THE MICHIGAN DAILY TITXSTAY, EP'TEM BER 25, 19213 /A11 ' WL VERINE! C A CHING "'m 'k - -J AX" A IV-'% *lr"v -- ---- -- ---- - - - - -- r ~~~ES7AKFC7I §MATHER WLL ISSU FXH 0 S H I dI J 1 N 1 .' I T P , ) t i I i Al l ~ TNiWit L j I~wnJ. Mather, coach of the frleshl- man football team, would like to meet: ;1 ::<;><<> ?'all first year men who have ever had X their hands on a football in the athl- :;::>: lotic office anytime' this morning afterj 9 o'clock.N EAt this time the coach will issue ord- ers for e lummnent which may be cash- 'e at te beginning of the first official pzraetic2 which is slated to take pac 1 r tthis afternoon at F~erry field. lc :; ~Many mnen who dazzled brilliantly ill 3rt hwt> ° . trprep school circles have matriculated and it would not be surprising if Coach, w1> " Mather had sonie good ma terial to build this year's yearling tearm from. . ~Eddy, who starred on the "Shattuck: 5 Milita! y academy team and, whose b? I brother was a former All-American at ' rA a. N4 lJPrinceton, has a wonderful record to t >: his credit and,! may prove to be a star x] "p f ; in faster company. Slores, Cook, and Moles, all from, Muskegon, are supposed to be good y KN V:. players and are expectedl to report to 1 ____________________________ the cc todlay. Stewart andl Hamil- tol, wohusky Detroit boys come to g staff this year as call1)e found in ( Michigan with good high school rec- ossible to make the Maize and B~lue ords. Freedman of Cleveland, Hand ather, Falleon, Barker, Hoyt; bot-; of Chicago, and Ilanley are other men wvho come here highly touted. -___________________ The freshman team in the past hat always played anl important part inI dash man. He held the world's record the development, of the Varsity. As for the 220 around a cuirved track, his; a general rule the freshman team I ends5 three or four men directly to time being 21 2-5. Hoyt was assistant t~e e siy athletic director at heis almna mater be-; Scrimmlages between the Varsity and STARTSREA[ LWOR K I Cwioi lfiie Farrell JVNiesCall J~for Vairs-lill1111innD Jae 4Cam- didates I4A T ERIWAIN GYM NA1SJUM > 'TOAY With, the o} ening of school today Steve Faxrell's varsity cross coxuntrY squad will move its ,trainimg. quar- ters from th~ e rry -field hqi, to Waterman gy~u aasiuin and settle down to hard wor'k in prepanatlon for its, fall schoadule. -A call has been issued for all - Wen interested ,in the spcr~t at the, gyia; thhm. afternoo& and more than fMifty mn are exapected to don their togs. Fhm alien are not eli- gible to tryout. lin issuing the call1 Coach FKjrrell em~phasized the fact that expericznce is not .at all necessary for a mnan- who comes out for the squad. "Som~e of the best men we have ever had on the squad have been absolutely new to the sport," he said. "There' is no physical r- quirement of it cross coun- try man either, .except thy.t he be, in condition and have no physical de- fects." 'A short dumply rman may make a fast bill-and-dale moan while ~a long lanky type of a ma i t y,not do half so well. /~ Twelve members of .last year's squad have been working out for :the past two weeks and have been round- ing into good condition under the easy conditioning schedule. "-Steve" plans to give his squad another two weeks of easy works before he ma~kes any attempt to test their speed. Although.- Isbell is the. onlyr 7nem- ]ber of last year's squad. wlh will not be back this year, the squad will 'ave a hard fight to retain its Ckinfer- ence title. because. of the rapid,,jm- provement in other w squads in, the Big-Ten since last season. Wiscon-. sin is rega 0.-A as the strongest eon- tender for the title which thQW, ol- N-erines now hold. L.ast year the Bad- gers with a crowd of new men su,- I seeded in taking second place at the Big Ten meet and most of the men Iwho did well last year have shown a great deal' of imnprovemnent since , ghat tine. Steve Farrell is relying oil Camp- tain Arndt, Schioenefield, 1,0iec Bowen, Griith, and Reinkte to keen the Maise and blue '-Harriers at- tile tread of the Big Tenf andl to 11 l te pilace left vacant by Isbell ' WVayfarers TMeet { Wayfarers' club held its first re ;uIar Imeeting of the year last 'night . at21 East Ann street. The Meeting was presided over by the presidenit, R. W. Michigan's Varsity football squad is having the benefit of as good a-coaching thle country. With Yost and Little at -their head they are doing everything 1) Come through with a winner. They are: Top row ,left to right---Fisher, 1W torn row:, Weiman, Vick, Yost, Sturnz negger, Little,. 1H(GEST STAFF IN HISTORY OF, YOSI(; FORtSEASON Michigan footballers, arriving in Ann Artor for the early season con- ditioning, found a squad of 10 coaches awaiting' their return,, the, largest cod'ps of asjistants that Coach 'Yost" has ever gathered around him in pre-C paring a Wolverine eleven for (the gridiron season. All of last year's assistants with the i exception of Archie Hahn, whose du- ties are now being taken care of by Charles B. Hoyt, have once again don- ned the togs and have taken their 01(d places on the afield with the candidates. George Little, (poach Yost's right hand man, is again mailing things humt and is straining every nerve to hiel" put forth another winner. Coaches; Sturzenegger, coach of -backs and ends, Wieman, line coach, Vkk andl Barker, line coaches, Mlather 'and Fisher, who will now take over the freshman and Reserve squads respec- tively, Hoyt, trainer, and IBiliy Fal- ion, nurse of aches andl bruises, are all with the squad. - fCharles B3. '(Chuck) Hoyt, tnewly ac- qjuired Varsity trainer and freshni n track mentor, comes to Ann aArbor from Sioux City, Iowa, where he was director of athletics and physical training in the high schools. Hoyt was also football and track coach of Sioux City high school, where. he gained qluite a repiutation. The new trainer is a former Grinimel college, Iowa, athlete, being a star ore taking up his duties at Sioux City.' The other addition to the staff is Richard Barker, former Amtes college star. Barker was a lineman on the vairsity eleven in his undergraduate days but achieved fame as a mem- ber of the wrestling team, winning the national intercollegiate championship in the 175 pound class. freshmen always furnish the large, crowds who wandler into Ferry field, to see a little action, with a lot of thrills. The struggles are usually closely contended ands play no little part in giving the new men valuable experience. Barker will coach the mat, candi- , . ~ '~W_ dates, wrestling having been made a' minror Varsity sport this year, andl is 'T'here will be a meeting of the In- also assisting "Tad" Wieman with the i tr amiural mnanagers. today, at 3:30 p. Varsity linemen. ISm. at the Intramural offices. ______________________________ fntrhcs are nowr open for the In- E 1 traniurafl tennis tournament. Trainer's Staff IAeeds XMen I Prflnd Prepares'for A. F. of L. A mani experienceod in ban- Portland, Ore., Sept. 24.-Portlanod is oaging andl massaging is need(- Ipreparing to entertain hundreds. of ed to work on the trainer's staff( delegates due here for the forty-third I from 2 to 6: 30 o'clock after- annual cbnvention of the American j ( 0)oons. Anyone interested- should Feoleration of Labor, which begins apply to Trainer hIo~t at th~e Oct. 1 anod remains in session until the IFerry fied club louse. I omuve'ntioii's businetisli disposedl of, Ipro-bably two wveeks./ Mefford, '23. O , 'NW IL ML i'2 A 61& _, ,. i r' OPENING ASEMBLY, FR.9 SPT.a L '1 ., KENNED'Y SLATER C'S MUSIC BY GRANGER ACADEMY ORCHESTRA PH-IL DIAMOND, DIRECTOR TICKETS AT BOOKSHOP -GOODYEAR DRUG ST( GRANGER'S ACADEMY ON HURON-WEST OF STATEPH All assemblies are INFORPMAL includins OPENING ASSEMBLY 4 'ces$.5,Icuigt~ m lekn 'NE 1g DRE ~788 I Al -. I U