THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1923 A a Education Comes Before Marriage, This Maid Decides WHAT-'S GOING ON Intramural Items (Continued from Page Six) scheduled to play will he called ii;) and any that wish to may, have their game as it will help the managers in getting, off the last half of the league games. Fasioncalls for felt, velour, velvet and fancy metalbrcd Fashion hats for dress, street and dance wear. brce FRIDAY 12:00-Associated Press lunch In Un- ion. 12 :00-Law facuilty lunch In Union. 12 :00-Michigan Dailies league lunch in Union. 12:0)0 - Michigan Weeklies league lunch in Union. 12 :00-Press club lunch In Union. 3 :00-Mfake-up examination, Psychtol- yog 7, room 162, Natural Science building. 3:30-Faculty Womens' club tea at 226 South Ingalls street. 4:44--Pep meeting, 11111 auditorium. 7:30-Newark club meets in room 34)2, Union. 8 :00-Galls-Curti concert In Hill au- ditorium. p SATURDAY 12 :00- Managers of "M" club lunch In rooms 319-321, Union. 12:00-1900 law luncheon In room~s 323-325, Union. 13:04) - Football, Michigan vs. Ohio State. 3 All tennis players in the stcond POPULAR PRICE' HAT SHIOP round of the all-campus tennis 'dou- 333 SOUTH MAIN STREET bles and singles should remember that 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon is i the last time that results will be re- ceived at the Intramural office on the,,11111111 l1l1111l1111111lllU1111~11111111I1 matches pub~lished in yesterday' paper.; ll1IliI1 The third round will begin Monday e '~ and the schedule will be announced in C~osy Corn~erT a R o Sunday's Daily. i- Serves- - WELL COOKED HOME FOOD Daily classified for real results.- Daily Luncheon - - - - 12 to 1:30 50 and 75c =Afternoon Tea - - - - 3 to 5:30 = 1I 11111111111IIiii 1ll 1111IIIII 1III1 Dinner - - - - - 6 to 7:30 =ROAST CHICKEN DINNER EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ~:PARACHUTE JUMP = 3 anadsre -By ~~Southi of Majestic TbeaterTeehn96 ROBT. JAMES 25E - at 11:00 A. M. SATURDAY TRY OUR FAMOUS KAIRPLANE BIDES= MALTED MILK AND ICE CREAM Pass~engers Carried for Sundaes and Sodas - 5-KODAKS TOILET ARTICLES CUTS PAEGILBERT S CHOCOLATES DRUG SUNDRIES = ExArm Pilt iPrescriptions Carefully Compounded "BILL WALSH" MANN'S DRUG STORE. BARTO N DAMS 213 S. MAIN STREET. ANN ARBOR ii -'!.4. Dan Cupid must step aside for High R. Education, as far as Miss Barbara Whitney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney, of New York, is concerned. Her engagement to Barklie McKee Henry, of Rosemont,# Pa., was announced recently, but Miss!1 Barbara insisted that they wait until, Henry is graduated from Harvard in June before they marry. She has sail- ed for a visit abroad. Afore Rooms Needed For Alumni Wmn. L. Diener, chairman of the alumni Rooming committee, announc- es that there are still quite a few rooms needed for returning Alumni over, the week-ends of the 0. S. U., -Marine and Minnesota games. The bureau will b~e located on the mai floor of the Union, and will be open this afternoon and evening, and Satur- day morning. He requests, that land- ladies having rooms, call the Unionm operator and list them immediately. U-NOTICESI Pencil sketches and etchings by Cze- cho-Slovakian artists now on exhibitI in the architectural corridor of the Engineering building. Manuscripts for Whimsies now ac- cepted. Address Whimsies, Press building. All organizations who want 'space in the 1924 Michiganensian should ap' ply at the 'En sian office for, con- tracts, or make arrangements for the same with George L. Pattee, or- ganization manager. All contracts must be in by Nov. 1. Seniors who have not yet obtained their photographers' receipts must do so as soon as possible. The Michiganenslan office is open from 2 to 5 every afternoon except Sat- urday. Freshnmen Excused From (gynm Class On account of the pep meeting to- night, the gymnasium class meeting at- 5:15 o'clock today, will be excused in order to permit the freshmen to at- tend the meeting. All the other classes will meet as usual. BASKETBALL MANAGER 1 TRYOUTS ARE NEEDED S More tryouts for assistant basketball manager are needed. All men who have been on the Scampus one year are - eligible. Men caring to try out are ask- ed to report at the gymnasium at 7:30 o'clock any night. THE SOUL OF A MAN- - IS IN HIS STATIONERY WVRITING. MATERIAL-ParExcellence--and Pre twith- w AIR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES It's true efficiency Classifieds.-Adv. to use' Daily THE SHOP Of FINER STANDARDS in JEWELERY ARCADE JEWELERY SHOP Carl F. Bay Hm mil--li - -- _ ~ II ,Ni''' 1111111 1uIH1 -LEATHER till,'\Ii'''' 1n~i -. JACKETSINI Iliii"' -IIA~ Warm, durable and practicaly ii waterproof, in dark brown, for Ili I'''both men ..and women. A grey a l uo~~l suede coat in norfolk. style- In inns: a 11011 Ilspecial value, ON111 IllillH lur 3Will 1111 1 l" III~iISHNRTSH Nn 1 i, =,;'i..;, i~: =i ";" * Wool blanket patterns; plain: a; qu~i i iii~i.colors, 0. D.' army shirts. Extra im Ilnnll ~S:.zes. We also have a good as-,111 tI1 * sortment of shirts for ladies. .nul 111111 rI 111111 101111ii Ill" Mill1 1111111 ql'KNICKERS ii! Hilll J1'Zlt11R ug s And breeches, our line is com- "' WHNplete both in sizes and materials, ill"' RONFor men and women. gill, in A ut o robes, wool blankets, 0. D. Hi 11111 Ilo Itill IINIII, n11l0,1 11111 NII11 HHIhale igt hkn shoes for me n by t I' needmenthemomeatan.once.d Inlll ab~~~esobe price.n oy t nl1 Nmil INi 1H~n nn n WARM..... III~iSweaters N~~nu ~CLOTHING1.., BrushePi S~heepskins, sheeplined vests, II~i Bruhedwool in plain and two-color combinations, lig~ht corduroy coats, overcoats and j nsweaters for indoor, business and school use. These can be swaecot.Orlnofu- I' door clothing for fall and winter H~I 1 woneither inside or without a coat. Also heavy loose weaves ,scmltadyu !te r for rougher wear. lower. mi nnlq . Nlnl SurlusSuplis tor 23 N. FOURTH " ntIt rays to Walk a Few Blocks" .M.W RSEI~~ l~~iiNIII_ rio'r sa si at n u :un ru u inuu nntuis tunuuinu un niunum 1 0.. -I a W/OMEN'S LEAGUE TICKETS. Wahr' s : w"%, n I l- - - m --X16-1 Il t