TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I LASSIFIE ADVERTISING THIS MurrllM CLOSES. AT 3 ?.M.o DlAILY' ULASSI1?IE D RATES 10e per readting line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line for .e or more insertions, cash in advance. Minimum, 3 lines per insertion.' rged at the rate of 12c per reading line for one or two insertions, 11c per lng line for three or more insertions. White space charged for at same s. Classifieds charged only to those having phones. Ask about contracts classified advertising. " Jimmie-thie MA-Taker:' Phone 960 Classifie&-Con't. RIDER'S MASTERPEN Rider's Masterpen has stood the test of years. No wear out to it. No after,,expense.and it always ;Writes smoothly. I~olhW~ 230 dropso of ink. Our owni make.. Immediate. factoryj service. Rider's Pen Shop I 302, S. State St. We have added :a very complete line, of .WAHlL'S- RUBBER FOUNTAINI PENS. They are - etremrely hand-' somre and good. merchandise.' We operate. WahJ $Bgrvice.,Station for Eversharps and Wahl Pens. Rider's Pen Shop 302 S. State. St. V CaSSAfied-Cont. B ANNOUNCING OPEaNING ARCADIA BE±AUTY SHOP LOS' Eecie c facial and bodly ma:sage, 1 lay bleaches, acme aind steadly treat- FOUNTAIN PEN* -Between Cam pii. nient, 51a,hantwin .voilet ray treat- and 330 S. Main. Name on ]WIn. ment, ladies and children Bair ctutting. Josephine Ciark. Phone 521. Rte Prices reasonable. $6 tickets fors$. ward. Madame E. Anderson, Room 21, Wuerthi Arcade. WILL PARTY who borrowed foun- J-__________________ tain pen from me at Waterman GymI return to 1002 Forest Ave. WHERE SERVICE TH PE1ON.ho Anderson.A N Q U L T THE ERSO whotook the greyAN QU LT caracul fox trimmed jacquette from)I RULE SUPREME the women's cloak roomt at the Un- ion Saturday night was seen leapvins;g the building. Prosecution will fol- low if the.coat is not returnedl or mailed to 911 ,. Washington St. A mician Immediately. . WILL THE PERSON who took the hiniese Dishes notebook from. Dr. New Burg's desk f in the Central Labortary, please re-I AT THE turn the notes. No, questions willj be asked. I VA W TV T1\T\ FOR RENDT OELARGE front c ite, $425 each. on6ie side suite,: $3,75. One single room $3.50. Garage space if desired. Well located at foot of Church st. 1220' Prospect. I3 AR) 'VARSITY LODGE Dining Hlall, ner the Campus at 611 Church St. 1-omec cooking and baking. Pleasin -ser- vice and surroundings. Front suite furnished for two. each. One large single $4.50. S3. Vickors, 1033 H. University. $4 A. Five room apartment, unfurnished, centrally located. Coal in, bin. $35 month. 523 W. Liberty. Man with experience to care for fur- nace for school year, including va- cations for room. 1014 Church. FOUNTAIN PEN HOSPITAL It costs no moue for our' skilled work- mnanship. Over thirty years experi- ence. -Thie advantage' is all yours. Standard prices. Rider's Pen Shop 302 S..,,State St. BLACK AND W-IITiF Fox unltclpped tail. Tan color. to. "Mich"'. Call 1163-R. Terrier Answers Large front room on iirst floor, to instructor or gpper classinen. Front suite on second floor. Call 2563-J. 908 AMonroe. One p-leasant double room and one single. Reasonable rate, 910 Sybil. SApartmnent attractively decorated and furnished,. private bath, steam heat. Just off campus. Phone 3171-4. Call 609, E. Williams. LIGHIT HOUSEKEEPING rooms for two people or will give rooms. in ex- change for work in home Inquire at, 917 Mary St. Nice big, rooms, reasonable. Phone 729-W. Large suite, also harge..roomn. .Rea- --sonable. Two blocks from the caln- pis. 509 S. Division, St. I W*4 wow toom w 40 A-ho w No w SA lady student to for her roomi. Phone 1314-M. do light housework Call 517 E. Ann. RIDER('S PEA 'tSJIOP is in its nelv quart'ers 302 SO. A college girl to work for room or board or both at private family. In- quire, 1609 S. University. Students' washing and ironing. 110 N. Ingalls. 2569. STA T E", 1L T, wvith a+ much larger, line and increased facilities for genral Fountain ;P N Z E PAIRING. TIJL LOJL OF THE -FAMYOUS RIDERA SUITE--Electr-c light, well hot' and cold water in rooms. Ann or call Beryl Wright, heated, 330 E. 3467-M. labi'RQNWT SUITE-W+or two girls. One a.block from Campus. 532, Thomp- s- rj 11 St. - P1 lASANT SUITE and single romsl :lose to campus. 204 N. Ingalls. -.t#EASANT'SUJTE for two or three IJ men. One double room on first _z1.,loor. 325 E. Jeff erson St., Phone ,,hree house-keeping rooms. 214 S. ,. ;,ingalls. ftWO LARGF pleasant double rooms. Rent reasonable, 715 Packard. .1P4OOMS for rent at 515 Walnut. Phone 2105-R. ~,THREE ROOMS furnished for light housekeeping. 802 Packard. FIRST FLOOR housekeeping suite. Private entrance and semi-privatel bath. 203 S. Thayer. NICEST ROOM in Ann Arbor. Oppo- ite Eng. Arch. Running hot water. Steam Heat. 1110 1-2 S. University. ONE SUITE and one single room. Furnished and steam heat. Phone 2680-J. ATTRACTIVE two room furnished apartment, second floor front. 806 East Kingsley St. TWO SIX ROOM house in the west part of the city. New and modern $60 per month. One furnished rooming house. Two four room apartments at $35 per month. Gorton Real Estate Agency. Phone 2438 or 661-W evenings. FIVE ROOM FLAT-Heated, furnish- ed. Hot water and telephone ser- vice. Stoppet Apts., 507: Detroit Ave., 291$-M. FIRST FLOOR ROOM for two. Has a- cove, running water, steam heat. ulet students only need apply. Half block from campus. 154-W LARGE LIGHT double rooms and suites near the campus at 611 Church St. House newly decorated, new furniture. Free use of piano, music and lounging room. Dining Hall in Connection. The best at moderate cst. Varsity Ldge is dif- ferent. See for yourself. BEAUTIFUL fron room with fire place" on first floor, half block from cap- :u..Suitable for! two or three boys. 'Also nicely furnished suite for two. 614E. Jefferson St. FOR SALE IzI Mixed inks'usually flow poorly. Good fountain pen ink As "scarce. Fill your pen at our free filling station and be convinced t1%At our special ink is always reli"I~e. It gays to buy the best ink. Rider's -Pen Shop 302 S. State St. Scene, day optical serie. Arcade Jeweler and Optometrist. FORD ROADSTER, demountable rims and five god tires. Cal at 624, Packard. NEW. K. & F. DRAWING SETS-Thar- GIRL to work for room. Phone 1706- J. . Girl who desires to earn room rent. Phone 1637-R. Students bring your laundry to 123 iChapin St., or !call .3034-M. Mrs.J Louis Tessmer. TYPE WRITERS ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE PHONE 866 Dealer in Woodstock and Oliver Type- writers. Sundstrand Adding Ma-, chines, Rubber Stamps and Type- wrtrsupplies, Line-A-Tune Copyl Hoders. 9 Savings Bank Block (Down Town) Typerwriters of .all mnakes, bought. sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned and repaired. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter and Stationery Store.' Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona. TYPEWRITFRS-Standard and p~ort- able. Room , Second floor. 711 N. University.I WAINTED) HELP Young Women, to -work part time at the telephone office.-Meals at cost at the company's cafeteria. Miss B. Edwards, chief operator. Cor. Washington and Main. "HOT" TROMBONE PLAYER-Have attractive offer for right party. Make appointment for tryout. Call Harry Tustison, 1767J. MIUSICAL Let us furnish you with a Piano or Victrola. Very low terms. Rent ap- plied on purchasb. University Music House Phone 1799. VI~CTOR RECORDS-All the latest al- ways.-New records every Friday- try us for real record service. University Music House Phone 1799. Ukuleles and Banjo ukuleles at prices that "Cannot Be Beat"-See us dur- ing our September sale on thesepo u a } i sr m n . S ec ly priced and-sold on the easy payment plan. University Music House Phone 1799. W~ee o10)11 t th II ten I1scIict- ' e~alG Ue o Y 3 ask those iviw knolv. They will tell you there is a great advantage in RIDL R~iS REPAIR AND SALES SERVICE. a3iS.MI ,I _335_)_S._____AIN --1 - w r a r a. aAft (0 0 of Dhiy Cleaniceng, ln hc ilsv tdnsnr r a r a- Pressing and Medi ng r (J You will be surprised ow economically you canr -have your clothes laundered in this big laundry. There_ 41~ Clean, freshly pressed clothes are an asset you can are no tiresome and expensive delays in 'getting you = hadlymis haingdurng yur ollge oure. hisfresh laundry. No postage to pay, no hours of tedious company permits you to do so at a very small expense work for someone back home. and'e* lts ,in longer, life for your clothing. 41 We make all minor repairs in clothing and darn our 4 Since this department was added to our plant thousandshseyadsw nbtosad ieyueey srv= - of "students -have taken advantage of the opportunity ya. we We &ie offered of having their clothes cleaned and you can get at home. Pr~ssd at anew, low prices. The best proof we have that ouir service has been satisfactory- is that a student,-(( We give you one-day service if desired, a worth-while ro66e ,outr customer, has- continued to be so. service to anyone. 4J Only the most modern methods are used in our cleaning (IJ Send us your laundry tlis week and see how fresh and and resing lan. Evry armnt i inuredaganstclean it will: come back to you, and how reasonable the loss while it is in the plant,- and we guarantee satisfaction.prc.R em rwe ah nsfwtroiyadue- only the most modern euipm'ent,. causing almostnoxca 41J A 'fleet of six trucks are in use daily, assuring rapidalotn er a -collection arid delivery, and tear on your clohing. One Pay Service Onfe DayService bri Phoone 16 5 I- SPECIAL SALEA--One half price on leather music rolls and bags-Large assortment and wonderful values. University Music House Phone .199. PIANOS FOR RENT-Musical'.instru- ments repaired. For all. your musi- cal wants see Schaeberle & Son, Music House, ~19 S. Main St. JEWELkR MICHIGAN SPECIALTIES. Watch fobs-full jeweled guard pins ---ladies and. sweetheart, lockets-- rings-watch charms. A full line of the best jewelry. Watch and jewelry repairing in our own shop. ARNOLD, STATE STREET JEWELER 302 S. State ALARMING ALARM CLOCKS Get acquainted Special Alarm Clocks, $1.00 Schlander-Seyfried Jewelers 304 S. Main l-. FOUND i ; ,, Y i (I , { . ' A place to have, jewelry and watch repairing promptly done. Arcade Jeweler. .I t