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October 20, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-20

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SA''TURDAY1, OCT'1OBER 20, 1923




and is said to he one of the lest in !
the Conference at his position. sIi
BUCK YES GAI FAC IIHIGA Can the line the well known "Tee"
Young will play opposite T lott and
Emu allMT1the guards will be Kttier wa1d Stul-
Ug" G H10 1n*" d""li T I 9 E 'i NU, 0[1 ist. (Captain Pete off:will ha I c one
U HDR ilS A T fN~~ of the tacklesw";th te o o
(Continued from Page One) ; walillxviie Slaughter and Steele. eye team and is rated a, ong- t Ee ad-
developed a defense 'for Ohio passing loth men are veterans and should ers in the West as a Lard, smtashling I
which they hope is successful andl if give a good account of themselves, tackle. C orrill, a saIoph1oifo!, axidlWil-
they prove so the Michigan chancesl Slaughter is still somewhat handi- ;r.sonl, a veteran, wil take care of t ihe-
of winning are much greater. Trhe capped owing to the fact that he re< en positions.
forward pass is the greatest Ohio as- portedi for practice two weeks late -
set on. offense and if Michigan can but is rapidly rounding into condition,' THE LiNEUPf
cope with this branch of the gamne they ; nd lis cdue to, play a strong game 11ichli'Iii 01i0 St-ate
place the Buckeyes at a severe haned- 'tolay, ain....,.....Wlo
cp.The tackles will b Sa" M a uriona........ L.1..........Ste
Michigan has the .edge on the other hteadl and VanDervoort1. Stan is p la uherd.......L.'1....... ,.. Sttlr
br nc es of th g me H rr K ph le~ is third year on the Maize antiSlougtt... ....... I.C1......... .Younger! .
is without doubt the better of the Bu emadfo omr xi -Steele ...,.G...c...... Schutlist

T1eam Meets
Real Test Toda,


I ItramU-ral Items

y Leadign Western Gaines for October 20)
Michigan vs. Ohio State.
Wisconsin vs. Indiana.
Iowa vs. Illinois.
Chicago vs. Northwestern.
Minnesota vs. North Dakota.
California vs. Oregon (Aggie.
Michigan Aggies vs. Albion.
Leading Easterw Games for 00i oher 20
Princeton vs. Notro Dame.
Yale vs. Bucknell.
Harvard vs. Holy Cross.
Pennsylvania vs. Columbio,
Pittsburg vs. Syracuse.
SPenn State vs. Navy.
Lafayette vs. Springfield.
W~. and J. vs. Carnegie Tech.
SCornell vs. Colgate.

ifillov- E1idijuli #E uli vu l.

INT .ii
f 'v
vh ei

R~ Enlargeme'nt of the speedbail pro-
FOR~~l)P11 HAUzUSLaBDp , ! iiwll tak'e place nex t xveek when
theintrelssschedule will1 open along
]~j ''FIC TA 1 ON' I A wit h the latter half of the fraternity
GI"C 'I1'H a-1 TLE l ;eugue .gaines . 'Ma.nymen have already'
('IIE-4- 19x1 11"),sig ned tu5'11iIth thei clss 2manager's
jand it is ex:pected that terminn
Io tuadefeated teams will meet t _swihdonthv Ll at:
n Ai ii A v!Ntv 1M ll .1..L vi7 11

11AI A A !U ' i i}O1 1111 SUit10 d 111

l'4tie Creek clash at Wines field at1
I 10c,lcock this morning, and the vin-j
ni e leven will have to display real
football, as both sch1ools boast ex-
coption<lil y strong aggregations.
According to the dope, the ItoodI
City g-idders have the advanta g overI

two punters and should be a great' uons this year his playing is the best Vanfervoort . i lirtnouth vs. Vermont. te kcalU atlees. Comparative scres!
adt h Wovrnsb men ofof his career. Vanuervoort pflayed a Cra.....E....GriliAm s lbm oy inicate that tie visitors are stronger:
his toe this afternoon. Kipelean short time against Ohio last season Uteritz......Q B.......... Judy j Brown vs. Boston University. than the Purple ad White, aUnl tol
Stgr oetsr ih trizmaeauntil an injury forced hil out of the(ct....futh e' comkpic~te masters for tle
trio of open field rmuers whiech is contest but he is anxious to again get Ki .H.......DobejeitgerI ealng Southern fanes ter Ann Arbor eleven, several of its best
hard to breat and if any of them eve. a 4r al t the l eckceye. Millr . ,... ,... .1.I......... DeVe ICnr s.Oltope r nte optllitwatn
gesaaDtwilma1lsatr1~~t ch" Maroan and 'Iokt'' Cur- Georgia Tech. vs. Georgtoww. Walsh will be urnible to strt the
rhiQStae.ac r taing cre of the wings. !fiil game on acout of an iYrry e r'
On efese iciga's ineso~ns~ :W mn arebee plyig afinelshiC lica() ~ceived in cinmae several (lays ao.'
branefens Mfootball most, sofs the s stalln Circago. J ee eCiao
be about the equal of the one rero- iUmpire--J. h Scff L [i cw " it Nefpst e earterbc.!hes
senting the Wilcemen. Both teams: n hudblnfrabgdy il td~ ~~ liosUHL~la~gtecipetehac, the
have veteran men on the line and (Ale toa Sibstirtf Weseyain. P fE [D loal backfeld will be out ot the l:e-
both have some new additions which Substitutions on the Wolverine team Bzead l inesma-J,ack MCord, I1l- iO fan ashcrnra tew)[j
will receive their 'first taste of Con- !will weaken the machine somewhat Inis. I.oUILLLLUL N
"ernefoblintegm toa.'lhuhnttagradere In I___bne of the Ann Arbor aerial attac
feecPfoblliEhegmStdySltog ntt-aget--gee--____.Lya lagw 5 a eetdwhich as been the cnmesis of cre7,
Michigan regulars to Start Ithe backfiield Michigan has Herrn- LrR1::t GiaL TiowI was1electe
Michigan's line-up will be the same ;stein, Vick, Parkr and Grube, all o ~ ~LiSS; ~iyceelae o te~iigtean the local athletes have thus far
as that which started against Vander-1 whom can be counted upon to play C
hiltlas wel~. aptin arr Kipe g(?dfootallbutof our~ thy a .,year at a meeting of the Student con Itaken their toll n the line. Sowe,
will of course be in his regular posi-- nt on a par with Kipke and Stege r.I (ontinue d fromk Page One) _____cl held yesterday afternoon in the tackle, is also in poor sin:pe due to
tion at left half. His running mate Onl the line there will be Hlaxkin s. I"'vorii orum" was the eonc- uingl < Union. Glasgow wil serve as leader the injury he receivel in pret,--
will be Herb Steger who has shown Babcock, and Witherpcon who wiifauelrte areno progrm. - ' 01 the squad of six cheerleaders that'I some time ago. Although Sniand,
such wonderful flashes of form prey- get the first call for substitutions, th Addresses were made by Prof. C. 11, c[xiil lead yells during the year. !who held down a regular bth on the
iously this esn Iri eitwilltebenanndm . Van Tyne of the history department, Coach ZupIe A1 *newv system of cheerleading; lie~ at the start of the' season, is fit,
Prof. Wi. II. Hobbs of the geology CactZpkadvteaoptiOervis te byGlhsgow.Itarovide schmstandheiiligiblhaeovefrter
call signals for the Varsity xhile, Ohio State has announced a rob-lmeorchli.bytheZouppkhisyer iletcolstcaiffcutis aveovrtke
"Red" Miller will take care of the able line-up . but it is not known{ departvment, Prof. A. L. Crs of tiemetr will send hi team into he fore orgaied blasigw pofvels, si inhei aeiibefrfute
fulakpsto.Treo h e ahro o hsls steoehistory d(leartnent, Irof. Jesse frognzdlaig fyls nacompettion until his instructors give
",ulba$ psiton.Thre o th me whthe or no ths lst s te oe Reeves of the ecoknmcs dep~rtnent,''harest battle of the sason, the out,manner similar to; that practiced bythwrd
inntet bckfeldcavealrady laydvwichlillstatyfplthaScrlewhndPro. will essytoatte for tc-hcmeSfcwichetii elminte oe one foth Bihich scoil.lWthlNffiisaate Malolm wil
against the Buckeyes whle Miller xwiii'Cray.rf .1' esyo ieLtnfrms fteBgTnshos
f c th m f r t e fr t t m . T e olO io H s V er s a n en, F e e i k I. M ri , a es t he t o t' o srongest contenders for th e W t e f ' i a l d a c l v l
title.tFreeiowa,. which Jnes Other .business conducted at thecaliglsntoy'gme IfNf
va eine m fll ac h st h ownir tctne.de r-1In t hiba kis el it ei r a blnhts r g t Br w , S ua t i.;er j a d1923 C onference' i l , o a wim et ng of thccun il wa t esn- getssin the dfaas a mall, I f llNe
orthr own, S c t aillitr-t Ioposeete-Or1gesanfBlueinmofficialf sanconci wof the Chim-esinothe a acastof lliback. Parde
able improvement during the last two Judy will call signals from the rquar-t est wer discussed, toddy's gamne is regarded as 'weaker die aiemnyfr h wm illthecshaitedofroalfend. to atfmIl,
weeks and may be able to hit the line terback position. The Buckeye quarto~___ than last year ut nevertheless a hardy Iim ol acinwsgvnflo-tehle vi epce rmSab
today for some substantial gains. His w'h,le new at his job has shoxwn those' (1V i H'L.I PL~EAES epnn o n ta nteMdl-ing a short talk to the council moem-'icr, Weber and Weuzel
defense has also been bettered sineI quarlities which aire necessary in a -I WNN West. E_______
the opening game of the season. good Feld general and no doubt will "-"_________Chim______ es.b ~nBcn 2,eio f______-_______
The line twill have Jack Blott in the ht the call. "Ifoe" Workman, t7 (oklt th,:Y; Chimes.k a e upr t 01pvtpston akhsbe h Ita fteSaebakilwl e''!,%a i hy , cte iclrws ahntn c. 4.-yuaee- MxcoCtOt 9-e. eao;B111 ~l~U lt lht
equa ofanycentr h ha oppsedhiereguar e~sraonat ifh ha f.ialill" upin feiij, and 2oruf adtile'd to tme support of the Adninis- is considering sending troops to Vera'I TRYOUTS Aire',NEElE)
but as yet lie has never played against \\ crnanan ramis nearly oil a far with ;one0tolk,'i o ril Frna :a tPluuui" go traltion ;?ao Yu have it," Secretary (Cruz if the inter-union labor fight' -
"Tee" Young and today's game Wil(Chick Harley ald Stinchcomnb in 01in ithelhoers for eOi!i~klt a exu~e- 'evsOf the W aar deprtmlent, said there is not settled in a few days. More tryout~ for assistalnt
give the dopesters a chance to decide State gridiron annals and wvas the sue accolpanyrg,' i a ableram to Gov.Cn Lonard -_______.- basketallmanager ae neeelel.
the merits of each player. Young man who w.as responsible for the tiek I~ the success of th i ,:-1 C.> W'oo, Manila.] Geneva, Oct. 19.lJ has leaked O I All11 ii xv1io have been on the
played here two years ago and xwas scre against Colgate last wee. On ion tfie first under01 the nc 'a direct or that 500 or more treaties have bes camp)us one year are eligible. I
outshone by "Ernie" Vick but last the other hal[ will be Dobleit, a nexw of tV e nvesty lf(~itoc~ti iotow, Oct. 19.-Tire Soviet an- registered with the secretariat of the i en aring to try out rea<s-
year was not on the squad so that mian but one xvho has displayed wn- to be j talo at:"'tscmsinmicsa - e nt by whc o-l-au ue of Rai(1.e to reort at te gynnasium
this will' be I on's first crack at him. (Icrfl iptetialities so far this year. Ain Arbor may ope for' fineI thiiig2-<vy xwiil buy all her grain Nor-Rssa ---,( at 7:30 O'clock any night.
Guards on the Wolverine forward; De'oe will beatfulback for Ohio in the ftur. -;ls eaon fromycasifedfussiareuls

weill be illed out s'hortly.
Iced by their mniagxer, "Ted' Mern-
or, the junior lies, twice chiamipions of
I t cam 1)115 inithis divisionl, vAill make
a sf rongciig efor to halng .up) arcd
i ty winningt l e cha npionslhi}) for Itho
th-r(i st r ig;t time. 'Their team is al-
most intact from last year and they
have b egn p'- . in frthe last few
n ays (lextolping ', new sySteni of at-
tee c. f~.oisi'e this fall.
PiIes tlo ;junior fits, the medices
swill have a strong team aspxvill alsI~o
the sophomore engineers, who were
E1,1,1 gerous cc 11it5% ers for the timfe
las~t fall. Not; muchi is known of the
;'omparative sfrenglh; of the other
teams, but the dents are bound to take
a= prominent place under the leader-
ship of the former Varsity tennis cap-
tain, John :Rorxek, xwho is one of the
miost,' able - occer and speetiball play-
ers oan the campus. More information'
oin the teamns will he given out the
lieginning' of next wveek when the per-
scnlof the other- teamis has been
definitely settled.
Following is the list of managers
w, ( have beeni selected to handle tine
if~isof the classes entered in the
tournamnent: "architects, .Barry, 9741W;
Imell!ics, Lo Fever, 1841J; senior fits,
Mernecr, 355; sophomore engineers,
Vo.}e, 3056J; junior engineers, NMadi-
son, °21 7J; school of education,
(K' ss~ixsiued oFn Pag.e Seven)
j.All men weighing, under 150
j pounds and wishing to tryout.,I
for the xrestling teani are re-
quested to report at 7:15 o'clockz
ITuesday night in Waterman
I Only men under 150 poundsI
( xwill report at this time, as the
call for heavier men xwill not be
m nade until after the close of
football season. The squ'ad will .
m neet regularly, on, Tuesday andl
Si.T 'ursday evenings.

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