THE MICHIGAN DAILY FR'IDA:Y, OCTOBER 19, 192-3, DEMAND FOR'FUNDS M tY END IN COURT X.LA.C. Board's Action ,Moves (4ro'es ' leck to Invite Legal Settlement 01 Trouble DIFFICULTIES DATE BACK TO RESIGNATION OF DR. FRIDAY Lansing, Oct.' 18-(By A.P.)-The state board of agriculture may acceptI Goy. Groesbeck's invitation to settle its controversy with the state admin- istrative board in the courts.{ The agricultural board, meeting here Wednesday, Instructed Herman H.; 11,a1laday, secretary of the board andj the Michigan Agricultural college, toI formally requistion' the state auditor general for $75,000 of the,$150,000 ap- propriation of the last legislature for extension and county agent work. The board's, action, it is 'believed, fore- casts an attempt to secure a court or- der to compel the administrative board to advance the money. The auditor, general,une the terms of the extension appropriation bill, has no authority to issue the funds with- out the approval of the administra- tive board. In view of past develop- ments it is virtually certain that thef governor and the administrative board will not authorize the payment of the requisition. The beginning of the conflict be- tween the boards dates back to when Dr. David Friday resigned as presi- dcent of the college. He tendered his resignation after the board of agricul- turb had held a secret meeting and decided to demand that he'quit. Gov. Groesbeck objected to the procedure. 21 YJEAR OLD BOYV TO RECEIVE P11. D. Champaign, Ill., Oct. 18.-Max Car- man, a student in the- university of Illinois, expects to receive his -doc- 'tor's degree at comnmencement nex$t June though he will be only 21 "years old. IHI entered the -universit~y in his, junior year, after having attended the Mate :Teacher's training school. Since then he has attended every summer session. At nineteen he received his Mlaster's degree in mathematics. Paris-, Oct. 18.-The Belgium plan has been placed before the Repara- tions cpmmission by M. Delacroix, -the Belgian member; it will ,be considered in detail next week. Town May, Erect Memorial To Man Driven Toy Death, ffllftiIT !T~have more accuracy and at more c ei-: ANONEENririv T."iI rAfl L # fain dissemination of rnews and said! ANNONCE POIN [ S that the Preservation of material at ' f l~i hd as necessary for its accomz-! ,D~~~J FSLE CLD.NA[S r~ay;mnaigeditor of the TEN SOPHOQMORES A\') I) . NIOR f't .n 2m fr'on Page One) talk taking up tho sinall townvi- DOASITM ES ES "anlslyse adprtetfl~tpoint of instatllinrg such a librar, .I: I)TE have he tetrs who can instruct in1 reference department, explaining the( -- the I~ractic al as well as the ideal.I system used at Adrian. Appointments for the coming year Whether snch a department, in thex On account of the scarcity of time of the managerships and assistants o }M otlof professional spirit, .should the roundl table discussion groups: the University Glee Club]) were an have a bullinrg and an identity of itsr which were supposed to have lheen nounced yesterday by John M. Russell,' owtn on the cam11pus is a question the led by Prof. John It.iBrumm of th '24, manager of the club. 'Ten nien. university authorities would like the! journalist department werelfliat juniors and sophomores, w il1hep hlim 'Xev, spapernien of the state to answer,; ed. The editors then madte an inspec- with the business duties. of the organ- from their lpoint of view". j tion of the Ciements library=. 'The rte- ization. Leeta.- White of the Detroit News,I ception which was to have been held, 'Those appointed were: Edward C. folowed Mr. Ottawray with a talk on; at President Burton's home at 4:310o- St r ,'4 si t n o t e m n g r p' e 1jv l p n pt o h o g e a d c o k w s c l e f n a c u t o -John G. Garlinghouse, '2.1, Carl Library for the Little or Big Town ' ness in the President's fam ily. Schoonmaker, '25, Clyde L. laww: m. rn, Newspaper". Lfe Ipointed out that this - '25, Carl E. Ohimacher, '25, Robert1 branch oIf newspaper work had been I *W'olf Prefers Deathi to -Vaplr lre Daugherty, '25, Charles A. M ur r