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October 21, 1923 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-21

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Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ___________

Sw nder failed I 1)ne'rni'for 0SV
IFraternitI«s and hosclubs ys-
in Grand R Lio ;rday deccoi'ated he fose rth
4 (rad Rpis, ic.,Oct. 20-(By the Ilig gl u ofl Inc ya'
GrandI~pis, Mci1,Michigan. ;ird Ohio StatE. C") iti
A.P.)-After bei'xg sought more than late Firiday night bad I ~ _ . All
a year as *a tugbive and having onlce every indication of a stormi, ~u
aescaped from officers, H~arry Martin. many orgaflizaiions to (1 'ed gns
56 years oMd, formerly of this city. much deolatio ni, Ibut Vv tip ., da
has; beeni returned here from New me cold and leaQr, Ith ,whmno
inost 0of1 theto Ls(eswere to 1' Qsfl
York for arraigunent i United States ,i boring under the (lircetioll oftitle,
District Courtoni an indlictrncnt chlarg- ,;,I)e c~la sineilto put UD the weicon-

The Perfect Toilette

ies of comically dramir c sluations
along idle lin".s' of the well-know XT
"Srven Keys to Baldpate",although
enltirely dissimilar in plot. Rachel
Crothers' comedyF deals with the d
"modernz" girl {end her relationship
with tne "modern" familyt., :i
d W h d r b . n to qls h l ril : 3
be gven free Admittan c as usu.11.
G&±1 .lU-C +"URU WINS p.y} F . - 3)
(Continued fromn Page Onec)
school. Tha is good. So many think .. ~ ,
they can play with just fingers and
the instrument. And they get nothin g
up here," and she tapped her for leach 1n(. en. lolie4 Davis
and laughed., "And,", she added, "there' Maj. Gen. Robe'rt C. D~avis, adilit-
must be something, too, at the end of~ ant general of the arimy, is the young-
the wishbone--the heart, you know.",. est major. genera;i ini. nJe Sam's
Her listeners smiled. "Yes, brains, an; service. Fie recently celebrated is
instrument, land wishbone," and She forty-seventh birthday.
turned to writing more, signatures.
Charmed Her Listeuners plAI T
Then' to her managers she said, " LLiY.u lR E vvNTa
like your people here; they are a .good ,
audience,-so warm, so enthusiastic."fl~i
~he glanced at her tiny wrist-watchi.
hiave to leave early tomorrow." Sher
turned to her husband and puttin~her! (Coninumed from P7age O11e)
arm across his shoulder, asked, '"Hom- is true, .pid Lloyd Ceorgt'. "The gal-
er, can't we go, now ?" "Good-bye,, lant gentleman say., they are b)uild~ing
she called, "I am glad to have seek
all of you,- glad I could sing for ,you." ;ships, not ships of war, but ; ?ins of
And when she l~ad posed for a picture commerce, to carry foo(d and rawv ia-- I
she got into the taxi and drove off. terials to their country.I
And. the little room seemed empty, "If Gerniany is avoiding paymient or
without her br~iliant presence. Ma- is making largo ilives imcnts in other
Jdame Galli-Curci sang, tAlked, and i counlts ieM, that (an cosily be learned.
smniled her way into the heart of ev- Secretary of State lluglies 1lugshug-
eryone who saw her.l geste&1 a scientific plan for a comet's-
9101of l econ ornmc experts to determn
i W SCO SIN SWA PS erinazjy's abilhity to pay. What -
XVISC NSIN :YAMP jections cani the gallant soldier lave,
HOOSIERS, 52 r1-0Q to a comm~fission like th;at of which
_______the United States, the wily iilparl jal
nastion in the worlrd, on tha~t niiosion

inw; him witl~ being the promoter of ti
huge swindle in which hundreds of
persons in the northern central
*states became victims.
Occupying another cell in the coun-
ty jail is Jessie Martin, 40, Martin's
compau mon, who docline s to answer
dcrnns pertaining to their relation-
' She L being ,held as a conf'eder-
a e.
M\ar'tini, alias Henry Goegel, is ac-
cured of having organized and oper-
ated the Unitod Buyers association,
Inc., a purpor'ted mail order grocery
house. Certificates of membership
jwere supposed to enable the holder
to purchase groceries at wholesale
prices. Complaint was made by Har-
ryAL, Blackburn of this; city, who said

ink; slogans and college color,>.
Aar -k illed Byrii
IAtonr e, Micb., (Oct. ?u--- ' %"01Cf
! were killi dim--t:nrU ly hero at 1 ~ u
Jose'?,,. 1v, 5 years odat,, p~
"in fronlt 01of ;nor hi)ould SUBoreZ~
train. H1 i a1 Wit3s soveoi f rog) hL:
b)o(y. Police zl!sert that nt Sl'r (U;
j 1beratciy walkutl in front oft rth ii
and also say that ho lad bad tro l "k
With is Nvife.
I Fernian Lust, 27, jum ped Ir }.
track on -which ho xvas r iin zi ns
fell, ,the wheels passing over hi,,
I"Lanin~ig, ;Tfhb., Oct. 20.---Tl~i La-
sing ComnilliI Welfare Fund drv

lie ingested $3,000.j went over the quota of $1 3J,701FlVri-
After having been arrested at day afternoon. The caw:)) J %n stzi tc ,
Steubenville, 0., on a grand jury in- the first of the wook. ITI le inmy
(hetmfent, Martn escaped Dec. 27, 1922.1 goes to local organizedl ciari iei.
a'fDetroit, when he eluded a Flederal - - _---___
officer as he Was bieing transferred be- Daily classified for real rep; 1V.
tween railroad stations.
Patronize The Daily cvztaes I ead the W ant AK 4 c
YourSeetyfie Zt
buys an excpti'naI
at the'q

o' °" more
® bo "e' with
Q, 0 trast
a lovel
b ~elboi
NvellW(1 - dressed woman
s. ~i aysee and IBiffel brand
l s'. Nothing adds so material-
l to fite beauty of a costume as
ei Pro~vr hose. And when you,
u~oe one of these brands
vo~eassured of the best. Wool
l~so'too, in all colors and color
\ ? are
" too,

ghit colored beads to add at
h. of style to a plain costume,
bring out the beauty of a
re elaborate one. Many
IL earrings to match-or if
choose, earrings of a cn
ting not&. Bracelets are
elk, set with sparking;
aes and worn above the
.fin'shing touch to every
3tume is the hand bag. Bags
here to match every costume
Main or elaborate. Vanities,
covered with oriental bro-
Je and finished with gold





P.)-Indiana was practically elimin-° IoisE;
ated-as a Big Teni championship pos-' Arter spending anit on a railroad1
sibility as a result of~ the overwhelm- stjidng, 'David Lloyd i eorge and p)arty
ng defeat suffered today at the hahds a here at 9 o'clcu ii for a i2-hour
of Wisconsin, Who ran up a score of{ The limited program began in hoarl
52 to 0. Indiana showed a coiplete later v.c he n n brs;ofthte local re- i
-e .ersal of .formrn from that olio lyw1C~t~f'~u1~tO . wir 4 ci
ini the Nortbwestern .garnve Last :.x ( A, a' L r a"].
which the Hoosiers 'won -7 to 6. Lloyd Cc re w as lf iing "very fit".
Wisconsin, using straight football: ho said as his train rolled into, St,
tactics, tore through the Indiana line Louis.
for a total of 7 touchd'wns, Below Hle got up fromd the breakfast table
kicked goals" after each touchdown~ to haVko his 'second look at the M111ssis-
and also scored a field goal in the sippi river, which lie first saw in 11mi-
second half. neapolis.
The Indiana defense was swept; The piivate car iwa parked in the
aside by Wisconsin and the play kept sa~ric place where President Hard-,
in Indiana territory tlirouglh most of ing 's car was stationed when lie vis-
the contests. Holmes, was high poinlt ited St. Louis on his fatal westerna
roan for the Badgers, with four' touch-, trilp.
downs to his credit. F-arris made twc
and Taft one. Taft's punting was a' E! 41" Qo~zV ?T_&o1i 'W prk
feature of the game. a 1'0*%'YeeOk. L.--:1+' t ir arr e;
'Wisconsin opened her scoring carly and ctri1Ssc~itJoOf 01 1;<> (rU <LntiUie2s of
in the first quarter and made fourteen; bee!: and gtnal<,ohl in~ breweries
points in that quarter. Continuing.111in WYor'k aml Ni 0 l cN'y are (,x-.
they made three touchdowns in the " )c t' as a seqo 1 to the arrest of 1.1
second period, ttwo in the third, :,id th e revelation of al alleged
wound up w ~ih ]eIow's hick in the, . liquor bribery plot ~o~cy ,
~~~~~2 a,, :erdd . ~ beEn anniounced.
Neat the celd of the first half, Coach -___
Ry an put in a complete new teuan g iv-i r r osSo rmAbs
iii Iis herst string tnen asi rest fo ±V-alc tai, Ga., Oct. 20.-Sliero,1 IJe
the second half, when they again took Fil. old, and hi~ son, Tiainvy,
the field and resumed their ir1'esist- i ere shot to death, from air )u ;' ner i
Bible mrch iiie eaerly riday. 'The b LodBicweore
bl mac.t;, scat of truck in which
cc r ETfl rP Ntit(; cWzl riding . ItiIeV1)P(ted tlia t
PLENT FALL GRAND RAPDS obn3i;CogO12 ~ih.. ;been arre'Sted in
1 METI 1tl E IiS+cofit3ctiofl With the killings.
Gravid Rapids,'Oct. 20.-The annual # Daily classifiesi for zeal results.
get-together of the Greeters of Michi-;
gan., an organization of hotel clerks, -° -
will be held at the H-otel Pantlind, 0( - N T17CES!1
lowved by a theater party, and other I " ,.-
features. Fred Z. Pantlind is chair- . ,b t p ;p
roan of the commiittee on arrange- 6'r Fr. y. ' " E 1) AT 1T

- Di a -



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