TNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1923 T3 N. TO 0PENM B r V S H I P D R IE _T H IS Llb";F EK uNIVERSITY ASSOCIA TION EX-. TENDS INVITATION ,TO ENTERNG WOMEN Membership week is to, be observed by the University Y. W. C. A. this week, and every woman on the cam- pus who has not already joined, is in- vited to come to the office al Now- T , MTO-HGAN DAILY PAGE TIIzrrE .. Woman Attorney I TO SUIT Fights Soos M TS EC DOEFINAL1TEAMSme FOR WOMEN'S DEBTEs The freshman spread committee will As a result of the final debate try- meet at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon outs which were held yesterday morn- in Barbour gymnasium. It is import- ant that every member be present. inz the followine women have beenanvrymm r prsn, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA nual Corn Huskers alumni reunion. FIGHITO SCORELESS TIE The Corn Huskers had little difIi- culty in gaining through the Kansas Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 20-'(By A.P.)- line but the Jayhawker's forwards SK'ansas and Nebraska universities tightened when their goal was tsreat- traditional football rivals, battled to ened. Nebraska made 15 first downs a scoreless tie in the new Nebraska and two were negotiated by the Jay- Memorial stadium today, following the hawkers. stadium's dedicatory exercises, whicl- were held in connection with the an- Daily classified for real results. I t - Manmucripts for the Junior Girls" play are due Oct. 25 and should be sent to Jeane Briggs, '25, at 1414 Washtenaw avenue. For information concerning the writing of the plays, Miss Briggs may be called at. 2570. Prompt submitting of plays is re- quested by the committee in charge so glr, Ladg VWllr lul l U1 chosen to represent this University in the Michigan-Ohio debate ecember : affirmative, Florence Fuller, '25.1 Catherine Stafford, '24, Clara Lau, '25. and- as an alternate, Vera Kaden, '24; negative, Mary McCully, '24, Elizabeth Van Valkenburgh, '26, Joanna De Witt,G '24, and as alternate, Virginia Cron-' in, '25. r------ [ t"c' that the committee can read tiem and berry hall and become a member 'make preliminary arrangements be- 'Groups from the association have been fore actual practice starts. calling on new women during the past week, to offer them a personal invi-w, d lr 'tation to join, but it is necessary for 5:ild elfare Clinic to Me all to come to the office to fill out From 8 to 12 babies are taken care membership cards. of every Tuesday and Friday befween' As it is not .possible to reach ev- 2 and 3 o'clock at the Child Welfare eryone by calls, the association wish- I clinic at the Community house, 4O% S es to extend to everyon& a cordial in- Main. After Nov. 1, the clinic will iitation to become a menber even 'i :s y.;move to its new quarters in the Cham- though shoe may, not have been invited b > rler of Commerce, Fourthi and Ann personally. sts. Every other Thursday the baby The genera1 p1rpose of the student clinic is conducted at the Broadway . .g"i nr church, Oct. 25 being the next date it Y.W. C. A. is to help) makie relygion wl a more vital force in campus life, to 'will be open.: Feeding cases are given give opportunity for service, to make special attention. snore intelligent, and to offer training 3rs iabec Walker Wilebrndt in leadership. There are no member- Lewisville, Ky., Oct. 20.-(By A. P.)- ship dues, as the budget is raised by Mrs.a. Via Walker WVilebrandt, as- Resting- for the week eiad at the 'subscription from students and out- sistant attorney general of the Unit- country home of Judge Robert W. siders later in the year. ed States and a close friend of Mrs. ;Bingham, publisher of the Lewisville . The local association is affiliated Gifford Pinchot, has been placed in Times and Courier Journal, David 'with the natiotial student movement of charge of the so-called "padlock cam- Lloyd George, the war time premier the Young Women's Christian associ- paign." This is a movement against of Great Britain today rested for ation. proprietors of Philadelphia's saloons another week of ;our:ng and speak- and was started by Governor Pinchot. ing at American cities. Almost his first act upon reaching here was to get into Athena Society to hold Tryouts o;e t h ng rwago upon the links Athena Literary society invites ali LEAGUE RECEIVESl for the aftcrnoon for his favorite i memb whoare inerese in becom PERC'ENT OF SA LE prt. 'ing members of the society to attend PE CNI . ;ot the tryout. at 7:15 o'clock, Tuesday .evening, in the Alpha Nu rooms in All University women are request- , STPATIONERY University Hall. A three minute ed to ask for League receipts for ,any speech on any desired subject is the purchases that they make at Mack's NA E A N D A D D R E SS :oily requirement for the tryout. All store and to turn these receipts in to Stationery - 75 en- 'women on campus are eligible to try Ada Mulhollund, secretary of the un- velopes and 75 double sheets Linen C I i The Business and Professional o- nmen's cli will have a get to-gether luncheon, Tuesday, at 12:15 o'clo'ck at the Green Tree inn. The first meeting of the University Girls' Glee club will be held at 4:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoOn, 4in Barbour gymnasium. It's true efficiency to use Daily Classifieds.-Adv. It's true efficiency to .use Classifieds.-Adv Daily Lovely Red Fox Furs i A Special Dinner, yesp ___But special only in' the variety we're serving: All prices continue low. CAF TERIA 612 EAST ILIBERTY .STREET $29 .50 -$'55 They've achieved extreme popu- larity for fall and winter wear. These are luxurious pelts in rich, natural, colorings. Will serve un- endingly. Prices are from $10 to $20 less than you'd expect. Other scarfs and chokers - brown fox, wolf, gray squrriel, marten, fitch, black fox and opossum-are $9.50 to $75. SECOND FI40OR 124 SOUTH MAIN STREET out. New York, Oct. 20-(By A.P.)-- Lines that held prevented either of der-graduate League activities, whose office is in Barbour gymnasium. The building fund is to receive 10 per cent of -every purchase that is made the strong elevens from Syracuse and and recorded with the secretary. Miss Pittsburg from crossing the goal line Eunice Rose, '26, is in charge of the for touchdowns at the Yankee stad- i college women's special service de- ium today, but McBride's placement partment. kick in the third quarter won the -- game from Syracuse 3 to 0. Patronize The Daily advertisers. Finish Stationery, with your name and address printed in rich engraver's blue ink, sent postpaid for only $1.00 -an unheard of low price. Money refunded promptly if not wholly satis- f'ed. Add 10 cents for west of Denver. W Irite name and address plainly. Prompt shipment. Send for box to- day. Free samples if you wish. Ad- dress Weslake Stationery Co., 120 North Erie, Toledo, Ohio. r,. a e .. . . ., . ammminwa Starting Today Itl IIIIIIIIilIII IIliiit111111 Come In. The rTanReturn E+gageent ! 7 N 1 .0, Tr opula So t,, Unrill Afternoon, IT'S NOT. so CROWDED TO OUR REGULAR PATRONS: Sunday night, the first show will start as soon as the house is sold out. This will urobably bo about 10 minutes be- ford 7 o'clock. So please come early and you*won't have to wa't in line so. long. ShOWS SUNDAY 1:3034:30 1 8:30 Like a §reath of S lringui el She came into the lives of three old bachelors /