PAGE FOUR THME MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOB3ER 21l, 1:23 ~ 1~tic~i~ -a1 V THE SjTUDEMUN'S OF MICHIGAN:- NIlNG POOL? I U STE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF TH i ,ih rcntatin""thent UNIYERSITY OF MICHIGAN Committee oan Student Affairs, in post- W LAMUS PINIONI Puiblished every morning except Monday during the University year by the Poard in Control of Student Publications. MINembers of Western Conference EditorialI1 Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for rep~ublication of all new, dispatches credited to it or niot otherwri'e credited in this paper and the local news pub l lished therein. t__ Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor;, Michigan, as" second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,Ii $4.00. Offices: AtariArbor Press Building, Meay- nard Street. I Phones: Editorial, 24714'anid 176-M ; Busi- ness, 960. Siged communications, not exceediny 300 wot ds. will he published in The Daily at the discretion of the E~ditor. Ulpon request,1 .he identity of commulinicants will be re- garded as confidential: EDITORIAL 'STAFF Teiepi'~nes, 2414 and, 176-V MANAGING EDITORI - HOWARD A. DOHA~i4UE News E~ditor ........... ... Julian E. Mck City Editor... ........ ...Harry Ile ey1 Editorial Board Chairman,.. .. R. C. Moriarty Night Ed*.tors a F, It'. Ailes A. . Connable R. A. J3illington 1 1.Fiske Harry C. Clark J Garlinghouse ; P. M. Vlagner por Eio.......Ralph N. ByersI Womes Edit........... "Winna .Hibbardi Telegrdph Editor..........R. B. Tar Sunday Magazine Editor... ..T. 1,. 'f'i/den Music Editor. ............ Ruth A 134nwell Assistant City Editor..,. Kenneth C. Kellar Editorial Board Paul Einstein" Robert Ram'~ayI Andrew Propper- Assistants pn a;ing final act ion on tbr' petit ion for ' - - U a larg.3 Union fair in tihe new Yost (In our moment of ecstasy we areI Field house, was wAhiout any definite, unable to do better than reprint the foundation. The committee refuse T to masterpiece that ran in the col lastl act claiming the Boardl of Regents had year after the 0 S U game,' which, already restricted1 the gatheriifg of! our exclusive clientele will recall, funds for any other punrpose than for -wNas played at Columbus.) the University of Michigan League. No action of this lind can be found THE WOLVERtINES in the records of the Board of Regents The Wolverine has taken tile tral and no( limitation on the collection of And his teethl are filed to ai point. rfunds has be-n indicated in any actien And his quaking foes from head to the Regents have taken. The question toes,II as to whether the Union fair and, in- lie ren~ds them Joint from Joint cidentally the Union swimming pool is, to be or not, is squarely up to the is Jaews {drip red with Ohio's blood, Senate Committee on Student Affairs. jIIn his eye is a savage sheen; It is true that a school as large And Is cries defy the Illiil as Michigan should have no need to go Who would trap this Wolverine. j such a long w~ay to provide a swim- rri'ng pool for itself. There should at And Columbus towni is spotted today1 this late elate be several pools avail- -With paint that's Yellow and Blue; abl ner te cmpu fo th acom- With their goal line crossed and a raodation of students. But the fact re- game that's lost mains, that Michigan, with her en- The Buckeyes know they're through. roliment of 12,000 students cannot of- fer them any facilities for the devel- The Bsadgers hunt their hole' in the opement of their swimming instincts ,ground and for exercis'ng in the invaluable And the Gophers prepare their manner which swimming affords. The s~roud; question Before the Senate Commit- While the -Wolverine, with eyes a-i tee on Student Affairs now is, "May gleam, the students of Michigan provide a Snarls defiance at the crowd. swimming. pool for themselves?" Can the Senate Committee on Student Af- For 3ichigan's. back where she fair,, refuse this re quest? ought to be; ________________An~d her face wears a gleeful grin- 1 ANOTHER OREGON STU'DENtT HOWLS To the Editor: Call it outraged~ provincial pr'de, but I feel that the name and fame of Oregon, one of *,he brightest stars (in- cluding Michigan) in. the galaxy, ,have been impugned. I am talking about the pit able specimen who has gain-, ed recent unsavory notoriety as "An Oregon Student". First, I doubt whe- ther he is a student, if that term' means one who studies, or even onel who is capable of it. Second, if lie really is from Oregon, he is a "sport"' and not a type. He may be a trans- ient who came to Oregon, but did not stay because the air was too invig- orating for his self-pitying constitu- tion. More likely he is from Rube- town, Indiana, or the Banks of New- found land,-heing something of a fish -but says ''from distant Oregon' to! arouse sympathy for his great desire t to get an "education". Perhaps he is one of the Oregon "fiunkers" who sometimes go elsewhere to get an "ed- ucation".f Needless to say, the fault is not 'withC Michigan.. There are a good many _re-on --tudInts_ -ere __o linci t ar ' - Ti o tores DETR~iT UTIED 1NEO Limiteds : 6 a. in., 9:10 a. m. a1nd every two hours to 9:10 p). m. Express: 7 a. in., 8 a in. andi every two hours to 8 p. 111, Locals: 7 a. in., 8:55 a. -,,. and every two hours to 8:55 p. i11.> 11 p.i. 'To, Ypsilanti oniy, -11:40 p. mn., 12:25 a. n. and 5:15 a. ini. Limiteds:-,8:47 a. in. and every two hours to 8:47 p. nn. Express (making local stops): 9: St a. m. and every two a ours o 19: P., Mf. Locals: 7:50 a. in., :12:101 a. in. , ~g mn ~yc"~ i h f ;)f-irbystudents at the university dluring their 2l~~ har, '1lic~~-' i' xii-eiuely pleasant, an(I will_ prove highlyx ri i ie.I i~ ~h':ssaddr'ess the GARVIN INSTITUTE, 4109 W\61 f ;,1,ai,,,. A. e i, D t -, 2Ii .cligan. 4 . Al i i; t 1 l i B. G. Baetcke J,7. McGinnisf Marion Barlow' *R. S. Mansfield A N INTELLECTUAL AWAKENING I. N. Berkman E. C. MackI It len Brower Verena Moran Teaoto fa e ytmo Bernadette Cote Regina Reicunan Teanto f e ytmo :. %W. Davis S. l;. Smith scholastic rules by the Interfraternity Jiarold Ehrlich W. 11. S-)rieran kC. ingerle N. R. Ston e conference shows a deep -interest on Ir. P Henry K. F ; Siyer the part of fratern'ties and house curbs DoohFann N .Ta oseph Kruger S. B. Tremble in the scholastic standing of their in-1 ibra . atiu iiulmmesadfterpgn R. R. McGregor. Jriiulmmesan fterpgn ' izations° as a whole. The. new code, B ?SINI SS STAFF which will go into effect June 1, 1124, Telephone 960 comies directly from the men them- selves, and represents an honest de- - BUSINESS MANAGER sire to raise the academic standing LAURENCE H. FAVROT of their organizations. The aim is not to weed out any ,Advertising..............Pf fraternity or club. The rules have Advertising " Perry. MHye Advertising,............. Purdy been drafted in such a way that pro- Advertising ..............W. Raesser Advertising ................ W. K. Scherer tection is given to every member of Accou~nts ,............C. W. Christie tecneec.Afaent rcu' Circulation......... Jno. IHaskins h ofrne faent rcd Publi -ation.........Lawrence Pierce on the warned list is allowed four se- Assistants inesters in which to attain an average Benpie Caplan Harold A. Marks of C before it is placed er proba- John Conlin' Byron 'Parker Allin B. Crpuch S. A. Robinson tin. Past experience has shown that Louis M. -Dexter 11. M. Rockwell tesaci~ fayogn"aini Josephi J. Fhii.t r H. E_. th'Rosego ayoraiztoni David A': Fox Will Weise fluctuatig.Oe consistently' high on Lauren fTaiebt t.C F. +White R E.. T-awkinsnn R. C. Winter the cha~rt imay r op to the, bottom in Edw.__~D, ______________ one year. Groups whose personnels change so often cannot help varying in ___ thieil' scholastic standings. But these SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1923 almost always regain their former CLRK places the following year. The new Night Editor-HARRY C.C I; system is not aimed at them. It seeps ____ _- -- l to bring up the average of the or- :1:RIOPEAN INFLUENCES IN NrWy ganizatipps who maintain a 'low stand- ;. AC ; EMYIC SYSTE M jIng year after year, atnd bring down the general average accordingly. Putting into practice their newly in- Such an attempt, originated by the hrtituted system of elective studhies, pe~rsons directly affected, is a new step -t"rinceton Gi, ,'ersity is alre,,dy dean- in the relation of fraternities to selhol- antics, and in will be interesting to on~strating .the value of concentration noeterslswentecati1s nin a restricted field as over against the sued. - negligible results of a former mnethodl Swhich permitted the student to spend four' years at the university without T~et Fv e r gaining pn effective knowledge of any Ag tM c ia ' According to the provision,, of the _____________ For her =heart was strong, though I the road was long; With the spirit tliat had to win. And now and forever till judgment day/, Because she has stood the test, On the foes she has downed, you will find her crowned The Champion of the West! She-.~hn-Dah. The cultural effect of the ladies on this campus cannot, we think, be over- estimated. We nventure to say that a good tenth of the audience that faced Miadame, Galli--Curci the other night were coeds; and also that a good twentieth were male students who on- ly went because the r coed bims drag- ged themfi'there. It is 'a fine thing for the boys to be made to go to a con-I cert-; and it is finer still for them to hav'i to act a~s if they liked it, ,even if they don't. .,,No jtendecl slighit tQ Madame G-C. We see by the signs that-there's to be a dance for the League. We're sur- nrised that Wilson and his cronies didn't think of this way of getting it across to the public long ago. Conversation "Yoi; can have a wonderfully peppy dance without, anything to drink." "Yes-it's the stags that do it." "4000"' The boys are 'certainly getting be- hind the pool swelly, but we wish1 they wouldn't be so damn cryptic about it. We "walked along the street in our innocent way, and everywhere there stared us in the mug this num- ber, this 4000. At first we thought it was a new drink-on the order of 400, you know, only ten times as good, or something like that. Then' we thoughtI it was an advertisement of some cin- ema, in which 4000 people 4000 were used in the cast. And finally someone comfortable, f satisfactory. . self-reliance "-a this boy appe; lonesome amot ple on earth. thing in him thing outside be young; he come worthy I sign this1 ery person I by asking if dent". I am Oregon studei Dkeh. IYES'" friendly, and altogether Anyone with no more and inner resource than a PA RACHJIE JUM ars to have would be- ng the most sociable peo- -y A man must have some-- before. he can fid any-1 iIOBL ,1 jA _ES -' of him. This fellow may t m ay learn ; he m ay b e-1 at 11:00 A . Ai. S - VI l I)Yof t e s a e l e .c a i . blurb chiefly so that cv-..N? r r I m"The Oregon Stu- not. I am an erstwhile PasSengers Car ied f-sor ant who finds Michigan READ BAIN.- CIIIITISS I01,AN\ ~ERDAY Lx-Ariny Pilot .y SMYTHIE j= "I L ~WA1LVi'-' ;BARTON AM TAKE THAT NOW { I Pc(ailu~sand~4idiaim from iabove.:.Big three-passenger t~fjlilte~~iitit~ sf lying. Nothing like "GOINO UP." $5 EACH! PASSAWNER Co ur'se of Instruction $1 00.00 a ci r S r e n i y L m t system, all 'upperclassmen are now' carrying. four courses, one of which is denoted as the major course and --must be followed: through the3 con- c luding two years as such. Inadi Stion to the regular work of the class, -outside research now constitutes the most distinctive part of the major course, and as has already been prov- en, incited a great de. l. of interest in - the academic work itself. American institutions have long been under the influence of a, school ,which constantly' called for hroaden- ~ng, until today, many are so clutter- edup with students who follow no or-] ranized plan of study, that the num- .ber of know-it-all know-nothings grad- -'eating from our colleg'es: today ag- ,glregates over twenty.-fve percent. The Princeton plan, which at its in- ception last spring was heralded as .in "Oxfordizing"w agent in; American ucation, brings the standards of un- ergraduate schools into close prox- imity with those of E~uropean .insti- ftutions. Purely receptive learning as it exists among most college groups -today has but half the effect of an e~uc'ation which stimulates self-ex-. ,pre, sion and inv est~gation. With the -incentive to personal interest in aca- :cdemic work furnished through the very nxature of the. courses at Princeton, an rnpreced-ented enthusiasm has mani- fested itself n: 'the, student's attitude to his academic,' affais The libraries liave b~een gxed to capacity, and. de- ,mands for books have almost doubled From the files of the UT. of M. Dily, October .21, 189R. THlE GREAT DAY Line by line from Ferry Field. The whole scene is one gigantic rev-I elry. The -air is charged with en - thusiasm and as the spectators entor the field, each onie eaches thre icw,- tion-of.the yvaI power of -"olege spir- it. It is an hour before start ng timec and the stands are almost full. Lo- comotives, Ohio Rtah, Yea Teams make the field echo from corner to ri- ner. The Michigan squad is out for prac- tice whet? the Ohio band enters in full regalia. A series of Ohio yells breakI loose. Now comies the Michigan band! with the famous strut. A hush comes over the field. The teams face each other. Emerson once said, "We live by moments." This is one of, the great moments. The ref- eree's whistle, the kickoff-the game is begun. Ohio kicks. The first play is intensely exciting although gener- ally disappointing too. 1 It is an heroic see-saw. Both teams are on their toes awaiting the breaks of the game. The whole crowd stops breathing as each play goes into ex- ecution. The stands, shiver when Michigan connects with :a pass and kicks goal for three points. Then pan- demonium breaks loose. If Dante could have heard these yells he mightr have added 'another canto to the In- ferno. Both teams are fighting hard when the half ends. There is an old foot- ball song, "Then strip, lads, and do it. Though sharp be the weather. And if, by mischance, you should happen to fall, There are worse ,things in life Than a tumble on the heather. And life itself is but a game of foot- ball." The half ends Michigan 3, Ohiok State 0. The fight has just begun. The game ends and the spirit of glorious victory breaks loose. It is just one fine, simple and fitting cele- bration of a wholesome victory on the fieldof football. Victory or defeat, thej spirit through it all is one splendid over-flowing college enthusiasm. There is abounding joy in hard won vic- tory and, on the other hand, sturdy, courageous, devoted support in the hour of defeat. Alumni See Ohio Game by .Ej[ectric Chicago, Oct. 20.-Scores of alumnil of the University of Michigan wit-1 nessed an electric presentation, play :,1 6#D "~ 1911 fii i i :3:AD R IA N -A N N ' A IRtO R 11 i [I ; 'Leave Chamzber of Coxnerce W~ee'= FDays kSuacu)ys 6.--+5a. in- ~6:45 a.Li v- T :45P G;'-64,5 ,.r JAS. xI. ELLIOTTi, Prop is )r- P-hoae g, E -M A ,rian, l'Ah-ii. REDME"GA P LAUGHS O LI"C lis! Laughs". If The first scoreI was made against told us that it was only the good oie the Varsity yesterday afternoon when swimniin' hole in the Union. Quarrie, the left tackle of Case Scien- * *A tific school eleven, drop-kicked the As proof of the remarkable, intelli- ball over Michigan's goal f'rom the gence of the freshmen class, we were 45 yard line. Tphe Varsity won by the yesterday shown one of the ballots score of 23 to 5, the best played game subm'tted by a member of that body of tho season, in the recent election. Although there The Students Lecture Association Were squares provided for the expres- course will be opened this evening by sion' of preference for the, various James Whitcomb Rlcy the ."Hoosier! stupid candidates, this particular IPoet", who is .one of the few leading dumb clamndigger had put his yeas and liter~ary nmen who canl read his own nays on the other side. Ts Ts. compositions before audiences ef-*** fectively. I-I is not only successful The old bunk about the superiority as a reader, but is a prince of en- of the Fast in the athaletic line, seems tct tainers. Those who enjoy poetry fairly well 'blown to atoms and amoe- that comes from ethe heart, and a god ba by this time. str e3e" ~ Riley lecture tonight. While reading over our psych as- At a meeting of the American Phar-- signment, we came across something iacoutil associat'oi held in Ba-I1ti- ,about stimulating the skin with a more in August, Prof. Julius 0. Schlot- "well-sharpened horse-hair."~ terbeck of the pharmaceutical depart- ,We can just see Mr. Pillsbury and went was app)ointed general chairman his esteemed colleagues -whittling of the committee oil general prizes. aw'ay at a horsehair. It is the duty of the committee to eax- amine the various papers presented Among the scores run up yesterday ata the last meeting and to decide upon we find the following: the relative merits.I Notre Dante 25, Princeton 2 J. Al. Schaeberle, lato acting direct- That's the only East-West game we or of the Lich Observatory and w~hol find listed. Of course" Iowa trod all at one time Assistant professor of As- over Yale last year; Princeton beat 's a graduate of this Univer-sity and 'Chicago, hut Chicago beat, the Tigers tronomy here is in Paris at present on the year before. The trouble with the P,:' A -W Y 1. I . 4f Ii. f Monday, Tue sday -and Wednesday, Oct. 22nd, :23td 24th Btr.'ch feld gwill show at Aill enel Hotel URCHEJELD has selected with great care J the styles and fabrics that college men prefer. - Secured through the tremendous buying power of the Largest Fine Clothing Store in the World, they insure you better qualities at the price' you customarily pay. Be sure to e this fine display. Hats, Shoes and Furnishings will be included. E~ - ~ i-P1 R IC E S 5 c t 2 5 Nights'." ct $.0~ , t Wed. Nat. 50c to $1.5,0 - ct 1)'Sat. Mat. 50c to'$2.00 nP1 11 11! i , 16111 11111 t r"ca hihorma r~ f eI~111 .p +l r !ill l I, i . - -1111 1111 - 111 oaclh rsit 11111 y 1111,1 f y ii . 11 . . a I i sr 11 ' I. TZ ..+ - +i,,,+ xxrhnnnvar tthPV takes nn a.1 I I