THE WEATHER GENERALLY FAIR TODAY L 41P Ar 4.i4t r t ant Section One VOL. XXXIV. No. 24 TWELVE PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1923 TWELVE PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS OHIO ST TE GRID E Er, ICHIG 41 1 s BURTON ADRESSES PRESS r CLUB AT ANNAL DINNER: CONFERENCECLOSES TODAY PRESIDENT DISCUSSES RESPONS- ELECTION OF OFFICERS WILL IBILITY OF NEWSPAPER AS TAKE PLACE THIS AGENT OF EDUCATION MORNING )AMES WRIGHT BROWN VANDENBERGER WILL SPEAKER OF-AFTERNOON O P E N S E S S I O N S Prominent FacultyMen Conduct For- Delegates Will Be Guests of Athletic uns of International Association at Game This Topics Afternoon In a brief address before the Uni- Election of officers and reports of committees will occupy the closing versity Press club of Michigan at their sessions of the fitfliannualtconference luncheon held last night in the Un- f of the University Press club of Michi- ion, President Marion L. Burton dis- gan today. cussed newspapers and their prob- The morning session will open at lems before the editors gathered here 9:30 o'clock and at 10 o'clock Arthur H. Vandenberger of the Grand Rapids in their annual meeting. Herald will speak. The annual front Stresses Proper Enphass page contest will follow. At noon a His seech, "The Newspaper I special luncheon will be held in the Like" was a candid discussion and private dining room of the Union for criticism of the main peculiarities of all newspaper men. The delegates an American newspaper. "The News- will then attend the Michigan-Ohio paper I Like," Dr. Burton, asserted in State game at 3 o'clock at Ferry field substance, "is a newspaper which rc- as guests of the Athletic association. ognized that even beyond accuracy the - Bowman Speaker truth requires the proper emphasis in Opening the program of the second the story 6r the news as a whole; a day, the delegates met at 9:30 o'clock newspaper that unobtrusively makes yesterday morning in the Union. Al- a reader's interests a little broader bert H. Bowman of the Evanston, Ill., and his horizon wider; a paper that News-Index was the principal speaker accepts its freedom in terms of re- of the morning and talked upon "The sponsibility for public welfare, for the Community Newspaper" He described elevation of the taste of the people,' the building p of his paper In com- and for their appreciation of the finer tebitingwup hisgdain co. things of life; a paper that in the petition with Chicago dailies. practical methods of its daily routine Newspaper an Institution knowshow o besilent without ig- " We began to develop an editorial knows how to be si*twtotIg-page," he said. "And we tried to get noring any aspects of truth, that in- faeshat."nre red togeta- sists upon keeping the individual sub- features that were healthy and ap- ordinate to the cause he-represents, plicable to the community. Our edi- that stimulates the reader to cogent Itongal page tries to have on it some thought and that holds men and their thing that is really interesting. We consciences sternly to the ineradic- have tried to set a standard of ethics able distinctins between good and higher than an individual can live up evil. Such a newspaper is in the mak- to. When scandal appears in our town ing in America. It will be the most pot- the public hears very little about it ent single force in realizing the from our paper. The children read dreams of democracy." the daily, and they have no right to Breadth of view is the second point hear about it." that I would stress In a newspaper. A "The newspaper is an institution," paper should widen the outlook of its he concluded, "that can build up the readers, it should interest them in in- moral of the United States. So when ternational affairs, it should lift their I am asked how the Evanston News- taste in cultural matters. Art of all Index, published under the nose of kinds can be fostered in the news- the federal building in Chicago, main- papers. The editor who says that he tains success, I mention our policy must give the people what they want, and our integrity towards the people." and for that reason fills his paper with Prior to Mr. Bowman's talk, discus- vulgar, immoral stories, does not sions were led by Donald H. Haynes know what Iis people want. of the journalism faculty. Speaking Afternoon Session on "Features for the Home Town "The newspaper which put the em- Paper," he mentioned the value of phasis in the right place, not in weight the colums such as the woman's col- and bulk or headlines, which has umn and witty sayings. breadth of interest, and teaches its From 1:00 to 2:30 o'clock in the readers the international events, afternoon, the students committee and that takes itp opportunity to make composed of journalistic students intelligent citizens, and helps the.rank judged whom to award the prizes in and file of the people to come to a the second annual first page contest proper appreeiation of life, and holds for Michigan weekly newspapers and them to the belief that there is a line large and smaller dailies. The com- which divides right from wrong, and mittee was composed of Walter Noack, Returns Ticket I For 0. S. U. Game! Virtue is still present among the college youths of today. A junior, up- on receipt of his tickets for today's game, discovered that he had been 'sent three tickets. He had only sent for two tickets enclosing the money to cover the charge for same. In spite of the fact that tickets are at a premium for the game this aft- ernoon, and the junior could have eas- ily disposed of the ticket that had been mailed to him by mistake, lie duti- fully walked over to the Athletic of- fice andi returned it. FOR BAND TODAY' 'AUDIENCE THRILLE BY PERFECT Ur6 I VORIE WoLVERINES FACE S UAD DE TERMINED TO) AVENGE DEFEAT EXCELLENT ENUNCIATION TO BRILLIANCE OF RENDITION AimS Fifty Solicitors to Pass Buckets Crowds Entering Ferry Field to OPENING CHORAL UNION' NUMBFR WELL RECEIVED Noted Soprano's Vocal Flexibilil Distinguishilg Feature Of Program By Ruth A. Howell "She has a perfect voice." This i; perhaps the highest compliment that can be paid to any singer. And suchI a compliment should be paid to Mine. Amelita Galli-Curci, who thrilled her audience with song after song at the first Choral Union concert last night in Hill auditorium. Throughout her entire program and eight encores, she held her audience, and they recalled her again and again with torrents of applause. Enunciation Perfect Madame Galli-Curci has a ravishing presence. Her voice, it seems, reveals iUGE CROWD G ilERS IN l ULL AUDITORIUM TO Ci E 1'EAM1I TO VICTORY MURPHY, '13L, FR AYER, ADDRESS PEP MEETING Varsit y Ban(d Opeus Program with "Victors"; Clieerleaders Appear in New Regalia "They w1l send their best, and their )best they ha(I better be, for they will meet the peak of iehigan manhood." with this Iredicti ,Judge Frank Mur- phy, '13L, of Detroit, last speaker at the nicuster pep meeting yesterday atterinoon, brought to a climax the enthusiasm of the huge crowd of Michigan supporters which packed Hill auditorium. Pandemonium reign- ed as the gathering voced its ap- proval of Judge Murphy's sentiments. Band Plays Victors Brought to its feet by the entrance of Michigan's Varsity band Cie crowd A Word From Fielding . Yost Theleant has been largely prepared for the Ohio State l game by Coaches lAittle, Wieman, Sturgzenegger and Vick. They have been in charge of the ac-I tive coaching. I have great eon- fidence in these men and the boys who are relresentig j Michigan. All have worked hard in the preparation and are ready for the test. '" have been asked, "How about your relations to the coaching staff nex year? I have made no announcement about' the future, I have a very busy v'cgraln with the present.' "All reserved seat,, standing roein and genertl admission tickets have been sold for the game tomorrow. There is no TEAMS READY FOR GAME AFTER WEEKS OF TRAINING BY COACHES CAPACITY CROWD WILL ' WITNESS STRUGGLE Well-Developed Passing Attack of Visitors Dangerous to Hopvs of Varsity One year ago the Michigan Varsity football team journeyed to Cohnmbus, Ohio where they dedicated the new Ohio State stadium by trouncing the strong Buckeye gridiron eleven by the score of 19-0. Now the tables are turned to sonic extent, and Michigan is host to a team which is determineg to give the Wolverines a defeat which they will long remember. The Buckeye aggregation will ar- rive this morning for the annual game which will take place at 3 o'clock this afternoon on Ferry field before a crowd of more than 40,000n0peonle s 4 Il° F E G I $001) NEEDED FOR TRIPS TO IOWA AND WISCONSIN GAMES Money that will send the band to Iowa and Wisconsin for the Michigan games there will be raised this after- noon when buckets are passed among the crowds at the game. It is hoped iit that a great part of the $5,000 needed the perfect balance betweet contol early showed a spirit which promised ener the grounds and it is use- Four weeks of preparation have been thagrea pro f the $5,000reeed an fvreedom, between he ull and the fulfillment of the purpose of the less for anyone to coe to Anj spent in moulding the two teams rt.purpose will be realized at silver-clear, between her choice of the eting. The musicians, following la or " to i o which will face each otherthis after- this time. 'brilliant and the calmer lyrical in her Arbor expecting to do s." thst1.bilatadtecle yia e new plan, tooped down the aisles to r xe m o non and the squads are as near per- Permission to use the Ferry field songs. Its extreme flexibility, which he pan, train( ow te aisles o ______ enoon a the s se as ne per- stands for solicitation purposes was answers to her~ every demand never temrilsriso h Vcos"(oachL Yst denied yesterday (fection as the power of two of the best stnsfrslctto upsswsasest e vr eadnvrAfter being seated upon the stage they coaches in the country can -make granted to the band following a petI- allows the loss of that fine restraint A derbeig ate uo; the sgthey lie had n atstten11 the grnettal endered then Vctors- the gatheringthm tion advocating this action from the that pervades all her singing, no mat- joining in the chorus. justify the report published i them. Condition Student council to the Board in Con- ter how dramatic. Her tones are re- e veral etroitptsitms ngo shp hy trlo tltc.Ffyslctr iliakbyee hogot lor- Jack Kelly, 24,, chairman of the h~ 3 Both teams are in good shape phys- trol of Athletics. Fifty solicitors will markably even throughout. Also remeeting, then introduced the first at e had resigned. pass buckets through the crowd, and markable is the range of which her speakei, Professo illia A Frayer ically, and both teams have been speaker,_rofessorilliamA.__________-_--_--- pointed for this content as Michigan donations will be voluntarily placed voice is capable. Her lowest con- of the history department, member of and Ohio State have long been the in them. tralto tones are not lost, nor is the the board in control of athletics. - keenest of rivals. The game today Raising money to send the band to listener aware of the extreme high- Speaking on the subject of the effect H OSt Of S CareCt means a whole lot to Ohio. The Buck- out of town games in this manner has ness of certain notes, except to note of the crowd's will-mower on the out- 11 h1 eyes have not yet forgotten' the dedl- never before been attempted at Mich- the Increase of the silvery quality, come of the game, he said, "Everyone A flt1 emflahrylmiinS cation ceremonies of last year when igan. It has previously been the cus- Nothing of strain enters into her sing- must cooperate with the team, the the Wolverines had their share of the tom to have a campus tag day in Ing. .team knows whether it has the backing A nn iirbor OLwn fun and are anxious to wipe out the which tags were sold to the students. Delightful, too, to her listeners, is of the crowd and the crowd that helps blemish of that spot upon their slate. It was felt by officials of the band and the never-failing perfection of her to win is the one that yells when the Michigan on the other hand suffered' by members of the council that this enunciation. Her program called for game is gong right and yells twice Whbn the whistle blows on Ferry three consecutive defeats from 0. S. method was somewhat compulsory singing in Italian, German, French, as hard when the game is going wiroflg, field t's afternoon there will be more U. before 1922, and the Yostmen are and forced the students to lend their, Spanish and English, and her pro- The will-power of the crowd has no than 9000 students and alumni of desirous of duplicating the feat of support. Inuncation of each language wa de slight effect upon the outcome of the h t last season. Again, the Maize and ided and entirely distinct, no matter gae. Ohio State university among the spec- garne"Blue eleven heas not lost a gaesince SdIhow rapidly the words tumbled forth. "Tme." Shall Not Pass" tators. Eight thousand of these will B te fl o and a cnie tl'at . . I.TC ify the fall of 121 and are confident tlat Cadenzas and flute-mimickig were "One of the things that will ring have seats in the stands, most of them!i they can win this contest they have exected, but even more charming lown the centuries is the Verdun slo- in North stand, and another thousand a fairly good chance of going through Ithan these was her performance of gan 'they shall not pass.' If the will occupy standing rom reserved thIr second season without losing. jill IlII~~l H~I the plaintively appealing, and odder,Mihgngashudb tr tndIwlocuy tadgrom eevd'hrscndesnwtotlsn. h pchigan goal should be threatened The teams appear to be evenly calmer, more subtle type of thing. tomorrow and the ighters pushed near for them. Every effort will be made matched with a possible edge going to Alumni officers will conduct a bar- nes was m eteirowngoalvery mother's son to make it pssible for others who Ohio State. The Buckeyes have proved tonehats osheyidhavewhaisteamyawhichganIsppneverI eau of information at the registration Flutist Accompanie's wh is a loyal Michigan support come to see the game. that they have a leam which is never wish~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~sol tpesnaymetteffcasfoTrvtrcaenast will they shall not pass' And Mr desk at the Union for all alumni who Her singing of Verdi's "Tacea la if w am not very much mistaken they More than 60 cars bearing Ohio li- counted out until the final whistle. wish to personnally meet the officials notte," from rovatore came nearest ot t censes were located in various Ann Last Saturay the strong Colgate team of their association. Mason P. Rum- to the popular dramatic style. Prob- hllon elssleadby the cheeringIArbor garages last night most of themcaie to Columbus and piled up a , '.pFollowng yells lead y tomehasgaraosa17-3 score on the Ohioans in the first ney, 'lE, president of the association, ably the most compelling number of sqia~d which appeared in uniforms of decorated up colorfully as well as half. But such a one-sided score only Wilfred B. Shaw, '04, executive secre- all was Liszt's adaptation. of the Lore- a new design, Judge Murphy entered. verbally. "We're Here to Win," "Ths served to spur the Bhukeyos on. The tary, and Hawley Tapping, '16L, field ,e.Temscwa rae o h Ivral.~ol a Hwle Tpeng L, ey. The music was created for the ie was accorded an immense ovation secretary, will be present. (mood of the song, and so Madame Gal by many who remembered his famous rd Has Stutz Glands," "Who Are third period opened and the Ohio team Letters were sent out some time ago li-Curci interpreted it, giving a tanta- "heroes of Athens" speech before the We?" and "The Covered Wagon" are a began to climb up inuthe scoring col- to the officers of the local clubs urg- 1 lizing hint of her possibilities in op Chicago game in 1920. On that occa- Pw of the broadsides pntcd on visit u gTn. With one minute to play the ngto e ocm n n ics theiertcsnngI Big Ten tam was seven points behind ing them to come i and discuss the eratic singing. sion his oratory brought tears to the ing cars. but Hoge Workman, the super-man of problems and to have- the plan of the Madame Galli-Curci's encores in- eyes of his hearers. i All vacant rooms, not to mention he. Worka, hed sur dofn new organization of the association eluded Love's Old Sweet Song, hme "Br of Oerconfidence" a r rsare filled to e.a . U. team, scored a. torchdown explained. Sweet Home, Robin Adair, Swanec i ",t Ihotels andtodormitoriesen and followed with a goal after touch- The customary registration of alum-thrills me to see the ancient capacity with double-deck beds anl lown for seven points tiing the score River and others, all of which were Michigan spirit unleashed," declared temporary cots much in evidence a 2s ni in the headquarters of the associa- enthusiastically received. h speaker.i"Let them emmon, parcots h i psofnthevat3 points with less than half a tion in Alumni Memorial hal will take Manuel Berenguer, flutist, played the spekrLtthmcm n glance at the license plinratest ofy thea ea bd these Ohioans, we will meet them with, various motor cars which filled the Iwells to prove more than enough cam- place as usual. Both these bureaus two effective obligatos with Madame the best of Michigan brain and city last night revealed the variety of'wellsion p or e than enougtcom- will be maintained for the remaining Galli-Curci, and offered two solos. pdawn. They asked us to dedicate!prm hs trn ' bigwn homefoobalsgams. u(Cntinedde.dicatie) plaes from. which ths afternoon's Seret Practice big home football games. (Continued on Paae Si<)their stadium and we dedicated it. *In audience is coming. West Virginia, The Wolverines last week had prob Sthe endless years to come there willCalifornia, Pennsylvania, Oregon and ysraasOhio but came - -- ise up within those grey walls the New York were a few of the more dis out somewhat more fortunately win- B u sl y Ex l inloes I ;hsljfiures of Kipke, Cappon, and tat places represented f B ur ley Explains D elay In i the bave. But beware thistores were aning from Vanderbilt by the narrow m~argin of three points, these from the year of overconfidence. Remember being decorated for the big event yes- Senate Union Fair A ction tat is won or lost in the trday. Restaurants, drygoods store,1teacha all tho regist ed a fiedh l'al and dust of the stretch." In garages and hardware stores each ga o teams had all they could handle in the closing he said that he hoped that "the a spray of yellow and blue and red i w ihsansfrYots adi way of practice games for the tilt this "No opposition to the proposed Un- One of the principle reasons for de- team wich stands tfr Yost's finetand white at least and many were afternoon and they are "rarin' to go," ion Fair was expressed at the recent ferring action was the fact that the teachings will so conduct itself that elaborately arranged. of te Snat The Michigan squad has been work- meeting of the Senate Committee on Union board of directors has not pass- in the future we can dream of past Special trains will arrive -n the cityns Student Affairs," declared Dean J. A. glories." tomorrow at the rate of nearly one anehind clmed ate in te ed on the matter, according to Dean horVoewl eetrl ildwt anderbilt game in an attempt to per- Bursley, the chairman of the commit- hour. Some will be entireyfed wi fet both an offense and a defense tee, yesterday. "Final action was Bursley. "This and the fact that those MTE passengers destined for Ann Arbor asnducbo a t e ma fense tee, "inal ction wasaches, which will subdue the men from C- postponed simply because there wasi hrehdntdtrie h x teswl eeyhv xr oc lumbus. They have been drilled by not a sufficient amount of definite in- act nature and extent of the Fair made II parlor cars. Among them will the Varsity mentor staff on every formation with regard to the affair." it seem advisable to postpone final trains from Chicago, Columbus, De- tears io taff on er CR iFseemEadvitrainstfromoChicagoiRapids.reakness which has been apparent in "The impression has been convey- consideration until the committee ca I Itroit, Kalamazoo and Grand Rapil, the two previous games. ed;' 'he said, "that the women, acting act more intelligently concerning the When 1 h crowils leave Ferry Field Th C hamber of Commerce of ioum Just what attack the Wolverines bus has chartered a train for itself. through their dean, expressed opposi- proposition," he declared. t'is afternoon. The Michigan Iaily will use most is a question. The men tion to the scheme for fear it might i Extra, containing a full account of lhave been worked hard on the use conflict with their activities to raise thea et, will be ol band to IreeIT of the forward pass, and it i thought funds for the League building. This t s t hmiull IDDL I TH V YYofl tnat Michigan will attempt to secure is not the case. League officials real- LIST 'OF ROOMS AVAILABLE I Connection by private telephone a great deal of her ground by this ize that they have no exclusive right} AT MAIN DESK OF UNION with the field will enable a picked method. The same applies to Ohio. in raising funds on the campus, and - -~I staff to have the pacr off the press flVIILUO F I LII IUUITLI Bost Yost and Wilce are firm be- have no desire to oppose the plans of Rooms for alumni and visitors iwithin a few minutes of the final _ _overs in the art of the aerial attack the Union to complete the pool. They j in Ann Arbor over the week-end whisue, and waiting automobiles will Essen, Oct. 19.(By A. P.)-The sit nd both men have Ftressed it more are anxious only that a co-operative may le obtained at the desk in I rush the edition to the gates of the nation in the Rhur so far as tE than ever this year. Reports from effort will set a date for the affair lower corridor of the Union. A I field. Reports of other confer nceI workmen are concerned took a turn 010stat that the Buckeyes hops which will not conflict with some rooming bureau conducted by gines received up to the time of go- for the worse tod'ay omplications to beat ..ichig n by means of their League entertainment. This, it is be-I the Union has rooms available I ing to press will be contained in the having arisen between the employers passing game. _." , , . «, .,, , - n .nr ' I fnr rentins litrl The hiiraui i-nef-nm.g causes him to demand the right, is a, newspaper that I like." James Wright Brown, editor of "Editor and Publish", was the princi- pal speaker at the afternoon meeting. His topic was "Tendencies of the Present Day Journalism." The speaker briefly outlined the his- tory of journalism in this country, from the conservative policies of Franklin to the commercialism of the present day. He blamed the world war for the rush of bankers and merchants to buy up and combine newspapers which has so commercialized the press of late. Professors Talk "Newspapers are not going back to the personal journalism of the middle 19th century", he concluded, "nor will; they remain commercialized to such a high degree as they are at present, but I believe that they will become stand- ard business organizations. News- papers are the artery of the nation, and must remain stable." (Continued on Page Six) '24, chairman, Avery J. Bernstein, '25, Adolph J. Diehl, '25, Mark Parnall,' ,23, DeHart Hubbard, '25, and Glennl MacDonald, '25. The final judgment1 will be delivered by the faculty com- mittee today., SPORT STATISTICS EA TURE PROSRAM Filled with photographs and in- I formation, the Athletic Program for the Michigan-O. S. U. game made its appearance yesterday on the campus.! The pamphlet contains President Mar- ion L. Burton's welcome to the guests of the University for the occasion, to- gether with a picture of the president. ! Full length photographs of the coaches and captains of the opposingI tear'is are other features of the book. Statistics of the teams and records of past games form the major portion of the program. A net decrease of 49 is shown by the employment figures of the Employers association of Detroit for the week ending Oct. 16. The aggregate work- ing force of the firms represented in the association was 214,022 for the. week. N- mmrT L I SUPPORT THE BAND Drop coins in buckets which will be found inside gates at Ferry Field this afternoon. This money will help pay the expenses of the Band to Iowa and Wisconsin.