit ofMc- Mc-igan. The' main purpose will be to, bring all' the classes together in an All-Michigan assembly. To this end the faculty and alumni are represent-, ed in order that they may give their viewvs of the spirit and customs of It is the night when all Michigan stu- fthet University to tle student ,body. dents come togeher en masse to again dedicate themselves to the 'preserva- tion of Michigan and her . traditions. All Classes to Come Freshmen will be instructed in all of the vital traditions of the, Univer- sity. The older classes of the 'Uni- versity will help in the' teaching of the freshmen iwhile the faculty through their representatives: and the alunmni through Mr. Adams will give their end in this respect. Mr. Adams is nowv a member of the faculty, of the University of Detroit. When he was in the University he was a member of the Varsity debating tearn. He is expected to bring at I message of importance and to tell of som~e permnanernt support for thme band Nexw'Fork, Oct. 21-(By A. P.)--- I muast be found. The organization, lie Zev, interniational three year old I iesifuihigadsmctfn- champion, as a result of, its docisivo rtioni i the TUni vers it y xvhi('h it would victory Saturday ovenr Papyrus, thc e difficumlt to dui~plicante professionally EngllisleIDerby winner, wvill setle I his for' a lan'ge sumi.0 rivalry with My Own for Anerican ___i_____ hionors iin the Latonia champtoilhip.I at Latoria, IKy., Nov. , 1uslIen;spros-Im cut plats go astray. i todamy announced that thme Famicocas" , H colt xwould be shipped to Latormia iu(X @ wefothbiraeanIsRerAiairal Gary T. G!:tvysomm. owc i' of St. Louiis, Ocet. 22.--($y A. F.)- My Own, already had entere d his un- !IJibhitweigmt players mnay force Wash- Ileatrn star, it scemuod as,.crt*d ftca(,; i uglton Unmiversity (lit of the Mi'ksoum'i th.(seutwo woulod cet, tie trdisputed vally (5111 f~ee', Coach Windlerlo v (-mosLion of supr emac y. said today. Tren imarhs were occa- ISionied by a 62 k) 7 defeat lidirinis - a y 7 1 K 1J 2 C f] C -Newv York, Oct. 22.-IDr. Alexander SMeiklejohn, depo sed as plresidlent of Amhelirst College by the trustees last Jiune, yoster'nday iun a sermon befor'e I tile Free y tagogue declared America was time laud of lihe duill, iudiscrimin- atig, uneducated miob, comistamtly j cnrushing out excellence. It wvas hisI first adress to1 a popular audience !Sinmce lie left Amiherst. '"America today,'' lie asserted, '"is overwhiel mmed wX'ith its opportunities i amid possessions; we ?r'e ove'rwhlmend xwith our' riches. Why. then, is life not good? Simply blecause wve do not know Ihic difference betwveen goodl and bad, fine amnd vulgar', high arnd low."' Dr. lAleikl ejomm demrided public taste, speech andmidnanners. Yet, lie, sa id, the effort to, unite demnocracy and excellen'e xwas a :splemndid gaine, well xworthm playing. " IWe are, i lhe t erms of our task ," lie contlinuied, "an uneducated people. Our task is not the education of thme bloys and girls, but taking the whole pepeadgtigte ed o h most glorious adventure ever attempt- ed in tihe ream of time spirit," SAEFARMERS 'kMEET IN CONVENTION TODAY Musk egon, Mich.m, Oct. 22. (B y A. P) ---lariers fmroim all par'ts of the state xwere gathering here tonight for time opbening *of the annal inspection of Ijthe iMichigan State Grange Tuesday. Time meetinig pr'oumised to be one of the niost iimportant eveur luid by time PRES CLU 69T NIS the meaning of his Alma' Mater to an PRES CLU OUTINESJohn W. Kelly, '24L, who will be RPTIIITIES [OR I E A Rl the representative of the student body flU IIIIL~J illtell of the traditions of the Uni- versity, their origin, and the manner Students will for the first time take i hc h utm hthv ie part in the program of a regular nmeet- Ito the present day are to bo observed inzg of the Students Press club which ITihe significance of these things to all has bleen announced by the officers toI Michigan men is expected, to be con- heb held on Oct. 30. y veyed to the students through their Thme Press club has had but one own speaker. meeting this year, and the meeting Professor Thomas H. Reed of the scheduled for one xveekc from today political science department has been xwili be Itme first of a series to be held selected to represent the faculty. It each two wveeks. Robert Moriarity, I is supposed that he will touch on dif- '"24, James Maloney, '24, amnd Ralph N. I ferent phmases of college life which l~yrs,'24 .vil e treeof ivesu-will lbe of interest to all students a' dents whmo il talk for five niinutes of vital importance especially to' each. Ifreshmen. An invitation has been extended toI r n ie m Mr. Ivan Swift, of Detroit, to address CLL ILD;HL u time first meeting. Mr. Swift, who is;CH CU L O known as time poet-artist of the North,i has created much favomrable conmmnent TfI in the artistic and literar'y fields lIRCI LJHf TRYOUTS wihnrecent years._ toTime officers of the club are unable Trotfrth inrueals- Ioannounmce definitely the second l ion of the Varsity Glee club are principal speaker of the program,I asked to report at '8 o'clock tonight In lbut this will be decided within a few Sdays. The speaker in question will rom38fthUnn.A ocesa eiterbe nonunet athr, f a-which will accompany the Glee club eithr b a pomient uthr, o n 'on .all its trips will be chosen from. Lion xide repute, or a former staff'tetyuswowl eottay writer on tine New York Times. Altheutryouts who illa or etay Because of the general sentiment Al1uiin hopa rhsr instruments are asked to report. Vio- expressed at the, opening meeting oflisclohrsanalreuror 'the club, the 6 o'clock "salad fests" lnclohrs n l eua r will be discontinumed. The meeting clhestral instruments are desired. will start at 8 o'clock. No charge will GereOcrBwnIietro h I ~ ade or '~""" totheclub, is organizing an orchestra in xu1~ ue ~connectioin with the Glee club inas- meetimg nor for any of the refresh- much as such an orchestra will help ments served. Admnission to the PressthGlecbintsaem stop- I clb i seure byanystuento ;sent a more classical program this Berlin, Oct. 22.-ffly A. P.)----Thie liark -kas officially qutoted -tolday "Ct -10 billion to time dollar. Umothtcall y quotations ran as 'high as, 0 billiomn. VARSITY! M i eii 'an's hbanml cer'taimnly is in- w e h y n a c * d w tillefi]d playinig that fammious song teredm by Oklahohia Samturday'. tIf xee cam't, get muore meni out for football anud heavier rmecn, time only th2iwg to do, as 1 see it, is to xvithdrawv from5 thme confterencee and arrange tgamte v ithu teamns ini oumr own class,'' Coach W% n derley said. Director' of Athletics; R;ider said lue xwas convinced "'Wasimgtomis dime form'a Ibig' change if xwe are 1to continnue xwithm football." e organization. t tentative list Grange leaders had a of mresolumtions to submit I <- +I,- ---l"